Advice, a man with 2 daughters



  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    As a father to a little girl I can tell you there will be no female as remotely important to me as she is.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    And this illustrates just why kids come first.

    Some people view any relationship as temporary. If they don't like the way things are going in the moment they'll move on to someone else.

    You can't do that with kids. They're your responsibility for life. So they come first.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    And this illustrates just why kids come first.

    Some people view any relationship as temporary. If they don't like the way things are going in the moment they'll move on to someone else.

    You can't do that with kids. They're your responsibility for life. So they come first.

    *fist bump*

    Well said Brett.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    And this illustrates just why kids come first.

    Some people view any relationship as temporary. If they don't like the way things are going in the moment they'll move on to someone else.

    You can't do that with kids. They're your responsibility for life. So they come first.

    *fist bump*

    Well said Brett.

    I agree with this also.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    This is so completely stupid to me to even be "ranking" or comparing two completely different types of relationships. A relationship with a child is COMPLETELY different from your relationship with someone you bone. And completely different from a spiritual relationship. Why are they being ranked. Compared even. There are times a kid is going to come first... they're sick, so your husband fends for himself for dinner. There are times your husband will come first. You'll get a babysitter and disappear for a weekend so you can get your freak on and bond and stuff.

    It's not easy, but if you and your significant other aren't on the same page on how to raise children, how to openly communicate when issues arise, how to foster a healthy marriage, how to value both relationships, you're screwed... and not in the good way.

    ok, i'm ranting. apologies.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Ok, how about this.... Instead of saying your KIDS come first, or your SO comes first, or GOD comes first (if you're into that sort of thing), how about just saying FAMILY comes first???? No one member of the family has to be ranked higher than any other. The FAMILY as a whole is the highest priority. Even if it's a his, mine and ours kind of thing!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    Why is that so shocking? It doesn't mean that she loves her husband more and her kids less. It means that your FAMILY is your #1 priority, and for families where there are two parents and children, having a healthy, happy home and healthy, happy kids starts with mom and dad.

    It means that mom and dad are always a team, always a united front, always on each other's side. It means that your children are never allowed to disrespect your spouse. It means that when there is a conflict, your spouse always has your back. As a partnership, you never make a decision without considering how it will affect your family.

    With that said, it's important to pick a partner, especially if you already have children, who is going to love and respect your children and, with you, put your family above all else. I would hope that one would never, ever allow a significant other in their life, married or otherwise, who was not good to their children and didn't love them as their own (unfortunately, this happens). Obviously, that's where your children are put first and you pull the plug before it gets too serious. But if you've met someone who is good and decide you want to commit to them, absolutely, your children should be expected to respect that person as your spouse, as your main man, your sidekick, your best friend, your partner in crime - whatever you wanna call it.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member

    This may sound strange but I have dated a guy with sons...but never a guy with daughters. It seems that this is very different. Women or girls can be catty, competitive, or just down right *****y....

    I don't understand the reasoning in this part of your OP? Is this what you are saying about your own reaction to his daughters (as in this is what you, as a woman, are like) or are you saying this is what his daughters are like? Have you had personal experiences with them that would fall into this category and warrant saying such a thing?

    I disagree, this has not been my experience with myself, with other women, and especially not with teenage girls or with my own daughters (they are younger). If it was, then I guess I didn't notice because I would have quickly chosen not to be friends with people I felt this way about.

    If this is how you feel, then maybe it isn't a good match for you. Maybe being a stepmother for teenage girls isn't right for you. Because, as the adult and stepmother, you should not feel this way or have this kind of relationship with the girls. It is not healthy.

    I was surprised to get this far into the comments and not see this mentioned until now. It stood like like a red flag to me.

    My long-term boyfriend has 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. I enjoy a close relationship with all 4 children as well as their father. Maybe this is because I didn't walk in putting the girls down or expecting nasty behavior from the girls simply because they are girls.

    I think you should really examine your attitude about this before spending much more time with his girls.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    Ummmm. :noway: No. It's never the child's fault. Having kids is hard, yes, but they are never the reason two adults can't pull it together.
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    Eeeh. I think I'm going to disagree with most.

    My dad remarried when I was a pre-teen. I remember vividly the conversation he had with my brother and me telling us that Carolyn would be #1 in his life as his wife. I didn't understand it at the time. I kept telling him, "But Dad, we were here first!" But he didn't mean that she would be MORE IMPORTANT than us or that, if we were all drowning, he would save her first. I don't think that's what being put first means. I think having a healthy, happy, stable home for your children is dependent first on having a healthy, happy, stable marriage, and that means putting your priority and your energy into your spouse's needs first sometimes. With both of you making each other your top priority, you naturally put your children first as a couple. As a couple, the children's needs, safety, protection, happiness, etc., comes a couple.

    I also married a man who had a pre-teen daughter. She is 14 now. The beginning was ROUGH. I was definitely trampling on her and her dad's way of life, and I regret a lot about that first year. Now, though, it seems like things are much more balanced. I feel that my husband and I are #1 in each other's lives, and as a couple, all three of our children (his daughter included) come first in our lives. We make sure that WE are communicating, working together, taking care of one another's needs, going on the occasional date night, etc. for the good of our entire family. If my husband kept fighting to make his daughter #1 in his life without taking into consideration my feelings on how it affected our entire family, I'm not sure we would still be together.

    As far as your situation, I agree that it says a lot about the kind of man you are dating that he cares so much for his daughters, especially because you are only dating. At the same time, I agree with others who have said that, if he is committed to you, he also needs to stand up for you. He should never allow his daughters to disrespect you, and you should have natural adult authority in their lives. You're not their mother, but you are an adult, and you are important to him. It just might take some time to figure out that balance.

    Please don't crucify me! :)

    100% agree! This was exactly what I was thinking, but I don't have the personal experience to back it up. I'm glad that you do!

    I actually agree with this as well. But I also agree that ranks don't need to be defined who has what place. My boyfriend has two daughters (13 and 7) and I have a son (9) and I think it has taken us a while to see that WE need to put each other first as far as communicating with each other on all things involving the kids. There have been times in the beginning that his oldest daughter disrespected me and I got upset because he didn't say anything and son disrespected him. We make time for each other and each other's needs and the family flows along. We are a team and together......the kids are our first priority.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    Ummmm. :noway: No. It's never the child's fault. Having kids is hard, yes, but they are never the reason two adults can't pull it together.

    I disagree. I had a perfectly good relationship with a guy, but his daughter and I could not click. She became a wedge between us and it ultimately cost us the relationship. I can honestly say that were it not for his daughter we would not have broken up.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    Ummmm. :noway: No. It's never the child's fault. Having kids is hard, yes, but they are never the reason two adults can't pull it together.

  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    Ummmm. :noway: No. It's never the child's fault. Having kids is hard, yes, but they are never the reason two adults can't pull it together.

    I disagree. I had a perfectly good relationship with a guy, but his daughter and I could not click. She became a wedge between us and it ultimately cost us the relationship. I can honestly say that were it not for his daughter we would not have broken up.

    I can relate to this. My step-daughter was a wedge in the beginning of my relationship with my husband, as well. I guess my opinion on this would be that it was your boyfriend's responsibility to put a stop to her behavior, to not allow it. This is where I feel like putting your significant other "first" (I seriously hate this ranking talk, but I don't know a better word) is required -- all of this with the assumption that you were good and loving to her and there was no reason other than jealousy on her part for creating conflict.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    And this illustrates just why kids come first.

    Some people view any relationship as temporary. If they don't like the way things are going in the moment they'll move on to someone else.

    You can't do that with kids. They're your responsibility for life. So they come first.

    *fist bump*

    Well said Brett.

    I agree with this also.

  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I am married to a man with two daughters. After many problems, arguments, discussions and counselling sessions- your spouse/marriage comes first (after God) and then children. Point Blank. God- marriage- children. After we got the priority right, everything else began to fall in place. I have a son too- so this isn't just me bashing his kids. We all had to realize that the marriage comes first. Both he and I had to work on this. So, if he does not have any intentions of putting your marriage first, if you were to get married then I would suggest counselling or move on.

    You really put your marriage before your kids?

    *shakes head*

    I find it funny that some people can't at least see where someone with this opinion is coming from. Kids can tear a marriage apart just because they can be so difficult and reckless before they leave your house and move on. If you don't have an absolutely iron-clad relationship and "I got your back" bond with your spouse, kids can end a good marriage. It happens with natural parents, and is an even easier bond to break between a natural parent and a step-parent.

    Seriously, OP. Just move on. This is more trouble than it's worth. You are signing up for pain on this guy. Lots of pain. Not the good kind.

    Ummmm. :noway: No. It's never the child's fault. Having kids is hard, yes, but they are never the reason two adults can't pull it together.

    I disagree. I had a perfectly good relationship with a guy, but his daughter and I could not click. She became a wedge between us and it ultimately cost us the relationship. I can honestly say that were it not for his daughter we would not have broken up.

    I can relate to this. My step-daughter was a wedge in the beginning of my relationship with my husband, as well. I guess my opinion on this would be that it was your boyfriend's responsibility to put a stop to her behavior, to not allow it. This is where I feel like putting your significant other "first" (I seriously hate this ranking talk, but I don't know a better word) is required -- all of this with the assumption that you were good and loving to her and there was no reason other than jealousy on her part for creating conflict.

    Yes, exactly. I tried everything to have a good relationship with that girl. But due to the fact that neither of her parents made her live by any sort of rules or routine and basically let her do whatever she want I just couldn't do it. I have a son, and there was no way I was going to let him be influenced by her behavior. In the end I just was not able to establish a healthy relationship with her and it wasn't fair to anyone.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    How does that saying go? Something like: Having a child is like letting your heart go walking around outside your body.

    His daughters will (and should) ALWAYS come first. Not because you are not worthy of his love or are inferior to them. You and they are two completely different relationships. From what I've read jumping through the thread, you have a great appreciation and understanding of your relationship with him, them and all of you together. Well done. You are very realistic about the whole thing. THAT will help you tremendously.

    Be his partner, be their friend and someday even their stepmother but do not EVER try to fight for the place in his heart that they hold. They are his children, they come first as his children. YOU come first as his partner.

    Good luck and keep being there for/with him and them. They are teen/preteens and will test you. You know what it was like to be a teenage girl...none of it makes any sense! lol
  • My mom has always and will always put me and my sister before any man in her life. Luckily my step father would put us before anyone else in his life too. I personally would respect him 100% because of this. My father walked out on my sister and I at a young age and still to this day could careless about us. I would never want to be with someone who did that to their children because I know the hurt and I also know that only pathetic, heartless people do that to their children.

    You clearly do not have children if you don't understand why his daughters would be his number one priority.
  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    I couldn't agree with your post more!! I also have to questions why this man feels the need to let hew know that she is not number one to him. It's companring apples and oranges to me. Ones lover/husband/wife cannot be measured the same as ones children.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    How does that saying go? Something like: Having a child is like letting your heart go walking around outside your body.

    His daughters will (and should) ALWAYS come first. Not because you are not worthy of his love or are inferior to them. You and they are two completely different relationships. From what I've read jumping through the thread, you have a great appreciation and understanding of your relationship with him, them and all of you together. Well done. You are very realistic about the whole thing. THAT will help you tremendously.

    Be his partner, be their friend and someday even their stepmother but do not EVER try to fight for the place in his heart that they hold. They are his children, they come first as his children. YOU come first as his partner.

    Good luck and keep being there for/with him and them. They are teen/preteens and will test you. You know what it was like to be a teenage girl...none of it makes any sense! lol

    I couldn't agree more!
  • kellie1055
    kellie1055 Posts: 80 Member
    My husband and I have been together for 17 years (since I was 15). We waited till 4 years ago to have kids and as much as I love him Id step right over him to get to my kids and he would do the same. Spouses can be replaced....children are a part of your very soul. You would have loved to have had a father that was half as devoted as he is to his children. Remember that when you are feeling slighted.