Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    It might sound crazy - but I dont think it is at all! I started noticing a difference really quickly too. That's one of the great motivators with this drill. Just curious - which of the DVD's do you enjoy most? Which seems to be the greatest challenge?

    I'm trying to motivate to do mine today. When I do, I'll probably use my sacred running shoes.... I'll report back.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Everybody Happy Saturday!!
    I'm here I'm still here!! I was feeling really draggy thurs - really bad sinus, low grade fever - after work was just done so no w/o for me and I did NOTHING yesterday (friday) either except give into my sugar craving - oooh boy:noway: I think I tasted everything!!!! I even ate a "payday"!! And I'm paying for it today , hahaha! My hands are swollen from the fried chicken we ate for dinner - so i'm just going to dismiss yesterday and start fresh today!!!!

    Smiles - I guess we were in the same place yesterday!! At least you had the fortitude to work out - you're my hero!! Time of day make a huge difference in my success too! That way if I have time or energy to do more after work it's a cherry on top!

    Elokyn- Keep on going - you're going to love the strength you feel when you complete this! Great job on day 3!!

    Tylopez23- Kudos on your 15 +3lbs down!! Outstanding job!! Keep pushing you will reach your goal - 2lbs more to your goal weight, that must feel amazing!!

    Eliza,Mschelle ??????? Miss you!!

    I just got back from 3.75 mi walk/jog using my new POLAR!! w/ a super comfy chest strap and I burned 438 cals! Yea!! This thing is great - I was in my target zone for 49min and 26 secs out of 1 hr w/o - not bad! All of my TJ dvds are clocking in at less cals and I mean way less than MFP allots and my walk/jogging is coming in way higher!! wow! Anyway I love this thing and am so glad i spent the extra few buck for the chest strap - I did compare the one without the strap and it calculates my cals at about 50 -100 cals higher than the polar - I'm going with the polar - it's probably more accurate.
    As for my results - Out of a 30 day challenge , i exercised 25/30 days for an avg time 45-60min. My weight at the beginning 183.4 current weight 178.2 - Not biggest loser results but I am happy with my progress. My eating was not overly restrictive 75% of the time I was within my goal cals + the deficit . i had my share of indulgences ( as evidenced above, :laugh: ) I guess if my eating were "cleaner my results would have been a faster weight loss but 5.2 lbs in 30 days is reasonable.
    I guess the most exciting news of all is 45 days smoke free today and so far for today at 12:39pm cst i am nicotine free!! Now I am weaning myself off of nicotine "substitue" My ecig. I don't do pills, lozenges or patches - not that there's anything wrong with those options. Whatever works is good!! My goal is to be free from nicotine entirely and live a healthier lifestyle - it feels good to be on the journey.
    I am interested to read about everybody's results for this past month and what up for May?? I'm down for more - maybe a cardio challenge? I love to do cardio getting the strength training in is always a challenge for me even though the results are great - my shoulders,back and arms look much better My hip/thigh area still need much construction!

    Apologies for the lengthy post but I've been missing you guys !

    Will check back later and (((Big Hugs))),
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Everybody Happy Saturday!!
    I'm here I'm still here!! I was feeling really draggy thurs - really bad sinus, low grade fever - after work was just done so no w/o for me and I did NOTHING yesterday (friday) either except give into my sugar craving - oooh boy:noway: I think I tasted everything!!!! I even ate a "payday"!! And I'm paying for it today , hahaha! My hands are swollen from the fried chicken we ate for dinner - so i'm just going to dismiss yesterday and start fresh today!!!!

    Smiles - I guess we were in the same place yesterday!! At least you had the fortitude to work out - you're my hero!! Time of day make a huge difference in my success too! That way if I have time or energy to do more after work it's a cherry on top!

    Elokyn- Keep on going - you're going to love the strength you feel when you complete this! Great job on day 3!!

    Tylopez23- Kudos on your 15 +3lbs down!! Outstanding job!! Keep pushing you will reach your goal - 2lbs more to your goal weight, that must feel amazing!!

    Eliza,Mschelle ??????? Miss you!!

    I just got back from 3.75 mi walk/jog using my new POLAR!! w/ a super comfy chest strap and I burned 438 cals! Yea!! This thing is great - I was in my target zone for 49min and 26 secs out of 1 hr w/o - not bad! All of my TJ dvds are clocking in at less cals and I mean way less than MFP allots and my walk/jogging is coming in way higher!! wow! Anyway I love this thing and am so glad i spent the extra few buck for the chest strap - I did compare the one without the strap and it calculates my cals at about 50 -100 cals higher than the polar - I'm going with the polar - it's probably more accurate.
    As for my results - Out of a 30 day challenge , i exercised 25/30 days for an avg time 45-60min. My weight at the beginning 183.4 current weight 178.2 - Not biggest loser results but I am happy with my progress. My eating was not overly restrictive 75% of the time I was within my goal cals + the deficit . i had my share of indulgences ( as evidenced above, :laugh: ) I guess if my eating were "cleaner my results would have been a faster weight loss but 5.2 lbs in 30 days is reasonable.
    I guess the most exciting news of all is 45 days smoke free today and so far for today at 12:39pm cst i am nicotine free!! Now I am weaning myself off of nicotine "substitue" My ecig. I don't do pills, lozenges or patches - not that there's anything wrong with those options. Whatever works is good!! My goal is to be free from nicotine entirely and live a healthier lifestyle - it feels good to be on the journey.
    I am interested to read about everybody's results for this past month and what up for May?? I'm down for more - maybe a cardio challenge? I love to do cardio getting the strength training in is always a challenge for me even though the results are great - my shoulders,back and arms look much better My hip/thigh area still need much construction!

    Apologies for the lengthy post but I've been missing you guys !

    Will check back later and (((Big Hugs))),

    Awww... Janet!!!! So glad to see you back! Sorry to hear you were feeling lousy... seems like there's no way to avoid those days 100%. Hope you enjoyed the fried chicken and the payday :laugh: and have just as much fun with a fresh start today! :)

    It's so awesome that your Polar came in and that you're loving it! Thanks for sharing the comparison (chest strap vs. no chest strap - and comparing with MFP values). I have a question - with your Polar - how do you determine your zone? Does it have an "Own zone" feature? Mine does and it says I'm in my zone usually only about 2-3 minutes of an hours worth of working out. It usually says I'm working too hard. But, um, I don't know how on earth to dial it down!:laugh: Maybe something isn't set correctly.

    Thanks for starting off the re-cap of your 30 day results. (I"ll post mine in another entry)! Congratulations on the 5.2 loss, STICKING WITH YOUR COMMITMENT TO BEING A NON-SMOKER!!!!!, and your awesome workout results. So very proud of you. Your contributions to this group have really helped this 30 days breeze by - and I thank you for that. :flowerforyou:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    My results for the 30 day challenge:

    I exercised for 26 out of 30 days, for an average of 61 minutes a day, average calorie burn of 539 a day.

    Starting weight was 142.8, ending weight is 144 - for a (drum roll please).... GAIN of 1.2 lbs!!! WTF? :noway:
    Looking back at my stats, I see it has taken me 9 months to lose 8 lbs. The two times in this span when I have gained weight, incidentally, were when I was doing Jillian programs. (I gained with 30 day shred in October, and again, here). Hmmmm....:grumble: However, I have gained some lovely muscle tone in my thighs, my booty is smaller and firmer, and my arms, shoulders and back are on their way to looking fine. So I guess I'll take it.

    I'm starting to think that I need to hone in more closely on the nutritional side of things. When my weight climbed this month was when I added running back in to the program. Hmmmm....

    Janet - I'd love a cardio challenge for May. Do you want to start a new thread? Or propose something fierce right where we are?

    Thanks everyone.... for making April fly by. Can't wait to see what we're up to next!
    DRVNTRAYZ7 Posts: 1
    Wow what an amazing have inspired me more then you realize!!!! Just started a few days ago and love how much tracking it does for me. Keeps me real accountable :) Thanks for your inspiration :smile:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Peeps,
    Just back from my 3.75 mi in 54 min today instead of 60! and I jogged more today than yesterday.:drinker: Polar sez 402 cals for my efforts and inzone for 44 out of 54 minutes. I just got a samba workout *(70minutes) that I plan on trying later on while I do laundry - it has a mid intensity and a high. I also got this other latin dance workout that's 30 minutes. It's fun and challenging in a diff way. I have basically no rythm -i can't even spell it :laugh: I will be interested to see what these clock in at for cal burn - i know they make me sweat like crazy!

    Smiles - Still learning how to use this thing but i think if you go to menu - setting - it allows you to manually set your target HR. I just let the computer figure mine out and went with it! I hope you figure it out so that it works for you - you were so right ; I love this thing!

    How about just keeping this thread going and adding a challenge here : maybe 60min of cardio per day for May? or something like that? I'm open for any suggestions to keep our motivation up!!
    How everyone's having a great Sunday and I'll check back later,

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey Slimmers!!! What's up???

    I joined my new gym this week and love it. I did cardiokickboxing on Friday and a kettleball class, i am signed up for yoga and core conditioning....I agree with the workout challenge....should we burn calories or minutes

    Oh, the kettleball class has my shoulders and biceps rockin' today....

    Also, it would be nice to start a new thread with our goal and then we can get some new people...just a thought...either way, it doesn't matter.

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Kim -
    I think you're right - a new thread would maybe bring more people! The more the motivational right? Great job on the kettleball work out. I've seen those but have yet to give it a try - I bet your shoulders/arm are totally rockin'!!

    Okay folks - what are we calling the new thread.............The May 60 Minutes/Day Cardio Challenge
    Also, I was wondering what you all thought - do we need a rest day to be realistic? Like maybe The 6 out of 7 days, 60 Minute Cardio Challenge ? Let's hear some ideas and we'll get this going tomorrow.

    Have a peaceful night,
    Janet :heart:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I think 6/7 days is more really the goal would be 360 minutes a week...that way, if you need to skip a day, you can double a different day and still make the goal.

    I did Vinyasa yoga today and core condition...2 hours...I am pooped

    Never did yoga before...I really liked it...even tho, I am a klutz...weebles wobble; but, Kim falls down

    Love ya,

    Humpty Dumpty
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Okay - so we're moving on to new thread : The May Cardio Challenge :360 Minutes/Week

    Follow me!!!

  • elizabennett
    Aaaggghhh! You are leaving me?!?!? :laugh: I just got back from Philly last night and I am pooped! I only got a workout in on the day I left (the 26th) and I think on the 3rd; NMTZ. I was there taking care of my SIL's house, kids everything and it was so hard. I was exhausted and there just wasn't time to exercise except late at night when I would be keeping everyone up. I ate terribly, too so I gained 5 lbs. Yep, I gain it that quickly. But I am here, motivated and ready to go. I will be trying to find the new thread and follow you guys wherever you go! I missed you all!
  • jchand
    jchand Posts: 1
    I am in for the 20 day slimdown. I tired it for the first time the other day and I really love it. I have been testing some other ones since then but the jillian michaels seems it fits my body and I am able to keep up with it and get more of a work out. I also have the Jillian Michales ultimatum for the Wii. Has anyone tried that?
  • Enit2winit
    Smiles 4miles.....Could it be that the weight you gained was muscle? Jillian is very straight training intensive so you might have gained 1.2 lbs of muscle....
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Maybe? It's possible I guess. I re-read that entry and think it's interesting that the weight increase coincided with adding running into the program as well. Now it makes me wonder if I wasn't eating quite enough?

    Have you done this program before?
  • sunnysashka
    Hi, everyone!
    I have a quick question. What is after 30 day shred or any other Jillian's program? Do you keep doing level 3?
    I've completed her 30 day shred and not sure what to do next.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    It's a new month, what better time to make new commitments and see them through?

    Today is April 1, and Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Slimdown is ON! What is this exquisite torture, you ask? :laugh: It's a combination of Jillian workouts - including the 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones.

    I have personally done each of the DVD's, but never in combination. Looking forward to Jillian kicking my booty, yet again. :wink:

    You can download the plan at

    Nice one! Thanks for the link! I never knew about this. I have all three DVDs and I can't wait to start them! Only watched the 30 day shred which I've been doing 4 times a week so far but I think having a variety would make things more interesting. Yay!! I'm making sure April is MY month to lose weight and tone up!