Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • ukredhead19
    ukredhead19 Posts: 176

    Hey other mommy's, did you feel sad when your last little one started to grow into a kid and not be a baby anymore? :cry: He is growing so fast! He didn't want to sit on my lap tonight for bedtime stories because "ME BIGGGGER BOY" :sad: He is only turning 3 but I feel like it's going so fast. My daughter got into the Kindergarten Spanish program we wanted! Yay! She starts school at the end of August.

    I am really struggling with this right now because my baby is about to turn 1!! I can't believe how much he isn't a baby anymore, and I know its all going to fly by. I say just try to cherish every moment and make the most out of EVERY minute because you can't get those back!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Yay :) I've already lost a pound! How exciting to finally see progress!!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good day to everyone.

    I am happy to hear that some of you are having good results. I stepped on the scale this morning and it was up 2 from yesterday. Not really sure why since I had a good eating day yesterday. But I have been gone to the bathroom a lot today, so maybe it was too much fiber.

    I am trying something I have not done for awhile. I set the timer on my HRM for 24 hours to see about what I burn in 24 hours. I also wanted to check it first thing and get a resting heart rate. Well first thing this morning it was reading 0 so I thought maybe I died in my sleep:laugh: :laugh: but when I got up it gave me a reading. So no idea how accurate a read it got while I was sleeping but with 7 hours and 45 minutes left to go I have already burned 2161 calories.

    Well hopefully the scale moves the right way during the day today so the scale is nice in the morning!

  • Donnavdh
    Donnavdh Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! I have been trying for months, have lost 3 sizes but little weight! SW 160. Can't wait to hit my goal weight of 140
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good day to everyone.

    I am trying something I have not done for awhile. I set the timer on my HRM for 24 hours to see about what I burn in 24 hours. I also wanted to check it first thing and get a resting heart rate. Well first thing this morning it was reading 0 so I thought maybe I died in my sleep:laugh: :laugh: .

    that really made me laugh out loud. too funny. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I may have to try that too just to see what life really has me burning. I am down 2.4 pounds unofficially this week. We will see what tomorrow brings.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    My first week of the May 2010 challenge has not gone so well. As per my other posts, man has it been stressful. I haven't been able to get a really good workout in with exception of last night, but even then it wasn't my usual. And i've been stress snacking big time and have been over on my calories. I'm a little tempted to weigh in to see if there's been some damage but I'm going to resist (or am I scared?)

    Tonight I will run. Run run run...run my butt off ...LITERALLY. And have a healthy dinner.

    That is all. Hope your weeks are going better. :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Sooooo busy at work today! 3:08 pm now and just sat down to eat my lunch and check in with my friends! ERB testing makes me crazy! We give our girls snacks during the break (I work at a all girl school) and I am the one who handles buying, counting, giving them out, and picking up the extras. This also means yummy snacks a plenty sit next to me all week! OMGosh! I was doing really great this week until I eat a special k bar today. Then I eat two more! :sad: I guess we know what I'll be doing tonight...
    WALKING IT OFF!!! Oh well, I didn't eat the chips (or the brownies in the staff lounge)

    Terri, Robin, and Redhead, thank you for letting me know that I am not alone! I know he has to grow up, I want him to in some ways but at the same time I know that his daddy wont let me have anymore kids and I am having a hard time getting past the love of holding a sweet little baby. I guess that once my sister and brother start having kids I can just play with their little ones. :ohwell:
    When I took him to daycare today he gave me a really sweet kiss and told me "lub you mommy lub you soooo much!" that made me feel like a million bucks and now I still have hope of love 'n on him for a few more years. I still crawl into my mom's bed and cuddle her when I stay with her at her house and I am 27! :laugh:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Those snuggle times at night are precious. My kids are starting to outgrow them. I used to just sit in bed with each of them every night. That was the time of the day when they would share so much about their days at school and just what they were thinking. My daughter who is now 12 does not want that much anymore but I know she needs to get out and talk when she asks for a girls day out. We usually go shopping and then out to lunch. Just the 2 of us. I love those times. My boys are still young enough that I can sit with them at night and listen to them. I feel like this time with them is passing so fast. I hope and pray we are doing things for them that will help them be wonderful people when they grow up.

    I love babies and would love to have more but that phase of my life is over. Maybe that's why I love doing daycare. I get to have babies but they do not keep my up at night:wink:

    My oldest had a baseball game tonight. 43 degrees and raining. Good thing his games only last 1 hour 50 minutes. He actually caught a ball that was hit to him. He gets better every game.

    I am not sure what the results from my experiment with my HRM means. In 24 hours my HRM says I burned 3619 calories. Now if that were true I could eat 2000 calories a day. And lose a pound every few days. Not happening! I guess this is a lesson that HRM are only a guide but not totally accurate. I tried to find information on this but all I could find were chat rooms about the accuracy of HRMS.

    Well Off to watch the end of the TWINS game as they play in the rain!

    Hope everyone has an awesome weigh in tomorrow or whatever day is your chosen weigh-in.

    Sweet dreams. Make sure to get enough sleep....when people are sleep deprived they tend to snack more.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS and "CO WORKERS" I like that thought Terri.
    Friday morning here and just posted my 2 pounds loss and feel so happy. :smile: and healthy too:happy:
    Even with all the stress of school and end of year assessments I have been able to stay strong and not snack or just grab anything to stick in my mouth as I would have done in the past. I like the new life style that I have been creating for myself. I am learning that I love myself and the way I feel and don't need to have a candy bar when I am going nuts with all the stuff around me.:happy:

    As for motherhood ... I loved those years when the kids were small and would actually think I knew what I was talking about. THOSE WERE THE DAYS!!!! but let me tell you that now that my three have all grown up (25, 28 and 30) life brings new blessings and there is a different kind of "SPECIAL relationship " that I have with each of them. We still give hugs and have to go out and have daughter mommy time, and though it is different than when they are small it is still rewarding. Now I am looking forward to the day when they bring home those grand babies. SO far.... I only have one married child... and she has only had the formal marriage but not the reception, which will be in AUGUST. ( This is also the event that started me on this road to better health. I wanted to be looking good for her reception_) Anyway...I always tell young mothers that are complaining about staying up at night with their kids or complaining about what is happening with their little ones, to just ENJOY EACH MOMENT. They go away too soon and sometimes it is lonely in the house when there is not a fight going on. :laugh:

    Anyway so much for my two bits of wisdom... Hope that you all have an awesome week and weigh in today or when you do weigh in. Don't give up if you don't see a loss. just learn from it and make a change or be patient. It will come down!!!
    SW 159
    CW 139. I am so jazzed to see the 130's. Thought it would be two weeks before I saw them so I am jumping through hoops today. carefully though so I don't ruin my other knee!:laugh:
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    PS..i'm bad and weigh myself everyday, I can't help it..for me it is motivating. Anyways I am down 3lbs since Sunday...that's nuts and I'm eating my calories! I guess its just a good week, now just to keep it up and maintain through the weekend!

    . Lo and behold, stepped on the scale and had lost 1.5 pounds! First time the scale has budged in a month. Woo Hoo! :bigsmile:

    congrats to you too!!!!

    I am jealous. It was 82 here yesterday for about 2 minutes then a cold front moved in and today it is 56 and the wind is so strong. Not even fun to be outside.

    i understand! i haven't seen 80s since i was in fl back in december (i'm kinda jealous ;). i think it *might* have reached the 60's, since i've been here since dec. its a pooper. i need my hot weather!
    I decided today that you guys are my co-workers. Since I do home daycare my daytime contact with other adults is very limited. My laptop is always out and on this site. When I walk by I hit f5 and see what people are saying. It gives me some adult interaction during my 11 hour workdays. My husband is at work 10 of those hours. Thanks for being my friends and co-workers!


    Right back at ya! :smile: I am home alone with my 9 month old nephew for the better part of the day. My boyfriend will be around during the day once he finishes school, and my mom is a teacher so she will be around soon as well. But until then (and for the past several months,) it's just me, Austin, and our "friends" on Nickelodeon!

    - same here you two! i am a nanny for 3 kids who don't speak a lick of english (however now they know how to say 'i have a pee/poop' and now understand when i say 'clean up', 'be nice', and the one that work the best, 'do you want to go in the corner') lol. i have 3 other au pair friends from the states here, but needless to say, the feeling is mutual!! happy work day yall!
    Good morning everyone. It's a beautiful day. I stepped on my scales and it said 220! I'm not logging it though. I only log Mondays weight. Hopefully I can be down even more by then. I think I was 222.5 on 5/1 so that's 2.5 lbs so far! I still have a LONG way to go but this 5 lb. challenge REALLY helps. Making smaller goals is good for the ego. I CAN do this!

    congrats! small goes add up big time, thats what i have to keep telling mysef!
    HI PALS and "CO WORKERS" I like that thought Terri.
    Friday morning here and just posted my 2 pounds loss and feel so happy. and healthy too

    hello! & congrats!!!!

    --- sorry for all the quotes, i haven't been on in a minute & wanted to catch up w/ppls. as for me its friday as well and i weigh myself in tomorrow. as of monday, i am down 2.5 lb since 24th april. so hopefully i will see something. however this week has been rough! good luck to all of you that weigh in today & this weekend!!!
  • valw97
    valw97 Posts: 80 Member
    I think I can, I think I can...will be my motto this month! :wink:

    I'm definitely up for the challenge! Sounds like a great one!!

    SW 222
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Hey, just checking in, feeling so motivated, I think this thread is really helping me! My first weigh in will by Tuesday, but I had a sneaky hop on the scales this morning and I'm down 2.5 lbs! So happy, I've been concentrating on getting plenty of water by drinking lots of herbal teas,, and 2-3 portions of fruit and good healthy dinners. I'm finding I still have plenty of calories left and can have some nice snacks also, but it's amazing how writing things down / logging them changes things. Before, I wouldn't even remember how many bars of chocolate I ate,, now I plan it out, and I'm delighted when I can see that I can have a little treat at night once I stick to my plan for the rest of the day.

    I'm not doing exercise yet as I've been sick, but I'm hoping to start some light exercise next week. I know the scales might not budge as I'll be building muscle then, and I'll focus on that :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    January 1 weight 185.6

    May 1st weight 174
    May 7 weight 175:grumble: :grumble:

    Hopefully it is just my body adjusting to feeling good again.

    Congratulations to all who have lost this week. You are my motivation going into the weekend.

    It is a dreary rainy day here and I would love to crawl back into bed and sleep a few more hours but the first daycare kids will be here soon. Then another 11 hour day!

    My daughter has her first swim meet today. I can't go see it because of my work schedule but my husband will drive over after work to watch. We want to support them all their pursuits.

    So true Phylgen that each age brings new things to be happy about with our children. I loved when they were babies but I also like going places and not having to watch them the whole time.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I'm on Week 5 of C25K and have walked quite a few miles. I also alternated between the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout and 30 Day Shred all week. I seem to have the exercising under control and I actually enjoy it. It's the eating that I still have trouble with and that has caused me to be stuck at 146.8. :grumble: Maybe I should be happy since the weight did go up to 148 for two days earlier this week. But I want to get down. I am so tired of fluctuating between 146 and 149. This has been going on since I March. I need more willpower!!!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    May 1 weight: 165
    May 7 weight: 164 :happy: Officially overweight and NOT obese! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My week definitely could have been better! I had Pizza Hut 2 nights ago for dinner and I ate 2.5 pieces. It tasted soooo good, tho! I don't eat stuff like that normally so I don't really feel too bad. I still lost 1 lb this week so I am happy. I exercised more this week so I am a little sore, but it feels good. I'm starting to feel strong!

    Congratulations to everyone who had losses this week! We are gonna lose those 5 lbs. this month!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning all...Congrats on the weight loss to all. As for me I was up .6 lb this morning. Had an interesting week. Did more exercise, ate more calories. In fact, much of the time I felt satisfied but still had calories to consume. :noway:
    I also "took" back some fun foods such as pizza and chocolate but I did count them. Oh well. This week is going to be better.

    May 1st 133.2
    May 7th 133.8

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all! Congrats to all who have lost
    official weigh in:

    April 30 126.8
    May 1 162.2
    May 7 160.4

    2.4 pounds since last Friday!!!! Its SUNNY here today. I am not sure if I can handle myself. I woke up to sunshine!!! that hasn't happened in for ever. so I am in a very good mood.

    I feel puffy this morning. I think I am starting to retain some water. oh well. :ohwell: it could be worse., I should be out of the 160's next week. I am so excited.

    Have a stellar day all:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Here comes the weekend....dun dun DUNNNNN!!!! I hope I stay on track!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello All, Here is my first weight-in result for May

    Starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10........164.5

    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138

    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136

    Goal Weight for end of May..........................133

    Final Goal Weight...........................................126

    So im really happy with that!!!:laugh: but i am just off for a weekend away so things might be very different next weigh-in:ohwell:
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    April 30: 200.8
    May 7: 202.8

    Up 2 pounds. I'm not going to make excuses. It was a tough week, I missed the gym 3 days. I hate when that happens. I don't eat as well, when skip the gym. I was home sick from work one day this week as well. Oh WELL!

    Since it was so easy to gain 2 back I'm thinking it should be real easy to lose those 2 + 1!! I'm going for 189 next week! Please please please. No missing the gym!

    Hope everyone has MUCH BETTER results than I.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
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