High Heels & Fishnets!!!!!



  • TammieOwen
    TammieOwen Posts: 54
    SW- 154.4 ranges up to 157
    Last Week-153.0
    GW- 130
    CW -151.8

    So I didn't quite make my mini goal of being under 150 before my trip, but I am close. I am happy with that.
    I will not be able to check in next week as we will be in Florida, we leave tonight. I am so excited, its my first real vacation ever.
    Keep up all the good work everyone, and I will check in the week after.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I need a major kick in the *kitten*!

    I was down 2 lbs last week and now I'm back to my starting weight. I have been exercising like crazy and staying within my cals (including my workout cals). The scale won't budge!! I don't know what to do. I"ve tried protein shakes for breakfast and lunch with fruit as snacks. And I have a "normal" dinner. I just want to break down. It's not my TOM.

    This might be a dumb question but could the birth control I'm taking have an effect on my weight? I had to stop it last month because of side effects and this month soon as I started it back up I gained weight. Or, could it all be in my mind?

    Any advise is welcomed and wanted.
  • calcote05
    calcote05 Posts: 462 Member
    CW: 148.4

    Not sure what I was last week, but I'm almost positive it was more than that!!

    I typically do really well with my eating on the weekends, but I completely dehydrate because I don't drink anything. My mini weekend goal is to drink as much water on Sat as I do on Monday. I hope this will help me stay on track.

    Didn't exercise yesterday, but my husband says that he'll watch the little one so I can have an hour today!! So excited! (That was one of my mother's day requests).

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!! (Even though it's only Thursday)
  • foxywife75
    foxywife75 Posts: 59 Member
    CW: 226 lbs

    Wasn't able to keep up to the water challenge....just way too much water for me. I was successful in staying within my daily calorie goal. I did my workouts all week but I've slacked on the 200 sit-up challenge. I'm hoping to get back on track with that.

    It's been 9 weeks since I started my healthier lifestyle & I've lost 20 lbs & 26.25 inches so far overall :happy:
  • loserchick
    loserchick Posts: 283 Member
    LW: 200.6
    CW: 198 (2.6 down! Yay!)
    Mini Goal that I set last week was 5 pounds down by May 21, so only 2.4 pounds left to lose and goal achieved :happy:

    I want to thank Kaylac for the challenge last week; it was awesome. It kept my butt moving. So thank you very much!

    Congratulations on everyone's progress you are all doing so well and I wish everyone the best of luck for the week to come.

    Allie have a great time in Vegas!

    Here's a quote I came across that I thought was appropriate: Acceptance is the key to thinner peace. :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I completely forgot that this morning was weigh-in and I was being hard on myself because I couldn't make it until Friday to look at the scale. Then, when I jumped on here, I saw Allie's reminder and was glad I got on the scale this morning. Weird how things work out...

    CW: 191.4

    I haven't seen this number for about a month now, so I'm glad I'm back down to it. I give credit to the challenge of staying within calories. Woo hoo! Monday was a bad eating day but the past few days have been better. I've also been underestimating my exercise calories in hope of giving myself some "cushion" so to speak.

    Unfortunately due to my busy schedule, I haven't been on here as much as I'd like, but I'm still tracking calories daily. I also haven't been able to get any formal workouts done, but have been walking for 3-4 hours at the riding program so at least I'm moving. I'm also lifting kids on and off horses, which I've notices is helping my arm strength. I was able to hang from the pull up bar last night, which is a step in the right direction, too.

    Alright, back to work!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    After the past two days, I knew this was coming....

    CW: 171.6

    I gained .6lbs

    I havent been able to go to the gym for two days and I also indulged a little to much in celebration of Cinco de Mayo!

    Hopefully I can get through at least part of a workout tonight.... please please please legs dont give out on me :D

    As far as the challenges go, Water *check*, exercise *hopefully check* calories *no check* :( gonna try super hard next week!
    As far as my own mini goals- no fried foods *check* no sweets *check*
  • gnakazawa
    gnakazawa Posts: 28 Member
    My goodness it comes off so much slower than it goes on!!!

    Happy Thursday!

    SW: 153
    LW: 146
    CW 145
    GW: 130
  • Crawline
    Crawline Posts: 1,028
    Goood morning everyone!!!

    After a gain the first week, and no change the week after that, I am FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY back down!! AND it's my TOM this week and I am bloated....soooo I must be doing something right!! YAY!

    LW 170.3

    I think this diet is starting to work!!!!
  • ncole1
    ncole1 Posts: 21
    LW: 177.8

    CW: 176.6

    Loss of 1.2lbs bit slower than other weeks but at least its going down :)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Great job to everyone who has maintained and lost. I'm soooo frustrated today.
    I've been working out like a woman possessed and really eating clean and a GAIN today for my efforts:sad:
    I'm so over myself I can't even tell you.:mad:
    Ah well...as the Brits would say, "Chin up and carry on"

    LW- 194.6
    CW- 195.6 +1lb REALLY!!!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I getting frustrated!! I don't know what is going on with me! I'm staying within my calories (below actually), exercising everyday, and drinking my water. I weighed yesterday and was down to 147.8 I think, but today I am at 149!! My husband thinks it may be water. I don't drink hardly anything on the weekend but on Monday I go back to drinking about a gallon a day. I don't know what is going on but it's making me mad lol!! I got my exercise in yesterday! I got to walk, run, jog for about 25 minutes yesterday. Then I cut back some bushes outside for about 20 minutes. I feel great, my pants fit MUCH better, but the scale can't make up it's mind which way it wants to go!! I'm just going to keep at it and hope I can lose what I want to by my birthday (which is coming up soon)!!

    There's a rule of thumb I heard on another thread that I remember in times like this.
    Assuming you are doing everything right, eating your cals, exercising, water etc.
    If you see a gain it's water retention, if you see a loss it's fat !!!
    There is absolutely NO scientific basis behind this but it makes me feel better when the scale is all over the place.
    This week I ate a lot of my meals out and so very high sodium and the scale had me higher than last friday every day up until this morning. I ate well and exercised all week and drank my water so I knew it was just water retention due to the sodium and it didn't bother me.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member


    That's a 0.8 loss since last friday and I'm quite happy with that. I knew it wouldn't be a big loss after 4lbs last week..

    Allie - Have a great time in Vegas, I'll be there next weekend for a wedding!

    Shredder - see my last post? muscles can retain water too I hear so when you have sore muscles you are retaining water, keep it up and you WILL see that hard work pay off. I know for me my weekly weigh ins are all over the place, 1lb, 4lbs, 0lbs !!! It doesn't always make much sense but in the long term it's all moving in the right direction.
  • Cchange
    Cchange Posts: 18
    CW: 170.6

    This week has went really fast for me and not so good either. I was starting to lose the "will" but after reading your posts I'm getting motivated again. Guess I should have logged on more! I've done good with staying under on my calories but not good with the exercise. My mini goal this week is to lose 2 lbs, succeed at the new challenge, work on the old challenges and log on more. It's obvious I stay encouraged by reading your posts.

    Everyone: Good job this week!
  • laurynh925
    laurynh925 Posts: 77 Member
    Okay here's the weigh in... down from last week thankfully!!!

    CW 202

    Not quite to where I was the first week i weighed in but i'm getting there. My downfall is calorie tracking. I LOVE working out so that isn't a problem... but I LOVE food just as much!!! And I love fattening food... sad day :(

    but i'm working on it!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Since its a weigh in day I got to 'record" my weight and I am now OFFICIALLY at my halfway mark! Hoooray!

    LW- 204.8
    CW- 202.4


    Great job ladies, keep up the hard work!

    Heather- I really really missed you, glad you were able to check in!
    Jaac90- admiting your scale obsession is the first step in recovery :laugh: :wink:
    Allie- Have a blast in Vegas! Im so jealous!
    Kaylac- Thanks for the challenge and congrats on your first 10lbs loss! enjoy your pedi

  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    So it is not extreme but it's down.


    Finally heading back to the gym today so hopefully that # will drop by next week!

    Happy Thursday!
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    **weigh in**

    LW 142
    CW 142

    I'm getting so frustrated. I've been cooking/eating clean, (despite the rest of my family's lack of enthusiasm), exercising, and loading up on water. I'm tired of seeing 142 on my scale....maybe it's broken and stuck on that number! Sure...

    Cris~ you are so right about your body eventually adjusting to the extra water intake. I've always been a heavy drinker, in this case water, but I've really upped my consumption. At first it felt like I lived in the bathroom, now I notice it has slowed. Thanks for that challenge and info!

    Allie~Have fun in Vegas! I ahve nothing but fond memories of that place...:devil:
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    SW: 141

    CW: 141

    This sucks!!! I did lose 2 lbs last week but gained it this week. AHHHHHH But yesterday when I weighed myself I had eaten a lot of sodium. Oh well.

    I'll just do better next week.
  • Weigh-in: 156 (no change)