Has anyone lost weight eating less than 1200 calories a day?



  • ihemby
    ihemby Posts: 4
    Just wondering why I have only lost 7lbs. I average about 900 calories a day. Not on purpose, I just eat when I'm hungry and I make myself eat breakfast. I have tried switching up what I eat to lower my fat and raise my calories but I still don't get to 1300 a day. I drink 80 oz of water daily and it seems like I'm getting nowhere.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    ditto.......not good for you because you gain it back by eating more.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Yeah and what was your body fat before and after? Sounds like a lot of valuable lean muscle lost.
  • I can ONLY loose weight if I keep my calories around 1000. I usually don't admit that because people get really upset about it. BUT! That's what works for me sooo, oh well peeps. ;-D
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    That was me, too! I can tell you, I haven't lost any muscle mass (actually gained it) and maintained when I started to eat more. 1200+ just doesn't work for everyone.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Just wondering why I have only lost 7lbs. I average about 900 calories a day. Not on purpose, I just eat when I'm hungry and I make myself eat breakfast. I have tried switching up what I eat to lower my fat and raise my calories but I still don't get to 1300 a day. I drink 80 oz of water daily and it seems like I'm getting nowhere.

    continually eating at too low a calorie level is treated by your body as a state of stress. IIRC, more cortisol is released as a result, and this in turn makes burning your stored fat even harder. so the consequence of these very low calorie diets over prolonged periods of time is precisely what you're experiencing.

    i can't say for sure that's what is happening with you, because there could be other factors involved (such as medical conditions), but i honestly would expect any adult trying to live on 900 calories a day to eventually run into the same problem you are seeing.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Just wondering why I have only lost 7lbs. I average about 900 calories a day. Not on purpose, I just eat when I'm hungry and I make myself eat breakfast. I have tried switching up what I eat to lower my fat and raise my calories but I still don't get to 1300 a day. I drink 80 oz of water daily and it seems like I'm getting nowhere.

    continually eating at too low a calorie level is treated by your body as a state of stress. IIRC, more cortisol is released as a result, and this in turn makes burning your stored fat even harder. so the consequence of these very low calorie diets over prolonged periods of time is precisely what you're experiencing.

    i can't say for sure that's what is happening with you, because there could be other factors involved (such as medical conditions), but i honestly would expect any adult trying to live on 900 calories a day to eventually run into the same problem you are seeing.

    Once again:

  • ihemby
    ihemby Posts: 4
    continually eating at too low a calorie level is treated by your body as a state of stress. IIRC, more cortisol is released as a result, and this in turn makes burning your stored fat even harder. so the consequence of these very low calorie diets over prolonged periods of time is precisely what you're experiencing.

    i can't say for sure that's what is happening with you, because there could be other factors involved (such as medical conditions), but i honestly would expect any adult trying to live on 900 calories a day to eventually run into the same problem you are seeing.

    I don't know what more I can eat. I'm not trying to starve myself. I am watching what I eat meaning no white bread, rice or pasta. I don't want to eat anything processed so I'm limited on my choices. I'm used to doing very low carb diets, (I'm not doing low carb now though) so it's nothing for me to have a protein shake for lunch or dinner and not be hungry. I need to know what more I can eat to get up to 1300 calories so I can lose this weight!
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Actually, I'm restricting myself to around 900 calories a day. I almost always go over, but I need that type of restriction so that I don't let myself even more leway when I raise it up to 1000.

    1200 just never worked for me.

    And yes, it works. But like so many people on here say, it's not the best long-term health decision. If you binge once/twice, you'll gain it all back and more. Takes a lot of self-control and motivation.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    Do you people ever read my postings?????
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    Do you people ever read my postings?????

  • Everybody who decides to lose weight does so for their own reasons.
    Everybody chooses the way in which they will achieve this for themselves.
    Everybody has the same access to information on HEALTHY weight loss methods.
    Everybody has the same access to information on UNHEALTHY weight loss methods.

    It would be nice to think that everybody would have the sense to choose a healthy method, but unfortunately they don't.

    I am glad that I gathered all the information I could before embarking on my weight loss programme, but I would also like to thank the many MFP'ers who took the time to make comments on posts on the message boards which steered me towards the brilliant piece of information that I can EAT and LOSE WEIGHT, which has resulted in an even healthier weight loss.

    I have never before ENJOYED losing weight and getting fit in the past and know that this is working. I wouldn't do it any other way.

    Totally agree. Its a lifestyle change NOT a diet!!!

    Half the battle is in the mindset that you approach your weightloss with.:smile:
  • I lost 40pds in 2 mths, eating about 600 calories a day.. I however ended up gaining it all back +10.. So it didnt really work out in the long run for me.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Simplest answer came from my trainer hubb- eat CLEAN, enough and the specific macros you need at the appropriate times. You will need to research what that means in depth. Lift HEAVY and in the appropriate way (again- research as its likely not what you think). And lastly, NEVER give up.

    That's all I've got.

  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    i figure..I didn't gain it overnight so I shouldn't expect it to fall off overnight..I in the past restricted to the point I developed an ED..I still struggle sometimes..I don't recommend under-eating, it only leads to difficult things..whether loss of muscle mass, extreme hunger, or in my case an ED.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    It's so sad to see posts like this when men and women alike can eat so much more food than that AND still lose weight and KEEP it off!

  • I'll give you my .02 - I think any healthy young man of average or greater size who eats anywhere near 1200 calories a day is completely out of his mind. I'm 50 years old, lift 3x/wk and mix in a bit of cardio and I'm still losing (verrry slowly, but that's by design) on 2400 cal/day. If you're young and active, your TDEE is probably close to 3000 cal/day - you're creating a HUGE deficit by eating that low, then further deepening the deficit by exercise. If one of your goals is to hang on to lean body mass while you lose the fat, you couldn't be doing it any more wrong, IMO.

    Do yourself a favor; take a minute to read this article:


    Then go to these threads and get your calorie intake straightened out:



  • Just curious! I actually ate around 1000 calories per day several years back and lost really well! This was before the starvation mode thing was even a known factor (as far as I knew at least) I lost 60 lb easily within 7 months...I gained my weight due to some depression issues ONLY which of course will happen on any diet! Soooo would like to know if this has worked for anyone else!

    Starvation mode is a myth thrown around far too often.

    Don't try to only eat 1000 calories again. It is far too little especially if you are exercising as well. If you were only eating about 1000 calories when you lost 60lbs before I can guarantee a large portion of the 60lb was muscle that you lost. When you are on a calorie deficit and have a deficit too large you will lose muscle.

    Set your goals properly here and follow that. You will not lose the same as you did in the past... your body changes. Dont strive for what happened before. Take it slow for the best results. Losing too quickly only hurts your body.

    Mind you I have a hard time keeping my calorie intake over 1200 sometimes unless I eat cake which we all know is no good! :P
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am a bit older. I checked with 3 of my doctors and was told to eat 1000 calories a day to lose. If I eat 1200 I gain weight Much of it is age. In my 30's..40's I lost so easy. Now at 60 it is difficult.

    I'll be 55 in March of this year. Still losing. I eat between 1700 and 1800 every day. It is possible.

    NO WAY!! I thought you were in your 30s!!! You look AMAZING!!!

    I thought the exact same thing! :)
  • Can I steal you away from here and pump you full of scholarly studies and treat you like an experiment doll? :D

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