Struggling to name my hamster

MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
Hi Everyone

My husband and I got a new hamster on Saturday and can't find a good name! This is our second hamster as we live on the second floor so it isn't fair to get cats yet. We were in the middle of moving to a house, so we left it 8 months from our last hamster planning cats in the new house. Last week it all fell through so we decided we missed having something around the house and we already had most of the things we needed.

We can't find a good name for him! He's very different to our last hamster in personality and habits.

Our old hamster was called Ninja which was a perfect name for him (plus a really cool name) as he was a dark hamster and nearly out of the box in the car when we first brought him home (all of a 5 minute drive) barging and tearing the edges, and he used to ram his ball into things and work his way out of the ball so often we had to tape him in!

So I want another pretty cool name for this one.

He is enormous, fluffy and cream with dark eyes and grey ears. The best cool name that we have come across is Thor due to being huge and light coloured fur but it's not the easiest thing to call him to get him to come to you - it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. He is crazy meticulous about cleaning himself and loves digging like a mole - he disappeared under the sawdust in the bottom half of his cage the other day and re-appeared like a little mole - he is pretty well camouflaged into the sawdust. He also doesn't seem to realise how big he is and squishes himself into tiny spaces. 2 nights in a row now for no clear reason he has filled in the top tube with sawdust blocking himself from going to a lower level and using the wheel of having some water!?!

We have been thinking of film characters and book characters and have not come up with anything.

Some pics




Thanks everyone!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
  • scorpfem
    I was thinking along the same lines as Karen - Gizmo
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member

    My friend has a rabbit called Gizmo I'd be a copycat...
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I know this sounds weird but... Teddy? I just feel like he's a Teddy!

    Maybe Richard would be a different name :P or Ronald. Or Roger! Just thoughts! I know these are oddballs! haha
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Ullr Thor's Godson and god of the North wind (and Winter)
    A good name if I'm right in the fact your hamster is a Winter white, rather than a Dwarf Russian white
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Bahahahaha he's so cuuuuuuute hehe <3<3<3


    Gandalf!! (like Gandalf the White???)

    Hagrid!!! (cuz he's BIG!!!)

    Chewbacca!! (same reason!!)

    Worf!! (same reason again!!)

    haha weeeeee good luck!!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Mine is named Hammy.
  • starrchiild
    starrchiild Posts: 38 Member
    Charlie Sheen perhaps??
  • 85klaudia85
    looks like Abelard
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member

    Something with R hahaha
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I'm struggling with the fact that you are in your late twenties and have a pet hamster. Sorry, just seems odd to me, but each to his/her own I suppose.
  • cgirly
    cgirly Posts: 56 Member
    Percy / Percival
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I think he looks like a Gunther. No special reason, just the first name that popped in my head when I saw the pics.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I second Richard in honor of Richard Gere, who I understand loves hamsters!
  • MrsT99
    MrsT99 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm struggling with the fact that you are in your late twenties and have a pet hamster. Sorry, just seems odd to me, but each to his/her own I suppose.

    Struggle all you like, I just asked for a name :laugh:

    I said we can't have cats yet as they can't get outside until we move to a house and I'm allergic to dogs (plus we're not at home enough). And I like them. Look at his cutie face......
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<My daughter called her's Major Fluffy, Destroyer of Toilet Rolls! He get's called Fluff Puff, Hammy Ham Ham, Little Fluffy. No wonder he's totally insane! Constantly trying to escape and has no sense at all!

    Last night he was climbing upside down on the bars at the top of the cage until he was over his wheel, he then let go so he was lying on his back ON TOP of his wheel. Then the wheel start turning and he either falls off head first or tail first! Then he goes and does it again!! Totally nuts!

    The other thing he does is climb up the side of the cage til he's next to his wheel then stretches across to his wheel so he's hanging by his front paws from the top of the wheel Eventually it will start turning and he'll fall off!

    We think he's some sort of secret hamster agent!

    Edit to add.....I think your hamster looks like a Sheldon!