
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl:smile: ACK.....a week old email:huh: , will she be able to get an appointment on the 10th of Feb.? Why did she wait so long to open it????

    Barbie:smile: New boots for Valentines Day, sounds like a perfect gift:heart: !

    I best get my behind in gear this morning, got to get my walk in before the storm comes in:frown: .

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in windy and warm NC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Up bright and early to get myself ready for the day. Today is cooking day at the center. They are making homemade soup.
    Yesterday was volunteer day for them. Which I enjoy for many reasons but a couple they really enjoy it. They have so much fun doing it and I enjoy it too. The other so much walking is involved its like getting paid for taking a walk.

    I have enjoyed reading all of your posts will be back later today after work to reply.

    Fitness goals for this week to workout 4x's a week
    Food goal to do better at getting my carbs under control.

    Well I better get going time is just flying by.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day.

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • Good morning everyone!

    M - Isn't it wonderful seeing all the progress you've made in those pictures!

    Denise - Exercise helped me have more energy

    BarbaraAnn - how fun to take those violin lessons you always wanted

    Have a great day everyone

    Colleen (IL)
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Helps when you come do a little at night. Made this a little less time consuming this morning.

    Two chicken tenders don't seem like a bad food choice to me. Considering where you where.
    A bag of cookies or six donuts would have been much worst.

    I'm following in your footprints good with food
    Poor with exercise

    Bet your glad someone had your best interest at heart in the card department.
    now passing up on the ice cream last night just shows how far you have come.

    Can't retire when there's still things to learn on the job.
    It's when you know it all and things get boring.
    Then it's time to pull the plug.

    Bet your dancers would love to do a little gig with you on the violin. Fiddle I call it.
    You sure found your love of something when line dancing came along.

    Well at least she opened it before the appointment was over.
    Hope she gets in if that's what she wants. Smart cookie if only 8% are accepted.

    Enjoy your walk.

    I have to go for a walk whenever I decide to get dressed that is. And not looking forward to it. Need to go and stalk up the wood furnace. We have one of the big outdoor furnances. Hubby is back at work so told him not to worry about it. I'll get it done. Might have to use his walking stick today. Everything is on glare ice.

    Well tonight is tops and i'm hoping for 8 consecutive loses. The week wasn't to bad but very little exercise. Need to get busy with that part of this journey. It will be so much easier when the weather changes and can't get out walking in comfort.

    Plans for today. I don't know a little kitchen duties. Might make a sheperd pie for supper long time didn't have one of those. And tonight is the night after tops. Then a whole week to take it off. LOL.

    So let's see to today being one of our best days.
    Good luck to all.:flowerforyou: :laugh:
    Hand in hand we can.

    Linda C
  • Okay Ladies,

    Thanks to all who provided advice. The verdict is in... Exercise is going to boost my energy level.

    I am going to give it a try and will check back in and let you know how it is going... Thanks for the support.

    PS I would love the Kale Chip recipe if anyone has that. I am ready to find some healthy 'crunchy' snacks to add into this menu!

    Make it a great day,
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good wet and warm morning !

    Not like a dog nuzzle though...

    It is the end of January, and the temperatures are hitting 55- 60 F here in SWOnt, that is 14 C to the rest of us; and it will be MINUS 15 C tomorrow, or by Friday. It is hard not to love winter. Its like a box of chocolates, who knows what will happen each day! I will not be wearing a coat, and will be surprised if a few students do not show up in shorts today....

    The gulf weather and warmth hits the cold fronts right where I live....we had over 60 ml of rain yesterday, and we were praying there would not be a basement leak! The mail was soaked from his bag into my front door!

    Between the lightening and thunderstorms, ( in the winter????) and the vacuum, the pitpoodle was traumatized...

    It was not fit for man nor beast.....

    Hope you are not all rained, fogged or iced out, wherever you are today!
    Drink your water, keep it out of your basement though!

    Cheers, BJ, SWOnt.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick post before I go play golf. (It's cold and windy so I'm not too anxious to go)
    Densie -my DGD loves to dance to exercise DVD's. Maybe you could get one that the two of you could have fun with. Or just put some music on and dance around with your 4 yo. The secret is to move and I suspect you move a lot keeping up with her.
    M - Wow, great results. The strange thing is that even tho I'm losing sloooooooowly, my measusrements are the same. My clothes are fitting differently but the tape measure says no inches lost. Just started with some weights so maybe that's the reason. Congrats on your NSV!
    Meg - impressed with your textbook writing. Also, I agree they were fishing. I heard that on tv that if nothing happens they will try again. Better to be safe than sorry!
    LindaC - you be careful on that ice even with your DH's cane it can be tricky.
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Morning all,

    Cold, windy and overcast here today...ucky poo!

    Wish we had a pool nearby that I could go swim and exercise in....

    Gotta get at the work stuff.....have a great day!

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    ok, count me in on the kale bandwagon. I had a serious lapse (let's just say that there were potato chips involved) yesterday afternoon and decided to behave myself at dinner. Instead of my usual steak caesar salad I ordered a kale salad. It was seriously awesome. Definitely not the overboiled acidic mystery vegetable of school lunch fame.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Well, it is going up to 62 here today, and it was already quite warm when I went to my 6 A.M. training session. It was quite difficult today, and my muscles are already sore. I caught myself complaining to the trainer. He's 27 and I'm 51. Somehow that makes it easier for me to whine.

    barbaraaloska--I need to eat volume in order to not be hungry. Not sure anyone saw that Pop Tart thread, but if I ate a package of them for lunch, I'd be in no way able to not be hungry a few hours later (not saying you ate Pop Tarts, lol). I find I need a lot of bulk for the calories, so lots of greens, fruits and vegetables work well for me. Smaller stuff just doesn't cut it. I can't wait for my stomach to shrink, lol.

    To the person whose credit card was cancelled over a $1 charge, they've probably seen this before--it's a "test" in preparation for the big drain. I remember getting a call from my debit card company once asking me if I were in a Walmart in Texas! I said "No. I'm on my bed in NJ"--cancelled the card right then and there. Kinda makes me feel secure to hear your story.

    I have to veggie/fruit shop tonight. I'm out of kale. What's the first thing now that I think of when I say kale? Yup, that story from ***** (I am so bad with names...need to take notes). I'm not even sure I like kale enough to go there anymore, lol.

    I am grateful I have nothing to do tonight other than a little shopping. It seems I run around nutzo the beginning of the week, then need to take two nights to recuperate. There are definitely some tiny differences I'm noticing at this age. Can't wait to be in tip top condition.

    Carpe diem!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I’m all up and perky today – popped out of bed at 6am, did 45 minutes of kickboxing then had to take the car to the mechanic’s. DH was supposed to go with me to drop it off and bring me back, but he doesn’t like the look of 7am so I went by myself and then walked back home. Double burn – kapow!

    My weight loss has slowed down but I’m feeling OK about it. I’m still getting more muscular – and I’m still watching my calories pretty carefully but I’m near my goal weight and I’m also shifting my body around (waist is staying the same, hips are getting slimmer, tushie is getting tighter). The best I can do at this point is pay closer attention to the types of foods I’m eating (I’m being MUCH more careful about my protein intake the past few weeks, and it’s really helped with the hair loss and nails) and don’t be discouraged. To that point, I remember that I’m not doing a temporary diet – this is how I eat now and this is who I am now. It doesn’t change. DH started drinking again as soon as he hit his goal weight and has just about gained back all that he lost – in about the same amount of time it took him to take it off. That’s not me. Don’t let it be you either :smile:.

    Denise, it’s been ages and ages since I had a little one, but I think I can recall the sheer exhaustion at the end of the day, bleeding into the next morning. My best thoughts on this: get up as early as possible before your little one gets up and exercise then. If you can manage even a half-hour before she’s up, you may find you’re actually energized for the day. It’s a great way to get your blood flowing. If you wait until the end of the day you just won’t have the energy, I’m afraid. The kale chips are easy – quite literally nothing more than spraying your kale pieces (cut up the leaves into about 2” size) with olive oil, sprinkle with a little sea salt and/or some seasonings (anything, really, but garlic and chili powder are two good ones), bake at around 375 for 10 minutes or so or until crispy, then eat!

    LindaC, be careful with the ice, especially if you’re carrying wood! I’m so afraid of hurting my tailbone when it’s icy – based on mucho experience :laugh:.

    Liz, I’ve been focused on eating a protein at every meal and snack – it’s kind of a different approach to getting the carbs under control – proteins fill you up and stay with you longer, so even if it’s a carb-based protein like hummus I won’t eat as much.

    DeeDee, we’re right behind you on the storm. Stay safe – and I hope you have a place to go if the winds really get out of control.

    Cheryl, oh, my! Princeton is an amazing campus though – best wishes!

    Renny, the credit card companies have been taking it on the chin for several years for identity theft and credit card fraud – I don’t blame then in this one instance for being cautious but it’s a PITA when your ATM card is suddenly cut off without a warning, including to you! I’ve had that happen before – and then was told it would take two weeks before a new one gets here! Can you imagine, two weeks without access to my checking account except with checks???

    Barbie, I love the reminder that it’s never too late to find your passion! What a great thought.

    Meg, praying for snow – for you :laugh:. I’m starting my regular weather-watch and praying we don’t get a snowmageddon on Tuesday when I fly to Cali. Once I’m there, it doesn’t matter what it does :smile:. Remember when your computer got a virus? It was probably a hacker getting at your bank info, so I’m glad the bank was on its toes and caught it. It’s a pain, I know, as I just told Renny, but it’s worse if someone starts going on a shopping spree on yours or the bank’s dime. Yay for passing on the ice cream – save it for a special occasion.

    Barbaraaloska, I’ve done that to myself too. Can you try carrying an emergency pack of protein bars or something in case you are starving? Good for you for picking a relatively healthy alternative snack!

    Sue in TX, how’s your foot?

    Lori H – hope everything goes well with the baby’s arrival today!

    Allison, I'm actually looking forward to when it's warm when I go to work out - I hate when I'm freezing. I hurt soooo bad when I first started a fitness program last summer - took a good two weeks before I felt better, but then there was just no looking back. Now I'm on a different, more cardio-focused regime, and I'm sore again. Make sure you eat lots of proteins to give your muscles food to rebuild.

    I’m going to stop here for the day – I hope everyone finds a warm, safe place to be today. The storm in the south is supposed to be a barn-burner (again). It’s on its way here but will just be high winds tomorrow coupled with a big rainstorm today, then snow on Friday! Welcome to the crazy times!


  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    Well, it's hump day and I am off this Friday, so I've only got today and tomorrow in work. If you had asked me five years ago, I'd have told you that I loved my job and couldn't imagine retiring. Well, five years later, it's a different story. I don't know when it happened, but I am SO ready to retire. I still have two years left (retiring when I reach 62), but I am counting down the days! I'm sure I'll want to do something part time, but I am seriously sick of full time work. My husband is younger, so he has a few more years than me, but our plan is to move to someplace a little warmer (like NC...and yes, I know it's cold there this year, but not like here, and it's still unusual).

    :flowerforyou: m - We are always the last to see our own weight loss, so if you are seeing results, that is great!

    :smile: Lynn - Welcome back. Stay with us and you'll get there.

    :yawn: Linda - Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe your body is telling you that you need a little break.

    :tongue: Barbara Ann - Never go shopping hungry!

    :wink: Denise - This lack of energy seems to be going around. I found that when it happens to me, the best thing to do is to suck it up and start moving!

    :flowerforyou: Meg - I'm always happy when I get a call from our credit card company about a suspected fraud (even if it's not true). Proves that they are looking our for me and I appreciate that! Also, congrats on passing up the ice cream. That's a serious victory!

    :blushing: Renny - Thanks for the information on posting. I didn't know that!

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - Congrats on your daughter's acceptance to Princeton. You must be so proud!

    Expecting highs in the 60's today and then serious rain and thunderstorms? :huh: Then turning much colder...and colder...:grumble:

    Have a nice day, and stay warm

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:

    PS- I would love it if everyone would sign with their name and location....just a thought!:heart:
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning All!!:flowerforyou:

    Its going to be a good day, I am determined to clear a path to my Airdyne bike in the office/craft/exercise room....:blushing: and start using it daily. I have post polio syndrome and have to wear a cumbersome leg brace for a severe drop foot and tire very quickly but every little bit helps with the "calories in...calories out"

    I am so excited to have found you all, I am trying to remember everyone, its a bit overwhelming but I love it!

    Semper Paradis!! ( I have 2 sons who are career Coast Guard) and I plan on taking Lucy and Allison's and Megs advice and never go shopping again when hungry and carry a protein bar at all times....Semper paradis...Always prepared!!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vit F it's Wednesday,

    M- Love your NSV it's sure to keep you going when you can see those kind of changes:drinker: Isn't it frustrating when hubby loses and then gains it back when we are still working on the losing:ohwell: I'm finding that the "keeping it off" is harder than the actual losing:grumble:

    Lynn- you can get on track, just keep coming back and logging in:flowerforyou:

    Linda C- hoping your Wii smiled at you:happy: You be careful when you are on that ice, we would hate to hear that you slipped.

    Barbara Ann- it's the small steps, driving by the fast food but stopping at Safeway...still better that what you would have gotten at the fast food:flowerforyou: Maybe next time have that healthy snack in the car for on the way home from your lesson.

    Denise- you need to start slow, maybe only 5 min of walking in place or taking your little one for a walk at the mall. Setting small goals is the way to get some exercise in. When my sons were little I used to exercise with videos and they would do it with me because they thought it was so much fun ....yep children see exercise as play / fun and we see it as work...you can do it.:flowerforyou:

    Meg- we have had our credit card replaced several times and a couple of them due to strange charges. The one that stands out was when the company called my hubby to question a $207.00 charge at a fast food place :noway: in New Orleans (we live in Denver). Of course it was wrong so they canceled our cards and overnighted us new ones. Sounds like you learned the important phrases in Russian:wink:

    Cheryl- you gotta love it when your kids postpone things like that. At least she opened it before February:noway:

    Liz-sounds like you have some good weekly goals, hoping you are able to meet them:drinker:

    BJ- this year has had crazy weather, on Saturday night it was raining not snow or ice but rain in January in Denver :noway: then we had snow yesterday...like I said crazy weather

    Lucy- I hear you when you talk about how you used to love your job and now you are looking forward to retiring. When I started this job in 1996 I loved it, now everyday is a trial and unfortunately retirement is still just a dream:sad: Some days I just wish I could pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep:wink:

    Reading my book and another chapter down and really thinking it through about lifting and staying thin, it's truly a life style that I will be incorporating for the rest of my life. The second chapter was all about how our bodies burn calories and as I already knew I don't have a very active metabolism so exercise is here to stay. Now I just wish for warmer weather so we can get out on our bikes I'm missing the outdoors.

    Everyone have a great day...the paper fairy failed to come last night so I best get to the work on my desk.

    Log it ALL Food, Exercise and Water:drinker: because we all want to improve ourselves:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Goodness! It takes me a while to read back through all the posts...

    Ok, I missed the whole KALE discussion... what's the recipe? Is it Kale Chips? Will someone repost it please? My husband LOVES collard greens, but I do not like to prepare them... We eat every other veggie on the planet, ok, except brussell sprouts... I just can't make myself go there. Don't know why... I know, they're supposed to be Great!! :smile: and they're so popular now.

    Aargh! How stressful... but how amazing and wonderful that your daughter got an interview at Princeton! I thought the whole college application process was the most stressful time in our lives! Seems like a lot has changed since I applied many moons ago! Luckily, both our daughters went to schools they love, Virginia Tech and UVA...

    and yes, we had a wonderful time last night with our youngest at UVA and the basketball game was a great one!

    I definitely have found that no matter how much I adjust my diet, if I don't "work out" I can't lose an inch -- and for me, that means that regular walking isn't even good enough by itself. If I'm on the treadmill, I have to elevate it to level 8... and if I"m outside I have to mix in a jog... to get my heart rate up. I also found that doing some strength training helps considerably too! I did all that 2 1/2 years ago and had such a positive outcome... before I turned 50... now it's even harder! But I'm keeping on keeping on!
    good luck! :smile:

    Off to spend sometime outside before it gets nasty!
    Have a Happy Day!

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Will wonders never cease?! I finally saw a new low on my scale today. Just a half pound, but still..... a new low! So I'm trying to figure out what I did differently this week, and the only thing that stands out is drinking a cup of the Naked Green Machine juice each day. Do you think that adding those nutrients can make you lose weight? I'll admit to not being as good about fruits and veggies as I could be. If I knew what I did right, I'd keep on doing it!

    I have a question about the Fitbit. I looked at their website, but it didn't really address this. Does this count your calories burned that are non-walking (i.e. weight lifting, shoveling, etc.), or is it just a fancy pedometer? Do you think it's accurate? (I really question some of the exercise calorie counts on MFP).

    My sushi dinner with my friend got cancelled last night, as she came down with the flu. This is nasty stuff going around this year! I've been taking a lot of extra Vitamins C & D, and have managed to stay healthy so far.

    M -- I liked what you had to say about this not being a temporary diet, and about where you're now at. I'll bet hubby is bummed about regaining the weight, as it's hard work to lose it. That's cool that you can see such a difference in your pictures! I never thought to take any.

    Meg -- I love that your watch fits! That's a great NSV. And congrats on saying no to the ice cream. I keep Dreyer's low-fat frozen yogurt for when I want to indulge, but I'm not a huge ice cream person.

    Cheryl -- I hope your daughter does well on her interview for Princeton! I sometimes let e-mails go, too, if they look like spam, but I think I might have opened one from Princeton. Kids!!

    Linda C -- Good luck on having an 8th consecutive loss at TOPS tonight! That's wonderful.

    Jane in Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda C: Are you still in the deep freeze? I think about your weather every time I go outside. Your posts have shown a LOT of progress in the last few months. Every time I read one I think, Wow. She is really doing well. Congratulations on your hard work.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Denise: I remember the days of young kids at home well, and how tired I was 24/7. Two friends and I started walking at 6 am while our husbands were home to monitor the kids. It was wonderful to start the day with girl talk and exercise! I’m still in touch with one of those friends after nearly 30 years,:bigsmile: but have lost track of the other.:frown:

    Barbaraaloska: I have a dear friend with post polio issues. She’s still going along well at 65. It sounds like you’re working out in a smart way, too.:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111: I’m actually having fun with the weight loss, much to my own surprise. :laugh: I worry about maintenance, too, but I’ve a long way to go before I get there. :wink: Barbie and AmandaX are sure good ambassadors for maintenance. I'm glad they're here to cheer us on.:happy: We put our bikes onto a trainer in the garage. Riding there is every bit as good for you as riding out doors, but it is boring. :ohwell: I listen to an audio book, and that helps some, and the exercise is addictive. :bigsmile: Yay for positive addictions. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Dinner with my three friends was such a pleasure. I don’t remember who suggested the lighter fare menu at Olive Garden, but THANK YOU! I had the grilled salmon while my friends had various noodle dishes. They sure did notice the difference in health potential of our plates. I enjoyed my salmon and they enjoyed their noodles.:happy:

    Have a great day!
    Katla in NW Oregon
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Will wonders never cease?! I finally saw a new low on my scale today. Just a half pound, but still..... a new low! So I'm trying to figure out what I did differently this week, and the only thing that stands out is drinking a cup of the Naked Green Machine juice each day. Do you think that adding those nutrients can make you lose weight? I'll admit to not being as good about fruits and veggies as I could be. If I knew what I did right, I'd keep on doing it!

    I have a question about the Fitbit. I looked at their website, but it didn't really address this. Does this count your calories burned that are non-walking (i.e. weight lifting, shoveling, etc.), or is it just a fancy pedometer? Do you think it's accurate? (I really question some of the exercise calorie counts on MFP).

    My sushi dinner with my friend got cancelled last night, as she came down with the flu. This is nasty stuff going around this year! I've been taking a lot of extra Vitamins C & D, and have managed to stay healthy so far.

    M -- I liked what you had to say about this not being a temporary diet, and about where you're now at. I'll bet hubby is bummed about regaining the weight, as it's hard work to lose it. That's cool that you can see such a difference in your pictures! I never thought to take any.

    Meg -- I love that your watch fits! That's a great NSV. And congrats on saying no to the ice cream. I keep Dreyer's low-fat frozen yogurt for when I want to indulge, but I'm not a huge ice cream person.

    Cheryl -- I hope your daughter does well on her interview for Princeton! I sometimes let e-mails go, too, if they look like spam, but I think I might have opened one from Princeton. Kids!!

    Linda C -- Good luck on having an 8th consecutive loss at TOPS tonight! That's wonderful.

    Jane in Colorado

    Jane, MFP has some funky exercise counts, that's for sure. Keep in mind that EVERYONE burns calories differently. I tend to burn on the very low side (and hence the slow metabolism); some of my workout buddies on-line are burning in the 1k range while I barely break 300. A lot depends on your heart rate, both naturally and while working out. If you haven't actually had a heart rate monitor to see what kind of calorie burn you have, you might want to see if you could borrow one just to get a feel for it. I actually have an extra I can send to you if you want - it will give you a feel for what your daily calorie burn looks like. I know from wearing mine for several hours a couple of days that I burn a steady 100 calories/hour if I'm just sitting still or working at the computer. Then when I'm doing cardio or walking (I don't know why but the burn is the same) I ramp up to about 400 calories/hour, give or take. Weight lifting doesn't give me quite the same burn, but it's still in the 300/hour range. YMMV. You can PM me if you want me to send you the set, and then I'll just pick it up when I'm out there next time ;).

    PS - congrats on the new low!
  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Ladies! How do these days fly by so quickly! I think I last posted on Sunday and here it is Wednesday! Geesh!

    I have to toot my own horn here a bit. I have been doing Crossfit on a GroupOn for the past couple of months. It is running out tomorrow. I just signed up today for a one year membership of unlimited visits. Eeek!!! I am both excited and scared because now I have no reason not to go. It really isn't in the budget but I decided this is something that is finally getting me into the shape I want to be in, not body perfect, but stronger and healthier. I have never been one to push my limits but this has made me do that and I am finding that I can push through and do more reps or work harder! I love the supportive community it is also! So, hopefully I will work up to three days a week from two and by summer be able to put on a tank top and shorts without being embarrassed! Luckily, I didn't go today and it was 350 burpees for time!! OMG!! My friend Leah was there and managed to get in 146 of them. So proud of her!

    A few of you have mentioned how you couldn't do Crossfit. Hey, if I can do it, anyone can do it. You just have to be prepared to push your limits a bit! They modify everything for you due to abilities and injuries although that doesn't make it easy. I have a bad low back, sore knees and a shoulder that acts up occasionally. All of them have been better as I am getting stronger. Gee, maybe it's that extra 30-40 pounds I am carrying around. I really can't say enough good things about it if you have a place to check out a class. I believe most will offer up one free class to try it.

    Yikes! I can't keep up with all of the posts but skimmed the four pages that have been on there since Sunday! Thank you to all of you for all of the positive posts, ideas, suggestions. It is nice knowing we aren't alone in our struggles, isn't it?

    DeeDee...what type of dog do you have?

    Dewest...Don't give up! I feel your pain, it is slow to get those pounds off, but just keep plugging along. It sounds like you are doing great on the cardio exercise! Good for you! I love my Zumba! You might want to try to add in some strength training. I, like you, want to be healthier and stronger, not just thinner and I am getting great results from the Crossfit I mentioned above. Everything is starting to tone and tighten! People are noticing and my measurements are very similar to yours. I started at 192 pounds on January 2nd and am 5'7” also and will be 51 in June. If you can't do Crossfit, there are lots of ways to work strength training into you daily life, look online, check your community center for classes, find a friend who will workout with you. Personally, I do much better when I have to be accountable to someone, therefore the Crossfit membership where I know Coach will be waiting for me (and my friend) on my days :) You have done so well, you just have to find what works for you! It is worth it!

    Tammy...yes, all the time! It seems the weight comes on so quickly but comes off soooo slowly! I just keep trying to find ways to make it a life journey and not a diet. I have been really good and under cals this week so I am making homemade pizza for dinner tonight with lots of vegis and not to much cheese. It is my favorite food group! Lol! Need a treat to be able to keep on track and this is much better then going out!

    I have seen Kale mentioned a number of times and sure someone has posted this but try Kale Chips. Wash/dried kale, chopped into large pieces. I toss it with a little olive oil and salt, put on baking sheet and roast in oven at 400 or under broiler, tossing occasionally until crispy. Really yummy but they don't save well so eat them while crisp!

    No time for more today! Stay strong everyone!

    Mary, Renton, WA
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    No time to catch up. I had a great time with my daughters and I think my interview went well yesterday. I will post some pix of Olivia when I get a chance.

    Take care!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    from the drippy PNW.