Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    I am very thankful that my daughter only bought a 6 inch cake from the bakery she works at to celebrate my birthday. A perfect little slice for the lot of us.:love:

    A perfect day to celebrate.

    A great night to all! and Good morning shortly to you Tanya!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Glad I have a husband who loves me when I'm unlovely. And who will sell his soul to help me get to the bottom of my health issues--

    Glad I have such an incredible network of lovely friends here-- you're all ACES!!!!!

    Glad for my half marathon training schedule-- love, love, love adhering to a schedule-- keeps me motivated. Heading out for 3 miles.

    Glad tidings, my friends!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am thankful for 25 years with a faithful husband. For a man that has brought home every dime of every paycheck for his family. Lucky lady ( remind me when imma *****in bought the trash not going out , huh?) :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am very thankful that my daughter only bought a 6 inch cake from the bakery she works at to celebrate my birthday. A perfect little slice for the lot of us.:love:

    A perfect day to celebrate.

    A great night to all! and Good morning shortly to you Tanya!
    Happy birthday Donna! I had the perfect cupcake for mine yesterday. Dang it was yummy!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    I am thankful for a strawberry patch right down the road. Fresh strawberries are the bomb! I want them to last way longer than they are going to, today she said at most 2 more weeks. Wonder how many strawberries I can eat in 2 weeks?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Happy Birthday, Donna-- !!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I am thankful for a strawberry patch right down the road. Fresh strawberries are the bomb! I want them to last way longer than they are going to, today she said at most 2 more weeks. Wonder how many strawberries I can eat in 2 weeks?

    Oooooh-- it'd be fun to find out!!!!!!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Good morning and belated happy birthday donna.

    I am thankful for the nice walk to school this morning, that my little mindee was late so I could get the majority of the school done with little chris in the buggy - so much easier :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    thanks marlaI really needed this one this mornig..

    Am way to tired to be up going to the gym..but hey I am up and will be grateful when its over...So Friday is my weigh in day..

    Last week I was 144.6 this week I was 143.4..down 1.2..I was like in my head this is it??? 1.2 pounds...Then its displayed everything else...down 0.5 % in fat and stayed the same in muscle..So I am greatful..muscle didnt go down and fat did..that makes me happy...Why should I be upset with losing 1.2 pounds I am almost 6.6 pounds down from goal weight...

    Then I was upset that my washer went out..the transmission..went out in it..Then I was like (remember what marla said) and then I was like well at least it went out when we had the money to replace it...

    So those are the things I am greatful for this morning...Drinking my coffeee..eating my french toast and then heading to the gym..its gonna be a long day...gottago buy a dress or my sisters graduation..and I have a pretty one picked out...that looked good on the lady in the window..I dont know if it will look that pretty on me.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend..Not promising I willl be on here much this weekend,way to busy..even for me!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Well my friends, made myself weigh, measure and do body fat % today. Not proud of the results, yet thankful I did it. I know how quickly I can change those numbers and for that I am truly grateful. I thank my body often for treating me pretty well for as crappy as I treat it on occasssion.

    I also started thinking about how long I have until we leave for vacation (trip home) and how I want to be 'x' weight by then, etc. I sort of realized I am not motivated by such events. I kept trying it with the ball, it didn't work. I need to be motivated because I want to get there, not because I'll be here or there or want to look this way or that way at a certain time.

    So I am grateful that I realized that I need to get back to doing it for me, not for anybody else. Just me. I can still set goals with time frames, but my reasons need to be different.

    Is it wrong to be thankful that I remembered it's all about me?

    As I bust into song with altered lyrics.......

    I need to think about me
    Wanna think about I
    Wanna think about number one
    Oh my me my
    What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
    I like thinking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally
    I need to think about meeeeee (me,me,me,me-background singers)
    It needs to be about me (me,me-background singers)
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning black team!

    today i'm grateful for my wonderful husband. i'm grateful that he goes to work everyday for 10 hours so me and the kids can have the things we need and so i can stay home and take care of them. i'm grateful that he always listens to me ***** about the kids, life, etc.. i'm grateful that he loves me and tells me so, and tells me that i'm beautiful (especially when i don't feel beautiful). i'm grateful that he gets up with the kids on the weekends so i can get a little more sleep. he's my love and my best friend, and marrying him was the best decision i've ever made. i'm grateful everyday to have him in my life.

  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    good morning black team!

    today i'm grateful for my wonderful husband. i'm grateful that he goes to work everyday for 10 hours so me and the kids can have the things we need and so i can stay home and take care of them. i'm grateful that he always listens to me ***** about the kids, life, etc.. i'm grateful that he loves me and tells me so, and tells me that i'm beautiful (especially when i don't feel beautiful). i'm grateful that he gets up with the kids on the weekends so i can get a little more sleep. he's my love and my best friend, and marrying him was the best decision i've ever made. i'm grateful everyday to have him in my life.


  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm glad that even when my daughter is a pain in my butt, she's healthy and smart and, of course, adorable. :laugh:

    She keeps pointing out to me the "boo-boo" on her knee. I've told her that she'll be fine so much that she now says " fine."
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well my friends, made myself weigh, measure and do body fat % today. Not proud of the results, yet thankful I did it. I know how quickly I can change those numbers and for that I am truly grateful. I thank my body often for treating me pretty well for as crappy as I treat it on occasssion.

    I also started thinking about how long I have until we leave for vacation (trip home) and how I want to be 'x' weight by then, etc. I sort of realized I am not motivated by such events. I kept trying it with the ball, it didn't work. I need to be motivated because I want to get there, not because I'll be here or there or want to look this way or that way at a certain time.

    So I am grateful that I realized that I need to get back to doing it for me, not for anybody else. Just me. I can still set goals with time frames, but my reasons need to be different.

    Is it wrong to be thankful that I remembered it's all about me?

    As I bust into song with altered lyrics.......

    I need to think about me
    Wanna think about I
    Wanna think about number one
    Oh my me my
    What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
    I like thinking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally
    I need to think about meeeeee (me,me,me,me-background singers)
    It needs to be about me (me,me-background singers)

    Ha-- Toby Keith rocks, Lori--

    And, no, it's not wrong to be thankful, in my humble opinion, for realizing that you need to remember Y-O-U. We mothers pour our lives out as a drink offering on the altar of our families and homes-- a realization now and then that we are important, too-- (especially if those in our lives don't always remember) ain't no big deal.

    Yes, do this for you-- it's why I'm doing it. It's all over my profile-- I'm doing this for me, me and me-- not for a dress, a trip, an event, an occasion, a size-- well, okay, maybe for a size-- but, this is simply about being a fit me.

    So, sweet friend-- I pray that you get your head and heart back in the game-- you don't want to go back to that chick sittin' on the beach, I know that--

    For me-- today I'm glad that my husband stuck with me for 22 years. Glad that I learned marriage and love isn't always about "feeling" the love-- it's commitment and vows and loving even when you don't feel like it-- when it's done right, marriage can be pretty damn sweet. When I forget that some day, knock me upside the head.

    And glad that today is planting day in the field outside my window. Love to see the tractor go back and forth-- love the excitement wondering what he's planting.

    Have to type-- slept too long for my anniversary morning-- my younger 5 are making muffins in honor of their parents--

    I am blessed-- please don't let me forget that next time I start to *****.

    love you all.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thankful for my 530 calories of anniversary muffin brunch-- I'll post some pictures later. The 5 junior crew, our Fab Five as we call 'em-- made us delicious muffins, decorated a poster and made us anniversary hats and set a beautiful anniversary brunch table for us.

    Sweet kids--

    have a great day--
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    At this moment in time I'm thankful for restraint.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Today I am thankful that the scale hasn't gone up in the last couple of days! but I am not thankful that the scale hasn't went down in the last year!!

    I am also thankful that my girls are being very good and listening to their mother today!! I love them dearly but there are some days that I wish I could be a born again non mom!!! Today is not that day!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    At this moment in time I'm thankful for restraint.

    Honey, I'm thankful for that every day of my life-- otherwise, you'd see me in the news-- "Mother of nine arrested for homicide."
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm glad that it's a sunny, beautiful Friday and that I'm eating Chipotle for lunch!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm glad that it's a sunny, beautiful Friday and that I'm eating Chipotle for lunch!

    mmmmmm...chipotle...... that is all :smile:
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