Getting picked on about what you eat at work?



  • nyclove81
    nyclove81 Posts: 13 Member
    I take Sugar Snap Peas to class and eat them as a snack. Many of my classmates laugh at me only because they are not use to seeing someone pull out a snack such as snap peas.. I love them and it is a healthier snack than some bag of chips from the bookstore. Don't let what others say to you in any way make you feel uncomfortable. You know that is best for you!! Good Luck!:smile:
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    i find it ironic that a non-asian guy is telling an asian person about "real rice"

    thought it does seem like he was trying to harmlessly chit chat with you and you went to your supervisor over it. i think that says a lot about you.

    The guy was a jerk. She told him to cut it out and he didn't. Nuff said.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    As a supervisor, if one of my employees came to me with this I would seriously question their ability to function as an employee. Really? You're upset because someone noticed that you eat plain rice and they prefer gravy? Really? You wasted a supervisor's time for this? Yeesh!
  • Some of the other employees I work with always comment on my lunch. Because I count calories they are always trying to get me to eat something high calorie. I believe they are jealous they dont have enough willpower to eat healthy so it makes them feel good to make rude comment. I ignore them. Most of them are really overweight.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Just had a 2 hour bicker-fest with a couple coworkers who were getting all irritated that I didn't want a cupcake! I offered to give it to someone else, bring it home for my fiance, etc. and they wouldn't accept it. One even said, "I'm not eating one unless she [me] does, and you have to eat it here so I can make sure you eat it" Then they proceeded to make fun of me.

    That's crazy. I'd just say, "well, I guess you don't get to eat one- what a shame". And where do they get off making fun of you?

    I didn't realize how fortunate I am- I work in a department of very health-conscious people. One is vegetarian, one is gluten-free and won't eat any processed food or artificial ingredients, one has high cholesterol in her 20s (inherited) and is determined to stay off of statins- and the boss runs marathons. Nobody hassles anybody about what they eat or don't eat.

    It must be harder for people who are overweight to put up with this- in my case, I'm close to my goal weight and my response would be, "this discipline is what got me to my goal weight and I'm not gonna mess with it now". I hope the rest of you get there soon- it's a pretty powerful argument!

    Someone mentioned that they might just be unhappy with their own failure at losing weight. I'm thinking that was the case here- they won't feel as guilty if we ALL eat it. That, and they probably don't realize how hard the weight battle has been for me. They think they were being funny. There is one person who IS very health-conscious so we support each other when it comes to losing weight. Even that gets frustrating though because she calls herself "fat," makes fun of overweight people, and is easily 50+ lbs less than me.

    Luckily, all this just gives me more fuel for my fire. :drinker:

    ETA: Gotta say, I totally agree with erhower too.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    i find it ironic that a non-asian guy is telling an asian person about "real rice"

    thought it does seem like he was trying to harmlessly chit chat with you and you went to your supervisor over it. i think that says a lot about you.

    The guy was a jerk. She told him to cut it out and he didn't. Nuff said.

    According to her OP, she never told him to cut it out. She just said that she had other flavor. If she had, it would be a different animal, but as she wrote it, she tattled on a guy that did nothing wrong but make idle chit chat with someone who was oversensitive about her rice.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    where in the world do people people put butter or gravy on rice? i'm guessing middle america on this one.

    Really? You associate oddly placed gravy and butter with middle America?

    Weird casseroles sure, but not oddly placed gravy or butter.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Just eat you food like an obnoxiuos idiot and they will have something else to talk about:huh:
  • As a white person, I suddenly feel I've been doing rice the wrong way my whole life too. I usually have rice with meat and veges. Certainly not gravy - that's for roasts, and butter is for bread that is fresh out of the oven. At least it is in my life.

    If anyone comments on my food my usual reply is "I'm eating this, you're eating that. That's why I look like me, and you look like you."

    I eat gravy on my rice and sometimes butter......and where I'm from no one eats rice plain.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    where in the world do people people put butter or gravy on rice? i'm guessing middle america on this one.

    Really? You associate oddly placed gravy and butter with middle America?

    Weird casseroles sure, but not oddly placed gravy or butter.

    Oh yes, being from the Midwest I tend to agree. I still don't understand putting pearl onions and pineapple in a lime jell-o mold, but I saw it many times.
  • nsemrau
    nsemrau Posts: 23 Member
    This was supposed to be a reply. :(
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
    Dr. Seuss
  • pjberube75
    pjberube75 Posts: 9 Member
    When someone says something that makes me uncomfortable or annoyed - I just tell them to stick is up there *kitten* ... they usually stop after that! ;)
  • nsemrau
    nsemrau Posts: 23 Member
    You are the kind of person that destroys work environments and makes people miserable at work.

    This is the kind of people our society is creating.... Everything is offensive, noone can take a joke or turn the other cheek.

    From what I read this guy didnt even say anything wrong, if you didnt like his comments you should have said, "Do I have to listen to this every day because I dont think it is funny, and I would appreciate it if you would stop." Essentially, you are an adult and you just tattled. He was not "picking on you." And if you truly felt he was, where was the part of the conversation where you stood up for yourself? That should be your go-to, not running to a supervisor. besides, that makes you look really unprofessional, too, supervisors have bigger fish to fry...

    Also, as someone else pointed out: you picking apart his eating habits is just as rude, and if he shouldnt pay attention to what you eat, why are you even looking at his plate? thats none of YOUR business, either...


    Yep. If it's one thing that I've learned about working with adults, very few of them act that way.

    I must be the confiding type (or it's obvious that I handle petty differences on my own), but a number of my supervisors over the years have thanked me for listening to them while they vent about how most of their job consists of handling petty kindergarten playground squabbles.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Note to self:
    Never joke make joking, light-hearted conversation with coworker about his/her food.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    where in the world do people people put butter or gravy on rice? i'm guessing middle america on this one.

    Really? You associate oddly placed gravy and butter with middle America?

    Weird casseroles sure, but not oddly placed gravy or butter.

    I don't think butter or gravy can be oddly placed. They are always exactly where they should be.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I'm pretty sure that after you left your supervisor office this is what he/she felt like ----> :noway:
    Together your supervisors were like ----> :laugh:
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    Hahah... yeah oh my goodness. Some people think that what your putting in your lunch is their business. I eat healthy and my co-workers tease me about 'never seeing me eat any 'REAL' food'

    What exactly would be considered more 'real' my protein shake, my apple, or my flax bun? Or their diet coke, donut, and big mac?

    Jeeze louise.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Yep. If it's one thing that I've learned about working with adults, very few of them act that way.

    I must be the confiding type (or it's obvious that I handle petty differences on my own), but a number of my supervisors over the years have thanked me for listening to them while they vent about how most of their job consists of handling petty kindergarten playground squabbles.

    My significant other has the opportunity to go into management with his company, and this is one of the reasons he doesn't want to. Neither of us can understand why someone would run to a supervisor instead of just saying "Please stop commenting on my food choices" to the person who is annoying them.

    If someone was just arguing back with me about the best way to eat rice, I'd probably think they wanted to debate and were interested in continuing the conversation.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    My daughter is kind of a picky eater and someone at school was making fun of her lunch - I forget what it was - so I told her to say "why are you obsessing about my lunch? Is everything okay at home?"