1200 calorie girls

who else is doing a 1200 cal diet right now


  • Naynayjones
    Naynayjones Posts: 33 Member
    There are a lot of us on here!!!!!!
  • kathona89
    kathona89 Posts: 1 Member
    i am on a 1200 but ive learned that the more you workout an calories you burn daily it will slowly give you more calories to eat... a 1200 calorie is deff hard
  • csiepka
    csiepka Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing 1200 (trying to stay under). It's rough, but I'm getting better at it. :)
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Me! For the time being. I don't think I can sustain it long term, but it's my goal right now.
  • ashypoo03
    ashypoo03 Posts: 49 Member
    I've been doing 1200 for 3 weeks now.. i find it hard to stay in my sugar im always over in sugar .. what are you girls eating
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I'm at 1250, but I work out at least 5 - 6 days a week so I have more to work with. Not easy.
  • csiepka
    csiepka Posts: 4 Member
    I got used to water and a Clif bar for breakfast - Healthy Choice for lunch. Dinner is the scary part.
  • Naynayjones
    Naynayjones Posts: 33 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies and fruit...For breakfast I do cereal like Special K or oatmeal! A typical lunch is turkey sandwich or like cottage cheese and yogurt and then dinner I do boca burgers and veggies....I have no problem eating 1200 calories, most of the time I come right under. I have been doing for 2 weeks now and have lost 10 pounds!!!! But I do go to they gym 4 to 5 times a week :)

    People on here post great recipes for dinner too!!!!
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been doing it since for the past month and I find that when I plan out my meals for the week and log in what I plan to eat for the day in the morning, then I can stay on track. Cereal and coffee works in the morning and I make the same sandwich, yogurt, V-8 for lunch most days. I'm having fun with dinner though - shrimp, smoked salmon, caesar salad. (My sons are in college, so cooking for one is so much cheaper, I feel like I can splurge!)
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Eggs, tomatoes, cheese, yogurt, beans, corn, peas, carrots, potatoes, bread/toast, pasta, cottage cheese, tuna, zucchini, Odwalla, fiber bars, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, a bajillion different kinds of soup, fruit, nuts, cereal, rice milk, juices...
  • Charliegirl1974
    Charliegirl1974 Posts: 28 Member
    Yep, one here!
  • aberry_x
    aberry_x Posts: 2 Member
    i have just started on here and mine is also 1200, i was thinkings thats alot! because i sometimes eat way under that
    i need help, because i dont know what i am meant to be eatting or what i am meant to be doing excise wise
  • I am :) I'm also looking for friends to help with motivation, so if anyone is interested...
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    * waves* :drinker: - here!
  • cry27
    cry27 Posts: 15 Member
    1200 calories here too :-)
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I was on 1400 cals but have lowered it to 1200 this last week but I exercise everyday unless sick so those are net cals - I dont want to take the chance of not eating enough and losing muscle as well as fat so trying to be careful- they say that the older you get the less calories you need but still have to be very careful about muscle and bone loss.
  • cry27
    cry27 Posts: 15 Member
    I've been doing 1200 for 3 weeks now.. i find it hard to stay in my sugar im always over in sugar .. what are you girls eating

    With sugar I'm in the same boat... I eat lots of fruits since I'm vegan so my sugar is always over... They say on all of the vegan sites to not figure in these natural occurring sugars... To only figure in added sugars like in bread, milk, processed stuff, and what you sprinkle on your food... Look it up on the web for more info :-) hope that helps
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    I've been eating 1200 calories since mid-August 2012 (joined MFP in October) and its working just fine for me! I'm really short (5'1) and have lots to lose, so I don't find it too hard to stick to it and my progress keeps me very motivated! :D
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    My daily target is a little over, but I've been trying to do extra exercise (2 x 20 min workouts and a 20 min walk minimum) as well as my 15 mins walk each way to work - that gives me enough calories to survive! And its helping me tone as well- I don't want to be left with floppy bits. School concert tonight so its going to be a chellenge to fit in my evening session, but if I walk both ways that will even it out.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I am here too...
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