Guys that are a 3 trying to be with girls that are an 8...



  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    "Rating systems" are subjective and totally based on the individual viewers preferences. Pointless thread is pointless.

    PS.) Someone isn't a true "10" imo unless they have a bangin' personality and mind behind the bod. :wink: :glasses:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    There is a difference between good looking and attractive, perhaps those who score a 3 on looks are a 9 or 10 on personality/talent/intelligence. I thought once the teenage years were gone most people looked further than appearance, but I guess not...
  • HardRockCamaro
    On the nice guy thing , here's what I don't get...

    Women say they want a nice guy.
    They say the nice guy is boring.
    So they date a not nice guy. Which is exciting and dangerous.
    The not nice guy is, surprisingly, not nice to them and maybe even really dangerous as in abusive.
    They complain and say they just wish they could meet a nice guy.
    They meet a nice guy who is interested in them but they knock him back as he's boring.
    They eventually meet another exciting and dangerous guy who is not nice and now with a new guy at the ready finally leave the not nice guy. And date the new not nice guy.
    Who is not nice to them and they moan about it.

    Eventually they hit their mid 30s, panic and worry that they're never gonna have kids and settle down.
    Eventually find some nice guy they aren't really into and tell him how many buff guys they've dated and how he's not normally their type. He then either dumps her *kitten* (and she moans to her friends that all men are pigs) or they both live unhappily ever after.

    With a few exceptions, this sums women up for me.

    So frustrating I don't even bother anymore and have absolutely zero sympathy for someone being treated badly...
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    without reading everybody else's replies, this problem runs both ways. It's frustrating when i'm not exactly Channing Tatum (sic?) or Brad Pitt in Fight Club hot and i get passed over and those guys end up being d-bags who do nothing but mistreat women, cheat on them, and generally don't G-A-F. But, in the words of Ol' Blue Eyes, that's life! :drinker:
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    On the nice guy thing , here's what I don't get...

    Women say they want a nice guy.
    They say the nice guy is boring.
    So they date a not nice guy. Which is exciting and dangerous.
    The not nice guy is, surprisingly, not nice to them and maybe even really dangerous as in abusive.
    They complain and say they just wish they could meet a nice guy.
    They meet a nice guy who is interested in them but they knock him back as he's boring.
    They eventually meet another exciting and dangerous guy who is not nice and now with a new guy at the ready finally leave the not nice guy. And date the new not nice guy.
    Who is not nice to them and they moan about it.

    Eventually they hit their mid 30s, panic and worry that they're never gonna have kids and settle down.
    Eventually find some nice guy they aren't really into and tell him how many buff guys they've dated and how he's not normally their type. He then either dumps her *kitten* (and she moans to her friends that all men are pigs) or they both live unhappily ever after.

    With a few exceptions, this sums women up for me.

    ...sounds 'bout right.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Who cares about numbers, saying that I married someone above my league????
    I have to disagree with that quote you just said you didn't marry above your league, stop putting yourself down, and I disagree with the topic too I think if there's a mutual attraction then anyone's for the taking whether your young, old, fat, thin, ugly or beautiful and only superficial people would think otherwise after all isn't it the person inside that counts more
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I still haven't found someone i have wanted to touch more than myself.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I still haven't found someone i have wanted to touch more than myself.
  • graham_l
    graham_l Posts: 23 Member
    Doesn't it depend on what you go by , surely there are people out there whose looks give them a 3 but their personality makes them a 10 and conversely you can get people who ( to you ) are absolutely the best thing ever looks wise ( so a 10 ) but never have anything interesting to say etc..

    I'll get my coat...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    I have found a lot that make me want to touch more than myself.

    Fixed :D
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    I always dated up. A lot to say about personality and making girls laugh.
  • emzypemzy93
    The ugliest dude can get the hottest chick as long as he's funny lol!!! It's the way of the world.. Although I will admit I'm a girl and I'm pretty shallow/blunt when it comes to looks lol O.o
    There's definately a double standard though in society... It's okay for a guy to want a hottie but not a girl? .. Anyways brush those guys off and don't hold out for a number.. Hold out for whoever fits your mold!!
    you'll have much better luck meeting guys elsewhere not on dating sites where it's some sort of competition!!
  • emzypemzy93
    I always dated up. A lot to say about personality and making girls laugh.

    So true!! If you can make a girl laugh.. you're pretty much in!
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Some guys are dilholes.
    haha .. agreed
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My 3 year old doesn't go above a 5, I think 8 year olds intimidate him in that way. At the same time he certainly flirts with the older ladies (teenagers and older) so maybe I should be concerned about this.

    Oh, that's not what were talking about? We're being disparaging about the decision of adults? Good to know.
  • Mickeyriv
    Mickeyriv Posts: 30 Member
    I love Steve Buscemi

  • jshot278
    jshot278 Posts: 42 Member
    I have felt exactly the same way. I have always had low self esteem. Pretty much because of my weight and feeling rejected by others. I was not thin enough (even when I was), I was not pretty enough... Unfortunately, it took me till I was over 40, to realize
    1 simple thing. I have been living all these years worrying if I was good enough. Would that guy like ME? Well, you know what?
    Who cares! I am pretty, I have a lot to offer someone and I AM good enough. I will find someone who is WORTHY OF ME!
    Treat me they way I DESERVE. Not the other way around. If someone doesn't like me for exactly who I am, get stepin, baby!
  • croz1007
    I think this is a terrible post. You may think they are a 3, but they think much more of themselves. You think they are a 3 by looks but there is so much more to a person. They may be an 8, 9 or 10 with their personality. I think your post seems very shallow and sad. I would suggest that you work on feeling better about yourself as a whole and look at others the same way.

    I think it is great that a person think more of themselves so they will hold themselves to a higher standard rather than settle with whatever because they feel like a you categorize them. Be frustrated if you want, but you seem to be in a very shallow pool that no one want to be in. Enjoy. I hope your outlook changes.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Oh honey, why did you even post this? it's so incredibly shallow. stop judging people. beauty comes from within.

    When I read your post, I thought it must have been written by a kid in high school, and then I saw that you are 27. :frown:

    Hopefully one day you will learn that there are more important things than how someone look on the outside, and you will fall in love with their character, and who they are at their very core.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Beauty is internal and external. Lets not fool ourselves.