A Success story from someone who eats 1200 calories



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    When you make healthy choices, sometimes it's hard to even get to 1200.. healthy food can be very low calorie and filling.

    I really have to agree on this!
    Is this a joke? My healthy meal of sweet potatoes, chicken breast, and coconut oil can go over 1200 cals.

    Nice try though.

    Look, we're not all men trying to bulk. We don't all eat 500g of potatoes alongside likewise huge portions of fats and proteins, looking for gains. That said, I think 1200 calories and below is too little. I've lost half my body weight and I didn't eat that little.
    Doesn't matter. Olive Oil, natural peanut butter, Avocado's. 1200 calories or 2000, it doesn't matter. There are plenty of "healthy" calorie dense foods.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Congratulations on your success!! Must be the single most amazing feeling :flowerforyou:
    1200 worked for me in the short term, then I hit a wall. A big b@st@rd one... So I tried the TDEE calculations, I gained a lot back. Now Im sat comfortably in the middle of the two (after MONTHS of faffing with numbers) turns out my TDEE not the 2323 that popped out of Scoobys. Roughly 1500 a day seems to be doing the trick.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    My only concern here is people saying "when you get to a lower weight, you need to eat less..." - this simply isn't true. You need to create a larger deficit but that does NOT always mean eating less. Move more and build muscle! You can continue to eat 2,000 calories the whole way through if you 1) build sufficient muscle as muscle burns more than fat and 2) just MOVE.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Good to hear and congrats on your loss! Eating more, for me, has always meant weighing more. Plus, I am very comfortable with what I eat to get to 1200/day. Healthy meals, healthy snacks. If I force myself to eat more-- why would I do that???

    There must be individual variations at work. Like, older women? Come on! We are not going to lose weight by eating more. Sorry. The weight packs on and eating more is not going to take it off.

    This is so true, when i read people telling older ones to increase calories, i know that is bad, bad advice. It would lead to us gaining for sure.

    Besides, if people eliminate extra fat and sugar ........1200 calories is a lot of food!
    Why would you eliminate fat? This isn't the 70s; fat is a dietary necessity.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Congrats and No offense to the OP, but the reason I'm against the 1200 cal is because I was on it and ended up screwing myself a bit. Yeah, I lost weight..woohoo. But I also ended up very protein deficient..enough so that I ended up with those nasty side effects. It seems when you are 245lbs and eating like 3000 calories and suddenly dropping down to 1200 cals for a long period of time is not all that great for your body's internal health (of course this is void if it is prescribed and supervised by your doctor).

    Plus, my body would revolt now and again and I'd go on huge binges. It definitely didn't put me in a healthy mind set, let alone physically healthy.

    And I'm so mad now that I realize the wrong I was doing. If I could go back, I'd tell myself to get educated and do it right..lol. But at least now I'm doing good and eating more and STILL losing..woot!

    ETA - When I was eating 1200, I was also very lethargic and could barely get through a 20-30 min workout . Now that I'm eating more (around 1600-1800), I can workout for longer periods of time and at a great intensity. :wink:

    I hope you mean for you 1200 calories was no good.

    I eat 1200 calories a day, I do about an hour of walking/jogging, insanity, and a few other workouts on my own each day. I run circles around everyone I work with at work, my boss has told me (I'm a waitress) to stop running because when I get in my zone I run and don't realize it. My metabolism is higher then it's ever been before. So for me, 1200 is right.
    What makes you say your metabolism is high if you're still losing slowly/maintaining at 1,200? If your metabolism was higher than ever shouldn't you be needing to eat more?
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I lost 35lbs eating 1200 cals 2lbs a week I was loosing feelings n looking better than ever now
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I lost over 40 pounds eating 1200 calories a day.
    When you make healthy choices, sometimes it's hard to even get to 1200.. healthy food can be very low calorie and filling.

    I agree to her
  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 52 Member
    Use the recipe tool on MFP to enter all the indigence and how many servings....it will tell you what the calories are per serving. The best tool on here since most of us want to cook fresh meals at home and still need to know what the nutritional value accurately is.
  • healthyloserxxx
    I make everything from scratch as I have to limit sodium. I just put each ingredient in the food tracker. If I make soup and all ingreds. come to 1200 cals and I have 6 svgs, I know each serving is 200 cals. I can delete my initial entries and add the adjusted measurements.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    What happens if we eat even less than this 1200 calories? I am not hungry enough to do this? And I prefer to eat healthy so sometimes it is hard for me to eat as much as 1200 calories. Should I still try to eat the 1200 calories or do you think I will still lose while being under 1200?? I am at a major plateau and cant lose

    Once again I am baffled.... just how did you become overweight and needed to join a weightloss site if you can not even eat 1200 calories ? ...... curious.....

    what a stupid question. people get fat by eating loads of crappy food and most of the time, dont give a crap about it. once people make a decision to get fit and lose weight, they get a different mind set, and realize that being genuinly hungry is different then simple cravings. can i eat an entire bag of flaming hot cheetos and drink a case of corona beer? SURE CAN, but, now, do i want to? nope. now, i can get satisfied and full on a glass of water, some steamed veggies and a serving of baked chicken. 1200 calories of nutrient dense foods, full of veggies, fruit, protien, etc can be very filling, more so than 3000 calories of flaming hot cheetos. wow, some people on here... they run thier mouth on the internet because in person they are usually the most week.

    "im gone cyber punch you in your cyber eye, because on the internet, i can act like a big boss and no one will know that in real life im a sensitive tulip... hold on, let me put on my cyber boxing gloves..."

    You crack me up !

    If you eat 1200 calories "full of protein and good nutrients" than why the hell can't you eat another 2-300 calories, be stronger and not skinny fat and workout harder and have a toned body instead of a sagging and fat one ?

    I had every damn right to ask that question ..... it does completely baffle me... I was over weight, I ate 3-4000 calories a day of crap food.... I "get" how you can eat crap and now eat well and feel somewhat satisfied on 1200.... but a few more calories are a simple spoonful of peanut butter or another 2oz of baked chicken or a handful of almonds.......

    We are not saying " eat a bag of doritos" ..we are saying.... EAT, workout, be strong, grow some muscles, have the body you want and drop FAT % not scale weight....
  • ChrisC8181
    ChrisC8181 Posts: 29 Member
    I have experience losing and gaining, and changing my calorie count quite drastically. Every person is different. 1200 calories of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats is healthier than 1600 calories of diet ice cream and other food that does not contain as many nutrients. I've learned that it's important to find something that's sustainable over the long term. Certain people (me included) may not have a fast metabolism (I am hypothyroid) and therefore just won't burn as much so need to eat a little less. Right now, I'm at 1500 calories and that seems to be working. Everyone is different, and if 1200 works for you then great. Most important is to make sure that you are healthy and getting enough nutrients.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The amount of misinformation in this thread is staggering.
    Hoping OP can show is what success looks like.

    Can you post before and afters?
    Give us some insight on how much fat you've lost (body fat% starting and current).
    Give us some insight on your workout routine and how its effected your lean mass retention.
    Before and after photos?

    What I've read so far is a bunch of women patting each other in the back for not knowing how to eat and encouraging an unhealthy lifestyle.

    If basal needs require appx .70g-1g protein per pound of LBM and .40g-.70g fat per pound of LBM, how are you getting proper nutrients to fuel a healthy lifestyle?
    If 1g protein is 4cals
    1g of carbohydrate is 4cals
    1g of fat is 9cals
    How are you promoting this lifestyle as being healthy and nutritious?
    Pull your heads out of the sand and wake up!

    I understand that some people are older or short or sit at a desk all day or don't workout or just had a baby or are missing limbs but so far in my experience I have only come across 2 people who meet the requirements of 1200cals as an acceptable cut number and still able to receive proper nutrients for basal metabolic needs.

    If any of you are interested in more information on how to have a healthy lifestyle feel free to PM or search the forum for Road Map.

    /end rant
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    The man above me knows his stuff.... listen and learn.....
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    The recipe builder on here is great. I use it all the time to figure out the calories of meals the first time I make them. I didn't start at 1200 when I was over 200 but I did eventually need to live at around that point for a few months to get the weight off. I suffered no ill effects and I have had no trouble maintaining the weight loss. Yes if you are a person who goes to the gym several times a week you probably need more than 1200 but if you are just an average girl on the go, you can do it and it does work.

    Helloitsdan -

    As for my work out routine? Its called life. I chase toddlers, park further out in the parking lot, carry a 20lb baby on my hip all day.
    There are a lot of people who don't have the time to research exactly what it takes to have the optimal body. It does not lessen their success. We found something that works for us. It might not be for you but I am healthier today than I was at 218.

    You wanted before and after? Hows this?

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    The recipe builder on here is great. I use it all the time to figure out the calories of meals the first time I make them. I didn't start at 1200 when I was over 200 but I did eventually need to live at around that point for a few months to get the weight off. I suffered no ill effects and I have had no trouble maintaining the weight loss. Yes if you are a person who goes to the gym several times a week you probably need more than 1200 but if you are just an average girl on the go, you can do it and it does work.

    Helloitsdan -

    As for my work out routine? Its called life. I chase toddlers, park further out in the parking lot, carry a 20lb baby on my hip all day.
    There are a lot of people who don't have the time to research exactly what it takes to have the optimal body. It does not lessen their success. We found something that works for us. It might not be for you but I am healthier today than I was at 218.

    You wanted before and after? Hows this?


    You look great!
    Did you eat back your exercise cals?
    Or was the 1200 as a sedentary setting?
    My main beef with the 1200 crowd is when they push the low cals along with high intensity workouts.
    Also if you were able to get better results eating say...1600-1800/day would you?

    The common issue and the reason I wrote the Road Map was because most new people on this site don't know the big 3: TDEE, BMR and body fat%.
    If SuzyQ burns 2200cals a day and loses .5lb/week at 1200cals/day but could lose 1lb/ week eating 1600-1800 and retain lean mass.... Its a no brainier.

    What's your currebt body fat% age, height and weight?
  • frances0729
    Congrats!!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    congrats! I hope I can keep at it. My doctor years ago told me I needed to be at 1200 calories yikes! My hardest part is when you make stuff from scratch it is hard to figure out calorie counts, so I have to wing it a lot. Hoping the 1200 pays off soon this sucks lol

    The recipe builder on here is great. I use it all the time to figure out the calories of meals the first time I make them. I didn't start at 1200 when I was over 200 but I did eventually need to live at around that point for a few months to get the weight off. I suffered no ill effects and I have had no trouble maintaining the weight loss. Yes if you are a person who goes to the gym several times a week you probably need more than 1200 but if you are just an average girl on the go, you can do it and it does work.

    Helloitsdan -

    As for my work out routine? Its called life. I chase toddlers, park further out in the parking lot, carry a 20lb baby on my hip all day.
    There are a lot of people who don't have the time to research exactly what it takes to have the optimal body. It does not lessen their success. We found something that works for us. It might not be for you but I am healthier today than I was at 218.

    You wanted before and after? Hows this?


    You look great!
    Did you eat back your exercise cals?
    Or was the 1200 as a sedentary setting?
    My main beef with the 1200 crowd is when they push the low cals along with high intensity workouts.
    Also if you were able to get better results eating say...1600-1800/day would you?

    The common issue and the reason I wrote the Road Map was because most new people on this site don't know the big 3: TDEE, BMR and body fat%.
    If SuzyQ burns 2200cals a day and loses .5lb/week at 1200cals/day but could lose 1lb/ week eating 1600-1800 and retain lean mass.... Its a no brainier.

    What's your currebt body fat% age, height and weight?

    I am maintaining at 1600 a day, If I could have lost it doing 1600 but working out more I still wouldn't. I am a mom with 6 boys and my day doesn't allow for a regularly scheduled workout so if I forced one in while I was trying to lose weight I would have gained it all back when I stopped working out but continued eating like I was. The 1600 calories feels really doable now since I lived at 1200 for quite a while.

    Don't know my body fat % for sure the online thingy said 23% but I don't have a pincher so that is based on measurements. I am 5'4" and 118lbs as of this morning.

    Oh and 1200 was my low activity setting. I didn't eat back calories because I didn't have a regular workout routine. Even what little swimming workout I managed to get last summer, I still didn't eat back cause its not like I was training for a marathon.
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    I read through all of this but no one, not one person, has said what really needs to be said, to every single person on here...

    Do your calculations to figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate- what you need just to keep your organs alive), your RMR (resting metabolic rate- figures in your daily activities, to keep you going as the day to day person you are).

    Saying these amount of calories are bad, doing this is good... all of that makes no sense at all unless you figure out your own numbers.

    MFP has a HUGE FAILURE to it in that it does not figure out your BMR or BMI (body mass index), it just assigns all people to 1200 calories. It did that for me. I went and figured out my BMR- it is 1425! And I am not a tall or large person! So for me, eating under 1200 calories is robbing me of vital nutrition and energy. I did eat that way for a while, I was grumpy and had no energy, but yes I lost weight. I lost muscle as well as fat and that is not healthy.

    I eat now around 1788 or so on lifting days, and 1550 on rest days. I'm happier, I'm slimming down quite a bit. The scale lies; I don't care what I weigh because my clothes are looser, I'm stronger and what I am getting is a SLEEK and strong body, not just skinny flab.

    I think that is what people are truly trying to say when they act all horrified about the 1200 calories; for a great many people that would be under their BMR and dangerous. That's all. It's all based on MATH. Not fantasy.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I read through all of this but no one, not one person, has said what really needs to be said, to every single person on here...

    Do your calculations to figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate- what you need just to keep your organs alive), your RMR (resting metabolic rate- figures in your daily activities, to keep you going as the day to day person you are).

    Saying these amount of calories are bad, doing this is good... all of that makes no sense at all unless you figure out your own numbers.

    MFP has a HUGE FAILURE to it in that it does not figure out your BMR or BMI (body mass index), it just assigns all people to 1200 calories. It did that for me. I went and figured out my BMR- it is 1425! And I am not a tall or large person! So for me, eating under 1200 calories is robbing me of vital nutrition and energy. I did eat that way for a while, I was grumpy and had no energy, but yes I lost weight. I lost muscle as well as fat and that is not healthy.

    I eat now around 1788 or so on lifting days, and 1550 on rest days. I'm happier, I'm slimming down quite a bit. The scale lies; I don't care what I weigh because my clothes are looser, I'm stronger and what I am getting is a SLEEK and strong body, not just skinny flab.

    I think that is what people are truly trying to say when they act all horrified about the 1200 calories; for a great many people that would be under their BMR and dangerous. That's all. It's all based on MATH. Not fantasy.

    Yes MFP does tell you this information under your goals (provided they are filled out correctly) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/my_goals

    It does have a BMR calculator under Apps as well. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator I've known mine for quite some time (there is a BMI calculator too under apps too, but I don't think BMI is as effective a metric as body fat percentages), and I think someone mentioned Total Day Energy Expenditure (TDEE) but can't be arsed to go through the lot to find out who. (edit: here's a nice useful link though! http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ )

    Anyway, I know both of them and know 1200 overall is too low for me. Maintenence at my ideal weight would be somewhere around 1900-2000 calories a day, not including any exercise.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    MFP never assigned me to 1200 a day. I don't know why it does that for some people, but it did not do that to me. My goal is 1550, and its always over that because of added exercise.
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