The Last 10



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Thanks everyone. That was helpful. I very rarely have a day where I push so hard or do something for so long that I have 1000 calorie burns. It is hard for me to just get my 30-60 minutes in 5 days a week! I am not by nature a lover of excercise. It is a commitment so I do it but I have yet to really "like" it.

    I think I am going to reset my calories to 1200, (I had increased it because people were telling me that the reason that I wasn't losing is because I wasn't eating enough) and eat half my calories. I will try this for a couple of weeks and see how this works. According to your calculations I couldsafely create a defecit of if I create a defecit of 325...that should be a half pound per week and I would be happy with that.

    Aurora and Thinsky: I think the Old Navy idea is totally cute!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me and I will just stay positive and I am trying to keep positive about my friend. It is so hard for me and I just want you all to know I appreciate your words and prayers it means so much to me.
    Thank you.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    How fun to have your brides to be on here! :heart: It was my two daughters' weddings last year that began this journey for me!! I feel your stress! :ohwell: I kept repeating the mantra "keep your eye on the prize!" (we love our two sons -in-law!) I am sure you will both be lovely brides! On your special day you will not be worried about that last pound or two but instead you will appreciate the journey and the blessings that brought you to your special day! (That's an order!:love: )

    I eat my exercise calories for the most part simply because - well I love to eat. :happy: I have definitely been making healthier choices and drinking lots of water. As long as I keep up the exercise i seem to be heading in a slow but steady down-ward direction. I'm 5'5" and 48 and am eating almost 1600 cals a day when i don't exercise. I have a feeling I have a pretty good metabolism and I want to encourage that to stick with me so my goal is to eat as many calories as I can while still losing about 2 lbs a month. It helps to have the weddings behind me and not deal with the extra pressure. Although now I'm looking forward to a cruise in July and would love to be a couple pounds under my goal weight to give my self a "cruise cushion!"

    in the meantime we all keep enjoying this healthy journey and i try not to beat myself up about a lapse day (this last Tuesday). not sure what was up with that. I was eating everything but the kitchen sink! I'm thinking it was my way of avoiding all the things i should have been doing! Back to it again!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Hoosiermomma, I will take your "order" and I will not be worried about my last pounds or two!!! I will just do my best until that day!!! Hopefully I wont have to even be worried about them, they will be GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Yes, I'll take the order too Hoosiermamma. :) Sooo my dresses came in yesterday, officially 2 weeks late from when they were supposed to. And they were excellently made, but a HORRIBLE COLOR!!!! I ordered dark purple, and the thing I got was this weird middle purple that looked pinkish (I don't think there's ever been a purple I didn't like- UNTIL NOW!) Anddd the liner was a magenta, WTF!? So needless to say they didn't even come close to matching my dark purple flowers, (I would have been happier with an entirely different color, or a lavender, but the color they gave me absolutely CLASHED with my flowers). So anyway, my mom and I went shopping yesterday in Green Bay with my maid of honor, and we got beautiful royal purple dresses at Dress Barn, along with cute Black shoes at Payless (equaling the same price we payed for the dresses from e-bay, it came out to around $50 for each bridesmaid for dress+shoes!!), so problem solved, I'm just hoping that the man from e-bay from China will refund me the money for the dresses!!

    And my weight was up .5 today... discouraging, but I had to eat food court food in the mall yesterday. I got the chicken and veggie kabob's at the Chinese restaurant without any sauce on them... hoping for a healthy choice, but I have no doubt they were loaded with Sodium.... o well. Have a GREAT MOTHERS DAY everyone!!!! :)
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Wow! Happy to hear that the dress saga did work out. I really hope you get your money back on that too!!!!!

    As for the half pound...I think at this point it is normal to go up and down by a couple of pounds just based on what we are eating. I had a vicious weekend.... a wedding, mother's day, and a two day soccer tournament thrown in there. Everything I ate was loaded with fat and sodium. It was a highly unusual weekend for me but I am not getting near those scales for a couple of days. I drank so much water last night because I was so thirsty that I hade to get up twice during the night!

    I am going to do some serious cleansing today and tomorrow.

    Have a great Monday everyone!!

  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Yes, I'll take the order too Hoosiermamma. :) Sooo my dresses came in yesterday, officially 2 weeks late from when they were supposed to. And they were excellently made, but a HORRIBLE COLOR!!!! I ordered dark purple, and the thing I got was this weird middle purple that looked pinkish (I don't think there's ever been a purple I didn't like- UNTIL NOW!) Anddd the liner was a magenta, WTF!? So needless to say they didn't even come close to matching my dark purple flowers, (I would have been happier with an entirely different color, or a lavender, but the color they gave me absolutely CLASHED with my flowers). So anyway, my mom and I went shopping yesterday in Green Bay with my maid of honor, and we got beautiful royal purple dresses at Dress Barn, along with cute Black shoes at Payless (equaling the same price we payed for the dresses from e-bay, it came out to around $50 for each bridesmaid for dress+shoes!!), so problem solved, I'm just hoping that the man from e-bay from China will refund me the money for the dresses!!

    And my weight was up .5 today... discouraging, but I had to eat food court food in the mall yesterday. I got the chicken and veggie kabob's at the Chinese restaurant without any sauce on them... hoping for a healthy choice, but I have no doubt they were loaded with Sodium.... o well. Have a GREAT MOTHERS DAY everyone!!!! :)

    Wow! This will be just one of those crazy things to talk about when all of this is done! Unbelievable! So glad you found replacements and for a good price too! I am sure with all the busyness ahead the weight will drop off again! Enjoy these last days!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Happy Monday ladies,
    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. I FINALLY was able to move out of the hotel and into a new 2-bedroom apt. So the whole wkend was filled with packing, moving and arranging things at the new place.
    But I now feel like I have a home again, need to go grocery shopping to replace the 4 trash bags of food I had to throw away after the fire. So I can buy healthy meals to eat at home.
    I also will be able to FULLY start my Brazil But Lift, my second room will be a office/gym/tv room, so can continue on my BeachBody adventure.
    Today is a beautiful day! Hope you are all having a great one.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Good Monday all!

    Mother's Day was such a great day. I got more lovin' than I deserve and was so spoiled. :heart: Really gives me energy to continue on the Mommy track. 3 kids(and 2 in-laws) on their own and 2 yet at home. So love that everyone is near so we can be together frequently. I enjoyed all the good food they made and even sat and read for a while and just enjoyed a beautiful day - (even part of it out on the deck!)

    To top it off I lost another pound this week!! Not sure where to place the credit. I have been putting in my 30 minutes most mornings on the elliptical. I guess I'll keep that up!!: laugh:

    Glad you have a home of your own again Gaby, that makes such a huge difference! Moving in itself is a work-out!

    Brides to be I will keep you in my prayers this week. I know that so much is going on mentally and physically. So get your rest and don't let the "LIST" stress you!.

    Dee, definitely have to write off some weeks, they just are too plenty-filled. I always consider staying close to maintenance during those days a real victory! :smile:

    Have a great week everyone!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    I feel like I have hit a wall today. I dont want to look or do anything off of my "list". I just feel like doing nothing........I am feeling so tired, just warn out. But I dont have enough time to be warn out, I need to workout and get stuff done.
    I will get up and workout at 2pm. Yes I will!!!!
    I hope everyone had a fabolous mothers day!!!!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    yay I lost another pound! That makes about five since I started early this spring. I have been doing a bunch of the free workout videos on Comcast and I actually see definition in my belly. I can tell that things are getting toned, so I have more muscle. Yet I still have the same problem areas...I guess that there is not much I can do to change my body shape. At least the belly pooch and jiggly thighs can shrink. It feels so good to be on track!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    The last few pounds are certainly the most difficult. Seeking some solid clues as to methods others have tried and succeeded with, so enjoying reading the input on this forum.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I'm in. I've got about 5 lbs until my goal, but I might move the goal down another 5 lbs depending upon how things look and feel. (I would really like to have some well-defined muscles even when I am NOT striking a pose!)

    On Sunday, I'm starting a 6 week kettlebell class that meets once a week. So, that will definitely be a good sweat workout. Besides this, I started back up with the Couch 2 5K program. I had to put it on hold a few weeks ago because I must've strained a groin muscle. Things feel better now, so I'll be able to get in some running and that will help up my cardio every week.

    I think I also need to look into scaling back on the carbs. Gymrat, how few carbs did you eat? Do you know what your ratios were? Ideally, I am for 40/30/30, but I've been going over on carbs a lot recently.

    50/30/20...Increasing your protein makes you burn more calories during digestion and it suppresses your appetite leading to faster weight loss. Never go lower than 30-to-40% for complex carbs because that'll make you crave for more carbs (it's the bad carbs that make you gain weight) and because that may lead to fatigue, irritably, and muscle loss all which will make it harder for you to lose weight and easier for you to gain weight. If you do a lot of high intensity fat loss workouts because more carbs will give you more energy to workout longer & harder at a higher intensity which will make you burn more fat when you exercise so if your weight loss plan includes a lot of high intensity fat loss workouts, you may want to increase your carbs to 50-to-60% while keeping your protein at 30% and lowering your fat to 10% for a carb, protein, fat ratio of 60/30/10 but. Never go over 60% for complex carbs because that may cause you to store extra fat and/or excess water but you need to see what ratio of carbs, proteins and fats works best for you so even though your friend lost a lot of weight on a carb, protein, and fat ratio of 50/30/20 - You may need a carb, protein, fat ratio of 35/45/20 to see weight loss results but before you start changing up the amounts of proteins, carbs and fats you eat. Make sure you're eating the right amount of calories to lose weight and..That you're eating the right foods and.that you're exercising all before you mess with the amounts of carbs proteins and fats you eat so..a good starting point for you or anyone else trying to lose weight would be to start off eating all of your proteins, carbs and fats at a 50%/30%/20% ratio and then just go from there to see what works best, play with the numbers. I'm a true beleiver that not just "any" cardio will work, especially when you have the few pounds to go, interval training is a fantastic way to go, there are so many variations, that's it's hard to not find something you can enjoy.

    seeking some clarification on your ratios: are you putting them in the order of protein, carbs, fat or the order of carbs, protein, fat? IT does make a difference so want to be sure I understand your recommendations. Thanks!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Holto,
    The ratios are set Carb/Protein/Fat. If yo continue reading the thread I believe there is more information that might be helpful.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone,
    How are you guys doing this week? So far my week has been GREAT. I have completed two days of the Brazil Butt LIft program, today will be day 3. I def feel it in the right places. Can't wait to start seeing results.
    I've had good eating days this week and been drinking a lot of water. So that's great. I want to make sure I keep it up.
    My personal challenge for the next week will be to complete my BBL workouts in the AM, as I had originally planned so I can continue to go to the gym after work.
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    This week is going great! I have been making healthy food choices and exercising every day and I think I must have hit the right combination because I lost 2 pounds after going weeks and weeks without losing! this is especially amazing because I am in the middle of finals and it seems like everyone wants a piece of me (work, thesis, classwork, partner, child, sibs...). With the longer days and nice weather I can now ride my bike to the train station. I have been eating less for long enough now that my stomach actually tells me I'm full at the appropriate times.
    Do you guys want to do a challenge this weekend? I am going camping again and I am worried about the food issue. Maybe we each pick the food that is most tempting and pledge not to eat it this weekend? I pick chips. No chips for me!
  • kjs1628
    kjs1628 Posts: 37 Member
    Can I join you? I am REALLLLLLY struggling with the last 10 pounds - just hopping around between two or three pounds. Have tried increasing exercise and even took in a few more calories a couple of days, but it's not shifting. feel like I'm in that dangerous place where I lose the motivation because I'm feeling better than I did 21lbs ago, but not feeling the same urge to lose as I was. But I do really want to get the last 10-14lbs off - would be great to buy a size 12 jean (UK).

    Thanks - and hi!

  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    First off - WELCOME to all our new member. The more the merrier. We are here to support, motivate, encourage each other on that last few lbs that as well ALL KNOW soo soo well are the hardest to lose.

    Today I ate more lunch than usual. I got to take my team to CPK for a Team Building lunch. But since I was expecting it, so I skipped my morning snack. I've still eaten more calories than usual for the day. But I'm going to workout as soon as I get home. Its day 4 of the Brazil Butt Lift and I'm going to have a sensible dinner. Def going to crank up the water for the extra sodium too :)

    Hope you are all doing great.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Welcome and yes join us!!!

    Aurora: I am so happy to hear about your 2#. It is inspiring. :flowerforyou: I am looking for that happy place. I am in the midst of a challenge to work out for 60 minutes 6 out of 7 days for the month of May. For myself I am extending it until my birthday, June 28th. I am so not sure about increasing or decreasing my calories! I have read so many threads on here debating the virtues of both. I don't seem to see any difference between 1350 and eating most of my excercise calories and eating under 1200 and only eating a portion of my excercise calories. I am terrified of raising my calories to 1500 + eating my exc. calories.:noway:

    The only thing that I have found is that if I eat really healthy...all real food and NO processed anything, I seem to lose a bit faster.
