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  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Lol. Yes. I get offereed food a lot here. I've been in the same office for almost 7 years. I have had to learn how to leave and/or avoid the food conversations and how to turn down food.

    Most of the time I just want to say "EWW that cake looks so nasty why are you eveing eating it!??!?!"

    The people who have been here with me the whole time have seen me lose a lot of weight but I still don't get into those conversations. It's annoying and a waste of time.

    It's super frustrating. my most effect response has been "Ohh noo... I'm so full already or I TOTALLY WOULD! Thanks for offering though!"

    I look so nice.....

    There are things that I just flat-out refuse to eat, regardless of diet. But I just keep on with the smile and the lie. They don't need to know that I think Italian cake is gross or that I'm allergic to shrimp. OR that I hate any dessert with nuts in it.

    vent away missy. You're not alone :) It's just one of those things in life.
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! YES!!! I HATE HATE HATE this. Half the time it's the same people who tell me I need to lose weight. Or the people who are freakin' oblivious and after I tell them I'm eating healthy they come over, we eat dinner and they want to go out for desert. They are the fattening friends. How I deal with it is (a) ignore it, (b) don't eat out with them - tell them we can meet up after we both eat dinner and (c) avoid spending time with them. Mostly I avoid spending time with them because no matter what I end up eating more when they are around.

    Some skinny people have no comprehension of what it takes to lose weight, especially the thin ones who eat crap all day. Really. They don't understand that, NO, I can't have just one cookie. First of all, I'm not going to stop at one, and second of all, nobody (including the friend) will be stopping at one.

    Maybe it's just me, but when someone tells me they are trying to lose weight, I don't invite them out for an f'''ing Baker's Square pie.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    I experienced the same thing, with a coworker. I said "no, thank you." politely and that was not enough. Finally I said, "Sure! Thank you!" Took the ugly nasty pastry and threw it in the trash.


    Later she asked me how it tasted and I told her I threw it away. She couldn't believe it, but she's never offered me her nasty food again.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    My mom did this to me for years. Not only pushes food but if she hears you going near the kitchen she wants to know what your eating. It's a control thing.
    I've spoke to her about it. She doesnt' know she's doing it, so now when she asks I don't answer or just say, "food"
    And when she pushes, I say: "I will choose what to eat when I am hungry."
    I am hoping making a point out of it will make her realise her obsession.
    But I do understand, feeding people is one way people show affection. So it is hard in some circumstances to push back and take control. You have to do it though, there isn't much good to eat out there, and you need to use your own mind when eating.
  • khagenow
    khagenow Posts: 22 Member
    One of my very slim friends calls me her "eating pal" and says she loves when I'm home because she can binge eat because I'll do it with her...and for some reason I feel badly refusing, if I try to eat healthier she gets very judgmental/ upset. It's so bizarre. Luckily since I've permanently moved away its not too much of an issue now haha. Sorry about your work friend, would a calm but serious discussion where you ask her to just plain not offer you food be productive?

    That didn't sound like a good friend to begin with...eek.
    I think most of my good friends have caught on - and now it's more fun to swap healthy recipes than unhealthy snacks.
  • this is my mother, whom I also work with. She buts cookies, donuts, all kinds of Junk and leaves it laying right outside my office. It is really hard!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Just break up then

    Kick her in the taco.
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, It's annoying. It happens at my work all the time. I just tell them the truth, I say, no thank you. Processed Sugar is Death. I don't eat that stuff, and eventually they don't even ask you anymore. Hope this helps.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I tend to be a smartass, so my responses tend to be shocking but they reduce the pushing phenomenon ... the last time a co-worker asked me if I wanted a donut, I said "No, would you like to smoke some crack" ... it stunned her but she hasn't done it since.
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    had a girlfriend be like that all the time. she'd said "here have some cake!" and id say "no thank you" and shed say, " oh but it is sooooo good cmon just try it " and again id say "no, thank you" and she shoves a piece in my face and says "come on, one little bite won't hurt! " and i smacked it away and it hit her in the face covering her in icing! hahahaha! she said "WHAT THE H*LL WAS THAT FOR!" ......and i said, "well you didn't understood the first 2 times i said no so i thought i would be a little more clear!" lol i can be a b*tch to those ppl really easy. they don't understand ! once i start eating i cant stop! SO YES ONE LITTLE PIECE DOES HURT! .....im sure there are alot more tactful ways to say no and be clear. but i thought that situation was hilarious. she deserved it i believe for trying to force me to eat cake when i said NO ..
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Wouldn't it be easier just to presume the friend is being generous and thank her for the offer but decline than to get frustrated over her 'food pushing'?
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    No, thank you and just walk away.
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    I tend to be a smartass, so my responses tend to be shocking but they reduce the pushing phenomenon ... the last time a co-worker asked me if I wanted a donut, I said "No, would you like to smoke some crack" ... it stunned her but she hasn't done it since.

    ^ yessssssssssssss that is awesome! i love being facetious and saracstic lol!
  • She's offering them to you because she wants you to cosign her choice to eat 'junk' food, undoubtedly subconsciously. She feels worse about her own choice because you, who is choosing to eat healthy, is saying 'No'. It's pretty simple psychology, actually. Most people's motivations can be traced back to their own feelings about themselves for situations like this- it has nothing to do with you, really.
    My suggestion: Bring some celery and carrot sticks to work with you tomorrow. Keep offering her some over and over again. Hopefully she'll get the message. Good luck! And keep staying strong!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I experienced the same thing, with a coworker. I said "no, thank you." politely and that was not enough. Finally I said, "Sure! Thank you!" Took the ugly nasty pastry and threw it in the trash.


    Later she asked me how it tasted and I told her I threw it away. She couldn't believe it, but she's never offered me her nasty food again.
    Awww man! I thought you meant you threw it away like in one smooth motion, from her hand->your hand->garbage with a slam dunk as she watched. And then give her a big sincere "thanks!" as you're swiping your hands off. :laugh:
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    My husband is also a food pusher, big time. He wants to do whatever it takes to make me happy and I love food. You just have to keep saying "no" and stay true to yourself :)
  • loobz12
    loobz12 Posts: 21
    Good for you hun I know a few people like that u have to sit your friend down and tell her eyes making you very unhappy by what she's doing. Ask her if she'd rather have you fat and miserable or slim and happy. Good luck xx
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    SINCE you've already all told her about it, she's just being nasty now or needs a stonger stance. The next time she offers you food, accept it sweetly and while still talking to her...walk over to the trash and toss it in the garbage. She will be pissed and say something and you just repeat whatever it is you told her when you asked her to stop food pushing. She'll be mad for a minute but isn't going to end the friendship over a wasted pecan roll. And hopefully this will make such an impression she will never offer again.
  • princesskellie60
    princesskellie60 Posts: 11 Member
    My husband, who I love so much. Was my biggest enemy, he would be gone on the road for weeks then come home and want spaghetti, pizza w/ everything, large meals and to go to all you can eat buffets. I would do well for a day or so then it would be like the eating is ON and it would be like a race to eat as much as him. This summer I made a hard decision and just talked to him about it and how it was hard and I felt like he, not on purpose, would sabatoge me. I could see how hurt he was and it killed me to see it, but he finally understood my struggle. I'm not saying you can have a conversation like this with a co worker, but you need to put it out there that it's not tolerated and unkind to continue, and BE STRONG, those people are everywhere.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    Just break up then

    Kick her in the taco.
