Jillian Michael's *RIPPED IN 30* challenge!



  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    You're probably right! I'm on week 3 of Ripped now with no huge visible results but i have lost two pounds so I'm hoping maybe by week 4 it'll all just magically happen haha. And week 2 was so tough for me! Glad to hear you're enjoying! Have you seen any results at all? I know you're only on week 2 but some people have seen results that early! Also, anyone finish it and/or are close to being done (week 3 & 4)? This thread seems to have died haha

    Sadly, I haven't seen any results yet but I'm trying to be patient. Plus, it's "Shark Week" so I'm a little bloated right now :grumble: I did take a before pic so hopefully I will be able to see some results after I finish round one of RI30.

    I ran 5 miles today and will probably do Ripped tomorrow morning, then run again at lunchtime. Superbowl Sunday is a-comin' so I need to put a lot of work in NOW.

  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Is this dvd apartment noise level safe? I live on the bottom floor but I'm still cautious about making too much noise. Does it require a lot of indoor cardio?

    If you're on the bottom floor, I think you'll be fine. There is a good amount of cardio that involves plyometric moves.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    You're probably right! I'm on week 3 of Ripped now with no huge visible results but i have lost two pounds so I'm hoping maybe by week 4 it'll all just magically happen haha. And week 2 was so tough for me! Glad to hear you're enjoying! Have you seen any results at all? I know you're only on week 2 but some people have seen results that early! Also, anyone finish it and/or are close to being done (week 3 & 4)? This thread seems to have died haha

    Sadly, I haven't seen any results yet but I'm trying to be patient. Plus, it's "Shark Week" so I'm a little bloated right now :grumble: I did take a before pic so hopefully I will be able to see some results after I finish round one of RI30.

    I ran 5 miles today and will probably do Ripped tomorrow morning, then run again at lunchtime. Superbowl Sunday is a-comin' so I need to put a lot of work in NOW.


    Haha! The term "shark week" is hilarious. And Likewise. I definitely hear you on that. I haven't seen many results either, maybe a pound or two lost and I feel stronger but that's about it. Hopefully we will see results by the end and can post/share! And wow. 5 miles in a day is awesome! At most I will run about 2 miles every two or three days to get in some extra cardio.

    Day 3 Week 3 complete! Is anyone else still on here and doing RI30? Come back!
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    Is this dvd apartment noise level safe? I live on the bottom floor but I'm still cautious about making too much noise. Does it require a lot of indoor cardio?

    I live on the 3rd (top) floor of my apartment and yes it does make a little bit of noise for some of the cardio exercises, nothing too crazy, but I don't think you should be super concerned. You're only doing each exercise for about 30 seconds each, 2 minutes total each circuit, and 6 minutes throughout the whole workout. I've been doing 30 Day Shred and RI30 for about 45 days now and I feel like if anyone was bothered by it on the floor below me, they would have hit the roof with a broom or left a note on my door by now. So I wouldn't worry too much, especially if you're on the bottom floor, you probably won't make much noise at all. A lot of the cardio exercises aren't super high-impact and you can even modify them using a smaller range of motion to be lighter on the feet if you are really worried about noise.
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I'm working on level 3 of 30DS right now and Ripped in 30 is my next challenge. I've done a few of week 1 and week 2 workouts but never did the whole 30 so I'm excited. It's definitely different from 30DS because i do get bored and used to doing the same workout for 10 days. Good luck! I'll be starting in 2 weeks if anyone else wants to.
  • deven83
    I just finished Day 4 of Week 3. SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I have lost 9 lbs since starting RI30 2.5 weeks ago. However, I've also been eating extremely healthy with very little "cheat" meals. I can definitely see a difference and it is so worth it! I think I might start 6 Week 6 Pack after I finish RI30!
  • TripLight
    TripLight Posts: 9 Member
    Is anyone that is doing Ripped in 30 also supplementing extra cardio or strength training afterwards as well? I am about 7 days off from finishing my first run of 30 Day Shred, and was planning on starting Ripped but with a half hour on my elliptical afterwards. Haven't lost much scale-wise (TOM as well, currently), but I have lost inches, so far. I am hoping that with adding the cardio with Ri30 I will really see more of a change.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I just finished Day 4 of Week 3. SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I have lost 9 lbs since starting RI30 2.5 weeks ago. However, I've also been eating extremely healthy with very little "cheat" meals. I can definitely see a difference and it is so worth it! I think I might start 6 Week 6 Pack after I finish RI30!

    That's so great! I'm on Day 4 of Week 3 too! Can't wait to be done. I've only lost maybe 3 lbs on RI30 but did have a cheat meal or two one weekend when I drank a little too much (oops). I have been very strict since trying to avoid anything like that. Just curious, what are your meals/food diary like?
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    I have a question. I just did my first day of Ripped in 30 yesterday. It's the same workout for a week, correct? There is not a different workout for each day is there? I notice people say Day 3 of Level 1 so I wasn't sure. So you do each Level for 5 or 6 days then start the next level, correct?

    Also, I used 5lb weights and it didn't seem like enough. Does anyone use bigger weights? Just curious.

  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    I have a question. I just did my first day of Ripped in 30 yesterday. It's the same workout for a week, correct? There is not a different workout for each day is there? I notice people say Day 3 of Level 1 so I wasn't sure. So you do each Level for 5 or 6 days then start the next level, correct?

    Also, I used 5lb weights and it didn't seem like enough. Does anyone use bigger weights? Just curious.


    Correct - same workout for a week and you do each level 5-6 days.

    I have 5 & 8 lb. dumbbells. Depending on the exercise, I vary between the two. I definitely think I'll be purchasing some 10 lb. dumbbells soon.
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you for your response! Great! Guess today will be Day 2 Level 1 for me then! Took my measurements this morning. Let's see how this goes!

  • tiffanyjc12
    I'd never heard of this, so I looked it up and am definitely buying it!
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    I'd never heard of this, so I looked it up and am definitely buying it!

    I found out about it on MFP, too. Ordered from Amazon for like $7 - best purchase I've made in a long time.
  • deven83
    I just finished Day 4 of Week 3. SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I have lost 9 lbs since starting RI30 2.5 weeks ago. However, I've also been eating extremely healthy with very little "cheat" meals. I can definitely see a difference and it is so worth it! I think I might start 6 Week 6 Pack after I finish RI30!

    That's so great! I'm on Day 4 of Week 3 too! Can't wait to be done. I've only lost maybe 3 lbs on RI30 but did have a cheat meal or two one weekend when I drank a little too much (oops). I have been very strict since trying to avoid anything like that. Just curious, what are your meals/food diary like?

    I haven't had any dairy since starting RI30. I miss my cheese! I drink soy milk in my coffee. I'll usually have a piece of fruit for breakfast, a snack midmorning, like celery w/ PB. For lunch I'll have half a PB sandwhich with a smoothie with tons of veggies in it. Midafternoon I've been snacking on brown ricecakes (no salt.) For dinner I will have a piece of fish and some vegetables, and some brown rice or maybe some Pasta Roni as a side. I don't eat meat so that could have a play in the weight loss as well? I usually eat my dinner within 30 minutes of finishing my workout, which I here is when is best to eat as your metabolism is faster. I could be wrong on this though. I'll usually have an evening snack, like individual SmartPop or some carrots and hummus!
  • hmoobninja
    hmoobninja Posts: 4 Member
    I'm still here! Just started week 3 yesterday and it was soo much tougher for me than week 2.... >_< No visible or scale results yet but I'm going to stick with this til the very end! I did 30 DS last year and had awesome results.
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I just finished Day 4 of Week 3. SO CLOSE I CAN TASTE IT. I have lost 9 lbs since starting RI30 2.5 weeks ago. However, I've also been eating extremely healthy with very little "cheat" meals. I can definitely see a difference and it is so worth it! I think I might start 6 Week 6 Pack after I finish RI30!

    That's so great! I'm on Day 4 of Week 3 too! Can't wait to be done. I've only lost maybe 3 lbs on RI30 but did have a cheat meal or two one weekend when I drank a little too much (oops). I have been very strict since trying to avoid anything like that. Just curious, what are your meals/food diary like?

    I haven't had any dairy since starting RI30. I miss my cheese! I drink soy milk in my coffee. I'll usually have a piece of fruit for breakfast, a snack midmorning, like celery w/ PB. For lunch I'll have half a PB sandwhich with a smoothie with tons of veggies in it. Midafternoon I've been snacking on brown ricecakes (no salt.) For dinner I will have a piece of fish and some vegetables, and some brown rice or maybe some Pasta Roni as a side. I don't eat meat so that could have a play in the weight loss as well? I usually eat my dinner within 30 minutes of finishing my workout, which I here is when is best to eat as your metabolism is faster. I could be wrong on this though. I'll usually have an evening snack, like individual SmartPop or some carrots and hummus!

    Thanks for the response! I'm thinking cutting out dairy definitely helps. I've cut out all milk and have switched to unsweetened almond milk but I still eat cheese and yogurts a few times a week which may be a hindrance. But overall you've given me some good snack ideas! :D
  • danahouseholderr
    danahouseholderr Posts: 66 Member
    I'm still here! Just started week 3 yesterday and it was soo much tougher for me than week 2.... >_< No visible or scale results yet but I'm going to stick with this til the very end! I did 30 DS last year and had awesome results.

    Yay for still being here! Congrats on week 3! I totally know the feeling. I'm on Day 5 of Week 3 and it has been BRUTAL. All the squat stuff kills me and today I literally yelled at my Macbook for Jillian to shut up lol. I was getting really discouraged in the beginning of this week because I hadn't seen any real results (visible or scale) in the past two weeks. But now it's the end of week 3 and I've actually lost almost 2 lbs all of a sudden! I've also upped my calorie intake from 1200-1300 cals a day to about 1400-1500 which I think helped too. Hoping and praying I've broken my plateau *knock on wood*

    Don't give up!!!
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    I am on Week 1 Day 4 and I am loving it! I love that it is such a short workout! It's easy to fit it in my day.
  • LaChinaDoll
    LaChinaDoll Posts: 168 Member
    I'm thinking of starting ripped in 30 next week. I am currently doing the 30ds and I've got to admit level 3 is seriously kicking my butt. I have to add this is my first workout in a long time. Level 1-2 were hard but nowhere near as hard as level 3. Anyways do you all think I can do it?? Are you seeing results?
  • JennieCakes72
    JennieCakes72 Posts: 64 Member
    I am still on Week 1, but I do feel better. Maybe its just the endorphins! Ha, ha!! ;)

    Do you like the 30DS? Do you feel a difference? I was thinking of doing that one next.

    February and March where I live is snowy, rainy, and cold so I need to find indoor work outs. Once it's nice out, I am outside til the end of Fall.
