Waitress fired for posting this online



  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    Goll darn liberals and feminists are eating this up!
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    It sucks for the waitress but she should've blacked out the name at least. It sucks but sadly it's part of the job the you're inevitably going to end up dealing with nasty people. I'm a nurse and I run into mean abusive people frequently. It doesn't give me the right to post personal info online, even if it's just the name, although the pastor deserved it! What's great is that the "pastor" by making a big stink about it has turned it into a huge deal with the picture being posted everywhere and not just on facebook! All I can say is she should've posted the credit card number info too :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I rarely went to Applebee's before this.

    I won't go to Applebee's again after this.

    The customer, and Applebee's should be ashamed of themselves.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    The clergy get paid enough to give somebody a tip.
  • heatherheyns
    heatherheyns Posts: 144 Member
    Yes. She should have been fired. The receipt is company property and she had no right to publicly show it. No matter WHAT was on the paper, she didn't have a right to put it anywhere because it wasn't HERS. It was the companies and the customers.

    Also, just to point out, in some states servers DO make minimum wage. In California they have to paid minimum wage and make tips on top of that amount. So they do make the same amount as people working retail, fast food, or many other grueling jobs, and then make the tips in addition to that.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    A few things: It was a 20 top, and that the server that was fired...was not the server that took care of the table. They ran a bill of more $200.00 and that included the tax, and asked for separate checks.

    There is no question that what the server did was unprofessional and I am not surprised that she was fired.

    But to say that she didn't deserve at least a fair tip is wrong or to defend not tipping in general due to not agreeing with it, is just wrong.

    If you choose to go out in society and eat in an establishment where you are waited on by a staff, and you don't go through a line and get your own food...you are accepting the societal rules that state you tip. Now what you choose to tip is on you (generally acceptable is a median between 10% and 20%).

    The pastor claiming her "tithe" exempts her from the rules is not okay. If you don't want to tip, do expect the service. You can go to Chipotle, MacDonald's or Chick-fil-a and not have to worry about paying "extra" for service you don't want.

    But to think that just because you don't agree with the nature of tipping servers, you are not exempt from it. If you choose to go to a establishment where you are being waited on and tipping is standard (and states as much on the menu) than you are accepting the terms set forth.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I rarely went to Applebee's before this.

    I won't go to Applebee's again after this.

    The customer, and Applebee's should be ashamed of themselves.

  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    Get a new job....stop whining
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Yes. She should have been fired. The receipt is company property and she had no right to publicly show it. No matter WHAT was on the paper, she didn't have a right to put it anywhere because it wasn't HERS. It was the companies and the customers.
    They have the legal right. No dispute there. And people have the right to realize that they are just interchangeable parts to Applebee's and to work somewhere else. I would have reprimanded her myself, but fire her?

    Applebee's is paying the price. They created a PR nightmare for themselves and they deserve it.
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    People like this make me want to choke the piss out of them...the pastor, not the waitress. Am I the only person who doesn't base their tip off of some arbitrary percentage anyway? I don't give God ****, but I have no problem with leaving a $60 tip on a $60 bill, assuming the service was worth it, and well timed. I am a hard person to read, and my wants can be very strange in a restaurant, so when a waiter/tress gets it 100% right, they deserve a 100% tip.

    Regardless, for her to base her tip off of something so frivolous as her religion makes me want to drag her out back and smash her kneecaps.

    HAHAHA!! Love this!! Well said!! I actually think Ive fallen a little bit in love!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Having been a waitress myself, my answer to that EXTREMELY rude pastor's comment would be:

    a) You could give God more than 10% if you wanted...it has nothing to do with me how much you choose to give or not give.
    b) Tips are part of my wages. I make $2.40 an hour. Not tipping is causing me to make less than minimum wage.

    I'm disgusted.

    And no, I do NOT think the waitress should have been fired for posting it online. Although she probably should have blurred out the signature or something.
    and why did he have to put "pastor" on his reciept, does he think he deserves special attention...I have waitressed and the so-called pastors are the cheapest in my area...and they are supposed to use Jesus as a role model..he was humble, washed his disciples feet, and didnt throw around the fact that God was/is his Father...she should of blacked out the name. Rules are rules and if you work for a company like that you should have known that. She should of let it go and been the bigger person too...
  • PopCorn_Said
    I am appaled that a person as Pastor Alois Bell is leading a congregation... If a server earned his or her tip, then don't be an a**hole about it... Maybe you couldn't afford to leave a 6 dollar tip, but I am sure you can spare $2.
    The waitress shouldn't have posted this, but I think it is the Pastor who should get the sack. A disgrace to God and her congregation.
  • tarad0923
    That was just plain rude for the pastor to write. And to cross the tip out, I didn't think you could do that if it was part of the bill. And no I don't care how much you give God, you can give him 18% too if you would like. But I also don't think the pastor's name should have been posted and depending on Applebees policy, it probably was not in the waitresses best interest to post the bill online.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I'm gonna be honest, the only way I would ever do this is if I received terrible service and didn't feel that the server deserved the 18%. I'm sorry that servers make minimum wage (There is no way that they earn less, that's why it's called "minimum wage". Hence the term "minimum" wage.) if that doesn't work for them and they can't provide the customer service required to earn a decent tip then they should go to school and/or get a different job. Just sayin.

    That being said, I think it was irrelevant for the customer to state that she only "gives God 10%". What does that have to do with the price of tea in China???

    Waiters don't earn minimum wage. They get about 2.50 an hour. The rest is supposed to come from tips.
    Sometimes they might do really well, sometimes they can be there all night or day and make nothing.

    Thank you! I worked from January to August as a server & bartender. I'm not going to say what I made but I will tell you that it's TERRIBLE. Oh by the way, I did go to school. I have a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Technology. This economy sucks and I have to go get a Master's degree just to get a job in my field. I'm also unemployed and thankful that my boyfriend can pay our bills while i go to school or I would be in food service forever...

    BTW some people don't tip. Ever. No matter how the service was, no matter how many times I went and filled every little request a 1,000 times, no tip. Most of these people will complain just to get their food for free. I've seen it done hundreds of times
  • pam4413
    pam4413 Posts: 19 Member
    From what I can tell it was never said if the other 19 people left a tip on the table. From the messages here we also don't know what kind of service the waitress gave. I have been in large groups and been served the wrong food, very slow, attitude etc. Should I be required to pay the tip?
    We walk into a restaurant sit down and have to wait to be waited on then we have to tip. We walk into a retail establishment and people wait on us, friendly, nice helpful and it is not a requirement and we don't tip. Something is messed up. I feel the restaurants need to pay their people like every other place of employment has to at least minimum wage. The price of food may go up but then we would not be required to tip. It becomes an option.

    The waitress shoul not have posted the receipt putting the place where she works in bad light. The Pastor should not have written what she did because it is not the waitresses fault. But by placing the article on line the waitress lowered herself to the level of the person she was putting down. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    and why did he have to put "pastor" on his reciept, does he think he deserves special attention...
    And why did you assume the pastor is a he... it's a she.
  • heatherheyns
    heatherheyns Posts: 144 Member
    The thing is that the reason she was fired is a good one. She could have made public that information for ANY reason. Just because she wasn't tipped doesn't give her the right to break privacy like that. She could have done it because she just didn't like the people. Because she wasn't to humiliate them for some reason. The fact that they were jerks and didn't tip doesn't give her the right to break a persons privacy like that and violate policy.

    Again, what if your server did this (and mind you there are some that have full credit card numbers) just to make fun of what you ate. "lol, look at what this Cow ordered. Did she really need that cake?" Along with a receipt showing the name and order?

    It was stupid and I'm glad Applebee's is protecting the right to privacy of their customers. I don't want to think that my credit card information or anything could be spread around by an employee with a grudge.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    It doesn't really matter what everyone says about Applebee's right to fire the waitress. If their actions in firing her causes them to lose more business than telling a cheap skate customer "sorry" and slapping the wrist of the fired employee...Applebees can have all the 'rights' in the world. They still messed up because the firestorm they created is more problematic than a customer who already isn't a very good customer.
  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    People like this make me want to choke the piss out of them...the pastor, not the waitress. Am I the only person who doesn't base their tip off of some arbitrary percentage anyway? I don't give God ****, but I have no problem with leaving a $60 tip on a $60 bill, assuming the service was worth it, and well timed. I am a hard person to read, and my wants can be very strange in a restaurant, so when a waiter/tress gets it 100% right, they deserve a 100% tip.

    Regardless, for her to base her tip off of something so frivolous as her religion makes me want to drag her out back and smash her kneecaps.

    WOW!! The rage!