Starting Couch to 5K Today...Who's In?



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    uk redhead! fellow redheads unite! i have been working out on off days - preferably something whole body, but not too leg intensive. i *love* jillian michael's 30 day shred right now. it covers everything and is over and done with in 20 minutes, which i love. i would also suggest any cardio from the power 90 or p90x series. they are a bit longer and more strenuous, but they also rock. i like hitting my legs with squats and lunges in between c25k because, even though it's killer at first, i think it has really helped strengthen my legs and keep me on the program. have fun!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    my motto had always been that I would only run if something bigger, meaner and uglier was chasing me....I found out that the fat on my hiney was bigger, meaner and uglier than I wanted to be!!)

    amen to that! just finished up W3D3 - i'm a bit off schedule because of beach preparation (had a great time) and sunburn aftermath, but i got back on the horse today. i think i'm going to do another day of W3 on friday, partly to keep me on schedule and partly because W4, frankly, scares me. i have my doubts that i can run 5 minutes solid. i'm thinking of creating a W3.5 and starting alternating 2 and 4 minutes before a week of doing 3 and 5 minutes. i don't want to be a pansy, and if i'm capable of doing it, i will...we'll just have to see. i would rather modify the program a bit than get frustrated and quit. is anyone else doctoring up their program?

    I have also fallen behind schedule (finals week :grumble: ) which means I have W3D3 to finish up before moving onto W4. All I can say is I hope you get there before me!!!! :laugh: I totally do not want to be the guinea pig on this one.
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    My C25K is on hold this week. On Sunday I did about 5 hours of landscaping work (lots of squatting and bending over). On Monday I was able to complete W2D1 but when I tried to do W2D2 I couldn't. My hamstrings are still soooo sore!! Taking the rest of this week off of running/walking. Going to restart next week. So now I am off to the pool. :-)
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    I have NEVER run before (my motto had always been that I would only run if something bigger, meaner and uglier was chasing me....I found out that the fat on my hiney was bigger, meaner and uglier than I wanted to be!!)
    :laugh: I love this quote!!! Thanks for the laugh! Good luck with your running! I hope it gets better for you.:flowerforyou:
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    I actually started this morning since life is too hectic for me in the afternoons. W1D1 on treadmill was a success. I felt like I could do more but I didn't want to piss off my knee by pushing it or do anything that will keep me from completing. I feel GREAT that I actually started the program. I burned 344 calories. It was about a 1/4 mile shy of 2 miles so I walked the additional mileage for a nice even number. LOL. :happy:

    I need to buy a heart rate monitor. Any suggestions. I don't want to spend a gazillion dollars but I want a decent one.

    Hi Vonnie,

    I have been using a Garmin 405 for a couple of years now - yeah, it's on the upper side of the price range I think, but it was recommended to me and it hasn't let me down - I can thoroughly recommend it. I got it because I thought I was too unfit and wanted to make sure that I was working hard enough, but with the garmin I found out that the reason I kept stopping out of breath was because I was working in my 80-90% zone for 15-20 minutes or so at a time - too high for someone with my level of fitness at the time!

    I also love the way it tunes in to Garmin Connect and Google Earth - I send posts to all my friends of what I have done when out on my bike (I don't have the pedi thingo), or when I am doing my C25K as well, but it tracks everything. I can send you a link somehow if you would like, so that I can show you one of my bike rides and you can get a feel for what it does - it's pretty cluey. Just let me know.

    Hope it helps.

    Kind Regards,


    PS - I stop and start my C25K and lose momentum - So just to cement in my commitment, I'll be out there next week when I officially start keeping track of everything, and I'll post my progress on my blog - I'll even put it up on Garmin too (then we'll see how unfit I've become since slacking off!) Ciao.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    My running partner cancelled last night and I'm not comfortable running alone at night so I thought I'd run this morning but then I slept in. ): So I'm going to try the run alone tomorrow morning. I'm really nervous about hitting Week 3 but also hitting Week 3 on my own... but I want to do this!

    Wish me luck!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    My running partner cancelled last night and I'm not comfortable running alone at night so I thought I'd run this morning but then I slept in. ): So I'm going to try the run alone tomorrow morning. I'm really nervous about hitting Week 3 but also hitting Week 3 on my own... but I want to do this!

    Wish me luck!

    Good luck--- you can do it!!
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    It was light enough out that I ran tonight after work! It was... fantastic!!!!!

    I've never been so pumped in my life! I did it! Haha.

    I'm very, very excited to keep pushing onward!

    Thanks for encouraging me to do Week 3. :)
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    It was light enough out that I ran tonight after work! It was... fantastic!!!!!

    I've never been so pumped in my life! I did it! Haha.

    I'm very, very excited to keep pushing onward!

    Thanks for encouraging me to do Week 3. :)

    Good job!! I knew you'd do it! Don't you feel silly for being so nervous about Week 3 now? I definitely did. I am taking time off until school is done (one more week) but hope to carry that confidence into Week 4 when I get there.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    I do feel silly but now I'm worried about Week 4. HAHA. It just seems so impossible I guess. I haven't run since I was a kid... and I honestly forgot how good it feels.

    Anyway. :) I'll keep plodding along!
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    I started using C25K today - W1D1. Small steps, but I've at least started. I monitored it on my Garmin and am pleased with the results I produced with it - I think I need to learn more about heart rate zones though - anybody got some info on this please?
  • kirstyleed
    kirstyleed Posts: 9
    Hi all,

    Just downloaded the coach to 5 K app and hopefully today will be my W1D1 !

  • kiki40
    kiki40 Posts: 19
    Hi Jenn!!

    Count me in, I will start today with you. I have started and stopped a few times myself so hopefully we can keep each other going!

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    sniffles - i know what you mean about being afraid of week 4! have you started yet? i am actually modifying mine a bit - i'm calling it week 3.5. week 3 only had 9 minutes of running, and week 4 jumps up to 16 minutes! i don't want to sell myself short, but as someone who has *never* run, i think adding 7 minutes of run time at once is sure to leave me burned out and frustrated. so instead of doing the 3/5 pattern, i'm doing a 2/4 pattern. this has me doing 12 minutes of running, which is still challenging for me but doable. i'll try for the proper week 4 next week. good luck to you!
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    Just started Week 1 last Friday and completed W1D2 this morning! I found it much easier to do the 60 secs of running vs my first that's a good sign, I hope! I plan to move onto week 2 next Monday since I'm little "off" on my schedule and jumped the I was too excited and had to give it a go last week. I won't lie, I'm terrified of the weeks to come, but know I can do this, even if it takes a little more than 9 weeks.

    I wake up around 6am but usually make excuses until 6:20, then finally get up and going! I have two little boys who thankfully sleep till 7:30 or 8 most mornings. I really enjoy the 30 mins of "alone" time- it gets me moving and motivated to do more in the mornings. Oh and I use the iphone's c25k app- totally worth the $2!
  • angela2d
    angela2d Posts: 1
    I started yesterday. I have been doing 40 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill for about a month or so 3 times a week. In the last couple of weeks I worked up to jogging for 1 minute, walking for five. Yes, I am a wimp :) But I decided to start this and just see how I do.

    It was great! I am used to my 40 minutes so I did 5 minute warm up walk, 60 on 90 off for 30 minutes and 5 minute cool down. I actually ended up running the last 2 minutes without stopping. It was great. Although as the day went on my legs started to get pretty sore :) But they feel pretty good today and I am looking forward to doing it again tomorrow!

  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Week 3 Day 2 down! It's not getting easier but it's feeling way better... if that makes sense? :) I'm excited to tackle week 4 next week!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    w3.5D3 accomplished. i'll go on to the official W4 next week. 5 solid minutes of running still sounds pretty scary, but if i can do 4, why not 5? it's only one extra minute. i'm trying to keep in mind that if i had thought of running 4 minutes solid at the beginning of april when i first started, i would have though that was impossible, but now it ain't no thing. so we'll keep truckin'. but for now, i finished the week and i have 2 days off! which is great because my left calf is screaming at me.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Back to it, and starting Week 4 on Sunday. AHHH!!! (I might have to wait until one of you goes first :laugh: )

    I have a question about heart rates---- mine can get CRAZY high during the running part. Today, it got as high as 196 according to my HRM. Does that happen to you guys, too?? I don't think it's normal, but I feel fine when it's that high.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Back to it, and starting Week 4 on Sunday. AHHH!!! (I might have to wait until one of you goes first :laugh: )

    I have a question about heart rates---- mine can get CRAZY high during the running part. Today, it got as high as 196 according to my HRM. Does that happen to you guys, too?? I don't think it's normal, but I feel fine when it's that high.

    The highest my heart rate gets is 171. Usually if it gets higher I start to feel sick so I make sure to run a bit slower if I get to that point. I'm no expert but I think as long as you feel okay it shouldn't be a problem?