Lose 10lbs from Feb 1- Mar 1!!



  • mariposa72004
    mariposa72004 Posts: 29 Member
    Me Me Me I want in! Lol I just made it a goal not to weigh myself between now and then anyway, Hopefully insanity will help me lose 10 lbs before March 1st

    Feb. 1st- 194.8 :(
  • I'm in!

    2/1/13 - 156

    My goal is to weigh 125 by June 1st.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm watching with interest -go for it!! Not sure myself - I still don't really know how Jan went as my scales are rubbish
  • Me Me Me I want in! Lol I just made it a goal not to weigh myself between now and then anyway, Hopefully insanity will help me lose 10 lbs before March 1st

    Feb. 1st- 194.8 :(

    Turn around your frowny face! You just made a goal to lose 10 pounds in a month, so you are on the right track! Good luck doing insanity. I've thought about trying it, but I find it intimidating. So you're already one step ahead of me.
  • mariehamid
    mariehamid Posts: 18 Member
    Im in!!

    2-1-13 (126.4)
  • I'm in too...I'm just now returning to MFP and decided to actually use it this time!! I started my goal to lose 25 lbs in January and so far im down 5. I'm currently deployed overseas and coming home in April, so I would like to lose about 8 lbs by Mar 1.
    Feb 1 - 147 lbs
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Count me in too!

    Feb 1 - 172 lbs
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I hate to the **** cloud to rain on your pre-celebratory parade but unless you all have 75 lbs or more of fat to lose, do not expect a 2.5 lb loss per week. Looking at most of you ladies, it will realistically be closer to 0.5 or 1 lb at the most per week. :ohwell:
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    Me too!!! I started at 190. Right now I'm 185. Ultimate goal is 140. But 10 lbs this month sounds like a great goal that will bring me 10 lbs closer to my final goal! :)
  • hi there I am hoping to loose 110 lbs and started my adventure on January 1st so far 14 down 96 left to go!!! Good Luck to all!!
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in! I am 26, 5'10 and need to lose about 30 more to get to my goal weight. Starting weight was 181 (when I started in January) and currently at 174.6! Good luck to all!
  • Meshay21
    Meshay21 Posts: 17 Member
    My goal is to lose 5lb this month but i will take 10 lol count me in!!!!!:smile:
    02/01 - 156
    02/08 -
    02/15 -
    02/22 -
  • kirkytwo
    kirkytwo Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in. Lacking in motivation today as I only lost 0.6lb in my 1st week of using mfp and I did circuit training for 4 days in a row! Bootcamp coach has said to mix up exercise though as I have been doing too much circuit training. May account for small weight loss and ive probably bulked my muscles up. So tomorrow im waking with a possitive attitude and going to do zumba!

    1/2 172lbs

    Ultimate goal weight 126lb
  • L84tea
    L84tea Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in!! :)
  • I'm in!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hate to be the one to psis on your Cheerios, but the goal is unrealistic.

    1 pound of weight loss = 3,500 Calories deficit
    10 pounds of weight loss = 35,000 Calories deficit
    February 2013 = 28 days
    Daily Caloric deficit required = 1,250

    Now unless most of you are morbidly obese, you aren't going to run a 1,250 deficit without going well below your RMR, or even BMR.

    I'm not saying this to be dcik. I just want everyone to realize that this would typically be considered an unhealthy goal. Somewhere between 5 to 8 pounds would be a stretching, achievable, healthy goal for February.
  • I would love to get in on this!!

    SW: 236.2
    CW: 219.6
    GW: 130
  • Im on board. I would love to lose the 10 lbs in febuary!!! Good luck!!!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member

    2/1 198.2




  • DO IT! Today was my 4 week weigh-in...10 lbs! It CAN be done! Log all your food, exercise (I did strictly cardio this month), and stay within the alotted calorie amount and you be 10 down in 4!