Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Terri, thanks for that post. Rcat, Sorry about your weekend, and mine, and everyone else who lost it a little, but Terri is right. We're here to support each other in the whole process, not just the "Yay I did it" moments. This group has always been great in that way, people have felt safe enough to report not only wins, but struggles and downfalls as well.

    We'll get there.

    Oh, and this week I will 1) Log in every day 2) Complete my diary every day 3) Cut down on the vino.
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    I'm trying the same,, feeling a bit de-motivated but just hoping that I'll hop on that scale tomorrow and see a loss..

    Could someone help me out and look at my food diary for today? Really don't think it's right, it's leaving me short 300 cals and I don't want to gorge on something to make up those cals if it's not correct :( very confused
  • jiweber
    jiweber Posts: 5
    I'm in! Thanks for the incentive! My weight today= 166. I would actually like to be in the 150's by the end of the month but I'll take what I can get. My goal weight is between 145-150.
  • jiweber
    jiweber Posts: 5
    Goals for the week: Eat right, drink my water, excerise 5 days this week.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I have never heard it be called "U-Turn" before, but that is the perfect term! The worst thing for me about getting off track on the weekends is how bummed I feel about it. Those negative feelings gain momentum and take me down the wrong road. I will definitely remember to slam on the brakes and bust a u-ey next time!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I dropped out it would seem, and now I'm about two pounds up. It's so weird that even though I know if I just keep my food and exercise diaries current - regardless if I'm over or under - and check in on this thread, then I tend to lose weight. Part of it is I start to play a little loose with portions and servings - throwing in a little extra here and there.

    I have a hard time with maintaining. I'm a very good starter but not a good keeper-onner. So I guess all I can do is start again today. My weight is 129.

    Missed you guys.

    Karin - I missed you too. glad you are back. (I need to cut down the vino too. we can do this.

    Congrats to those who had a good weekend but I think most of us mothers out there took a well desrved breatk. I know that I made better choices this year than I have in the past and I thinkg that speaks volumes about a lifestyle change.

    So my philosiphy to day is


    Goals this week - burn 6000 calories M-F drink 12 glasses water per day and come in at 1450 cals per day.
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    Woo Hoo everyone and Happy Monday!! I actually do not like monday's so I just try extra hard to make them better :o) This week it will be a little easier knowing that I actually lost 1 lb this last week!! not only that but I started measuring also weekly so that I don't get discouraged if I don't see the scale go down. Well the scale went down and I also lost an inch from my waist and 1/4 an inch from my neck. WOO HOO!!!

    Keep up the great work ladies!!! I agree with the other ladies who have said that sticking with the workouts and the weight loss is much easier now with the help of MFP. The challenges, logs, and everyone here helps out SO much!!!! Thanks everyone!!!

  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    I'm joining this challenge! My starting weight on May 1st was 164.5, CW is 163, so I'd like to be under 160 by the end of the month.

    My goals this month are: Drink that water, and find more ways to move this body 5x a week.

    I just recently joined MFS, but I have lost 15 pounds since the first of the year!
  • shortychristina
    I would like to get on this challenge. I'm lacking motivation and ideas of how to work out at home with a 4 yr old boy. I have my first goal at loosing 8lbs. Then after that 5lbs and then another 5lbs. I was wondering if there any other mom's out there that have tips on how to do things around the house or things easy to do with a 4 yr around. I don't have time to make it to a gym. Any tips please pass them on.
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    For the last 2 weeks, I've been off track, eating well over my calories every day with exercise few & far between and water very scarce (way too much tea). I've still been losing, though! :smile:

    SW: 197.4
    5/1/10: 171.7
    5/10/10: 168.5
    GW for 5/31/10: 166
    Ultimate goal weight: 137

    I was back at the gym this morning doing week 3, day 2 of Couch to 10K and I'm feeling really good about that. I know when my exercise and water drinking are on track, my eating falls into line. I was interested to read the news article about exercise not necessarily helping with weight loss for women, but I swear for me jogging has a significant impact on my metabolism. Even if it doesn't, exercising tends to make me more careful about what I eat because I refuse to let all that hard work be for nothing! Here's to a new week and, for me at least, getting back into the groove!

    Happy Monday everyone.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would like to get on this challenge. I'm lacking motivation and ideas of how to work out at home with a 4 yr old boy. I have my first goal at loosing 8lbs. Then after that 5lbs and then another 5lbs. I was wondering if there any other mom's out there that have tips on how to do things around the house or things easy to do with a 4 yr around. I don't have time to make it to a gym. Any tips please pass them on.

    We have lots of moms here who probably can give you tons of ides. I have 3 school-aged children of my own and have a home daycare and have 7 more ranging in age from 3 months to 4 years. I use my day as a constant workout. I start my day with a walk before husband leaves for work. My goal for that walk is to burn at least 300 calories.

    During the day there are so many little ways to burn some calories., We load up the stroller and go for walks. At the park if they are playing nice I walk or jog around the perimeter, or climb around on the climber with the. The step into some climbers can be used for step aerobics. I bet you can find a bar to work on arm strength.

    During nap time I jump of the treadmill or exercise bike to get more workout- that is if they all nap at the same time. Don't have anything at home like a treadmill, again use your stairs as an aerobic step. When the kids are awake we play marching games. Then love to get down on the floor and do push ups with me as we practice our counting. Same with crunches.

    Outside...when I have infants I bring the smaller stroller to the back yard and push it around the yard..pushing a stroller in grass is an awesome workout. If the baby goes to sleep I play running games chase the ball games with the older kids. Go for bike rides with your 4 year old. I wish many days I had just one or 2 kids and could take them on bike rides. The goal is to move as much as possible.

    I remember someone on this sights actually saying that they lived in a 2 story home and when she had to go to the bathroom she would always use the one on the story she was not. She would make herself go up or down the stairs to use the bathroom just to burn a few more calories and keep her body moving.

    Play like a child and you can burn quite a few calories.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have never heard it be called "U-Turn" before, but that is the perfect term! The worst thing for me about getting off track on the weekends is how bummed I feel about it. Those negative feelings gain momentum and take me down the wrong road. I will definitely remember to slam on the brakes and bust a u-ey next time!


    I have an something interesting about guilt and dieting. I need to find it and will then share it here.

  • genidanielle
    I would love to lose 5 pounds a month with you guys! Count me in!
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    I would like to get on this challenge. I'm lacking motivation and ideas of how to work out at home with a 4 yr old boy. I have my first goal at loosing 8lbs. Then after that 5lbs and then another 5lbs. I was wondering if there any other mom's out there that have tips on how to do things around the house or things easy to do with a 4 yr around. I don't have time to make it to a gym. Any tips please pass them on.

    I also have a 4 year old at home. Even though she is usually sleeping when I exercise in the mornings on the weekends and usually at least once or twice during the week she will get up during my exercising. I use the Leslie Sansone (Sp??) videos and you know she just does them with me! There are times when she gets in my way and I just ask her to move in front of me and then we both get a workout! LOL ... of course she doesn't do the workout as intended but she has a great time and feels like she is doing what mommy is doing and that's all good for her!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Confession time. I, too, have been doing HORRIBLE this week. It is TOM and I haven't worked out in 5 days! I wanted to this morning but the time never allowed for it. I guess I will take the baby for a walk after we eat dinner. I am just gonna hope I didn't gain any this week and do that u-turn starting now!!!
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    I wanna do this!!! It seems totally feasible and a great goal! I'm 2lbs in this mth so far!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I would like to get on this challenge. I'm lacking motivation and ideas of how to work out at home with a 4 yr old boy. I have my first goal at loosing 8lbs. Then after that 5lbs and then another 5lbs. I was wondering if there any other mom's out there that have tips on how to do things around the house or things easy to do with a 4 yr around. I don't have time to make it to a gym. Any tips please pass them on.

    I have a four year old and a three year old and I understand how hard it is to exercise with little kiddos around. One thing I like to do is include them, I walk to the park while pushing our double stroller a few times a week. It is about 40 mins each way. I also kick the ball around with them and we chase each other around playing tag. You would be amazed at how many calories you can burn just playing with the kids for an hour. I use to feel bad about exercising because I thought it was taking time away from being with them but you need to get healthy FOR them! I also have an aerobic step I use while watching tv and after I put them to bed I do weight loss yoga which really helps me tone.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    First off, I never came back and weighed in for Friday, so I'll do that now.

    5/7=142.5 yay down 2lbs

    Ok, pity party time! I was really bad this weekend and I need to vent. So I am sorry but I am going to be a downer.
    Friday Night:
    My son's party was really fun but I am so mad at his dad. The party was from 5:30-7:30 at The Jungle (like chucky cheese for tot's) Daddy didn't come until 6:45, then I gave him the coins and told him the birthday boy wanted to go on a ride with him. After that I was looking for him so I could get the coins back (lots of kids asking for more) and our friend said he left to go fishing! WHAT? I was so embarrassed that he left and didn't even tell me he was going! So me and the kids played until the place closed and we had lots of fun. I brought healthy food but ended up eating pizza anyway, oh well, and I was only over calories by about 95. Daddy was asleep when we got home.

    This is our family day, the only day that both adults are off work. So we had made a plan to go on a hike to a close lake and fish once at the lake. Daddy didn't want to hike after all and he got mad that my son wanted to play with his new toys instead of getting ready to fish so left without us! :noway: My son is 3! Plus he didn't get to play with his new toys yet because we closed the place the night before so this was the first time to play with his new stuff. Really? He couldn't wait 5 more mins? So I went to my mom's house and spent the day with her. She took home leftover birthday cake so I wouldn't and I eat it! Plan backfired! We also ate KFC for dinner because her boyfriend picked it up on the way home. Anyway Daddy came home after 9:30 pm kids in bed already of course!

    Sunday (Mother's Day):
    Daddy woke me up at 4:15 am saying that my 4 year old was up. So I got up (she had a bad dream) and put her back to sleep then I went back to sleep. He got up around 7am and went fishing before work. Didn't say ANYTHING before he left. House was a mess so I started cleaning. He got home at 6 after work then left 5 mins after to go fishing. Didn't come home till after 9:30 pm, he brought a plant with him and put it in my lap. The kids were asleep already and the dumb plant just made me mad because all I wanted was for him to tell my kids to make me a card or something. They didn't even know it was a special day! I feel like he did what he wanted all weekend and didn't even care enough to have the kids tell me happy mothers day. I tried to talk to my mom about it but she just said not to do anything for him on Father's day. I am just not like that. I want the kids to know that it is special for them to let their dad know how much they love him. I feel so unappreciated, like he doesn't even think to tell me I am a good mother because he doesn't think I am. I know that is not how it really is and that the plant was a nice thing to do but I felt like he was buying me off so I wouldn't be mad and it just made me more mad. I don't even like plants unless they are outside. I always get bugs because I overwater or underwater or whatever.

    Anyway I ate bad today because I am feeling so bad and down about the weekend. I also don't feel well because I ate so bad. I have not said anything to my guy about being mad because I didn't want to fight about it but I was and I am really hurt about both the party and mother's day. Everyone I talk to about it says that I should leave him because he treats me bad and that is not what I want to hear I just want a shoulder to cry on!

    At least I went to the gym today. I think I will feel better in the morning and better still once my week starts to get back to normal. Sorry about the long rant!
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I am all about losing 5 pounds this month! I lost 10 lbs last month but I am sure it will slow down some that I will start building muscle with some weight training.

    SW April 11th: 240lbs
    CW May 3rd: 230lbs
    GW May 30th: 225lbs

    CW May 10th: 230lbs

    I lost a whole lotta nothing last week : (
    Hoping this week will be better!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    First off, I never came back and weighed in for Friday, so I'll do that now.

    5/7=142.5 yay down 2lbs

    Ok, pity party time! I was really bad this weekend and I need to vent. So I am sorry but I am going to be a downer.
    Friday Night:
    My son's party was really fun but I am so mad at his dad. The party was from 5:30-7:30 at The Jungle (like chucky cheese for tot's) Daddy didn't come until 6:45, then I gave him the coins and told him the birthday boy wanted to go on a ride with him. After that I was looking for him so I could get the coins back (lots of kids asking for more) and our friend said he left to go fishing! WHAT? I was so embarrassed that he left and didn't even tell me he was going! So me and the kids played until the place closed and we had lots of fun. I brought healthy food but ended up eating pizza anyway, oh well, and I was only over calories by about 95. Daddy was asleep when we got home.

    This is our family day, the only day that both adults are off work. So we had made a plan to go on a hike to a close lake and fish once at the lake. Daddy didn't want to hike after all and he got mad that my son wanted to play with his new toys instead of getting ready to fish so left without us! :noway: My son is 3! Plus he didn't get to play with his new toys yet because we closed the place the night before so this was the first time to play with his new stuff. Really? He couldn't wait 5 more mins? So I went to my mom's house and spent the day with her. She took home leftover birthday cake so I wouldn't and I eat it! Plan backfired! We also ate KFC for dinner because her boyfriend picked it up on the way home. Anyway Daddy came home after 9:30 pm kids in bed already of course!

    Sunday (Mother's Day):
    Daddy woke me up at 4:15 am saying that my 4 year old was up. So I got up (she had a bad dream) and put her back to sleep then I went back to sleep. He got up around 7am and went fishing before work. Didn't say ANYTHING before he left. House was a mess so I started cleaning. He got home at 6 after work then left 5 mins after to go fishing. Didn't come home till after 9:30 pm, he brought a plant with him and put it in my lap. The kids were asleep already and the dumb plant just made me mad because all I wanted was for him to tell my kids to make me a card or something. They didn't even know it was a special day! I feel like he did what he wanted all weekend and didn't even care enough to have the kids tell me happy mothers day. I tried to talk to my mom about it but she just said not to do anything for him on Father's day. I am just not like that. I want the kids to know that it is special for them to let their dad know how much they love him. I feel so unappreciated, like he doesn't even think to tell me I am a good mother because he doesn't think I am. I know that is not how it really is and that the plant was a nice thing to do but I felt like he was buying me off so I wouldn't be mad and it just made me more mad. I don't even like plants unless they are outside. I always get bugs because I overwater or underwater or whatever.

    Anyway I ate bad today because I am feeling so bad and down about the weekend. I also don't feel well because I ate so bad. I have not said anything to my guy about being mad because I didn't want to fight about it but I was and I am really hurt about both the party and mother's day. Everyone I talk to about it says that I should leave him because he treats me bad and that is not what I want to hear I just want a shoulder to cry on!

    At least I went to the gym today. I think I will feel better in the morning and better still once my week starts to get back to normal. Sorry about the long rant!

    OMG Jennplus2 what a terrible weekend you have had with no support what so ever :angry: I hope your week improves from this minute onwards :flowerforyou: