
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: New Fruit/Veggie Challenge is up - check it out for those who are interested in participating.


    Vancouver Island, BC
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I have been mia...and have missed you all...still learning procedures in the new office....its coming but sometimes I find the new way so cumbersome...but hanging in there! Finally heard from ds...he has been training in the CA desert...I am a little worried he is going to deploy again soon, but understand that is part of the commitment ...

    January goals weren't bad. I did not reach 60 miles...have not totalled it but it was a respectable distance. I did weight training once a week...those are the only goals I remember.

    February goals:
    Kettlebell 2 times a week
    30 minutes of movement the days I don't kettlebell...this will be challenging
    Two veggies with dinner...skip the carbs...have done this most nights and feel better when I follow this
    Laugh everyday...love this thank you DeeDee!
    stay more active on this thread

    Have a great night..hugs and high fives
  • roadmapmaker
    roadmapmaker Posts: 120 Member
    Goals for February

    Eat the last of2012 garden veggies
    Plan next years garden
    Continue to exercise 3x week
    'Graduate' from physical therapy - currently 2x week
    Eat right and stay well
    Bicycle to work at least 1 week when not icky out
    Will not murder the hundreds of candy hearts :heart:

    I am Jo from Colorado - be well - do good deeds! :flowerforyou:
  • I had my goal set to track my food and slowly add exercise and stick to it. I missed acouple adays when I was very ill but got right back to it . Not my usual be cuz norm for me is quit but this site has really helps .

    This month I will had exercise at least every other day , continue to eat right and find new foods. Lose 7lbs witch is more then last mth.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,477 Member
    Linda - congrats on running the half marathon. That's awesome!

    Laura in CO - hope you had a great lunch with Jane

    Janice - alls I can say is that sometimes it takes your body a while to catch up with itself. Don't despair

    ohhhh...gotta share. I'm so proud. Jessica just called. She got a promotion and a 7% increase in salary. I don't want to put this on facebook because it will probably make Bryan and Denise feel bad. Bryan has already mentioned how he feels we think he's a failure. But I'm so proud of her for getting this promotion. Don't know all the details. She'll be here this weekend and I'll find out more then.

    Did an hour of walking on the treadmill at 3.7mph. Usually I do about 4mph. A week ago I wouldn't even have considered this. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga, then probably take our empty egg cartons to this guy who is at the farmers market but they have it in the parking lot of a Hardware store. It's not a real farmers market, but some of the vendors are there.

    Robin - keeping fingers crossed for you!

    Barbara in LI, Midge, mimisam (you joined by posting, now this thread will be in your list of "my Topics") - glad you joined us! Same for anyone else new that I may have missed.

    barbie - thanks for the book suggestions. I'm going to see which ones our library has, then take some audiobooks out for when we drive to FL.

    Mary - happy birthday to your granddaughter!

    Jodi - please recommend some good yoga DVD's. I like hatha. I do take classes, but there are times when I can't get to the class and I like to have DVD's to do at home.

    Sue in TX - what a start you had to your day, but glad it finished up great.

    Jen - I hope your son doesn't get deployed, but as you say...this is part of the commitment. Of course, that doesn't cover a mother's heartstrings.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in COLD NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jodi, Thank you for your offer of help on yoga…..I’ve done yoga on and off for awhile including a class at the senior center…..I have two DVDs that I love…. But my problem is that walking, dancing, riding the recumbent bike, and weight training interest me more and yoga is always the last thing I think of doing…..if I could just mentally move it up the list, I’d do it…so if I ever get moving on it, I’ll look to you with my questions.

    :flowerforyou: he regular line dance teachers are both teaching again so I was a student this morning and didn’t have to rush off after lunch to teach the afternoon class….I used my extra time to ride the recumbent bike and watch the last of the US Figure Skating Championships that I had recorded, read the draft of my new will and other legal documents and make an appointment with the attorney to get them finalized, and to organize my line dance materials………the important things I didn’t do were get started on the income tax and yoga.:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and unseasonably warm NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Goals for Feb:
    get on the treadmill at least 3x's a week for 30 minutes
    eat fruit and vegies deligently
    try to stay away from "bad" snacks
    keeping a smile on my face the whole time :blushing:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    Whew! Just spent better part of an hour catching up and soaking in the vitamin F. Thank you Barbie for keeping this board up and getting us started in cooperative inspiration. I read somewhere that if you write down your goals you are 1000% more likely to reach them.

    As I will be on business trips in Portland and NYC for most of February, my goals are:

    Keep true to MFP logging of all food, water and exercise
    45 mins cardio 4x week (not a problem when I'm home, but so hard when in a hotel)
    Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown 2x week
    Hit my mfp goals for fiber and carbs, not just calories

    Laura and Jane- One day I hope to join you! :wink:

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    I just joined a few weeks ago - still finding my way around - but enjoying the sight and tools so far.
    As for G O A L S F O R F E B R U A R Y:
    More exercise - 5 days/week do some form of aerobic and strength training
    Drink 8 glasses or more of water a day
    Continue my healthy eating and daily tracking - it's working!
    Do something creative every day - write some lyrics, work on a painting or other art project
    Organize my art studio!
    Buy that leopard print fabric to cover the chairs in the living room
    Make some definitive plans to decorate my bedroom! I deserve it!

    Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories and your support -

    My name is Lynn Maile Taylor www.lynnandthayne.com (a shameless plug for our music)
    I live on the island of Kauai - Hawaii
    :flowerforyou: Aloha!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Thanks for the thread. It's just what I need!

    I had joined another February thread, one that encourages exercise--something I really need. But I realize I'm just not ready for those exercises. I have a hard enough time getting down on my knees and back up, even when I have something to hold onto. No way I can do burpees. At least not yet. ;-)

    My February Goals:

    Walk, March or a little jogging in place to total 5,500 steps a day.
    Resistance band workout for 10 minutes, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
    Learn how to use my new Polar FT4 heart rate monitor

    Get before photos in snug shorts and sports bra (ie: something that shows the rolls)
    Start a Fitness Progression scrapbook

    Eat at cut everyday through Feb. 22 (Plan is to eat at cut level 4 weeks then at TDEE for 1 week)
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    The sun is popping up over the horizon this morning and it`s just beautiful:love: , however it is COLD outside, 19 degrees, made for a very fast walk this morning, not as windy as it was yesterday morning, I`m thankful for that!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , keep coming in and chatting, this is a great place for motivation!!!!

    Michele:smile: Congrats to Jessica!!!! How wonderful for the promotion and raise!!!!

    I`ve been trying to see if that groundhog has seen or not seen his shadow this morning:tongue: , don`t know if its happened yet or not, oh well...spring will be here when it gets here...I`m so ready!!!!

    Need to get my shower and get this beautiful day started!!!
    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in very COLD NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have a goal.

    No eating anything at work that I did not bring or pay for.

    That's it. It seems to be the main thing bumping my calories.

    Smart idea! :bigsmile:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all you great minded ladies. I was still doing jan. yesterday. and in it all fell only 3 pages back. Did read all the post but wasn't about to try and take notes on them all.

    I see some great plans for Feb. and I will join you but need to see how I did for Jan. I have them written in my progress book.

    January goals where
    Get away from 200 not done .2 to go
    Drink more water done.
    Exercise more I believe I did more but not enough.

    So Feburary
    Get away from 200 lbs it's gotta be this month
    Put my eight pennies out and count my eight glasses of water.
    Go downstairs to exercise machines not to look at them but to use them at least 2xa week
    Use the wii 3xweek. And dance zumba, linedance anything to get me move more everyday.
    So if I do this something will give. I can and I will. I can't see no obsticles in the way.

    So it's on with my day.

    Thank you all for being my friends. This vit. F means more than D any day.

    To the lady from Sudbury you are close enough to me to feel the cold man was that something this morning.
    So fed up of winter. But try and see around the next corner spring is there.

    Linda C In Northern Ontario brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    flowerforyou: To anyone who is discouraged by the scale
    weight loss is not linear
    one good week does not always equal a weight loss and one bad day does not always equal a weight gain……make a good plan and stick to it and if the numbers on your scale make you crazy, lock your scale in the trunk of your car for a month.

    :flowerforyou: One thing I like about resolutions that are behaviours is that I can make myself do. if I want to drink 9 glasses of water a day, I can drink the last 4 at bedtime if I’ve forgotten earlier, but if I want to lose 4 pounds, there’s no way I can make myself do it, I can only control my behaviours not the results.

    These are words of wisdom! Thanks, Barbie.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • kew1952
    kew1952 Posts: 52 Member
    This will be my first time posting in this forum. I definetly fit into the + part of the 50!! I live in the panhandle of Florida and am the manager of a special needs adoption program. Barbiecat, I saw your picture of two standard poodles. We have one (used to have 3) and he is a certified pet therapy dog.....I use him in the juvenile court. I am not good about posting on a regular basis as a while back I made a decision to be on the computer less and to move more. For February, my goals are simple...stay focused on making healthy food choices and to exercise (running and yoga) more days than not. We will be on a 7 day cruise in the middle of the month so those goals will be important for me to maintain. I have finally settled into my weight loss program and I don't want to loose the momentum. Good luck to everyone.
  • Hey from Ooltewah ,Tn. I just turned 53 in Jan. I just started using MFP , so I missed the Jan. goals. My goals for February will be.
    1) Keep trying to eat healthier
    2) Attend ALL of my Tues. and Thurs. exercise classes.
    3) Get in at least 3 walks per week
    4) lose 4+ pounds

    Good luck to all of you witj your personal goals!!
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you, thank you thank you...this is a wonderful site with so much support and encouragement! I'm glad I stumbled upon this supportive community for ladies my age...you are all awesome! Midge in Florida
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    I have spent the last year and a half prepping for my big day, which will be in May this year. I will turn 50! I am so excited! I see it as the top of my mountain, the peak of my life and I have worked so hard to make sure my body matches that attitude. I plan to enjoy the trek down!

    In the past year and a half, I have lost 75 pounds. I have 15 more I would like to lose but I am not going to obsess about them, they are unimportant. What is important is that I am in the best physical condition of my life. I intend to live to at least 100 and I intend to do so in good health. (I figure it will help to have the goal, or how else will I get there?)

    Working on moderatiion. It seems to be the key to this whole life thing and it is the hardest thing for most people to master! Moderation with food, exercise, work, sleep, you name it. Balance. :smile:

    Anyway, you seem to be a great bunch of ladies and I have enjoyed running across your posts every month. This is my first time to interact as I am usually just a lurker, lol, so HELLO!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings to all. It’s cloudy and cold here in Omaha today. I’m checking in early because I will be busy all day; working til the afternoon, then company for dinner. DD#2 (the good cook) is making dinner for our guests, so that will free me up a bit. I had a pity party last night…bad bar food, but only 1 drink! I even had water at the bar. :drinker: Well I should say bad-for-you-bar food because it was great. I have a weakness for fried mushrooms and cheese sauce. Good thing it plays havoc with my digestive system so I can only stand it once in a blue moon! Otherwise I’m sure they would be on the menu more often!

    I have found that if I give myself permission to have the occasional pity party I get over it so much quicker than if I load up on the guilt for both poor eating choices and for being a bummer to be around! They used to last for a week or two, now it’s the occasional day here and there. I don’t think it’s really depression….doesn’t affect me too often and I have been treated for depression before and this doesn’t feel like that did.

    OK…today is a new day and I will get some work done and enjoy my friends…..both my virtual friends here and the ones coming over for dinner and games. I think we’ll play the crazy cat lady game. :bigsmile:

    Robin: so glad your interviews went well. Seems like this has been frustrating for you so I hope a dream job comes your way.

    Laura in Ohio: my inlaws live in Wadsworth, south of Cleveland. Welcome and come back often

    BarbaraBBQ: welcome to our group. I hope things are improving after the hurricane. I’m sure eating healthy and exercising were not priorities as you were trying to put your life back together.

    Midge: welcome to you too!

    Jane: Two days of great choices! Good for you. Celebrate!!!

    Tigress: so glad you are feeling better. Your philosophy of grandparenting fits mine! I cant’ wait to have grandkids! LOL

    Glenda : enjoy that walk and great weather!

    Mimisam: you just joined! Come back often and post so we can get to know you.

    Barbie: you are so right about weight loss not being linear and one week not having a direct correlation to the next., Just keep up with your goals and keep on moving! Thanks for your wisdom.

    Jodio: a yoga instructor? You should come to my house LOL> I have tried yoga several times and after a few classes, it never fails “You know, this might not be for you…”. :grumble: I am stiff as a board, have tons of muscle spasms on a daily basis that limit my movement, and can’t do any of the poses (“Dog bites woman facing it downwards”….LOL). :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I fall all over the place and knock my yoga neighbors over. :sad: I am a yoga disaster! I did get a wii fit and it has pretty simple yoga and I have been doing that 3 times a week, very poorly, but I do want to be more flexible and have better balance. I do seem to have mastered the warrior pose however although I don’t think it stretches my hip pointers.

    DeeDee: I’m so impressed you even remember January goals!!! I read your post and said HMMMMM did I make any goals? Oh, yeah, I did, now what were they? I guess my goal is to remember to show up here! :tongue:

    Suebedew: good for you getting out there to golf. Do you walk or ride? You are another impressive person recapping your goals. I’m going to have to find a way to get them to show up on my homepage on the computer so I can see them every day.

    Barbaraaloska: I’m glad to read that some of the “problem children” can grow up to be productive citizens! That gives me hope!

    Tammy: I agree! This is the best thread ever!

    Jen: hope work straightens out soon. I’ll keep fingers crossed and good thoughts coming your way for DS

    Jo: biking to work? Do you have good bike lanes there? We just got our first one downtown and a few people use it. ( I live near Omaha).

    Michele: great news about Jessica’s promotion! That’s fabulous. Stay warm!

    Lynn: welcome to our group. I grew up in Hawaii…on Ford Island which is in the middle of Pearl Harbor. My dad was in the navy.

    Newbies galore: welcome to all of you whose post I didn’t reply to individually. Come back often and let us get to know you.

    Mouth: (I think???) congratulations on being a gramma!

    Well it’s getting late and I must be productive around here or I’ll feel guilty when DH and DDs 1&2 come home after grocery shopping on a Saturday (ugh) before the superbowl (double ugh). Take care, spread that vitamin F, and keep on plan! Meg :drinker:
  • Just found this forum. I decided that I wanted to lose 50 lbs by end of February. I will turn 50 in February and wanted to get healthy. I have always been overweight and have enjoyed this journey so far. I am divorced mother of 3 (23, 20 & 13). I have been divorced for 10 years and decided I was ready to try again - dating that is. Haven't had any luck, but the weight is coming off and that is a good thing. As of laslt week, I am at 45 pounds with only 5 to go for my first goal. I am hoping to do another 20 after that. If I can lose that 20, I will be back where I weighed in 1990.

    I am from Greenwood, IN. Lived here all my life. I look forward to seeing how all you ladies are doing. I am always looking for new recipes too and easy one. So please pass along. The one thing I have learned from this site is that I can eat regular meals, just smaller portions.

    I do find it very hard to get in my 1200 calories. That usually doesn't happen for me. I have enjoyed my workouts too. Which is crazy cuz I'm not one for lots of activiity. I do it in the privacy of my own room so that is nice too. I am always open to any suggestions you might have.

    Have a great Saturday.