
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: About to leave for my 3rd 10K training clinic. Did very well this week "practicing walking" :tongue: What that means is I walked places and got away from my desk. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Here is what my goals for January were, which I mostly accomplished:
    -post weekly veggie/fruit challenges for my MFP friends
    -hit 30 g of fiber each day, which means a lot of fresh fruits and veggies
    -not get discouraged if the scale doesn't move
    -signed up for the April 28th TC10K and joined the 14 week training program for it
    -learn more about healthy eating

    For February more of the same, plus
    -add 2x/week strength training
    -fit in some flexibility training like yoga
    -learn more about healthy eating

    Love all the posts on this forum from my "Vitamin F" friends. I better get going now.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Hello everyone :>) back to getting in shape. I was working hard last Jan through July and lost a lot of weight. I moved to the lake in August and all of a sudden my activity changed. I found new interest here at my new home that I love , like painting and fishing. Bad part is they involve sitting :>( through the stress of moving and leaving friends and family I also got into cooking, way too many sweets :>(( so anyway weight found me again so here I go to get back down and stay down.
    I am 57 and have never weighed over 165 at 5'7" but now I am up to 172, So last night I recomitted to healthier eating.
    I love painting and could paint for 7 days a week but that leaves no physcial work. ( my husband said after 24 years he had no ideal i could paint and I told him me either ! ha so I am paiting everthing i see ! Have even had buyers wanting them ! we never know what we can do till we try :smile:
    I am having surgery on my back in 2 weeks so I hope after that with my disk repaired jogging will be fun again and it will natually draw me back.
    Love reading everyones post because I think we are all on this journey together in one way or another. so my goals this month are:
    stay at 1200 calories at least 6 of 7 days
    eat healthier snacks
    stay positive
    good luck to everyone :smile: :
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
  • Hi, getting lots of snow here in N. IL... will make my 5k very interesting tomorrow :) Good luck to you all this weekend
    w/ your goals!!
  • henschm
    henschm Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning! I am new to MFP. I have been tracking for about 3 weeks and trying to get used to the site but there are things I still don't "get". These may be silly questions but . . . .

    Is this a group?
    What is a thread? How do you keep being part of the thread? And what does that mean?
    Why do some people put "bump"?

    I just turned 50 last month and would love to lose 25 lbs. More than that, I want to enter my fifties, FIT and HEALTHY. I have never really had weight issues until the last 5 years or so. Those darn hormones!! My goal for when I started MFP was to track my food daily (that has been pretty successful - even if I go over my calories at least this month I know why and where I went over) and exercise at least 4 times per week (that has gone really well and I am thrilled that it is getting easier and easier - I was pretty much a couch potato before).

    My goal for Feb. would be to drink more water. I am a camel!! And I just don't even THINK about drinking water.
    My second goal is to stay within my calorie range at least 5 out of 7 days of the week. Until it gets easier and I get used to it.

    My name is Michele, from Ontario, Canada. I am a teacher, have a husband and 3 teenagers - life is BUSY!!! Really looking forward to support from the MFP community.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! So many new faces! How wonderful!

    Just got back from the gym.. Yay!! I"m still on a roll... as much as I love staying cuddled inside with a good book, my quilting, and my sweet dog.... I know I feel better after working out. I'm on my 6th day of a liquid diet... well, smoothies! It's seems to be having some effect, although I'm looking forward to wrapping it up tomorrow and eating lunch and dinner more reasonably. Luckily DH did a cabbage soup diet part of the time so I didn't have to cook too much for him... :smile:

    Kew1952 --- We lived in Pcola from 2007-2010... Loved it... thought I missed the cold winters, haha until I moved back to the cold winters... and Virginia doesn't really even fall into the classification of cold winters!

    Have a great weekend all!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Somehow, I never quite made it to the posts yesterday! I tried a couple of times, but the phone kept ringing each time I started… I did have a really nice lunch with Laura80111 at Red Lobster. We talked and talked, just like we’ve known each other forever. :smile:

    Yesterday was a milestone, as hubby sold his remaining gas station. Now he’ll only have one business to run, and will hopefully be less stressed all the time. This was one of our goals for this year, and it's good to check it off the list!

    Lin – Thanks for the Fitbit information. Which do you think would be better to purchase: the One or the new bracelet type that they have coming out this spring?

    Karen – Nice picture of you and your hubby! 5 lbs. is great for your first month… congratulations! It sounds like you’ve made great strides on the exercise front as well. As you said, onward and downward. You can do it!

    Lucy – Glad hubby took it so well about the car. Now you’ll have one less thing to worry about! Happy Anniversary! :heart:

    Jackie – Thank you for posting all of the information about the green smoothies and raw foods. I found it really interesting and will check some of the sites you mentioned. By the way, Carrabbas is my favorite. I love the Chicken Bryan! They do have great nutrition information on their site -- I wish more restaurants were like that.

    Robin – I just saw your Thursday post, and I really hope that things were better on Friday. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for your getting a new job soon.

    M – Your new gym area sounds like it’s going to be great! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I know that it will inspire many. I could especially relate to the part about feeling sad. You’ve inspired me to see what P90X is, and to look into weights.

    Sue – It is fun to meet the people you “know” from on-line, and to exchange stories and tips. Laura is a wonderful woman! Let us know if you get to Denver again, and maybe we can all get together.

    DeeDee – Thanks for answering my Fitbit questions. I had really wondered about the weights part. Hubby and son are still at an impasse. Congratulations on more inches lost!! That’s more important than the scale… and it WILL move eventually, too.

    Linda C – My pedometer never counted nearly all of my steps, either. It made me so crazy that I stopped using it altogether. I tend to be obsessive about details like that, which is one of the reasons I stopped weighing daily. If I was up a little, I’d be depressed and mess up my eating because “it wasn’t working anyway.” If I was down, I’d think I had a little extra room to eat, and would mess things up that way. Now, I only look at the scale every couple of weeks.

    Mouth5667 – Congratulations on becoming a grandmother!!!! :flowerforyou: I’m glad all are safe and well.

    Janice – Don’t get discouraged. Those 200s will be gone again soon, as long as you keep at it and don’t let it make you stop. Juicing sounds like a great idea.

    Meg – I’m sorry you aren’t feeling up to par again. This has been a rough fall/winter for you health-wise. I hope you’re better soon!

    Jane Martin – 2 days is great! Just keep plugging away at it, one day at a time. You WILL be successful!

    Michelle – Congratulations to Jessica on her promotion and raise!!

    Jane in Colorado
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy ground hog day!
    Am motivated.Got 3 nights behind me.Hubby and friend`s were eating pizza last night,I had a cup of tea and was satisfied.
    Decided to wt on fris.
    Welcome newbies.You`l find love,support,hints,recipes etc and an awesome bunch of women.So grateful for you all.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    took a great yoga class this morning and feel like all the kinks that built up from cardio and strength training over the last week have been worked out

    Michelle - You are so funny. I actually fell out of a headstand once and took out 2 other students - just like dominos!:blushing: As long as you are breathing and moving you are doing yoga. You might want to check out yogajournal.com. They offer free videos at all different levels and many are not very long.

    Meg - I'm not sure what level you are at but some of my favorite yoga DVD's are the new one from Kathryn Buddig which has two different practices on it, Rodney Yee offers a number of power yoga DVD's from beginning to intermediate. If you like power yoga the series from Bryan Kest is an oldie but still a goodie. I have a couple of Shiva Rea DVD's that are on the more challenging side and allow you to customize your practice. If you're not familiar with Collage video it is a great place to preview DVD's and if you don't like one you can return it for free.

    Have a great day everyone
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hello all: Well I just turned 65 January 31 and I am not really sure how I feel about that except that I am determined to get fit this year. My best friend and I have a horse weekend planned for September and Jewel and I are both out of shape. Also my granddaughter is coming for a visit in July and we are planning a trip to the Black Hills with her. I want to be able to be more active with her. The weather is rotten here and I took my second spill on the ice walking the dog this morning. No permanent damage, mostly my dignity but it really bugs me. I hate ice!

    January goals: Eat fish once a week. DONE
    Eat broccoli twice a week. ONLY MISSED THIS LAST WEEK.
    Walk up stairs in parking ramp at work instead of elevator. ALL BUT THREE TIMES.

    February goals: Dietician says I need to add more protein so I will work on that. Up to 100 grams per day.
    Eat one item with beta carotene per day.
    Take longer faster strides when going from place to place at work.
    Go to laughter yoga once this month.

    Sue from SD
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hope you enjoy the crazy cat lady game! The crazy cat lady on the top of the box is my daughter. She works for the company that made the game. What a kick. Sue from SD
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Hello ladies - just finished a BIG salad and a use-up-the-leftovers combo of quinoa/blackbeans/mushrooms/tomatoes. :bigsmile: YUMMMMM. I hope everyone has a healthy day. We deserve it! :heart:

    JaneH - while I love my Fitbit and wear it 24/7 clipped to my bra during the day and on the velcro bracelet type thing I received at nite, I believe I would prefer the new wrist band type.

    Once in a while I have a bit of irritation from wearing it during the day. Apparently things are rubbing......ack. :huh: But I have very sensitive skin and a lot of things bother me. But I would just like to put on the bracelet and be good to go. I do have an older model so I don't have the convenience of Bluetooth. Please keep in mind no one knows how the new wrist model will perform since it's new. And of course, I am a junkie for the *newest* tech toy. :wink:

    The device has encouraged me to get more activity though. Without.A.Doubt

    Let us know what you decide. :flowerforyou:

    Happy Super Bowl to you who like to watch. I like the commercials. :laugh:

    Lin in Central Iowa where the sun is disappearing and more snow is promised

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Happy Saturday and even better, January is over!!!!!
    As you can see, January wasn’t what I would consider a good month but I looked at my January goals and maybe I set myself up for it. Here they are and my success rate (well, success might be sretching it a tad - see goal 4)
    January goals
    1. next goal weight 135 before Feb 13
    2. exercise increase every day – more than just walking my dogs and cleaning house
    3. water – a minimum of 8 glasses per day and get up to 9 glasses often
    4. maintain a positive outlook – January and February can be long and hard

    Let’s take them in order – I’m 2.8 pounds out from the 135 by Feb 13 goal and seeing I’ve been on a plateau since mid-November, it’s not likely I’m going to lose those same up and down pounds in 2 weeks. = Failure
    Second – DID NOT HAPPEN, I’ve been working 10-12 hours a day consistently and haven’t done more than the basic minimum which is frustrating because I would probably feel better and have more energy if I did push through the fatigue and work out. = Failure (well except for the bowling and snow shoveling)
    Third – this one I would say I did about 80% on, I drink the water consistently and the only times I fell under was when I had tummy troubles and couldn’t keep food down so water was not that appealing.
    Fourth – yeah, this might be why January was so bad, who said “start the way you want to go”? That’s it, February is going to be a fantastic month (and I get to visit my baby girl for 2 weeks – my baby is 5’10” so that is not a literal description).

    Repeat and new goals for this month

    February goals
    • next goal weight 135 by March 1
    • Not gain weight while on vacation!!!!!!!
    • exercise increase every day – more than just walking my dogs and cleaning house (DD2 will walk the legs off me so this should be achievable)
    • water – maintaiof 8 glasses per day and get up to 9 glasses often
    • maintain a positive outlook – spring is just around the corner.

    Now, enough whining, accountability is paramount, I am responsible for my own results so onward and upward to a better month.

    I’ve not been on the forum that often, but have been reading consistently. I am always inspired by all of you, each one has challenges and successes and ups and downs and sharing them is so important (especially to our mental health). No judgments, only positive and helpful feedback.

    Barbie – like others, I am grateful for your always wise and helpful information and for keeping the post going. I think of you as a guide along this journey (think Gandalf but much better looking – lol).

    DeeDee – I will use your NSV for inspiration and get my butt working.

    Looks like a lot of us had work and health challenges in January.

    Jeannie, hang in there, son will learn and all you can do is support him ethically, be true to your beliefs and knowledge and always come from a place of love. This problem will resolve over time, believe it.

    Michele – with the workout you give those measuring cups, I think industrial strength steel would be a good choice for replacements – lol,

    Jackie – you are so on track – great work.

    Judy, and Robin– keeping fingers crossed for you.

    Meg – we all have blue funks occasionally – sounds like yours is brought on my overdoing – take care of yourself, you don’t want to pick up another bug. Ah, just saw your second post and looks like you are back to being the Meg we know and love.

    Jane – we’re in this with you. Try thinking about us when the munch gremlins hit you. I actually fell asleep on the sofa last night and I think it was just to avoid the incredible desire to snack. I knew I wasn’t hungry because all of the good stuff just didn’t appeal to me.

    Glenda – it’s warming up here in SE BC as well, I notice some bare patches on my deck so that means the undercoating of ice is melting. Alberta’s weather changes always make me shrug though – they’re just strange even when it’s in the normal range.

    Moxie – just think of this thread as the “young at heart” club.

    Ok, time to get going, I have to deal with an electrical issue, believe it or not, my smoke alarm just fell off the hallway ceiling and it’s dangling by wires – this does not look like something I should play with – got to call an electrician right away.

  • I just returned from my granddaughter's 7th birthday party, which happened to be a roller skating party. What a hoot!!! I put on skates and got out on the rink and skated!!! I haven't been on skates for....let's see...never mind. I would rather not put that number in writing. I surprised myself and have added a February goal of roller skating a couple of times this month. I know my muscles will be screaming in the morning, but I feel so good now.
    It is snowing in SW Virginia where I am visiting my daughter and her family. My husband and I will have to head west toward home in the morning and I hope the roads are clear for our journey.

    I hope everyone is having a great day. Welcome to all the new folks. I am still pretty new to the thread and being involved here helps me to be sure to log-on MFP, and while here I get my food journal up-to-date. I was so irregular about that.

    Thanks to everyone for the support. Mary from middle TN
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Birthday, Sue from SD. I will turn 65 the end of this month...And I also don't know how I feel about it, except that there is no other choice.:laugh:

    I got in a pretty good zumba class this morning. I didn't feel like I did, but the fitbit showed about 10 more calories burned than usual, so I'm happy.

    Has anyone tried Lifestyle Lift? I'm curious if it works...and if it's really expensive too. The waddle under my chin just won't go away and bugs me. I'm pretty close to my weight goal (about 5 pounds maybe) and happy with most changes, but that annoys me A LOT.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • vickijminard
    vickijminard Posts: 1 Member
    :laugh: Find myself doing well during the week and then having to restart each Monday.
    Hoping for motivation and support.
    Looking to lose 1+ pound a week for February.
    Looking to start doing some yoga for stretching.
  • Hi Barbie, hi everyone,thanks for the posts. Great goals that give me inspiration and keep me motivated. I am new to MFP this being my third week and have plenty of goals for February lol.
    #1 Increase exercising to everyday from 1 time a day to twice daily!
    #2 Work on getting my 8 cups of water a day.
    #3 Make healthier choices with my food plan
    #4 Have gone from 48 ounces of pepsi (yeah thats right :indifferent: ) to 16 ounces a day, now its time to completely cut it out!
    Good luck on goals all! WE CAN DO IT!
    By the way i'm from Upstate New York:smile:
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    So happy to have found this group! (I'm turning 50 this year.)

    My goal for February is to be more consistent with my workouts.

    Look forward to getting to know the women in this thread.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having a busy weekend. That's good, you can't snack as much when you're busy. I'm heading out for a walk but wanted to post a quick note.
    Sue in TX
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    What a great thread; so refreshing to hear your voices and words of support for each other. I'm new to forums and have been with MFP since November. My ticker shows 10 lbs lost, but had already lost 30 before MFP. As for February goals: (1) continue to attend aerobics and step classes at the Y four times a week and will add 30 minutes on the treadmill after at least three of these; (2)yesterday placed requests for several of the books Barbie listed and am eager to see them; (3)focus on moving more and sitting less; (4) be grateful for every step I take as I see so many older people who are not in a physical condition to do much at all.

    Hope to pick up better on everyone's names over time, and didn't take notes while reading these posts, so: To the person who is going on a cruise soon: Having gained 7 lbs on a cruise I took several years ago, I was fearful to go on another one this past September -- but I ended up losing a pound or two! Ate plenty of fresh raw fruit and vegetables, as well as roast chicken, beef, and lots of fish. Stayed away from sauces, buttered cooked vegetables, and casserole-type foods. As for desserts, they prepare very small portions (a bite or two), so I had one of these on a couple of occasions. I did not feel deprived, as I am enjoying the sense of well-being I have from losing weight and becoming more fit. I would not trade that for more unhealthy food.

    Look forward to reading more of your posts and figuring out how this works.