18-23 college students



  • Hello there :) I'm 20 and a full time student majoring in Nutrition, minoring in Spanish at the University of New Mexico. I have a problem with sweets, especially ice cream. As a nutrition major, I think its time I practice what I preach! I'd like to lose around 20lbs, and ya know.. not get winded after walking up stairs lol. Also, I'm newly a vegetarian, so if there are any others I'd love to know some of your favorite meals.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey! I'm 19 years old and a sophomore majoring in elementary education. I'm a full time student and I work at a preschool/daycare part time. I lost a lot of weight last year but unfortunately I gained most of it back and now im working to lose the weight i gained back and a little more. I love to get and give support so anyone who wants to add me, feel free to do so :)
  • Hello! Second year double degree-ing in Biology and Chemistry, here! Working my way toward medical school :) Would love to connect with people
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    20 years old, astronomy major freshman here. Been fat since I was a kid. I got up to 200lbs+ :sick: But I lost some once I was around 16 or so.


    Anyone feel free to add me! :smile:
  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I'm 21, and a full time college student majoring in Physiological Sciences, and I'm pre-med and preparing to graduate so I'm very busy. I was a very active athlete in high school then got lazy in college and gained 30 lbs. I'm 5'7", current weight 170, goal weight 140. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • I'm 19 college student. :) Sophomore and majoring in Early Childhood Education. I used to be an athlete in high school, but during my time so far at college I gained an insane amount of weight. I'm 5'10 and my CW is 165 and my GW is around 135-140. Please feel free to add me! :)
  • KatelynMShelton
    KatelynMShelton Posts: 2 Member
    Hey All! Not trying to sound like I am joining the Bandwagon or anything but I am a full time College student (Majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management), I am 20 and I am a former athlete. After HS i gained my "freshman 15" and just couldn't get it off, instead it was just added to. I'm really new to this and any help or support would be great. I am 197 now and hope to get down to 140 by November. I am kinda shy at first but turn into quite a chatterbox. Feel free to add me though!!!
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    hey everyone!
    nice to see some other people in the same situation juggling school work and working out!

    I'm 18, a first year university student. luckily I haven't put on the 'freshman 15' but instead I did gain some weight in my senior year of high school and this past summer SO time to get rid of that.
    My SW was 158ish CW is 154 and my GW is 140! (that being said, I am lifting weights as well and I fully realize I may get to where I want to be physically and not hit 140)
    Still pretty new on here (just hit my 15 day mark!) so any support would be great, and of course I'll do my part and support you :)
  • Raerae1993
    Raerae1993 Posts: 82 Member
    I am 19, full time college student majoring in natural sciences and a minor in spanish, I also work part-time at a cafe. Looking to lose 30lbs or more. I have been losing and gaining back and forth for too long. I want to stay active and healthy.

  • Hi guys! I'm an 18 year old full time college student as well. I'm double majoring- Criminal Justice and Environmental Studies. I work two jobs between classes, and I'm trying to lose 50 pounds! :) feel free to add, I just created a new MFP because I forgot my username and password for my old one.. (oops). I'd love to have some people struggling through the same things as I am. Good luck :)
  • Hey everyone! I'm 22 and I am a nurse. I am back in college full time to further my degree and I also work 60 hours a week 12 hours shifts. I was an athlete all through out school. I cheered, danced, and played basketball. Now that life has hit I have gained weight! My best friend proposed to me this past December and we are having a beach wedding this summer! I want to be smaller that what I was when we first met. I am 5'4 and my highest weight was 155. I have been on Jenny Craig for a month and now weight 146. My goal weight is 120. I am looking for a support system on here. Good luck to everyone!
  • im 20 ... i dont go to school yet but i do work a full time job and lack motivation... im trying to lose like 30 more pounds or till i am happy with the way i look... im going to add you. because i really lack motivation and need all the support i can get and i also love helping others out and talking to people trying to get fit too so feel free to talk to me about anything if you have any questions or if you just want to talk hahah btw my names mandy!
  • dvillano46
    dvillano46 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I'm 21 and just graduated college this December. Trying to stay fit here at home now. Feel free to add me! Always happy to cheer on other MFP users :)
  • I am 20 and I am heading to college and I have played sports and love to workout.
  • I am going to get my accosiate degree in information technology that is a two year associate degree. Then I am going for a degree in Music.
  • Niharika_sri
    Niharika_sri Posts: 83 Member
    Hi I am 20, a day scholar, in my med school right now, 2nd year. Joined MFP jus a month ago. 69 pounds more to lose. Feel free to add me everyone, would love to have people of my age group around!
  • Guinevere117
    Guinevere117 Posts: 148 Member
    I am a 22 year old full time college student (6-7 classes per semester), double majoring in Anthropology and Asian Studies, and a minor in Japanese Culture and Language at the University of New Mexico. I am looking to get a PhD in Anthropology and will be entering my Masters new year. It is quite hard to eat healthy and stay fit, but I am mostly doing it, somehow... lol. I was never a very active person until I forced a fitness routine into my life back in 2011, and have now come to enjoy it. I will admit that for some reason, I find logging calories on here....... fun. XD

    Height: 5'6"
    SW: 220
    CW: 116-118
    GW: idk.... Probably pretty much there..... Muscle building and toning now
  • Hey Guys I'm 23 and working on my bachelors in molecular biology, work part time as a research assistant and I've lost 29 pound since joining MFP! I'm looking to lose about 40 more pounds. I log everyday and am pretty active on here. Feel free to add me and I looking forward to keeping each other motivated. ;D

    Height: 5'8
    SW: 233
    CW: 204
    GW: 160-170

  • 09tbuzze
    09tbuzze Posts: 9 Member
    Hi :) I am 21. Finishing up my psychology degree at the University of Maine in May. Current weight is around (don't have a scale) 190 but would love to get down to 150. Would love some friends on here as I just joined yesterday. Motivation is always welcomed :) Best of luck to everyone!
  • Hey everyone! I'm 22 and I am a nurse. I am back in college full time to further my degree and I also work 60 hours a week 12 hours shifts. I was an athlete all through out school. I cheered, danced, and played basketball. Now that life has hit I have gained weight! My best friend proposed to me this past December and we are having a beach wedding this summer! I want to be smaller that what I was when we first met. I am 5'4 and my highest weight was 155. I have been on Jenny Craig for a month and now weight 146. My goal weight is 120. I am looking for a support system on here. I dont really know anyone on myftnesspal so looking to add some friends. Good luck to everyone!