Team UK - May 2010



  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Well done Gail - that takes some dedication to lose that amount of weight, you are a good source of motivation to us all, Paul
  • MistahLee31
    MistahLee31 Posts: 116
    Hi all,

    Hope everyone is well. Hi to all the newbies who have joined the thread, good to see you all and good luck with whatever goals you have. :happy:

    Well, yesterday went okay. Gave my Auntie a really good send off and had the weather on our side aswell. There was a bit of needle between my nan and the priest, I think she wanted to knock his block off. It's a good job he did run away, I wouldn't have wanted to have been on the end of one of her right hooks! :laugh: I've told her that I'm going to put her in the ring with Floyd Mayweather. He's got absolutely no chance against nan!! :happy: Thanks to everyone for their best wishes on here, really appreciate it. :smile:

    Was going to go the gym when I got back, but was absolutely shattered, so ended up having tea then going for a kip. When I woke up, David Cameron was Prime Miinster. I wondered if I woke up many years in the future, but realised I was only asleep for a couple of hours!!!

    Back in work today, continuing to eat healthily and definately hitting the gym tonight and tomorrow. Can't do Friday as I'm going to watch the gorgeous Lucy Porter at the Parr Hall in Warrington! :love:

    Hope everyone has a Happy Wednesday and also rest of the week.

    Take care

  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Ok so I need somebody to slap me and give me a stern talking too :grumble: :grumble:

    I cannot stop eating!!! I seem to think that because I did a lot of exercise at the weekend, this give me permission to eat and eat and eat and...

    I have put 2lb's on since Fridays weigh in!!! Thats a bag of sugar!!! Why??!!?? :sad: :sad:

    Got to get back on the straight and narrow, my wedding is 4 months away and I need to start taking things seriously, for my dress!!!

    Why is it so hard to loose blumin wieght :huh: :huh:
  • manolo17
    manolo17 Posts: 7
    Hi All,

    I've just recently joined the site and I'm finding it very useful so far. I'm hoping to lose 38 pounds in total. I've never been able to stay motivated in the past so keeping my fingers crossed that a site like this, with lots of others like me will help :smile:

    I'm from Manchester, it's great to see so many Brits on here!! x
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Ok so I need somebody to slap me and give me a stern talking too :grumble: :grumble:

    I cannot stop eating!!! I seem to think that because I did a lot of exercise at the weekend, this give me permission to eat and eat and eat and...

    I have put 2lb's on since Fridays weigh in!!! Thats a bag of sugar!!! Why??!!?? :sad: :sad:

    Got to get back on the straight and narrow, my wedding is 4 months away and I need to start taking things seriously, for my dress!!!

    Why is it so hard to loose blumin wieght :huh: :huh:

    It could just be your muscles retaining glycogen and water whilst repairing themselves after your climb the other day. You did say your legs were killing you?? You'll be ok :flowerforyou: I know it's hard, I really sympathise, but you will get there.

    Hi to all newbies.

    Lee - Glad it went ok yesterday. Good luck with getting back to the gym. If you're tired don't try and do too much - you don't want to injure yourself.

    I'm hoping to get to the gym tonight. Last day of week four of couch to 5k followed by my normal cross training. My next goal is to find somewhere locally where I can run outside without killing's all hills round here! Still can't quite believe that I'll be running a half marathon in October...

    Hope you all have good days xxx
  • 20chloe09
    20chloe09 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm from Sheffield but I'm currently in my final term at uni in Manchester. I'm trying to shift the 2 stone or so that I've gradually put on since I started drinking when I was 17.

    I'm finding having people to talk to and logging my calories extremely helpful and so far I've lost 4 pounds, although that weigh in was 2 weeks ago and since then, although I look slimmer the scales either haven't changed or have shown that I've actually put on weight. I'd be interested to see whether this is just the scales though because my house-mates have also complained about them being inaccurate.

    I am determined to lose the weight over the summer in time for job interviews and really because I'd like to get my confidence back. I have managed to stick to my calorie allowance (on average - some days a bit over, some a bit under but I make sure it all breaks even across the week) for 25 days now so I'm confident that I will reach my goals if I keep at it!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I joined MFP in March and lost a few pounds and then put them back on again :frown: I have finally managed to lose 6lbs. which I hope will stay off !

    I live in York, it's cold and grey here today, roll on summer!

    I find this site is great for talking to people and logging calories and exercise. I'm sure I couldn't have lost this weight if it hadn't have been for a great group of ladies that I chat to on this site. Let's say we are ladies of a certain age :bigsmile: It is so much harder to lose weight the older you get.

    Must dash back to work - I only popped home to bring my washing in - I knew I shouldn't have logged on to MFP ......

  • muppetkeeper
    muppetkeeper Posts: 33 Member
    Hi All, I've been arounf here for 8 days now!! Wooo hooo.

    I'm after a little advice if possible. I'm only a little overweight (8lbs is my first goal) and am fairly fit.

    I followed a 1520 calorie diet all of last week, and didn't exceed target once, and was within a couple of hundred calories of target each day, so was probably eating enough.

    I also did quite a lot of exercise, mainly fast walking, and actually made sure I ate most of the exercise calories too.

    After 8 days though, absolutely no weight loss, not even 1/4 of a pound, which my scales weight to.

    I'm starting to think that maybe the exercise isn't as hard for me as MFP allows for, and maybe eating all the exercise calories is not going to work for me. I've seen a lot of American posts about heart rate monitors, but fail to understand how that would help counting calories burned.

    Anyone got any suggestions, as I tuck into my M&S 305 calorie lunch.

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi All, I've been arounf here for 8 days now!! Wooo hooo.

    I'm after a little advice if possible. I'm only a little overweight (8lbs is my first goal) and am fairly fit.

    I followed a 1520 calorie diet all of last week, and didn't exceed target once, and was within a couple of hundred calories of target each day, so was probably eating enough.

    I also did quite a lot of exercise, mainly fast walking, and actually made sure I ate most of the exercise calories too.

    After 8 days though, absolutely no weight loss, not even 1/4 of a pound, which my scales weight to.

    I'm starting to think that maybe the exercise isn't as hard for me as MFP allows for, and maybe eating all the exercise calories is not going to work for me. I've seen a lot of American posts about heart rate monitors, but fail to understand how that would help counting calories burned.

    Anyone got any suggestions, as I tuck into my M&S 305 calorie lunch.


    Hello - the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is, and the longer it takes. If you are in a healthy weight range your body has no reason to want to lose weight, and would actually rather have a bit of spare fat in case of sudden famine. There is a lot of talk on these forums about the last ten pounds being the most difficult to shift and that you must adjust your expectations accordingly. This means expecting the weight to come off sloooooooooooooowly.

    What have you got set as your weekly goal? It is probably most realistic to set it at 1/2 pound a week (although a 1/4 a week might be what is actually achievable) and to only have a very small deficit.

    Have a look at this post for calorie deficits:

    And this one (particulary phase 5) for expectations:

    As for the exercise calories and heart rate monitors, this is a very excellent blog post:

    Hope these are helpful, but I'm afraid you'll have to be in it for the long game!

    Good luck,

    Erika x
  • muppetkeeper
    muppetkeeper Posts: 33 Member

    Hello - the less weight you have to lose, the harder it is, and the longer it takes. If you are in a healthy weight range your body has no reason to want to lose weight, and would actually rather have a bit of spare fat in case of sudden famine. There is a lot of talk on these forums about the last ten pounds being the most difficult to shift and that you must adjust your expectations accordingly. This means expecting the weight to come off sloooooooooooooowly.

    What have you got set as your weekly goal? It is probably most realistic to set it at 1/2 pound a week (although a 1/4 a week might be what is actually achievable) and to only have a very small deficit.

    Have a look at this post for calorie deficits:

    And this one (particulary phase 5) for expectations:

    As for the exercise calories and heart rate monitors, this is a very excellent blog post:

    Hope these are helpful, but I'm afraid you'll have to be in it for the long game!

    Good luck,

    Erika x

    Thanks Erika,

    your answer has helped, I've been lucky in the past and have been able to just "think" weight loss and it happened, not so this time (probably due to being 40!)

    I'll dodge the expense of a HRM, as it seems to be mainly best guess, and I can do that myself, and I'll try to be a little more patient too.

    I really do think that walking doesn't do anything for me as an exercise any longer, even at about 4.5mph, my heart rate hardly moves, looks like its time to jog!

    Will post again towards the end of May, hopefully with a pound or two less to report!

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    If you don't already do it, adding some weight/resistance exercises can really help. Muscle burns more at rest than fat, giving you a better metabolism - the more muscle you have the more calroies you will burn during daily activity. We naturally lose muscle as we age. You don't have to get bulked up or anything, but a little weight training can go a long way to getting the body you want!

  • ragster
    ragster Posts: 20
    I too have had a difficult couple of weeks and plateaued with the weight loss. Saw my diabetic diatetian on Monday and she checked bmi and body fat and my bmi is down 6.5 and fat is 10% lower than it was in January, so she's certain I'm burning fat now which takes longer to notice on the scales.

    So, don't be disheartened. Stick around here with some lovely supportive people

  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hello there.....

    Have just tried wholemeal pasta for tea, and it was lovely!! Think I am converted!! Saw in an article today that its better for you due to 'complex carbs' so thought would give it a go..... and I would recommend it to you all!!!

    Trying to cut out Sat Fat at the mo and avoid processed food as getting back into old habits of whacking things in the oven with a side order of McCains oven chips, which athough are low in Cals, dont think they are great for a balanced diet!! :laugh: :wink: :laugh:

    Ragster - sounds like you are doing really well. Just goes to show that its not only about the scales!! Well done!!!

    Muppetkeeper - I know Erika has posted quite a lot of info (she's a good un), mabe try eating say half you exercise cals, or if you dont think its hard enough exercise for you dont count it. I know my mum does a lot of running, and when she is dieting she doesnt count this in as her body is used to it. Maybe try mixing the execise up with a class of fitness dvd to shock the system. I have recenty started running, and have noticed the scales have started to move again!!

    Hope you are all having good weeks, my legs are just about recovering from Helvellyn on Saturday, not done any exercise since, but hoping to go for a little run tomorrow in prep for th Manchester 10k on Sunday.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    Struggling today! Seemed to have stayed the same weight for 2 weeks and all I can do is think about eating, eating, eating! Am only on 1200 calories per day and can't cut any more out! It is 12 weeks til my holiday and want to lose 1 stone between now and then, but the scales don't want to shift.
    Any tips at all? Feel so fed up with it all....

  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm so glad I've found a UK thread - shows how much attention I pay haha nver noticed it before!

    I'm from Hull, East Yorkshire and nearing my goal weight, I'm not that fussed about the number on the scales though, just about how I look. So I'm really on here to tone up and keep a check on what I'm eating - it stops me falling off the wagon if I track it :)

    I'm currently in the middle of doing the 30 Day Shred (Day 14!) and loving it! But have suffered some sort of back strain yesterday so taking it easy today!

    Hope everyone is well and having a good week! I weigh in on a Friday so hopefully see a bit of a loss tomorrow - slowly but surely eh!

    If anyone fancies adding me please feel free, it's so nice to have UK people to comment and chat with :)
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Quite hungover today, dont think I will be doing much in the form of movement. Then again I try to avoid moving like its the plague. Lazy lazy Kimmy

    Wizzywig - Im from York aswell, it seems that we Yorkshire lasses will be taking over the thread any time soon.

    Guess what everyone, I actually have a waistline again! (wooo :drinker: ) The scales didnt change in the last week so I decided to measure myself. Lost an inch off my waist! I looked in the mirror and it was so curvy I thought the mirror had warped and gone like one of those in funhouses :laugh: Think I may treat myself to a new dress or top to show it off!
  • muppetkeeper
    muppetkeeper Posts: 33 Member

    Muppetkeeper - I know Erika has posted quite a lot of info (she's a good un), mabe try eating say half you exercise cals, or if you dont think its hard enough exercise for you dont count it. I know my mum does a lot of running, and when she is dieting she doesnt count this in as her body is used to it. Maybe try mixing the execise up with a class of fitness dvd to shock the system. I have recenty started running, and have noticed the scales have started to move again!!

    Hi, thanks for your support, I've been walking about 4 miles a day for the last 10 years, so I do need to shake it up a bit, just looking at punchbags and boxing mitts...

    Will let you all know!

  • Weigh-in day in the morning.

    I have worked so hard this week and eaten really well so hoping for the scales to be nice to me!

    A couple of people have commented that I have lost weight which is nice, but when I look in the mirror I just can't see that much of a difference. :indifferent:
  • galoot
    galoot Posts: 17
    joanna_marie I know what ya mean about looking at yourself and not noticing.. I think its because I look down on my belly rather than fromt he front so it always looks big hahah!
  • bobbyboy16
    bobbyboy16 Posts: 15
    Hi peeps

    Would you beleive it , after three weeks i have finally loss another 1lb :smooched:

    Don,t ask me why, as I have continued to do the same cal intake and excercise :yawn:

    Hope we are all geared up again to resist the weekend treaties that tempt us, yes the threaded :drinker: I will only have the one glass or two on Saturday night - promise

    All the best and keep on trying out there. Have a good weekend

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