Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello everyone----I've not had an Internet connection for a good portion of the day. It seems to be working now so I'll write FAST!

    HELEN - thanks for the info. I don't get any package inserts from my pharmacy so that explains a lot!! Thanks again.

    SKINNY - great looking dog and thank you for sharing a picture.

    ROBIN - the feeling of living in two residences is kind of odd isn't it? I live in my own home a majority of the time but stay at my father's house when I travel. I feel as if I'm camping when I'm there because I don't have any of my ordinary stuff. Once the house is sold I'll be staying in a hotel or motel if I need to stay so that will be stranger.

    LAURIE - I hope you feel better soon and are ready to start your weight loss challenge!!

    Sorry, nothing to actually share today.....the cursor keeps disappearing which cannot be a good thing.

    I'm 3 for 3 on the Leslie walking and the raw walnut halves. So far so good!

    See you all another day.


  • ugh... i just lost a long post that i had masterfully crafted (lol). well, i will re-create some of it.

    @kaye - i'm sure you know, some dogs just can't deal with kid-energy. my dog lily used to live with a family with kids. she was pretty miserable there, and they were always worried she would eventually get in trouble for biting (she never did, she cowers and hides instead). she's so much more relaxed and happy here, with just me and our other pack-member, ruckus. i'm sure it was hard for them to part with her, but it really was best for everyone.
    @susan - i hope your meeting with the owners and various bigwigs goes well tomorrow!
    @nicole - give yourself some time to heal from this - quite a major trauma you underwent... your feelings will probably be all over the place for a while (like the temperatures in chicago and ontario, lol)... don't be too hard on yourself for not getting over it within any particular timeframe... you're entitled to your emotions. oh, and sparkly, girl-colored pepper spray? the sociologist in me wants to deconstruct the gendered processes at play here, but i will spare all of you, lol. i hope the party goes well and you are able to get whatever you need to feel safe.
    @karen - so sorry to hear about your sister. it's especially awful that this happened at the moment that she was beginning to rebuild. oh, and i want to scream about the inequities in our medical care system and the crisis of the uninsured, but i will again spare everyone my socio-political rant.
    @alison - good for you for recognizing that you don't need to eat as much. while my portion sizes have stayed roughly the same, i think - i like to feel full - i have noticed that i have recently begun to eat considerably fewer calories - i assume because i have learned to how cook lower calorie, healthier foods.

    congratulations to all those with scale and non-scale victories! i continue to be inspired by all of you, reading each and every day, even if i've dropped down on the frequency of my own posting. to all those battling illness and struggling with personal loss, my heart goes out to you - feel better soon! welcome to all the new and returning folks! good to see you!

    sunday share - i am beth - with a "mc" last name - hence mackbeth! (the k and two ls were added at some point because macbeth is so popular, lol). i am 42 years old and live in lovely connecticut with my two dogs in a house i bought 3 years ago. our house was built in 1850 as a blacksmith shop... it has tons of character and has clearly been lovingly maintained through the years... nonetheless, such an old structure requires much upkeep and attention, so sometimes i wish the dogs would do more. ruckus, lily, and i love living in the country (we used to live in medium-sized cities)... and we enjoy hiking on the trail along the river and canal which border our property. the canal was dug to supply power to an organ-pipe factory, back in the day. i know this from my old-school deed, which is an interesting historical document, but does nothing to define my property boundaries.... it says things like "beginning at a small elm tree and proceeding northerly to a pile of rocks near the river...." the small elm tree from the 19th century is no longer with us, and this is new england, so there are about a million rocks, lol. some of our neighbors have told me that you used to be able to find organ pipes in the woods, and some of them have windchimes made from them. i wish i would stumble upon some... okay, enough sharing for today.

    the february challenge seems tailor-made for me! I am a total creature-of-habil... every day is pretty much the same... i will have to watch Groundhog Day to see how it compares. i really love, love, love my routines (i think because my life used to be so chaotic/unpredictable). so, what to add? to be honest, i really just want to say that i will soak in the hot tub each day, because especially during the dog days of winter, it is so good for me - refreshing and healing to mind, body, and soul - but i don't always take the time. however, somehow, when all of you are commiting to things that seem much more involved than taking a nice warm soak, it doesn't seem enough. so, i will either take a long walk or do a wii workout, plus take a dip in the hot tub each day. so far so good, and i am headed for the tub now to make it 3/28!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Overall, I've had a good week. There's been some ups and downs on the work front. There's been some ups and down on the weight loss. This is life. We'll always have good and bad days, but I'm in a much better place and handling things so much better than I was even a year ago.

    Sunday Share: I think everyone probably knows me by now. Susan, single mom to son Cyrus (10 1/2), lives in Las Vegas (moved from Atlanta 9 months ago), was 325 now 272 and heading down (Woo Hoo!!), MFP user since August 2012, LOVE this group, and my friends on MFP.

    Interview with the owners and executives at 2:00 PDT - can't wait!!

    I chatted with my friend last night. Her husband started chemo this last week. 6 hours of chemo at the hospital then the pump with more chemo for 40 hours at home. Sigh. I hate being 2,000 miles away. It's breaking my heart. I think I'm going to set up a Caring Bridge account for them. She has so many people who want a status, but she's getting overwhelmed. She knows everyone means well and she's so thankful, but she's trying to hold it all together. Her husband is only 39. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as their life as they know it has changed overnight.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening,

    Watching Superbowl our team isn't there this year so we are just enjoying the game. Went to a party stay till lights went out at Superbowl. Now finishing it at home. Didn't do too bad with food or drink but glad to be home away from it all.

    Sunday share : my name is Liz I am a 52 yr old, married to the same man now for 22 yrs, have one 19 yr old daughter who has autism. I work as a adult developmental specialist. We live in Caldwell, Idaho. I have been over weight most of my adult life and obese for most of my marriage. With all this weight I have develop high blood pressure, knee and ankle issues. My goal is to finally not be obese. To be healthier. like so many women my life has been as caregiver putting myself last. It is still hard for me to think of my needs ahead of others. But the goal is a healthier me. To be kind to me. Also my family this summer is going to Disneyland. I love it. I want to be able to fit on all the rides I want to ride.

    Love mfp such a wonderful tool. This thread is very supportive sharing in this journey towards good health.

    Wishing you all a wonderful evening

    Liz from idaho
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My Sunday Share is I haven't shared for a few days. Even though I am a pretty fair newby (3 weeks) I am pretty reliant on posting my food and posting to this board. Reading everyone's posts and encouragement has been a daily ritual for me that I didn't realize that I had made into a habit. I fave really felt out of control the last few days and it seems when I can't plan as well or are off schedule it is harder. I have just not been on plan, tracking only some and not finishing the day. This is even when I have the phone app. I am stressed and dealing with family illnesses, work, lac of chores being finished, etc. like everyone else, but it's learning to deal with it besides food. Not sure what that answer is.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Sunday Share is I haven't shared for a few days. Even though I am a pretty fair newby (3 weeks) I am pretty reliant on posting my food and posting to this board. Reading everyone's posts and encouragement has been a daily ritual for me that I didn't realize that I had made into a habit. I fave really felt out of control the last few days and it seems when I can't plan as well or are off schedule it is harder. I have just not been on plan, tracking only some and not finishing the day. This is even when I have the phone app. I am stressed and dealing with family illnesses, work, lac of chores being finished, etc. like everyone else, but it's learning to deal with it besides food. Not sure what that answer is.

    Oh, sounds like the answer is your stressed and dealing with family illnesses, work, lack of chores being finished and your only 3 weeks in to a BIG OLE LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!! ONLY 3 week honey! you're just in a little slump and its going to get better for you. This is hard work to commit to and your other life can suffer, and learning to balance the two is difficult. I'm glad to see that MFP has become a good part of your life so far as well as this thread. Logging your food will get easier too. Maybe try logging your days food in advance - that works well for some people, plotting it all out in the am so you know what your going to have for the day. (I personally don't do that, now that I think of it, maybe I should give it a try too! )
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick check-in:
    Ate way too much at the party and I'm feeling stuffed and bloated now. I went over by about 1000 calories which means 500 over maintenance. Usually I try to make up for these overages later in the week, but I've decided to just let this one go and just start fresh tomorrow. At least I met my protein goal.

    Good night everyone!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Sunday Share:
    I'm Kris. I live in Oregon and I'm the crazy cat lady. No family close by, no close friends, just two cats that I spoil like human kids.

    This is MowMow. He's my little soul cat. A 9 year old moggie I adopted from the local rescue.

    This is Shepherd Book (extra points if you know where that name comes from). He's a 2 year old monster that came from a local rescue. The last of his litter still there, no one wanted him because he's a black cat.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Everyone who's feeling under the weather -- I hope you're all feeling a load better really soon.

    @Kaye -- Love the new pic! Perhaps I'll post a pic at 50.
    @Charlotte -- sounds like you had a great week off!
    @Susan -- fingers crossed on the new job. It's worth keeping looking till you find the thing that's really right for you. And fingers crossed for your friend's husband. I think Caring Bridge works really well when you just need to update loads of people at once, and I know people who find that reading all the messages is very comforting.
    @Karen -- what a great run! I can do 5.5mph for, oh, about a minute. I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I hate the way I keep hearing stories of USians impoverished because of lack of access to universal health care.
    @Kelley -- well done on those inches!
    @Desdemina -- well done for getting over 200 cals on your xBox. I find I sweat much more when I do workouts on the Wii because it's indoors. I keep a little towel by my side and that makes indoor workouts much more comfortable. As you get fitter you will find you can do more in your workouts and then the calorie counts go up. (Mind you, as your weight goes down you get less cals for your workout. Swings and roundabouts...).
    @Laurie -- the jeans I have now are nice, but they're stretch, and they're not a proper jeans brand. I don't think I ever did look good in proper jeans. I'm quite looking forward to going shopping and having a nice choice of things to look at.
    @Kristen -- that is the cutest laundry pile! Our laundry is a bit more under control now the kids are older, but my daughter's all 'have you washed my jeans cos I need to wear them out tonight...'. Might be easier if they weren't in a crumpled heap on your bedroom floor, darling. I could do with a self-cleaning house...
    @Helen -- It's definitely worth talking to your gyno if you're low on iron.
    @KarenLeona -- I'm always staggered by the calorie counts in chain restaurant desserts. I mean, there is nobody who needs an extra 1300 calories of cheesecake after a restaurant main course. And I made the world's lushest cheesecake a couple of weeks ago, and that was about 500 calories for a decent sized slice. Perhaps 700 with cream or icecream. So I do wonder just what they're putting in it. I often just have ice cream, or just a bite of my husband's dessert, when we go out now.
    @Beth -- There are some houses in the 'village' near us (this is not a proper village, but London is full of areas that were villages 200 years ago and are now just little quaint bits in the general built up area) that were originally shops or working buildings. Our house is 1901 and was always just a rather boring house.
    @Kathy -- I always credit this thread as having been fundamental to keeping me on track.

    Oops, seem to have taken the weekend off. But I must mention my Saturday success -- my parkrun time on Saturday was 42:05, which is a 5k PB for me, so I am super pleased with that.

    Monday check-in -- I've lost another pound! So that's pretty good. A couple of big milestones coming up over the next few weeks. 50 pounds lost by Valentine's Day, that's my next goal (preview of Goals Tuesday).

    Glad so many of you had fun Super Bowl parties. I loved the Sunday shares as ever.

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Congrats to those with scale victories and NSVs last week!

    @Karen~I’m sorry to hear about your sister’s struggles, both with her health and financially. I hope the test results she receives bring good news. I love the pic of Gunner!
    @Susan~Will be thinking of you today, good luck!
    @Helen~Fibroids can cause iron deficiency, so glad you made an appt with the gyn.
    @Alison~Yay, on the 1# loss – you are well on your way to making that Valentine’s goal you set for yourself!

    Sunday Share is a little late, time got away from me yesterday. I’m Kelley, 44 and live in Texas – a transplant from NY 17 years ago. Wow that seems like a lifetime ago. My profile pic is my new 3-month kitty, Zoe, she is so sweet and playful (albeit a bit crazy) and just what I needed since I was missing the cats I lost last year (one was 17 and the other was 14). To share a little about my family – I have a sister 5-years younger. Being 5-years apart in age is hard, we were close growing up but when I turned into a teenager our lives became so different that we grew apart. We don’t talk as much as we should but since she had my nephews we’ve gotten closer – having kids was never a priority for me so I left that up to her, surprisingly she’s turned out to be a great mom and I’ve got two of the best nephews on the planet (one is 5 and the other is 3). They pretty much think I hung the moon. LOL

    Monday Check-In~ Had a good weekend and didn’t indulge during the Super Bowl. I didn’t have a loss last week which really frustrated me (even though more inches were gone), when I’m on point and I don’t lose weight I get really frustrated. I was super sore from our workout Wednesday (darn kettlebells), so it could have been from that – disappointing just the same. Anyway I had a long talk with my trainer about it during our session yesterday, as a result I’ve changed my macros to 20% carbs, 40% fat, and 40% protein. I really thought the drop in carbs would be hard, but it actually wasn’t. I’ve cut my fruit servings down to one per day and switched to the non-fat plain greek yogurt (not altogether bad). My goal is to eat as few carbs as possible throughout the day and save them for after my workouts and dinner – yesterday it worked out pretty well, macros were near perfect. So today will be day #2 with these changes, we’ll see how it goes.

    Fitness Goals:
    Monday~Cross Trainer or Elliptical
    Tuesday~Off Day
    Thursday~Off Day
    Friday~Zumba or walk outside if weather is nice
    Saturday~Long Run (also weigh-in day for start of 90-day weigh loss challenge at gym)

    Everyone have a great Monday. Its rainy here this morning but supposed to clear up and be in the 70s – actually 60s and 70s all week this week. I thought it was still winter?!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning,

    We are having an inversion in our area its not as the one last month but does make for some gloomy days.

    @kah68 -- I didn't have a loss this week either. I hope for one felt like my workouts were better than normal. Would help with a loss.

    @Susan Good Luck
    @Alision. Wonderful on your loss.
    @Karen great picture of Gunner. I understand financial struggles it seems my younger sister is going through both so she is always part of my thoughts. Its so hard I want to help her and do but I also need yo respect boundaries.

    @Kaye love your new picture.

    Weekend not too bad didn't really overdo it this weekend as far as food did manage to get a really good workout

    Congrats to all who had scale and nsv this week.

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Monday, successes and struggles...I'm struggling getting going. Today was going to be my first day back at the gym, but I kind of chickened out...nothing to wear! what an excuse, so I'm going to go to walmart and see if I can find something I'm comfortable in. Yesterday was fun, but, I cooked all day and then took food over to my daughters. Son-in-law is a big Super Bowl fan, so we had a party! Today, I'm trying to eat right and started the morning off with a glass of warm, lemon far, so good.
    I enjoy reading all of your posts and hope in the future to have more positive, inspirational things to say.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Checking in: The Super Bowl party was fun, even though our team lost. :sad: The food was good, and I'm pretty sure I over-did, but don'[t have a clue how to figure it out. I just estimated 1000 calories and am moving on. I didn't eat much earlier in the day, and tried to have plenty of the fruits and vegetables on my plate. Nachos, wings, meatballs, and mini hot dogs were the culprits. I did pass on the soda and drank water instead. Now I have to clean up the house. :ohwell:
    Thanks for the compliments on the picture. I asked my husband to take a picture of me yesterday. It looked as bad as a driver's license photo, so I had my daughter take some last night. I make sure I am behind the camera :wink: most of the time. I decided that it was about time I let you know what I really look like. :smile:
    Have a great day. I'll be watching for Susan's job update, as well as reports from all of you about your successes and disappointments. We are all survivors. Kaye :drinker: :drinker:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Everyone, I missed a few days here on the thread, but have been logging.

    @Karen- I hope your sister gets well soon. I can only imagine how she feels as well as the rest of your family. P.S. Gunner is such a HANDSOME boy!

    @Alison- Glad to hear about the 1 pound. It's 1 pound closer to your overall goal as well as your short term.

    I missed Friday fitness- I didnt do much because of the aching (under statement) muscles. I literally sat on my couch in my warm jammies with frozen veggies and iced my legs. :cry:

    Saturday Success- I was mad at myself for not going to the gym Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, but I remembered that my body was worked harder than it has been in a VERY long time and that I needed adequate rest..sooo..I took the rest. I view that as a success because if I push myself too hard, I will deter myself from the bigger picture.

    Sunday share- Rachael, 29, single mom to 9 y/o boy/girl twins that never stop amazing me, from Southern NJ (near Atlantic City). I started this journey when my all time high was 302.6. I thought I was going to faint when I saw it. As of this morning, I'm at 288.6, but I guess we will see what the scale says on Thursday for my official weigh in day. I took off from the gym today as well, but back on track come Monday.

    Monday check in- I am going BACK to the gym tonight. My legs are feeling better, but I'm not 100% healed just yet. I felt like a lazy sack o' crapola this weekend for not going, but its time to go back. I'm going to do my very best and walk on the treadmill and maybe some elliptical. I'm not going to overdo it tonight, just need to get back in the swing of things.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    WATER TAG!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Melancholy - Walmart has Danskin plus size. When I was in NJ over Christmas I got 3 pairs of capri workout pants on clearance for something ridiculous like 4.00 a pair. They also had shelf bra tanks for 5 or 6.00 a piece.

    @Grandmakaye - I Love Love LOVE the new profile picture! You should go hunt up some old pictures of you BEFORE you started and compare them. I bet you'll see a big difference and that always jacks up the motivation (for me at least).

    MOnday check in - Nothing great to report. Went to my favorite restaurant in the universe yesterday. I haven't been there since I moved, it's a 2+ hour ride now. I ate *WAY* too much food and enjoyed every single indulgent bite. Coconut Milk soup with cabbage and tofu(comes with your meal), Eggplant with Thai basil (+chicken), Fried Ice cream with Fried banana, and corn tapioca pudding (also comes with the meal). Was so much food I thought I'd pop, but so good. No regrets. My eating companion is not a keen Thai eater and even he was raving at the end of the meal.

    Oh yes, and right around the corner is a wonderful little hole in the wall chocolate shop where all the chocolates are made by local people in very small batches. So they are usually quite unique and wonderful. We each got three chocolates from a nearby Monastery to bring home with us for later. Then home to crash on the couch and watch movies while we snoozed the afternoon away with the cats.

    All in all a very pleasant Sunday.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! (I hear those groans!)

    I had a pretty good weekend, though busy. I am an idiot and have over-committed myself. I have a full-time job which is very busy right now, and we are expected to work late and on weekends during these really busy times to meet deadlines. In addition, I am collecting data for my dissertation and making revisions to the first 3 chapters. And I picked up a freelance job that has tight deadlines. So right now, I am feeling very anxious.

    On the other hand, when I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious this weekend, I turned on the xBox and did some exercise. Saturday I did the MyShape game, and yesterday, I played Dance Central 3. I like Dance Central better, but I don't get Humana Vitality points for playing it. The exercise helped me release some of that nervous energy that was keeping me from focusing and I was able to get work done.

    I am just 3 pounds away from having lost 10% of my starting weight. I want to do something really nice for myself when I get there. That's a lot of weight! I'm just not sure what yet.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I am 4/4 on the strength training for Feb. Groundhog day! That is the good news. The bad news is I ate 3920 calories yesterday that is 2158 over. Famous Dave’s and cheese salsa dip & chips were my downfall. Good thing there is only one super bowl a year.

    Karen- Best wishes for your sister.

    Susan- good luck with the job!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!

  • Good Morning everyone.
    I have been a member of myfitnesspal for quite sometime but obviously not an active user. I didn't eve know there were support boards. Crazy! Anyway my weight needs support and help without judgement you all looked like a group that could push me.

    Been on the weight loss journey for years and years and years.... I mentally can't put my hands around the "GOOD FOR YOU now keep going" concept. This time I have gained back so much weight.

    I think the think I need help with is stress relievers. I hear all the time move, be active, etc.. to relieve stress... but stress does a number on you mentally and getting motivated to get up and go sometimes YIKES. That's a challenge.

    suggestions? Thoughts?

  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @jamie Welcome! I only found this board a couple of weeks ago, but it is the best and most supportive place I've found on MFP. I completely understand what you mean about stress, and I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but getting up and moving does work for me (see my recent post). It doesn't have to mean a trip to the gym. Just turn on your favorite upbeat song and dance like crazy in the privacy of your own room! Dance as hard and fast as you can for the 3 minutes or whatever the song is, and see if you don't feel better.

    Sometimes I also feel stressed because there is something I need to do and i'm avoiding it, or I just have so much to do that I don't know where to start. In those cases I just suck it up and force myself to do one little part of it. Not even the whole thing, just one little step. Maybe it's answering an email, or writing just a paragraph on a report. The sense of accomplishment (and the realization that it's not really as bad as I had built it up in my head to be) usually releases some stress and I can face the rest.

    It's hard, but I sometimes have to tough-love myself! I'll actually say out loud "Now, Beth (my real name), just get your butt in that chair and write one stupid paragraph! You can do that much!"
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Mionday check in: Up this week. Not quite 2 pounds but STILL. Made some bad choices and didn't log like I should have. Trying to get back on it again today. Planned a ittle better, but am so thankful for the encouragement I get from everyone. This has been a great release for me and know that it's been great to meet others that understand. Thank You.