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Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • WarPonyV
    WarPonyV Posts: 25 Member
    I went on a trip with my dad to see our family out of state. 6 or 7 people were sitting around the table checking their blood sugar talking about fishing like the fact that all of them were diabetic and had to check their sugar was the most natural thing in the world. Looking in to it i realized every single person in the family who is a certain amount above ideal body weight has diabetes. Everyone closer to the correct BMI is fine. And when they lose weight, they lose the diabetes.

    It scared the daylights out of me.
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    My doctor told me get back into better shape and lose weight or diabetes and lot of other bad things would be happening. I took him seriously..... lol
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    Not being able to buckle the seat belt in the car and finally peeking at the scale when I went to the doctor....I knew then it had gotten way out of control and I needed to take control back. No more making excuses.
  • TodayYesterday
    TodayYesterday Posts: 42 Member
    First time I lost weight - around 11 years ago - I had gained 30 pounds since my college days. I would feel really awful if I tried to jog for a minute. I would be so out of breath. I just felt so unfit & unenergetic & frumpy. So, with diet & exercise, I lost those 30 pounds.

    This time - I had gained 10 pounds in 1 year. It was a bad year for multiple reasons - so lots of stress eating. Even though my BMI was still in the normal range, my doctor pointed it out to me. She said if I keep gaining 10 pounds in a year, it will be very bad for me. She wanted to know if I had stopped gaining weight. So, this year IS going to be a better year. And, I've decided to lose last year's 10 pounds + 6.5 more. I'm down about 5 pounds so far.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    For years I just didn't realize the weight was creeping on. After three knee surgeries I couldn't participate in the sports I had all my life, but I kept eating like I was burning all those calories. Then three years ago my long time girlfriend and I broke up (not over weight). Became immersed in online gaming and gained more weight, until this younger beautiful woman popped into my life and you know that light bulb goes off. I ain't dead yet and he!! am still quite the catch. :wink:
  • shanswan
    shanswan Posts: 32 Member
    I was always skinny with a nice bootie until I had my second child. We moved back to OK (my husband's home) and started our own business where I was home all day. With a one year old and a 6 year old I ran the home office but I was home all day around food all day.
    About 6 years ago I got serious and dropped 15 lbs in the last 5 years I have gained 30. So I am right back where I was. What motivates me makes people look at me weird. But my son's senior year is next year. He is an outstanding athlete and outstanding student. We are big into all of their sports and I just don't want to walk out on that field on senior night being over 150lbs. I want tons of pictures his senior year and I want to be in some of them and not be embarrassed. My daughter at 12 doesn't think I am fat but she will change her mind if I don't do something soon. My husband who loves me dearly is on board he is motivating me. Our 25th anniversary of being together is in Sept with his 30th class reunion in May. My first goal is 30lb by the end of May. I have lost 8lbs so far.
  • wormy80
    wormy80 Posts: 64 Member
  • shanswan
    shanswan Posts: 32 Member
    That is inspiring! To read that someone who had a disease tell you if I could change this with diet and exercise I would in a heartbeat.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    After gaining alot of poundage over a year-span, I went to the doctor convinced something was wrong with me (hormonal). When I got my blood results...it pretty much said..."You're fine. You're just fat."

    I just didn't think I let myself go that much...
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Having an outdoor chair almost split itself and having to jump up before it did.....yep, that did it!!!
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I hated the way I looked but have trouble getting the motivation to do something about it. I swore this year i would not make a NYE resolution to lose weight because those never last.

    Well, woke up at 3 am on NYD and vomited for the next 24 hours with the terrible norovirus. Decided to use it to jump start my weight loss since I couldn't eat anything but maybe a piece of toast for 4 days.

    I've tried all kinds of diets and fads. I'm now just simply counting calories and walking. And since Jan 1, I am down 18 pounds :)
  • My husband and I were rear ended while sitting at a red light. It was determined that the car that hit us was going approximately 40 mph. The doctor visits that occurred after that were brutal. Not only did we sustain back/neck injuries but we were told that they would take a great amount of time to heal and unfortunately the extra weight we are carrying would hinder the healing process and make it more painful. We had talked about getting into shape before but in was never "convenient" I really believe that everything happens for a reason and I honestly believe that if we hadn't been in a car accident we'd still be putting it off.
  • chette78
    chette78 Posts: 82 Member
    1. Because I was fat before...and lost weight....50lbs...gained it all back in a year....stopped watching what i ate....
    So none of those clothes fit me...and it feels like poo to put back on your fat clothes and they barely fit.

    2. At a sporting event and someone yelled at me "Fat A**"

    3. Boyfriend grabbed my fat rolled and called me "skinny"---Ha HA and said " Lets go see how much you weigh"

    The list goes on....but these are a few...
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    I have my belly button pierced and it would hurt because my stomach was pushing against the skin around the piercing. I was stubborn and wouldn't take it out because that was almost a reminder to me that I was gaining weight. I am very happy to say I haven't had that issue anymore.
  • after i had my son i wanted to look good for my husband and son i didn't want him to have the "fat" mom
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I had been telling myself to get serious at the gym for a year or so... was going to an all girl gym that had some circuit and then some classes. I was doing ok, but mainly maintaining. Then my dad, who had diabetes, and heart disease died suddenly. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him! He was only 61 years old! The week we got back I went to a new gym that was in the process of being built a mile from my house. I purchased the biggest personal training package that I could! I want to make a lifestyle change... I want to be able to be around for my grand kids and great grand kids, and I won't be if I continue down the route that I was on. A week before the gym was to open I blew out my knee. It was a set back, because I was so motivated to start loosing weight. I have lost a bit of weight, with exercise limitations. I am just now able to start working out without my knee brace. I am really excited! Today is the first day that I was able to do an hour of cardio without my knee hurting! So, what set me off? Love... My dad, he is the catalyst, and my kids are my motivation.

    Your story really hits home for me. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. My parents' health is a big part of my motivation as well. I am fortunate that they are both still living but I am constantly scared of early deaths. My dad had a quadruple bypass in his fifties. They are both very unhealthy and very overweight. I worry about them constantly. I want to have kids someday and I want to lead by example with a healthy lifestyle and I never want them to have to fear my early death. Good for you for making this huge lifestyle change!!
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    There wasn't one thing. It was more of a lot of things over a period of time. My jean size increasing, comments from my doctor, not feeling confident in my skin, seeing photos of myself and hating how fat I looked and knowing it was the truth, avoiding mirrors because I don't like how what I see in my memory doesn't match what I see in the mirror...

    I tried a lot of things to try to turn it around earlier. I paid for a gym membership and went for a while. I tried diet and 10,000 steps a day. I tried biking to the park (2 miles away). I even tried phentermine. Nothing helped, it just got worse.

    The one thing that set off my success finally, was leaving teaching and starting a new career because I finally got a handle on my stress.

    The highest I ever weighed in at was 197ls at my annual doctor's appointment January 2012. Sad thing is that I'm pretty sure I was heavier before that appointment, because at that time, I had been walking 2 miles per day and using MFP for a few months already. I'd gone from 135 lbs to nearly 200 in just 3-4 years. I'm so glad I never actually saw a 200+ number on the scale, even though I wouldn't be at all surprised if I was that high at one point.

    I have an appointment with the same doc next week, so I'm hoping to see progress from my year over year mark. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm "non compliant" with his weight loss advice ever since I gave up on his diet plan and ditched the Phentermine. By June of last year, for my wedding, I was down to 185. Now my scale at home says I'm just under 180 lbs. That includes not dieting for the honeymoon, house hunting, moving, unpacking weeks, and winter holidays. I hope to be at a healthy weight by the end of the year because I want to start trying to have kids. I guess I'll see how accurate my scale is next week.
  • Ange0NZ
    Ange0NZ Posts: 45 Member
    Seeing a family photograph and noticing for the first time, that I was the biggest person in the room.
  • Ronettec
    Ronettec Posts: 7 Member
    For me there are so many reasons I need to lose weight
    1. My cloths are all to tight
    2. I have bought 20+ bras and hate them all due to my weight
    3. I have started to have other health issues due to weight... back and knee pain
    4. I won't let my husband see me without being FULLY clothed
    5. Don't like what I see in the mirror
    6. Don't like how I feel.
    7. Want to be a good example for my kids
    8. No energy what so ever
    9. I KNOW better
    10. I want to do this because I know it is what is best for me

    Sorry not the ONE thing but I started it that way and it turned into my top 10! UGH now if it would all motivate me enough to stick with it.
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    I got tired of all the crap I was putting up with. Now that I'm dropping fat and gaining muscle, people aren't giving me any crap anymore, and I got tired of my Dr. saying "DUDE! It would be nice if you would drop some weight."