This may be a load of rubbish but worth posting



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Your doctors are also trained to treat you with drugs, thousands of $ poured into the drug industry by dishing out prescriptions. How do you think the medical industry survive? Do you know that the doctors get paid by the companies for prescribing their products? That they make money out of you being sick? Why do you think the government want to keep you sick....they make money! The economy would have a meltdown if they actually got people healthy.

    Don't buy into it. Take them if you need them but don't be blind to the difference that food makes. I know what it's like living with auto immune but I also know that it can be controlled and be put into remission with dietary control.

    What have you got to lose by trying?

    Actually the economy is melting down because of the Federal Reserve and their inflationary tactics. Doctors in particular, but health care in general, is a mess and too expensive because of government regulations on health care, not because doctors don't care about their patients. If your doctor doesn't care if you are sick or well, then find a new one.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Your slating this women for advising you not to consume artificial sweeteners that have been proven to destroy brain cells in unborn children? That triggers many auto immune disease flare ups? Shame on you. For somebody that claims to live by science based research .... Your not very educated in the matter!

    No. You are incorrect. This is a well studied issue and the scientific community has arrived at a consensus.

    Also, concluding that something that may be bad for unborn children is bad for adults to consume suggests quite strongly that you do not understand how to correctly examine scientific evidence and draw conclusions from it. Sorry, but i am educated in that matter.

    You state that I don't understand how to analysise a study and yet you supplied links that weren't even research papers. Try again!

    LOL. You have just proven my point. Cherry picking research papers is NOT how to properly analyze scientific evidence. Experts in scientific areas conduct meta-analysis. This means they look at MANY studies on the topic, discuss them, examine the quality of the studies and panels of experts arrive at a consensus. In some cases, the evidence is in-conclusive, and they state this. In other cases, this meta-analysis points fairly strongly in one direction or another. Then , they will state their consensus view on the topic. That is what I provided in the links, which IS the proper way to analyze scientific evidence. They discuss the research in the meta-analysis and these are sites that represent panels of experts. The first link is a scientist who generally does a good job at providing this type of information on various topics. I sure wish they would teach scientific method and the proper way to examine evidence in schools these days. But, alas.

    I really wonder why none of my many doctors (some are experts in autoimmune liver diseases) have never recommended that I avoid aspartame or any other artificial sweetener. I mean, if there was a scientific consensus that it could flare up autoimmune disease, and they know a flare up could kill me outright, you would think they might have mentioned it.

    One day you'll open your eyes and realise that the government and all it's research and all the sponsored research by the very companies that want you to buy into their products that are making you sick and you'll realise that you've been lied to your whole life. You aren't the one doing the analysing! Your referring to websites that have done it for you and your buying into their bul****! I know plenty about anaylising research but I won't believe it when it's funded by the companies that survive on you believing them.

    Actually the research she posted wasn't government research. FTR

    *facepalm* bet you believe the government/FDA isn't influenced by coca cola and mars either lol.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    *facepalm* bet you believe the government/FDA isn't influenced by coca cola and mars either lol.

    So if it doesn't align with your thoughts it's part of a big conspiracy to keep you sick and make the gov't/big business more money?
  • cksoto
    cksoto Posts: 50 Member
    *facepalm* bet you believe the government/FDA isn't influenced by coca cola and mars either lol.

    So if it doesn't align with your thoughts it's part of a big conspiracy to keep you sick and make the gov't/big business more money?

    After reading all her angst posts..I believe that's exactly what she thinks. :noway:
  • spongebobuk
    I am in agreement with you.. The government want you to believe they are doing the right thing. But the only thing that happens is the governments wallet are getting fatter.. Your post are so true and knowledge and very brave to speak the true. Thank you for sharing
  • spongebobuk
    Thank you Iron_phoenix
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    Your slating this women for advising you not to consume artificial sweeteners that have been proven to destroy brain cells in unborn children? That triggers many auto immune disease flare ups? Shame on you. For somebody that claims to live by science based research .... Your not very educated in the matter!

    No. You are incorrect. This is a well studied issue and the scientific community has arrived at a consensus.

    Also, concluding that something that may be bad for unborn children is bad for adults to consume suggests quite strongly that you do not understand how to correctly examine scientific evidence and draw conclusions from it. Sorry, but i am educated in that matter.

    You state that I don't understand how to analysise a study and yet you supplied links that weren't even research papers. Try again!

    LOL. You have just proven my point. Cherry picking research papers is NOT how to properly analyze scientific evidence. Experts in scientific areas conduct meta-analysis. This means they look at MANY studies on the topic, discuss them, examine the quality of the studies and panels of experts arrive at a consensus. In some cases, the evidence is in-conclusive, and they state this. In other cases, this meta-analysis points fairly strongly in one direction or another. Then , they will state their consensus view on the topic. That is what I provided in the links, which IS the proper way to analyze scientific evidence. They discuss the research in the meta-analysis and these are sites that represent panels of experts. The first link is a scientist who generally does a good job at providing this type of information on various topics. I sure wish they would teach scientific method and the proper way to examine evidence in schools these days. But, alas.

    I really wonder why none of my many doctors (some are experts in autoimmune liver diseases) have never recommended that I avoid aspartame or any other artificial sweetener. I mean, if there was a scientific consensus that it could flare up autoimmune disease, and they know a flare up could kill me outright, you would think they might have mentioned it.

    One day you'll open your eyes and realise that the government and all it's research and all the sponsored research by the very companies that want you to buy into their products that are making you sick and you'll realise that you've been lied to your whole life. You aren't the one doing the analysing! Your referring to websites that have done it for you and your buying into their bul****! I know plenty about anaylising research but I won't believe it when it's funded by the companies that survive on you believing them.

    I am an actual real live scientific researcher and I know this is not how it works. Peers reviewing journal submissions are brutal and they would love nothing more than to find flaws in any study. That is a good thing and that is WHY the process works. Studies are not published in these journals just because they are funded by someone. If you are not an expert in a certain area, you SHOULD rely on the experts in that area to summarize and explain the meta-analysis to you. You will not be able to reliably do this yourself without the proper background. Thankfully, there are sources of information to relay scientific consensus, when it exists, to the general public. THAT is what I referred you to. Reliable sources of information on the topic. You really do not understand the research and publication process at all. This is tin foil hat territory now, so I will leave.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Aspartame causes cancer the same way sugar causes diabetes. As in yeah if you are sucking it down almost exclusively you will definitely have problems.

    I was just wondering how much freaking diet coke that chick had to drink to suffer aspertame poisoning....Seriously I think your teeth would decay before you got sick like that..
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am in agreement with you.. The government want you to believe they are doing the right thing. But the only thing that happens is the governments wallet are getting fatter.. Your post are so true and knowledge and very brave to speak the true. Thank you for sharing

    Its not only the government wallet that gets fatter.

    The Big Pharma and Dr's wallets are swelling up as well.

    I am thankful that I have a team of Dr's that know how to treat auto-immune diseases / disorders with proper nutrition and not just throwing a billion and one prescriptions at their patients.

    Scripts are used as a last resort.

    Hypocrites said it best so many years ago and I found Dr's that live up to that oath they took to become a Doctor.

    Let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food.
  • tracyrslim
    tracyrslim Posts: 14 Member
    Oh, well, if you can copy and paste 20 paragraphs of made up facts and statistics, when clearly it must be true. :noway:

    I suggest everyone crying about aspartame being poison check out the extremely well-cited article on aspartame at Wikipedia.

    Here's the short version:
    -Although formaldehyde and formic acid are created during the breakdown of aspartame, the formic acid is excreted faster than it is produced. Furthermore, you can get a higher concentration of these from many fruit juices than you can from aspartame beverages.
    -The FDA concluded that the flaws in the original safety tests were so minor as to not affect the validity of the final results
    -The GAO then examined claims that the FDA had a conflict of interest and found none
    -The CDC has conducted its own research and found no connections between aspartame and various illnesses
    -The EU issued continent-wide approval of aspartame in 1994, reviewing the safety studies and appropriate consumption level in 2002 and 2006, respectively

    That may be true but have you ever noticed how the majority of people who drink/eat aspartame are overweight. You would think getting rid of all those calories would have a positive effect. So why is it most people i know who switch to diet soda never seem to lose a pound? It's all well and good to quote facts for one side or the other but practical application in the real world is what I look for.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    This is tin foil hat territory now, so I will leave.

    Been that way for while. You hung in longer than I could!
  • cksoto
    cksoto Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, well, if you can copy and paste 20 paragraphs of made up facts and statistics, when clearly it must be true. :noway:

    I suggest everyone crying about aspartame being poison check out the extremely well-cited article on aspartame at Wikipedia.

    Here's the short version:
    -Although formaldehyde and formic acid are created during the breakdown of aspartame, the formic acid is excreted faster than it is produced. Furthermore, you can get a higher concentration of these from many fruit juices than you can from aspartame beverages.
    -The FDA concluded that the flaws in the original safety tests were so minor as to not affect the validity of the final results
    -The GAO then examined claims that the FDA had a conflict of interest and found none
    -The CDC has conducted its own research and found no connections between aspartame and various illnesses
    -The EU issued continent-wide approval of aspartame in 1994, reviewing the safety studies and appropriate consumption level in 2002 and 2006, respectively

    That may be true but have you ever noticed how the majority of people who drink/eat aspartame are overweight. You would think getting rid of all those calories would have a positive effect. So why is it most people i know who switch to diet soda never seem to lose a pound? It's all well and good to quote facts for one side or the other but practical application in the real world is what I look for.

    Are you kidding me? For anyone to think that just by switching to diet soda you're going to lose weight is rediculous, so many other factors have to be tended to as well like eating right, exercising and other such things. Just like you can't assume that diet soda can cause all these illnesses, you can hardly make the point in saying just because you know some overweight people that drink diet soda and haven't lost any weight makes diet soda a non working tool in total weight loss.

    I drink diet soda, probably 3 cans a day. Yes before I began working out and eating better I didn't lose weight, however now that I'm taking multiple steps, plus drinking diet soda, because yeh I like it better than drinking water, I am losing weight.

    My point being is, just because you can make a 'truth' fit any assumption as long as you leave all the facts out, doesn't mean you should.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    Heck, even Wikipedia, which I don't normally recommend as a reference.

    All places you can do a little research about this never ending scam. Unless you are a phenylketonuric, aspartame is safe.

    Yes, aspartame probably could kill you or cause MS or lupus or some other awful, painful condition... if you ate TRUCKLOADS of it. Did you know that there is a compund (quercetin) in the skin of apples that may cause cancer? You have to eat the entire orchard all at once, of course, but still.

    A diet coke per day isn't going to hurt you.

    * Edited for typo.

    NO aspartame does not cause MS or lupus. These are autoimmune diseases. Please do not post about conditions you obviously have no knowledge of. These diseases have been around long before aspartame was ever created.

    Actually, I have an autoimmune disorder myself, my dear, so I do know a thing or two about them. And no, I don't actually think aspartame causes them. My point was that ANY chemical (naturally occurring or otherwise) can do strange things to cells in a living body if ingested in freakishly enormous quantities. Some very useful herbs and drugs are deadly if the proper dose is exceeded. For example: nightshade has many safe, effective medicinal uses in small doses, but it is lethal in larger amounts. Nicotine is an addictive stimulant in the dose found in a cigarette, but again, is fatal in high doses and has been used as a pesticide to control certain bugs on crops.

    Please do not presume to know anything about what I know when obviously you don't know me. (Hopefully the sarcasm came through there.)
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    To be slightly less mean (but only slightly), aspartame has been proven safe for use (except by phenylketuronic-sensitive folks) in over 90 countries, it has been proven safe in innumerable studies over many decades, and the only time its safety was every called into question was not because of negative reactions, but because of a formality (the FDA wasn't satisfied with the methodology of the original safety studies).

  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Oh, well, if you can copy and paste 20 paragraphs of made up facts and statistics, when clearly it must be true. :noway:

    I suggest everyone crying about aspartame being poison check out the extremely well-cited article on aspartame at Wikipedia.

    Here's the short version:
    -Although formaldehyde and formic acid are created during the breakdown of aspartame, the formic acid is excreted faster than it is produced. Furthermore, you can get a higher concentration of these from many fruit juices than you can from aspartame beverages.
    -The FDA concluded that the flaws in the original safety tests were so minor as to not affect the validity of the final results
    -The GAO then examined claims that the FDA had a conflict of interest and found none
    -The CDC has conducted its own research and found no connections between aspartame and various illnesses
    -The EU issued continent-wide approval of aspartame in 1994, reviewing the safety studies and appropriate consumption level in 2002 and 2006, respectively

    That may be true but have you ever noticed how the majority of people who drink/eat aspartame are overweight. You would think getting rid of all those calories would have a positive effect. So why is it most people i know who switch to diet soda never seem to lose a pound? It's all well and good to quote facts for one side or the other but practical application in the real world is what I look for.

    i lost 150 lbs while drinking coke zero. so BOOYAH!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Aspartame causes cancer the same way sugar causes diabetes. As in yeah if you are sucking it down almost exclusively you will definitely have problems.

    sugar does NOT cause diabetes. ask any doctor. ask a dozen doctors.

    having said that, if a person is genetically predisposed to having diabetes, then eating processed carbohydrates (like, but not limited to, sugar) can certainly hurry the process of developing diabetes along.

    but sugar does not CAUSE diabetes.

    Actually sugar cause insulin resistance that causes type 2 it does!

    Nope, try again. My body's inability to utilitze the insulin that is released into my blood stream is that cause and symptom of the disease. It would have insulin resistance on 1g or 100gs of sugar a day. It doesn't matter. I didn't make my feet so big from wearing sneakers either. They just are.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member

    PS different substances/chemicals, effect people differently. One person it doesn't hurt at all, but it can kill another.

    I accept that some people may react to artifiical sweeteners - if you are one of them, dont use it.

    But same could be said about many products - I know some people who get migraines after eating MCG for example and others who have analphylactic reactions to peanuts or eggs - doesnt mean peanuts or eggs are unhealthy for everyone else.

    I have had no ill effects from drinking a few diet cokes a week so will continue to do so without any paranoid worrying.
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    False: This has been circulating for 15 years.

    Also, the 'facts' are incorrect. Diet Coke hasn't used aspartame in years. And, granted, Splenda is just as synthetic as the others, it does not contain aspartame. However, Splenda's not mentioned once in this rant, so there's no need for its photo to be included in this rant.

    And seriously? "Especially with diabetics, the Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and it then deteriorates the neurons of the brain; causing various levels of brain damage, Seizures, Depression, Manic depression, Panic attacks, Uncontrollable anger and rage.Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well. Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behavior when these chemicals have been removed from their diet." Are you kidding?

    Yeah, unnatural foods cause a lot of issues. Unnatural foods are bad. Case and point. Growth hormones, excessive antibiotics used in agriculture, firms like Monsanto producing genetically modified seeds for super plants laced in pesticides. (BTW, Monsanto's patent expired 20+ years ago; this is not new news.)

    Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now with - eat natural, eat green. Stay away from over medicated, poorly fed, genetically modified crap. Pure and simple.
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    If you don't want artificial sweeteners, just drink water, or soda with sugar, or soda with natural sweeteners like stevia.

    Now you can look up Fluride and Glutamate which are also Dangerous and should be avoided!!!!

    Oh should be careful what you read.

    Fluoride (correct spelling) is important in preventing cavities.

    This is so true. I don't if this is the norm, but here in New Zealand we have fluoride in our drinking water supply to help teeth. I started drinking bottled water instead, and a year later found out I had an acute abcess in one of my teeth, not to mention around ten cavities!

    I'm still drinking bottled water though. Because I like it fizzy.
    But I do have fluoride mouthwash now, so it's okay. :P
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"
    -- Christopher Hitchens