Most embarassing thing that has happened to u @ the gym?



  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    The poisonous gases I release after eating these

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!


    made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!

  • SylentZee
    1. I walked into the sign at the entrance because I obviously was not paying attention.

    2. The staff started cleaning under the treadmills and raised them all the way up at an incline to get under them, I didn't notice (headphones)...again...and I slammed my head into it.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Running on the treadmill in the Gym. Got really hot and sweaty. Shook my head about something on the TV and then saw the look of horror on the face of the really good looking girl on the machine next to mine. I'd just spattered her with sweat :embarassed:
  • Candylips70
    So many of these made me laugh out loud! HAHAHA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I can't read these at work. Too much snorting trying to cover up fits of laughter..... lol :laugh:
  • kiraleilani
    kiraleilani Posts: 124 Member
    I was cruising on the treadmill and I felt something run down my leg and out of the corner of my eye saw something hit the treadmill belt and fly backwards. I turned around to see what it was and it was a pair of my wife’s underwear that had been stuck with static to either my shirt or shorts. Without thinking I grabbed them an put them in my pocket, then continued my run. I’m sure everyone who witnessed this thought I was a complete perv.

    I am STILL laughing about this 5 minutes later! Hilarious~
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I was a teenager and had just finished squats. I wasn't thinking and unloaded all the plates on one side first. Bad things happened and like a big boy, I ran away.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    Ages ago, I was once on the treadmill and a trump slipped out. I had my headphones in so I have no idea how loud it was? I also clapped and whooped along to the music once too :-\

    Last week at spinning at the back of the class, I whacked my knee on the handle bars and knocked my two water bottles off (I had two as I was doing back to back classes) they rolled to the front and I had to get off my bike and go and fetch them! Felt slightly silly!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I havent been in a real gym in forever. I think it was 1989 actually. However on my last visit I walked right into a glass wall because I was so into watching a major hottie lift. I gave myself a pretty good bloody nose. My girlfriend was bent over howling in laughter but I did met the hottie when he came out from behind the glass to see if I was ok.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I fell off the treadmill when it was still going...yup, that is actually my most embarrassing moment ever. My sweat towel was hanging over the handles and I saw it slipping off so I went to grab it and BOOM, slid right off onto the floor and it was still going as I was on the floor behind it bracing myself on the side rails! It hurt so bad...but I was only like 5 mins in to my jog so I felt like I had to keep going and pretended it didnt hurt! Some older gentleman came over to help me up, thank god it was mid day on a random weekday I had off from work so it wasnt that crowded.

    As soon as I got 20 mins in, I went to leave, teared up a little b/c I had been holding it in! I texted my best bud and he asked if I had gotten it on I cant help but laugh about it!

    I did almost exactly that the FIRST time I ever went to the gym.
  • My3Sons1051
    My3Sons1051 Posts: 356 Member
    Bump... these are freaking hilarious... giggling at work :laugh:
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Mine didn't happen at a gym, but rather at my old kwoon (kung fu school):

    We were doing abdominal strength tests - newer students would get lightly punched with gloves on while standing up, more advanced students would lie down and have a person put a foot on their belly and push down, or have a medicine ball dropped on them from different heights.

    Then there were the senior students and instructors (the top students who would teach the classes the sifu would not be able to). Our goal was to have a smaller person STAND on our abdomen, then be able to flex and lift the person up and down (so we could control our muscles while still breathing). Since I was the instructor who specialized in strength, I had already practiced this for a while. So our sifu decided that he himself was going to stand on me, then have another person try to step on as well.

    His first foot went on... no problems. He brought the second foot up, and I "quacked" a little, but loud enough for the rest of the students to hear. Chuckles were to be had. I was red faced. But I managed to hold both him and the other guy successfully, so victory was mine.

    I'm just glad we didn't go through with the last phase of that training (running a VW Beetle over me while I've got a board over my abdomen) - the Beetle got into a wreck and had to be junked.
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    Well..Personally I have had nothing really exciting happen at the gym..but friend(hee hee) lost her tampon(just fell straight out)..AND..she was teaching a Kettle Bell class was hung up on her no one could see it. She excused herself and went to the ladies room.
    My story(all though not in a gym) would be when I was running outside and a goat chased me down the street. It was right flat in the middle of town so I did not expect to see a goat. It scared the living crap out of me..I screamed and ran so fast I could barely breathe. The same goat was in the parade that weekend:)
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    bump. too funny. Can't think of a good one right now...
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    adjusting the a resistance machine, only to misjudge the height of it and smack my head on it on the way up. this is after i had tripped up and opened the door onto another member...that was an embarrassing session all round.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    At Lifetime fitness there is a row of treadmills facing away from the basketball court door. This particular day the door to the court was open. I shot a baseline shot that bounced off the rim and out the door. It lodged right underneath a moving treadmill. The poor guy almost took a header! Then the ball and the treadmill had this fight and a loud squealing noise ensued, scuffing up the basketball. I finally got it dislodged! The weird part is that I don't think the guy on it ever knew it was that. He kept playing with the buttons thinking that the machine was flipping out.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!


    OO WANT!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    My story(all though not in a gym) would be when I was running outside and a goat chased me down the street. It was right flat in the middle of town so I did not expect to see a goat. It scared the living crap out of me..I screamed and ran so fast I could barely breathe. The same goat was in the parade that weekend:)

    OMG, freakin hilarious.
    I carry mace when I run outside though.. I would have maced the goat.
  • cheriibomb
    that was a great one. i would have been like what the hell...1-is he wearing girls undie and 2- how the hell did they come off?
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    When i was younger and in wrestling, my ding dong was hanging out of my leotard. Pretty embarrassing :/

    I no longer wrestle and therefore don't wear leotards either. :D
