Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots- Best wishes for your husbands illness recovery!
    Toots, I hope your husband is getting all of the help that he needs and will recover quickly.
    Sorry to hear about this. I hope your husband is getting all the help and treatments he needs to get 100% better.

    thanks everyone. he is feeling better with his super antibiotics.
    @toots How scary! I tell ya, I don't know what it is with guys and health. They're either the biggest babies, or so stoic you don't know they're sick until is really serious. Glad he's finally getting help!

    yeah, they're kind of funny like that and i find it's proportionate. like if he's really unwell he acts like he's fine and if he has a cold that wouldn't even stop me from doing anything he acts like he's dying. go figure :laugh:
  • Perfect time that I joined with you yesterday:

    Pick one behavioral change and repeat for 28 days.

    My February goal is to log my food/drink everyday. It will totally help with keeping me accountable.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Jamie - Welcome and good pick for your Feb. challenge.

    Toots - I'm so glad your hubby is on antibiotics and is getting the care he needs. I don't suppose he is off work due to this?

    Doug - that's great you're alternating lifting with running. You're going to have a great physique soon. Impressive you're son wants to help. Good for him.

    I have days where I fold up into a ball in my recliner and am a recluse from the world too. I consider it my luxury times. But my catholic guilt always comes through as if I'm wasting time if I do it too many nites in a row....hee,hee,hee...winter TV time is when it happens the most....

    Happy to say I am down 2.6 lbs in first weigh-in after 3 weeks of no movement. Happy Dance!

    Thanks for all the encouragement about the exercise. There is no worse disappointment than making a commitment to yourself to do something everyday and then failing, so I WILL KEEP TRYING!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member

    I wanted to let you guys know something that happened last night. As you already know I made yesterday my first day of weight loss(again). Last year I concentrated on running with no lifting. Last night I lifted with the help of a biggest loser workout book. About 3 after I went down, my 8 year old son comes down and wants to help. All I was thinking was, "So much for this freakin' workout" but he was actually really helpful. He manned the stop watch and wanted to try some of the exercises that I did. He even offered to get me some water because he knew I would need it. I don't think he realized how much I was actually working until he did the planks and the hip abductors though. I let him try a few and he felt his muscles strained and stopped after only a few. I'm actually considering allowing him to help me workout as a reward for getting his homework done early.
    On to the Tuesday Goals: To run\walk tonight then do the biggest loser workout that I did last night tomorrow and continue alternating lifting and running every day. I also want to up my water intake.
    I hope everyone has a great day today and talk to you all later.

    Robin asked me to come and comment on your plan and tell you a bit about myself... and I can never say no to her after how much this group helped me accomplish my first goal of losing over 80lbs... (some of which is back though)


    I did something very similar as I was first losing weight. I have no idea what the biggest loser workouts are like, but I followed the New Rules of Lifting for my workout. It is an amazing workout that actually just put a new book out (which I am not following) called New Rules of Lifting Supercharged.

    The original focuses on the 6 basic movements. Squat, dead-lift, lunge, push, pull and twist.... this new one adds in walking/running and tweaks the orginal 6... but same basic idea. Focusing your workouts on the major muscles and the natural motions they take will lead you to fantastic gains in muscle and accelerated fat loss! That workout was vital to my success...

    It is a very difficult balance however to work in a running regiment, especially at the start. Personally I focused on the lifting and losing weight for the first 6 months and only adding in some elliptical machine or bike based cardio. But then I was bitten by the running bug and wanted to run the "Tunnel to Towers 5K" here in NYC.

    It is a memorial run for a firefighter who died on 9/11 after running the same route the race follows. The money goes to great charities helping first responders families and wounded soldiers returning from war... That is when I started my running. Even then I was lifting 3-4 days a week and running 1 or maybe 2. Minimum of 1 rest day a week is a must! 2 might even be better at the start. If you are pushing yourself too hard on both lifting and running and not resting neither will improve quickly and you run the risk of injury.

    The T2T run is held at the end of September, middle of August I all but abandoned my lifting and was running 3 days a week to be able to improve my time... I had an amazing run that day, and since went back this year and did it again!

    It is cool your son was there for your workout, my boys (9 & just about 8) do not get to come into the gym with me but I have them work on a lot of the basics that NROL lays out... they are both football players and now wrestlers too. So I have them do things like body weight squats, lots of pushups, burpees or situps. that is actually how I make them "pay to play" video games.

    Where I am now... I have signed up to do the Spartan Sprint in Tuxedo NY this June, it has me really refocusing my workouts again. It is an obstacle course spread over 4 miles of a ski center! 3 Days a week I am lifting following NROL Supercharged. 2-3 days a week i am doing cardio, at least one of them is a day running 4 miles (flat surface for now), normally a spin class(or another run including stairs) and a 3rd which is a free cardio day at the gym stairmaster, elliptical, rower or some combo of them.

    Still have a beer gut which seems determined to never leave (maybe if I stop drinking beer for a while again it might also help doh!) But am stronger then I have ever been and I am working my speed back up on the 5k distance and working to stretch that out to 5 mile runs. I really hope to have 30lbs (of fat) off before race day June 1st.

    Feel free to ask me any questions or send me a FR... be warned most of my friends are pretty.... fun :smokin:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello and good morning all. It is a dreary tuesday morning in yucky mucky washington. I am 3/4 on my feb challenge. I just kinda melted in front of the tv yesterday afternoon and accomplished nothing more for the day. I WILL do better today. I weighed in a day late for the week since I reused to accept yesterdays weight:noway: and am happy to say I am down 2 pounds. I am willing to accept gains when I can think of a reason for it but I just wasnt beleiving I had gained 5 pounds when I had been fairly good and consistent all week. I got up at a decent time today after a fairly good nights sleep and have my little list of things I want to get done today. Nothing to arduaous so should manage to finish it all. My goals this week are to make sure I get in some form of workout every day and to keep working on my job search activities.
    Robin: I totally understand how awkward it can be to try and workout at someones house but I know you can do this
    Kah68: I enjoyed reading the articles that you posted thank you
    Susan: I hope the job meeting yesterday went well
    GrandmaKaye: I love your new profile pic it looks just great
    Tootsanderson: I am happy to hear hubby is doing better and finally got some awnsers to what was wrong

    Well everyone have a great day and to the nest three people on water tag your it:drinker: :drinker:
  • I am going to do the same. If I can at least get used to logging my food daily that'll definitely help. Lord I didn't realize how much I was taking in and when. I notice a pattern and it's not cute, but any pattern can be broken and a new one started. Thanks to all for motivating me to keep going.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GorillaNJ - thanks for stopping by - its always nice to see a "graduate" come back and visit - your path is very inspirational! Its great to hear how weight training as well as running has made such a difference in your overall health as well as your physique.

    What encouragement to all of us!

    I've just gotten my Leslie Sansone done for the day - woot!

    1- done
    2 -not
    3- not
    4- done
    5 - done
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    hitting up the gym tonight after tired and dont really want to go. BLAH!! I am forcing myself to go. I always feel better after a workout.

    Have a great day/night everyone!

  • Hi Everyone! I'm new! Need to lose 100 lbs and just be healthy.... Advice please!!!!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new! Need to lose 100 lbs and just be healthy.... Advice please!!!!
    Welcome, Ongelle, to the friendliest place on MFP! That's a pretty vague request you made -- tell us something about yourself, and what you struggle with. To start, log your food (every bite!) so you can see what you eat and where improvements can be made.It really helps!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Rachel -- well done for getting back to the gym! It feels so much better afterwards.
    @Desdemina -- In a couple of pounds, I'll have lost 20% of my starting weight. I do have a lot of milestones coming up! Milestones are definitely worth celebrating. I think you're dead right about men and health -- when they get a little sniffle you'd think it was the end of the world, but if something's seriously wrong they sort of go into denial and won't go to the doctor. Or perhaps it's just my man...
    @Jamie0719 -- welcome! This is a wonderful thread. Number one stress reliever is exercise. Just a little bit if you're not doing any at the moment -- say a brisk 20 minute walk. What worked for me is that I said 'right, I'm just going to do 30 minutes of cardio every day, and it can be *anything*, even stepping up and down on the Wii Fit board in front of the telly if I haven't done anything else that day'. And at first I did all sorts of things to get that 30 minutes. Of course, later it sort of got out of hand. And logging every day -- it's been *so* useful for me.
    @Kathy -- just keep going, one week's nothing in the longer term. It might be worth keeping track of the poor choices, and thinking 'ok, so why did I do that?'
    @Mom2jagntag -- welcome! My guess is that if you're eating 700 calories a day, you're also having some days when you 'cheat', or go out and have restaurant meals, right? Because if you weren't the weight would fall off, especially with the working out, and you would be ravenous all the time! So just start logging those days fully as well. It can be a slog at first as you try to work out how many calories everything has, but you'll quickly get a picture of how it all fits together. Also, look out for healthy fats. Fat isn't bad for you in the way that people used to think, and eating full-fat versions of things, and snacks like nuts or avocados can really help get your calories up if you're trying to 'eat clean'. Personally I don't have much of a problem (except today -- see below!) because my favourite foods on earth are *cheese* and *beer* and I can get through 2500 calories of those in no time. I'm probably a bad role model because I still manage to squeeze in plenty of junk food.
    I like Wii Zumba too! It's a great workout!
    @Robin -- I spotted your big SV before reading y our post about it! Hurrah!
    @Cheryl -- a big WELL DONE! for staying in target at Applebees. I'm doing really well at not having desserts now when we eat out (or just getting a small ice cream, or having a bite of my husband's dessert), but I find it really hard if people order starters, especially if I'm hungry. Sometimes there's melon & parma ham, which is really delicious and almost no calories. Or soup.
    @shaqwann -- welcome!
    @Doug -- so great when the kids come and help you workout, isn't it?
    @Toots -- very glad to hear that your husband is getting good care. I'm sure he'll be back on his feet really soon.
    @Gorilla -- great that you popped in! We need more men around here!

    Welcome all the newbies!

    Tuesday goals -- well actually, I realised it's only 9 days till Valentines Day so losing four more pounds is probably not practical. Oops. So. 50lb gone by March 1. My new running tights are really tight, and my running top is pretty tight too. I caught sight of myself in a shop window while running today, and I sort of looked like a purple sausage. Oh well. On the other hand, I ran for 8 miles, and then walked for nearly three more, and I feel fine now, hardly tired at all, so I don't much care what I looked like. And it was a much thinner purple sausage than it would have been last summer.

    So, I've spent the last six months astonished at people who go 'I can't eat all my calories'. Except that it's after dinner now, and MFP is saying I'm still at -350 net and should have another 1700 calories today! I sort of got up late, ate a light breakfast before running. By the time I got back from my run it was too late for lunch and I wasn't hungry anyway... so I had my dinner as planned. I think I'm going to have a large snack a bit later, and then roll over some of those calories to tomorrow. I don't think long runs really fit into the model.

    Hope you're all having a fantastic week!

    -- Alison
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots - I'm so glad your hubby is on antibiotics and is getting the care he needs. I don't suppose he is off work due to this?

    haha he is actually off work because his doctor wrote him a list of instructions that said he wasn't permitted to return to work until thursday.
    Tootsanderson: I am happy to hear hubby is doing better and finally got some answers to what was wrong

    Hi Everyone! I'm new! Need to lose 100 lbs and just be healthy.... Advice please!!!!

    welcome. i would start by making sure you record everything you eat. you will be shocked when you see it in black and white. and also make sure you get plenty of water. lots.
    @Toots -- very glad to hear that your husband is getting good care. I'm sure he'll be back on his feet really soon.

    So, I've spent the last six months astonished at people who go 'I can't eat all my calories'. Except that it's after dinner now, and MFP is saying I'm still at -350 net and should have another 1700 calories today! I sort of got up late, ate a light breakfast before running. By the time I got back from my run it was too late for lunch and I wasn't hungry anyway... so I had my dinner as planned. I think I'm going to have a large snack a bit later, and then roll over some of those calories to tomorrow. I don't think long runs really fit into the model.

    thanks. wow, i have never had that problem haha. not once. i have never been under without a concerted effort on my part.
  • littlegift43
    littlegift43 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there everyone, I stumbeld onto this thread and have been reading through the conversations .. WOW !! What a group of supportive folks here ...

    Do you happen to have room for one more ?? :happy:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi there everyone, I stumbeld onto this thread and have been reading through the conversations .. WOW !! What a group of supportive folks here ...

    Do you happen to have room for one more ?? :happy:

    Welcome.....there's always room for one more!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Hi there everyone, I stumbeld onto this thread and have been reading through the conversations .. WOW !! What a group of supportive folks here ...

    Do you happen to have room for one more ?? :happy:
    no we don't have room for one more. we have room for lots more! Welcome!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Toots- Glad they are getting to the bottom of your husband's problem.

    Welcome to all the new members.

    Doug- It is great that your son wants to help with your workout. Get them involved early and start teaching him early about the benefits of weight lifting and proper form.

    Tuesday- My goal is to meet my trainers challenges for the week. I will post them on her if anyone wants to join me you are welcome to. You can PM and I will send you the link to the blog. Warning- it will be challenging so I am thinking that my Feb. challenge will be to work on this challenge one day at a time.

    Base Assessment – This is the base assessment that will be used for a test and retest to determine your progress at the half way point and at the end of the challenge. You will have 15 mins to do As Many Rounds As Possible(AMRAP) of:

    10 Push Ups
    10 Squats
    20 Bicycle Crunches
    10 Lunges
    20 Toe Alternate Touches(Laying on your back with your core tight raise your right leg and try to touch your toe with your left hand, slowly lower back to starting position and repeat with the left leg and right hand)
    10 Burpees
    You will record and report how many rounds and exercises you completed. Remember to stretch before and after exercising. Good luck and challenge yourself!

    Weekly Nutrition Challenges: Feb. 4 – Feb. 11

    :wink: Water Only Challenge – For the week you must drink only water, you will try to consume half of your body weight in ounces of water(ex, 100lbs = 50 ounces of water/day). No sports drinks, sodas, fruit juices or alcohol.
    :wink: Little to No Sugar Challenge – For the week you are to use no table sugar, You will try to eat foods with little to no added sugar. Fruits are ok but eat a reasonable amount per day because they also have sugar although they are healthy “sugar is sugar”. The goal is to go greener

    Weekly Exercise Challenge: Feb. 4 – Feb. 11

    :happy: “Pop A Squat” Challenge – For this challenge you will complete 200 squats for time. The time limit will be 45 mins. for this challenge and you will record and report your results. Remember to stretch before and after exercising. Good luck and challenge yourself!

    :happy: “Perfect Pecs” Challenge – For this challenge you will complete 200 push ups for time. The limit will be 45 mins for this challenge and you will record and report your results. Remember to stretch before and after exercising. Good luck and challenge yourself!

    :happy: “Core Life” Challenge – For this challenge you will complete AMRAP in 15 mins of:
    30 Alternate Toe Touches
    30 Mountain Climbers
    30 Side Raises/Side( On you side with your elbow down and feet on the ground tighten your core and glutes than raise your side off of the ground, than relax and repeat)
    30 Flutter Kicks
    30 Russian Twist(Holding a medicine ball, dumbell or anything with weight, sit on the ground with your knees bent(if possible) and with a slight lean keep your core tight and rotate using your core from side to side)
    30 Supermans (laying face down tighten your core and glutes while raising your arms and legs up to a superman pose, than relax and repeat)
    You will record and report how many rounds you completed. Remember to stretch before and after exercising. Good luck and challenge yourself!


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  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Little Gift - Welcome! ALways room for more amazing people!
    @Doug - I think the son helping is a great idea. He can help push you (read nag you) when you don't want to work out and it'll be great to teach him healthy habits now.
    @Toots - I'm glad your husband has the antibiotics he needs to deal with this. I sure hope he feels better FAST.
    @KvanDeest - Hang in there. What you gained doesn't NOT negate the amount you've lost so far. You're still ahead of the game.
    @Mac Beth - I hear you. I had a week like that just recently. The numbers that I obsessively track showed there SHOULD have been a loss and ...nothing. You just have to put your head down, do the steps, and trust the process. The deficit will catch up eventually. Not to mention that .6lbs can easily be water weight.
    @Tom - Awesome keeping up with that strength training! You da man!
    @Jamie - Welcome and that's a great place to start. Tracking really shows where the problem areas are.
    @Robin - WOOOHOOOOO on the weight loss!! You'll be looking sexy in your vacation!
    @Fit4Real - Welcome!
    @Ongelle - Welcome! I agree, logging is a great place to start. Also, measure and weighing your food. I know when I started I had a *REALLY* skewed view of what a serving size was... in everything.

    Tuesday goals - To behave myself for an entire week. No binging, no going grossly over on my sodium, and no pigging out on carbs. I can DO this DAMMIT! A bit more stress added to me, I was told today that I might be getting laid off. They closed down a project and the actual employees will be displaced. If they don't find places for them all, they will start laying off contract employees to give them our jobs. I should know by Friday if I'm in any danger. My contract is up in September, but I was really hoping to have it renewed and stay here. I love my job and the guys I work with, they are all like big brothers to me.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi there everyone, I stumbeld onto this thread and have been reading through the conversations .. WOW !! What a group of supportive folks here ...

    Do you happen to have room for one more ?? :happy:

    As my mom always said, make a little extra, so there will always be room for one more! (Southern culture, you never turn anyone away from a meal!)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello all - just reporting in 5/5 GHD challenge.

    LAURIE - OMG - I couldn't begin to participate in that training but wishing you well and more power to you!!

    Gotta zip along. Out of town tomorrow. Everyone take care.

    And TAG---you're it, next 4 people drink a glass of water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I think I'm finally over the respiratory yuk... still an occasional cough, but not too bad. This week I am so getting back to the gym! (actually going to a new one with better equipment).

    Today is going to be a total number crash - I am so hungry. Usually it isn't difficult to stay on track (even though I'm down to around 1300 a day), but I know I'm going to blow it today :embarassed: Might be recovery from being sick ....

    @Toots - yikes! Glad the husband is on the mend.

    Welcome to the new folks - you've found the best possible group!