40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I was supposed to go hiking in Yosemite today but it snowed last night... Brrrr. So instead I spent the day running around paying bills. Bought my husband some hiking gear for his birthday, I hope he likes them... I also got him candy, he's a sugar freak!!! LOL
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    tron, sorry you missed the hike. It's hard to believe it was nearly a year ago we were in Yosemite. There was no snow then. This seems like a pretty late snow. Is it? Hope your husband enjoys his birthday gift!

    mk, good job getting back to the workouts. It is tough to get back into the swing of things, isn't it? So what did your husband think of your weight loss? I bet he was impressed. I can't help you with the elliptical, unfortunately.

    singfree, it looks like you are getting pretty good news on your health right now....which would be great if you were actually feeling good. But you're not. :cry: I hope the change in meds help. Come to think of it, I have known people who have experienced vertigo as a result of blood pressure medication as well. As I mentioned last week, I was wondering if stress was playing any factor in this at all. Please take care of yourself!

    TxMs, welcome back! Glad you had a good trip. Walking San Francisco is really good exercise, isn't it?

    alf, I do much better with a DVD than I do on my own as well. It seems to keep my mind more occupied, and that is good for me when I am working out. Regarding Cathe's Butts and Guts, here is a link to the DVD page: http://shop.cathe.com/Butts_and_Guts_DVD_p/721.htm If you think you might be interested but don't want to invest until you are sure, I have an extra copy of the DVD that I would be happy to mail you for you to try it out. Let me know and we can work that out one way or another.

    Had a good workout this morning....STS Legs followed by an Insanity workout. I also did Ab Ripper X this morning, though I think I might have strained an oblique muscle doing that one. :grumble: It has been awhile since I've done that workout, and I was feeling it a bit while doing it....but during Insanity, my oblique started hurting really badly. It feels better now, but we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Good thing I'm not working abs for a couple of days now. Still doing good on the eating this week. Yay!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Still no definite reason why this happened, but some good theories are out there. Yes, I am stressed over this situation, although not as much as before. Work is a big source of stress for me, especially since we are leaving in 2 weeks for Germany. I need to get caught up on a backlog of paperwork from when I was off, do all of the internal audits for the plant, send out customer and supplier surveys and just plain get organized to go. My doctor thinks that I am very stressed right now.

    When I passed out and fell, I hit my head on the floor very hard. There is a possibility that I might have a concussion, and that could explain the dizziness. The higher BP could have been there all the time and I might not have known it. Other than taking BP meds, I am in pretty good shape. I just need to let my head heal and let it subside naturally, which could take a while.

    Tomorrow is more testing of the inner ear and balance. I start PT on Friday to deal with this also. My eye Dr., who is a good friend is going to give me an exam to see if he can determine anything. I will have my BP checked at the Dr's office every other day for the next 2 weeks.

    I'm doing everything possible to get to the bottom of this, but as most of the Drs said, we may never find out exactly what happened and it my never happen again. I consider myself fortunate to have such great health care avaiable to me.

    Thanks again for your best wishes!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Just checking in...everyone must be busy!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Okay Sing! Time to start feeling good - I can't leave for Mexico with all my Sing questions left unanswered! I just keep sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and hoping they reach you.

    I will be checking in on Friday but am crazy busy finishing up stuff for our trip and trying to prepare for my in laws who will be taking care of the kids while we are gone.

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sing, Sing, Sing (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) What an ordeal you are going through!!! My BP would definitely be high if I was going through the same situation. Sending positive thoughts your way....

    Stiring, you are sooooo sweet!!! I looked at the link you sent and I am sore already!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hey, if you don't mind please send it and I can send you something you need from the US that you cannot get over there...Ok? :wink: I was looking at her site, her DVDs are expensive!! But I am very sure they are very effective...well, I can tell by looking at you. :flowerforyou:

    Duffy!!!!! Feliz viaje a Mejico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you are leaving the kids behind??? SUPER!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Tron, I've always wanted to visit Yosemite. One of these days...

    MK, good to hear from you!!! :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... We dont always get snow in May but it does happen. The rule is, one more snow after the dogwood blooms and it bloomed just before this last snow so... Altho next week, and on my husbands days off AGAIN, its calling for rain. Needless to say he's NOT happy. Maybe it will miss us entirely and stay more north.

    My husbands Garmin GPS came today. Nice day to come considering its his birthday today. Charging the batteries so he can play with it when he gets home.

    Sing... Are you still having dizzy spells???

    Alf... Yosemite is beautiful. Everyone should make the time to visit it just once in their lifetime. We found a new hiking trail that we'd like to check out. Its not supposed to be hard, just long. Thats why my hubby is so upset about the weather he wants to check out that trail.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi all!

    singfree, are you going to be seeing a neurologist? I thought you had mentioned seeing one once. It does sound like it is possible you have a concussion. I hope you get a diagnosis soon. It certainly sounds like you have alot of stress, and that can't be helping. I was most curious to see you are going to be working with a PT. Is that to help you with your balance or anything specific? Do they think this is workout related? I'm very curious (if you don't mind answering), especially since you and I enjoy a similar love for very intense workouts. You've certainly got me thinking about that right now.

    tron, I'm sorry to hear the weather isn't cooperating with you right now. I can imagine your husband's frustration. I hope it clears up soon....and I hope he had a great birthday!

    duffy, only a few more days until Mexico! :drinker:

    alf, I sent you a PM about the Cathe DVD. I totally agree that Cathe's workouts are very expensive. There used to be a time when they were well worth the money because she really did put out the most advanced workouts in the market. But some of these Beachbody products have really cut into her market. I'm curious how/if she responds. She is providing coupons and discounts on her workouts now more than I've ever seen her do, so I guess that's a start. It's unfortunate that her products are so costly because they are really good. And thanks for the offer of sending something from the US. How much would it cost to ship a Trader Joe'e or Whole Foods to Korea? :laugh: Actually, I settle for a small bakery that sells whole wheat English Muffins if nothing else. :tongue:

    Had another good workout today. I did a step cardio DVD followed by P90X YogaX. I haven't done that workout much in the past five/six months, and I've been getting increasingly tighter and tighter. I'm going to try to do it once a week for the next two months and see if it helps. It felt really good today to do it. I always dread it, but once I'm about half-way in, I start enjoying it. I'm still eating good and feeling really well.

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Today I had an appt with the audiologist to test my inner ear and balance. She said that I did pretty well, but she and the ENT needed to interpret the tests. Tomorrow is PT for (I assume) balance and dizziness issues. The ENT will then get those results and let me know the outcome.

    Stiring, the ENT told me of the possibility of seeing a neurologist, but I think that will be later on. Virtually every health care professional has told me that this could have been brought on by the workout. Perhaps my BP was a bit high and I did not know it. Kind of like the perfect storm...tough workout, warm day, dehydration. They think that my BP was high after the workout and then plummeted quickly, thus the blackout. I hit the floor hard with my forehead. Things are beginning to look like that a concussion is the mose plausible scenario. My advice to you is to make sure your BP is in the normal range, before and after your workout. This could have been a fluke, but I'm actually glad to know where I stand health-wise after all of these tests.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi everybody.

    It's Friday!! :drinker: As far as my check-in....still not weighing or measuring myself. But I had a great week of workouts and a good week of clean eating. I feel really energetic and healthy right now. My clothes are fitting. So....all is well. Did a tough workout this morning of strength training (back/triceps) followed by a HiiT workout (about 65 minutes of HiiT! :noway: )

    singfree, thanks for the information. It certainly is food for thought. Please let us know what the PT says. I'm very curious about how your fitness is playing into this and if they can come up with any recommendations for preventing it. I know it sounds like I'm hounding you (and I'm sorry about that!) but I am prone to very small bouts of vertigo, and what has been happening to you (as I said yesterday) has really got me thinking about the intensity of my workouts, the stress in my life, etc. So thank you for continuing to keep us updated.

    I have a pretty busy weekend ahead. I'm having 30 people over on Tuesday night, so I've got alot to do to get ready for that. I was hoping to hold the event outside, but, of course, it is supposed to rain. :grumble: So I've got to come up with some valid alternatives for inside....just in case. And, of course, there is all the food to buy, etc. Entertaining isn't my favorite thing so stuff like this kinda stresses me out a bit.

    Hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Reporting day again...happy Friday!!!! Only 13 days to go and I am beginning to feel better. Not great, but better. I guess everything is relative.

    Last night I visited my optomotrist friend at his office. He gave me a really good eye and neurological exam (as it pertains to the muscles and nerves controlling the eyes). He found nothing wrong. Another YAY!!! Today is PT at the hospital.

    The really good news is that I was able to take a brisk 2 mile walk. That might not sound like much, but at this stage of the game, it is HUGE for me. It really felt good to get some fresh air.

    I am continuing my eating clean routine. My only concession is a glass of cabernet each evening. I've substituted almonds for pretzels, too. I buy a big bag at Sam's and roast my own on a cookie sheet in the oven. I'm not missing the pretzels yet, and I'm sure I won't miss them while in Europe.

    Speaking of Europe, I'm checking Munich Airport's arrivals daily to see what time my flight is arriving. After a week of late flights due to the volcano ash, Lufthansa was exactly on time today (10:10 am). We are flying to Munich from Newark NJ, non-stop. The flight is 8 hours. I love the service we get on the European carriers. No nit-picking over luggage, the food is good and free drinks, even in the cheap seats!!! We are renting a car for the first 9 days, because there are a lot of places I want to go that would otherwise be inconvenient by train or bus. I love train travel, so the final week will be mostly by DB (Deutsche Bahn). As you can tell, I'm getting very excited over the trip.

    Stiring, 30 people?? My head is already spinning for you!!!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    Hi All!
    Boy I have not been in the mood this week to update any of the trackers. I didn't eat the greatest, so I was hesitate to step on the scale (1 night I just was not hungry and had a glass of milk),another night we swung thru BK and I got a grilled chix sand and ate the bun-too much mayo for me(I did nt want another salad as I had that earlier in the day and now it was 9:30!). We went and saw Apolo Ohno speak-he was quite good Anyway, I am down 2lbs, so I was quite surprised.

    I have never heard of an exercise physiologist -what kind of things do they work on ???:indifferent:

    Well I hope to go tomorrow to purchase our Disney World pkg-what allot of work to pick things out for 7 people. We changed our dates and now, will go mid Aug. At least the pools will feel great! Have a good weekend everyone-will try to be better next week. Another depressing rainy day:yawn:
  • danizell
    danizell Posts: 9
    Hi Everyone! Just started the myfitnesspal.com a few weeks ago and I love it! Hope it is not too late to join the 40+ forum! Started reading all your posts and it is really an inspirational. Lost about 20 pounds last year only to put it back on. Did start running last year also and realize it is my passion. Started again and feeling great! Lost three pounds so far but I cannot believe how just three pounds makes me feel so much lighter and better. I have a long way to go of reaching my goal weight (145) but I know with support and accountability I can do it! So glad I found you!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome Danizell! Its never too late to join us!

    Sing: I'm glad you are feeling a little better. We'll keep thinking positive thoughts about yoru health and also the volcanic ash!

    Stiring: Have fun with your party. I too am not a natural entertainer/host. My best friend is, I think if 30 people showed at her house with no warning, she could still put on a good time.

    Well, I am down 6/10 of a lb over a two week period. A little disappointing. But as long as I keep trending downward, I will get there in the end!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Well, down about 3lbs????? Weird...but I will take it... :laugh: I weighed 123lbs this morning...My waist is also smaller, 27 inches...yeah!!! I really think eating more healthy fats and proteins is really working for me right now. And of course, weight training and Zumba!!!!!

    Welcome Danizell!! I am glad to here that you are back on track. That is what matters. I love running myself but have not been able to do much of it lately...:sad:

    Sing, glad you are feeling better!!!! :drinker:

    Stiring, 30 people over??? Yikes!! I am sure you will have wonderful food for them to share...:happy:

    Duffy, have a great time in Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arriba Arriba Andale!!! :laugh:

    Zebras, you are right, no matter how little the change might be what is important is to be consistent. :flowerforyou:

    Pepper, congrats on your weight loss. A Disney vacation sounds like so much fun. We have not been to Disney World in 21 yrs!!!! My daughter was 5 at the time and she is 26 now!!! Well, after that we went to Disneyland and Disney in Paris but they are all different. We are planning on a Disney vacation soon to take my granddaughter...are you military? You know you can stay at Shades of Green which is inside the park.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Finally got my husband on the scale. He has gained 20 pounds since we started with a trainer over a year ago! He is supposed to be logging food on MFP but he waits until Monday before seeing the trainer to log all his food for the week before. Not very helpful.

    At least we made it to the gym last night and plan on going again on Saturday. I am hoping to get home early enough tonight do water aerobics. I can't wait for river aerobics to start!

    Stiring: I love cooking for big crowds! I always cook too much. We our daughter was in high school, I cooked the food for the sunday night youth group (about 75 teenagers) at our church. It was great fun. When our kids were lifeguards, I used to make LOTS of pigs in a blanket for the guards after their Saturday am skills review which included a 20 lap swim. Now getting my houe clean to host for 30 people is another story....

    Sing: Glad you are getting better. Maybe the nights versus days work rotations could have had something to do with your episode? That would really mess me up! Pack some powdered sport drink to take with you to Europe so that you can replace electrolytes if you sweat while traveling. I always keep some in suitcase after a friend had a bad stomach bug while traveling and would have killed for something to replace electrolytes.

    Alf: great job with the zumba! There is a zumba class at our gym. Our trainer says it is with a lady who is not very good and they are looking for another instructor. Want to drive to Denton teach a class?

    Danizell: Welcome.

    Zebras: downward trend is good! Keep at it. Look at how far you have come.

    Hpe everyone has a great weekend. TxMs
  • JuliaSoCal
    JuliaSoCal Posts: 87
    No movement on the scale this week....technically up a .10... but who cares!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Today we went 4 wheeling for a bit to try to find Keltz Mine before my husband had to go to work. Didn't find it so I guess we will be out searching again. You can only drive so far then you have to hike but I have never actually been to a mine so it should be interesting. Tonight my daughter and I are gonna do The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sorry my Friday check in is a day late - Too many pre-trip activites. Weight was down another lb this week and I had my physical on Thursday. Resting heart rate is down to 55 and had a really good EKG. Plus, doctor approved my hill and speed training workouts with a heart rate in the upper 170s. Finished my last week of CX Lean for Life phase. After vacation I think I will do a month of 30day shred and then after our trip to Quebec in June I will start another rotation of CX.

    Sorry so short 12 hours till departure and the suitcases haven't even been brought up from the basement.:ohwell: Have a great week and Adios mi Amigos!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Monday everybody! It was a pretty busy weekend around here. I'm still trying to eat a relatively clean diet. I do a good job (mostly), so that's about all that I can ask of myself.

    On Friday I had PTat the hospital with a Physical Therapist. He did even more testing on my balance. I scored very high except in one part. My balance benchmarks are so high that the one lower score, although ok, looked abmormal for me. He thinks that a concussion is the most likely scenario, in which case, it just needs time to heal.

    My BP was 120/78 on Friday and I/m going to have it checked again today. I feel as though I am finally getting through this thing, although I am far from my normal feeling. I'm going to ask my Dr. today if I can do some light strength training. It's ok if she says no, not yet. I am still walking daily.

    With only 10 days to go before Europe, I have a lot of work to do. I'll do my best not to stress myself over this. It's not worth it!!

    Have a great day!