The Last 10



  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Ok ladies, I weighed in at 128lbs this morning. It bounced around at 127lbs but it settled on 128lbs. Which I was very very happy about, I was down in the 120's! YAA!!!! My goal before the wedding is 125lbs. I am so so close, my final goal is 122lbs. but 125lb by the wedding would ROCK!!! I am so close!!!
    We can all do this, It is all possible with eachother as help and motivation.

    I also have another thing on my mind, with all this trying as hard as I can to lose these last pounds, I have been skipping on things like sitting in the cool shade afterwork with my fiance having a glass of wine and stuff like that. I think that I should stop and enjoy and then find balance in losing weight.
    So I am asking how do you all find the balance in losing these last 10lbs and still enjoying simple pleasures in life.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    Hi there!

    Welcome kjs! It's great to have someone join us!

    Gaby how is the BBL going? How long is each workout? What kind of exercises are you doing? I'd love to hear how it's going!

    Thinksy - you are so close!!! and congrats for getting to 128! You can so do this!

    Good idea with the weekend challenge - I am going to try and not eat any CHOCOLATE!! uh oh! That's going to be hard. I'm also planning on going for a run on Sat and Sun morning. I've had an OK week, considering I've eaten out 3 evenings - I've been watching my portions (something quite new for me!).

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Let's weigh in on Monday so that we can hold ourselves accountable during the weekend!
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    I slipped up a little bit today and I ate some chocolate bridge mix. Man I need to stay serious as I am so close to my goal and my wedding so I am getting strict with myself. I hope all you guys are doing good this weekend and if you have slipped a little like me, lets jump back onto the weight loss wagon and kick this into gear!!!
    WE can do this and we are doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    STAY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kjs1628
    kjs1628 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey ladies

    I have shifted a pound this week, which I'm delighted with, considering I was on a hen do last weekend, gorging on wine and crisps! Unfortunately celebrated last night by eating +300 cals...oops! Still, back on it today, with 30 minute vigorous exercise bike session, and off for a walk this afternoon - so feeling positive.

    I have booked myself in for a session on power plates tomorrow - anyone ever tried it? I know it won't help me to lose weight, but it would be lovely to lose some of the wobble!!!

    Hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    Its monday morning everyone! I hope everyone's 10lbs are coming off nicely!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lets ramp it up this week and really give these last pounds a run for their money!!!!! LETS GET THEM GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello eveyone,
    Happy Monday. Still with no internet service at home till this wkened, so I'm MIA after work Eveyone seems to be doing grrrrreat. This is soo exciting. I once again didn't have much change. Just went down like 1/2 lbs, but I'm happy cause I know it gonna getsa little harder and harder.
    I will say this. In the last week of completing the BBL program I have lost 3 that's right three inches on my waist alone. I didn't do the rest of my measurements, but I noticed my waist looked smaller so I measured and that's what it said. I couldn't believe it!! I'm loving the workout. I have to be honest I got lazy yesterday, so today I gotta double up on yest and today's workout. But I love how fun they are. I think this is going to be a regular part of my workout even after I'm done w/ the program.
  • salter3321
    salter3321 Posts: 5
    One of my favorite snacks is cottage cheese with a handful of smoked almonds in it, to add crunch.
  • salter3321
    salter3321 Posts: 5
    Sorry about that post being out of date. I am still getting used to this site. :(
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    Weight didn't change at all, but by Thursday morning (my legal wedding day) I WILL see a 2 on that scale, I'm determined as all heck!!! lol O btw, cool news, I fit into a size 4 jean for the first time in my life- they were stretch from the gap tho, so it doesn't really count... but it did make me happy :) lol
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    YAY!! Weight this morn was finalllly in the 120's!!! 129.6 to be exact lol, which was all I "wanted" but my ultimate goal was alway 125... which I know isn't maintainable for my body, but I just know how much weight I'm gonna gain at the all inclusive Mexico resort we're headed to on Friday!! Anyway, I guess I came on here to say that this site/ the motivation of all of you is really rubbing off on me. It made me smile this morning because after getting on here, and changing my weight on my ticker I'm like "I'm gonna celebrate, " I'll go on my stepper or my treadmill!!" and ummm I've NEVER thought anything like this before in my life (normally my celebration involves something in the ice cream category) and it makes me laugh, but it's Awesome at the same time, so I guess I just want to say thank you for all the support-- getting married in 2 days!! :D
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hooray! Way to get closer to your goal FutureN.! You want to feel awesome for your wedding so not reaching that "non-maintainable" weight will probably be the healthier thing!:laugh: Have a wonderful day! May God bless you and your husband in the years and adventures ahead! :heart: :heart:

    Oh and for the sake of honesty I have to report my Monday weigh-in 136.2 (up more than a pound :cry: ) That's what company and entertaining does to me!! Getting back on track!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I hope you are all doing great. I've been going strong with the BBL program. Sometimes I think that it might be too much fun to be a workout. But at the end I'm sore and totally sweaty (TMI) so I know I'm getting a good workout. Still working up to finish the whole workout with no breaks, but I do as much as I can and push as much as possible.
    My internet should be hooked up this weekend so I'm totally looking forward to being able to log my food and exercise during the weekend.
    Plus, I'm going to become a BeachBody coach. I'm luving my experience with the workouts. Insanity is next for me and I convienced my fiancee to do it too! Started drking some of the shakeology shakes and they are great, super tasty and I feel full and energized thru the morning.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Weight didn't change at all, but by Thursday morning (my legal wedding day) I WILL see a 2 on that scale, I'm determined as all heck!!! lol O btw, cool news, I fit into a size 4 jean for the first time in my life- they were stretch from the gap tho, so it doesn't really count... but it did make me happy :) lol

    Hey! It counts! you couldn't fit into them before! Congrats!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    YAY!! Weight this morn was finalllly in the 120's!!! 129.6 to be exact lol, which was all I "wanted" but my ultimate goal was alway 125... which I know isn't maintainable for my body, but I just know how much weight I'm gonna gain at the all inclusive Mexico resort we're headed to on Friday!! Anyway, I guess I came on here to say that this site/ the motivation of all of you is really rubbing off on me. It made me smile this morning because after getting on here, and changing my weight on my ticker I'm like "I'm gonna celebrate, " I'll go on my stepper or my treadmill!!" and ummm I've NEVER thought anything like this before in my life (normally my celebration involves something in the ice cream category) and it makes me laugh, but it's Awesome at the same time, so I guess I just want to say thank you for all the support-- getting married in 2 days!! :D


    I remember when I got under 130!! I was ecstatic! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I lost another pound! I'm now 129.2! hooray! I've also found a running buddy to that helps to motivate me, because I didn't like to go running alone too much.
    FutureN - have a wonderful wedding and honeymoon in Mexico! wow! and congrats for getting into the 129's! yay!!
    I feel like I'm slowly learning to cut my portions and enjoying all the foods that I like. It's easy to eat lots of fresh fruit as snacks and lots of veggies at meal times.
    Have a good weekend everyone!! and watch those portions!!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I'm happy to report, that as of last night I have internet service at home... FINALLY! So its going to be easier for me to track my food and exercise.
    Today marks the start of week 3 of the Brazil Butt Lift program. And eventhough I didn't lose any weight this week, I continue to see changes in my body. My waist is waaaay more defined, I'm toning my arms and legs. And of course, let me just say I have received lot of compliments from different people saying my "boom boom" (booty) looks tighter and lifted and really nice.
    Although I def need to start a mini goal. I'm going to be throwing a "greek themes" engagement party for my fiance and me in July! Plus my birthday is July. So I'm hoping to lose10 lbs by then.
    Its just been too long of this last 10 to be sticking around!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Reporting in on Tuesday instead of Monday, kept stepping over the scale instead of on it. Now I know why, no downward movement! I have been exercising, I just need to cut down the calories a bit so here's to a better week ahead and perhaps a little more control on the weekend! :drinker:
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in the last 11, hope it's okay if I still join in!

    I'm currently 141 lbs and looking to get to 130 lbs for now. I might push farther once there but 130 is an extremely healthy BMI for my height and should put me in a size 4/5 jean.

    I've been doing really good- broke through a plateau about a week ago and have lost almost 4 pounds since!

    I've been struggling to eat all my calories lately and am worried about how in the world I will be able to switch over to maintenance when that time comes.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm down... 122.8! My goal is 120... almost there! Would love to be at 15% body fat too! I'm close (at 17.9). I'm into all of my size 4s now.... =) I still need to tone and define but I'm very happy with how far my hard work has gotten me. Last year at this time I was in a size 14 and I weighed 149 lbs! Took me a year.... but I got back to my pre preggo weight!! =)
  • thinsky
    thinsky Posts: 81
    You are almost at your goal!! Congratulations!!!! 120 lbs!! I would love that. How tall are you?