Anyone Else Single for V-day?

It seems like no matter what, I'm always single for this holiday.

My plan is to celebrate by working out and earning the chocolate/wine goodness I will indulge in. :P

(Also, looking for new friends to motivate, add me!)


  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    I feel your pain sister! I haven't had a Valentine since my divorce 5 yrs ago!!! I've allready bought my chocolate and am keeping a running total of the extra calories I'm earning so I can enjoy it with some wine and a good movie...action, not romantic comedy!!! :laugh:
  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Love it!! I'm also working on a singles' awareness playlist, with some angry chick country/rock, etc.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    yip! but bothers me not.. i`ll be selfishly working out to a massive sweat on V day :)
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Love it!! I'm also working on a singles' awareness playlist, with some angry chick country/rock, etc.

    OMG... love it! This site needs a "Like" button!
  • sniker_doodles
    I will be all of your valentines!
  • sniker_doodles
    haha I have been thinking this too
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Single and very happy to remain that way! I call it solo. Flying solo. Wheeeee!!!!!!!!

    But now that you mention it, I may have to get a package of very dark chocolates to enjoy all by myself.
  • southern_star
    southern_star Posts: 89 Member
    I am! And for some reason it is bothering me a LOT more than I thought that it would. I will just be my own Valentine and buy my own flowers.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    Yup! But I was in a long-term relationship this time last year, and it's not like my ex-boyfriend ever did anything for valentine's day (or birthdays, or christmas, etc, lol). I'm going to be reveling in my singledom and rocking it at the gym!
  • jshot278
    jshot278 Posts: 42 Member
    Hell, even when I was in a relationship, we never celebrated anything. Forget about even a card! Not a romantic bone in his body!
    Now, I'm not totally sure of my relationship status this year. I'm just making him home made peanut butter cookies & a card. However,
    I will be alone as we live in different states.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Haha, I'm not only single on V-day, I'm a full-time bachelorette! All 26 years of my life.

    I've had my share of flings of course, but never anything serious. I've never been on a real date before either, but I don't think anyone really does that anymore...

    But Im not a huge fan of romance, it embarrasses me kinda, so valentines day would probably not be celebrated regardless

    Enjoy your chocolate!!!
  • NeachyBird
    NeachyBird Posts: 16 Member
    I'm single as well ... trying not to feel sorry for myself.. That will lead to eating the wrong things.. Instead I am planning on pampering myself and my daughter since she loves me !! Dinner by candle light and some skinny cow dessert for me , she is having chocolate kisses.. then a relaxing bath and bed.. its only one day biggie.. The bigger issue is loving me all year long so hopefully I can be healthier next valentines and it might not bother me to be single .. I'm in need of friends so pls ADD ME !!!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    Single here as well. Nothing major planned, just enjoying another day...
  • yoscarlino
    yoscarlino Posts: 100 Member
    Single and very happy to remain that way! I call it solo. Flying solo. Wheeeee!!!!!!!!

    But now that you mention it, I may have to get a package of very dark chocolates to enjoy all by myself.

    I am going to use the flying solo! I am 6 weeks into flying solo and will be buying myself flowers!
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    Yep! The last two years I was in a relationship and he didn't even bring up the fact that it was Valentine's Day the first year and last year we were supposed to have lunch together and he "overslept and forgot". So this year, I'm getting dressed up and taking myself out!! And I can't wait! :) I'm not ashamed or embarrassed - I'm going to my favorite restaurant and sitting by myself and I'm gonna enjoy it :)
  • winterswish
    Solo (stealing this, thanks!) for the first time in 13 years for the holiday. But like several of you pointed out, either it wasn't celebrated or my SO was sort of lame about it. This year? I'm treating myself like a freakin' queen.

    I don't know what the forum policy is on posting links, but I'll try. This is funny and totally awesome:

    Happy Valentine's Day to all the solo MFP'ers!
  • hummelen
    hummelen Posts: 17 Member
    I have been single on this holiday every year except 2. I like to think of it as Singles awareness day.... Doesn't bother me that i am single. I do however think it is fun to celebrate when you do have a special someone.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Yup single. Been single most my life. Doesn't bother me 'cause I don't really have time for a partner other than thinking that some dude out there is really missing out lol
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    Forever singe here! As usual! I plan on working, going to class and doing homework that night. Lol. Just another day for me.
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    I'm single and I don't care. Stupid holiday anyways.