Anyone here over 50?



  • Just turned 52 When I was in my 30's I lost 64 pounds in 8 months. This time around I have lost 50 pounds in 8 months but granted I had a little help when 155 pounds walked out the door,,,
  • moonflower62
    moonflower62 Posts: 3 Member
    I turned 50 in September and decided I wasn't gonna let it get me down. I had already lost 39 pounds and I have about 7 more to go and it has been the hardest. Don't know if it's motivation or just plain frustration. I'd love any suggestions or motivation I can get!
  • First time poster although I have been using Fitness Pal for awhile. I guess my upcoming 55th birthday has inspired me to write. Have been dieting all my life and suffered through many weight fluctuations. Although I am an avid exerciser and vegetarian, more than a few pounds have found their way to my midsection. So would like to lose 10 pounds but need some encouragement. I too, like dll2013 want to see my granddaughter and grandson grow up and be an active participant in their lives.
  • I'm new to MFP and will be 54 in June. I've been overweight all of my life - probably been dieting for about 40 years. I've had some successes, but divorce and antidepressants really caused me to pack on the pounds several years ago. I've tried every diet out there except for surgery - which I refuse to do at this point. I lose 10 or 15 pounds, give up, and then gain twice as much back.. I am now at 250 pounds and feeling tired and uncomfortable - not to mention that I am pre-diabetic and my knees are about shot. : (

    It took me a while to find this message board but I would like to join in the conversation. I'm going to make it my job to track everything I eat, keep at 1500 calories or below, and get back to walking 5 out of 7 days per week. I love yoga (if you can imagine it!) and would like to be able to do a REAL sun salutation! And last but not least, I would love to be able to wear clothes without a W.
  • billiegirl17
    billiegirl17 Posts: 47 Member
    I am exactly 50 . . . and time goes by so quickly, before I know it, I can join the over crowd. And YES - it is much harder to lose weight at this age. And all my extra weight seems to settle right in my midsection. Drives me crazy. Add me as a friend if you would like .... us mature woman have to stick together.
  • hello all~
    Any suggestions,remedies anyone has found to help in their weight loss? Toning or strengthening?
    My newest thing-a long time coming!-is reading labels.what a HUGE difference!!
    Hang in there! It can only get better.

    Walking! Going to the gym toned me but walking is what gets the weight off of me.
    Thank you.I just got outside today and walked about 10 minutes.I was feeling the burn and breath caught but when I got in and sat for just a few minutes I felt great!!.Going at it again tomorrow.I have let all my health issues lock in this prison-not any more.Thank you again.
  • yes am 55 and live in new zealand, struggling with weight but taking it slowly
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 55 and am finding that losing just 20 lbs is extremely difficult. Heck, losing 5 is difficult. I have always belonged to a gym until about 5 years ago, and can not seem to motivate myself to do weight exercises at home. Aerobic exercise such as walking or dancing, not a problem. Because of travel, do not really want the expense of joining a gym when I can not use it regularly. Would really like to get these extra lbs. off before October. Maybe I need outside encouragement now? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
  • bblen2004
    bblen2004 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I am 58. I am no longer in a great rush to lose weight. I have been slow and steady. My goal is to eat the foods that I will for the rest of my life but smaller portions. I eat a wide variety of foods including a small dessert most days. I do realize I am not perfect and mess up from time to time. When that happens I just start all over again. If you want friends you are welcome to friend me.
  • nctgreene
    nctgreene Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm a 61 yr old grandmother two boys from North Carolina and could use some motivating friends. Please feel free to add me.

  • zimfour
    zimfour Posts: 191 Member
    I am 58 soon to be 59 in May. Have been on MFP for almost a year! Am currently at 182, but want to get down to 175ish....32 pants are falling off(depends on who makes it)...Would REALLY like to be able to fit into a size 30( I have one pair that is REAL tight.... I also BURN alot of calories when I swim, and i am in the pool 4 days a week.....:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  • tinytinam
    tinytinam Posts: 57 Member
    I turned 50 this year and agree that it takes time to lose the weight and is much easier to gain back at this age. It does work though. MFP really helps by retraining you to really look at what you are eating. And the support of friends really makes a difference. After a while it becomes second nature to scan the barcode on your smartphone or just scan the ingredients and calorie count of what you are chucking in your grocery basket! I am getting close to my first goal weight and it is a bit of a struggle, but it is so worth it. You can do it. Add me as a friend for support and encouragement.
  • Hi, I am over 50 and having a great time with this app! It is really helping me.
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I'm over 50--almost 59. and it is harder. Women burn fewer calories post-menopause. and even more, there are the years of losing weight and regaining that end up losing us some muscle, making it tougher to lose the next time. But we can do it. We have to do it. We're at the age where musculoskeletal problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and other serious maladies will come visiting if we're packing a lot of extra pounds. So, yes, sympathy for us, but no excuses. WSe just have to work harder and more persistently, and with the wisdom of years :) and the internal strength it brings...and with buddies we'll find here...I feel quite certain we can and will do it.

  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    I'm 55 and it is definitely harder. For me it has more to do with "old age" problems, like me knees aren't what they used to be, along with other joints. The main thing is don't get discouraged, stay at it.
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi. I am 55 and like so many here, seem to have a very difficult time losing weight....and motivating myself to do weight exercises a home. Would really like to have some friends to help keep me motivated. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, and exercise with weights at least 3 times per week. Help!
  • Over 50 and in Oklahoma City? It would be great to have a local buddy.

    Anyway, it's great to find a group I can relate to. I decided last month that there would be no more excuses for not just being fat but technically OBESE. As of January 1st, I've decided I can't blame it on menopause or arthritis pain. Bottom line, I am the one who caused this condition. Although it pains me to admit this, I weighed in at 228 on January 1st, 2013. It's so embarrassing but I am over the pity party. When my husband told me that "he has never been attracted to fat women" as a reason for the lack of affection in our marriage, my first reaction was "screw you, I'm not attracted to men who are losing their hair but I'm still with you.

    And no, I'm not doing it for him but for myself. I have MFP on my IPad and absolutely nothing goes into my mouth without posting it. It's a great tool to use for constantly monitoring your intake and what can happen when you have a bad calorie day. Luckily, I have only had 1 bad day.

    As of this mornings weigh-in, I have lost 13 lbs in one month ... Only 55 more to go. I'm 5'9" and my goal is 160. At my age, I realize that a size 8 and 135 is unrealistic but I can be happy as a size 12 and 160.

    Best of luck to all :)
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    61. I know I don't look it.
  • 51 now 52 in May and yes it is way harder now. Just joined here in Jan. 2013. Just starting back exercising. Just hoping to feel better and drop about 50 lbs. Get my energy back so I can enjoy my grandchildren.
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all, I am 55 now and just joined last week...lost 8 lbs since Feb 15th...I have T2D but it's well controlled...I want to lose 40 to 60lbs and yes, at this age, it's feasible but we must get off the couch, forget about our aches and pains and start moving...I it...but need to start strength training...

    Used to do all that before I bought a restaurant and ran that for 10 yrs...irregular meal times, poor choice of food and too many hours working put me back in a not fit and overweight body!

    Time to change that and look great for my 'mature' to have found this group...!