Do you eat the same thing everyday for breakfast/lunch?

A trainer once told me that I should narrow down my choices for breakfast and lunch. Basically, I should eat the same meal everyday for breakfast and lunch (weekdays) to keep it easy. He said people were successful losing weight that way. I've been thinking that might be a good idea for me...just wondering what you think...

If you do eat the same thing...can you tell me what your meal is?


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I do do that but always think I should have more variety! LOL I think it really is what works best for you, I do think tho having a variety of different foods/meals is important tho to stop boredom etc.
  • TheGoryTeapot
    TheGoryTeapot Posts: 3 Member
    I tend to eat the same things generally for a week or two, then I try and mix it up a little. That way, it's very easy on a daily basis but I don't get bored.
  • law1558
    law1558 Posts: 51 Member
    I would get way too bored doing that! However, with breakfast, more so than lunch, I do have a list of several things so I'm always prepared. It's when I have no plan that I get in trouble and eat what ever's available!
  • basenji
    basenji Posts: 208 Member
    That's why I was thinking it might help me. When I'm not prepared I reach for the easiest choice (fast food, processed junk)...think I might try this.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I mix it up. Peanut butter toast, egg fried in Pam on toast, scrambled egg in tortilla with salsa, oatmeal with chia seeds and PB2. Depends on what I'm doing that day, and what I did yesterday. For instance, I ran 8 miles today, so tomorrow I'll make an effort to up my protein a little to help repair muscles. The breakfast I'm planning is 2 eggs and a light English muffin. On days when I run early, I'll have a slice of whole-grain toast with peanut butter beforehand, and maybe a yogurt after if I think I need a second breakfast. Rest days, I might go for the oatmeal with chia seeds because it'll fill me up longer, and I know without exercise I'll have fewer calories that day.

    So, not only would I get bored eating the same thing all the time, I think my breakfasts serve different purposes. I don't think any one of them would suit my various days.
  • LeviLeDoux
    LeviLeDoux Posts: 151 Member
    I have two fruit/veggie smoothies and two cups of yerba mate every day for breakfast unless I go out to eat.
  • Swedgen
    Yup, I do, especially during the work week. It just makes it easier for making my lunches at work. I'm glad to hear it might have additional benefits.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Breakfast is usually the same. An asiago cheese bagel and a diet soda. Sometimes a cheddar bagel. Sometime parmesan peppercorn. Sometimes spinach garlic. Depends on what they have at the bagel shop in the grocery store. Once in a great while I'll make egg mcmuffins or have a bowl of cereal. But normally... it's the bagel.

    Lunch is often a sandwich, sometimes leftovers, sometimes I'll cook something for myself my husband won't eat.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Heck no! I would go crazy and be LESS likely to stick with this way of eating if I had to eat the same thing day after day. I mean, I have a list of things that I keep on hand that I can cycle through but it is never exactly the same. Some of the meals I can make with what I keep on hand are:

    Eggs with Canadian Bacon or Chicken Sausage and Toast
    Eggs Sandwiches with Canadian Bacon and Cheese
    Oatmeal with Toppings (Brown Sugar, Maple Syrup, Fruit, Whole Fruit Jams, etc)
    Cereal with Milk and Banana
    Smoothies with Protein Powder

    Salads (I always have romaine, spinach, bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, cheese, dressings and more on hand)
    Sandwiches (Whole Wheat Bread, multiple meat and cheese choices, mustard, olive oil mayo, vegetables, etc)
    Leftovers from dinner
    Fruit, chips, and other things for sides
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I make oat smoothies for breakfast and for lunch sometimes =)
  • nichelle02
    I have the same thing every day for breakfast. But most of the time I used to skip breakfast all together. Now I have a green smoothie (spinach + fruit) every morning and I love it. The only thing I vary is what type of frozen fruit I add.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I tend to eat the same things generally for a week or two, then I try and mix it up a little. That way, it's very easy on a daily basis but I don't get bored.

    Me too.
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    I have a few breakfast options I choose from. It's either eggs, salsa and a cup of coffee, or oatmeal and a coffee. My lunches change since I work as a nanny in someone's home. But my dinner is almost always 2 turkey burgers, cottage cheese and pineapple.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I have more or less had the same thing every day for the entire year that I've been dieting. They're my favorite foods.


    Cheddar Cheese
    Grass Fed Butter
    Red Bell Peppers
    Roma Tomatoes
    Whole Milk
    Whey Protein

    Dinner & Dessert:

    8 to 12 ounces of any meat or fish
    Grass Fed Butter
    Red Bell Peppers
    Roma Tomatoes
    Peanut Butter
    Sugar-Free Pudding
    Sugar-Free Jello
    Cod Liver Oil


    Green Tea
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I change up the flavor on things like Special K cereal but yeah I think I would get burned out eating the same every day.
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    I always have a protein shake and fruit for breakfast, sometimes add something else to that. Lunch is usually a salad with different toppings.

    I always have Greek yogurt for a morning snack. It's one of my favorite things in the world =).
  • EmJBarnes75
    I usually have a Larabar or Kind bar for breakfast, but they have so many different varieties of bars that it doesn't seem like the same thing :) I mix it up for lunch :)
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    I have about 3 meals I interchange for breakfast and three to four for lunch. Dinner I always plan my meals the week before so I know what to buy for weekly shopping and such. I give myself a little variety so I don't get board with my meals and want to cheat.
  • jenniferarnold619
    I would not be able to handle the same meal each day. I keep myself stocked with certain items that can be mix matched or prepared several ways. As for lunches... I normally cook extra food on Sunday or Monday and then have precooked options for the remainder of the week. Also to make it easier, I will premeasure the food in containers and ziplock baggies for quick grab lunch options.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Depends on whether YOU like the simplicity of eating the same/similar things. It only works if you're comfortable with the routine. For me, I have a coffee, a yogurt or piece of fruit, and some dry cereal and nuts for breakfast. Obviously the types of fruit, cereal, yogurt and nut varies, as does the coffee from time to time. The details change but the essentials remain the same.

    However, if you're limiting your diet willfully, just be careful that you're getting varied sources of nutrients. Don't sacrifice the vitamin spectrum just because you only want to have 2 kinds of produce in the house.

    If you want to try this, think about foods that are flexible-- that you can prepare multiple ways easily-- and find a few meal plans that incorporate at least 3 similar ingredients, to save on your grocery bill. Oatmeal/cereal, sandwiches and salads, yogurt/smoothies, and anything involving eggs are good choices for this kind of meal planning.

    Good luck!