Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Oh, it's a NEW new forum... I got the email, but didn't realize....

    Fork, I'd be happy to "ahem" ENCOURAGE AND LIFT YOU UP when you pose nude... That was what you were askin', right?

    It is now.

    :glasses: :smokin:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Back again after posting once last time.
    I am a season ticket holder for the wagon. I always fall off and get back on. This month was pretty special though as of Saturday I will have completed my first month of no smoking and/or nicotine for the first time in my life. I know it only been five years of smoking but a big accomplishment for me.
    I'm back on the wagon for the first time having gained back almost all the weight i lost last year. I'm at 174 pounds and aiming for some loss over the next weeks before my holiday in France. Oh and watching the Football world cup will require copious amounts of alcohol so its gonna be down hill whilst I'm watching every game lol.
    Catcha soon guys
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Hey guys, I'm here! I hadn't realized we got a new one now. Was posting still in the old one :).

    I've lost a good measurable bit of fat from my waist, and I'm pretty close to my goal weight but I think my real goal of 13% body fat is still a ways off. When I measure my body fat I'm at roughly 16 or 17% so yeah I'm starting to realize this will probably take the rest of the year (at least) to reach.

    I'm starting to fall off the wagon at least when it comes to logging and keeping track of what I'm eating. I think it's because I've gotten so far, the furthest I've ever been and part of me keeps thinking I should be at my goal by now - I'm also realizing that reaching my current goal weight won't make me into Brad Pitt. I'm closer but not nearly as close to the athlete I want to be, the athlete I never was, so I'm in a lull - I'm still avoiding the white processed carbs though, so when I binge row it's on rice cakes (and peanut butter).
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Hey guys, I'm here! I hadn't realized we got a new one now. Was posting still in the old one :).

    I've lost a good measurable bit of fat from my waist, and I'm pretty close to my goal weight but I think my real goal of 13% body fat is still a ways off. When I measure my body fat I'm at roughly 16 or 17% so yeah I'm starting to realize this will probably take the rest of the year (at least) to reach.

    I'm starting to fall off the wagon at least when it comes to logging and keeping track of what I'm eating. I think it's because I've gotten so far, the furthest I've ever been and part of me keeps thinking I should be at my goal by now - I'm also realizing that reaching my current goal weight won't make me into Brad Pitt. I'm closer but not nearly as close to the athlete I want to be, the athlete I never was, so I'm in a lull - I'm still avoiding the white processed carbs though, so when I binge row it's on rice cakes (and peanut butter).


    Nice job man, I know u have been working hard.

    AFLABRAT04 Posts: 15
    Checkin' in....20 lbs lighter. Thanks for keeping me honest.
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    Rev_no_Boosh Posts: 239
    Checkin' in....20 lbs lighter. Thanks for keeping me honest.

    Way to go!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think I completly blew off the first Man Thread, so I'll join this one. The Estrogen Fest in these forums keeps me away sometimes.

    I was doing really well last fall and winter, and then in March got bronchitis...and since then I have never really regained the dedication to nutrition and *kitten* kicking workouts I did in Aug-Feb. I didn't completely fall off the wagon, a run there, some weights here, and to hell with logging my food.

    So, I have to give back 7 lbs from 272, which is my lowest weight since HS.

    However, I feel I'm back in that good place mentally where I log everything, and no amount of weather will keep me from my run...except hail, that would be counter productive to the whole health thing.

    Dinner tonight is grilled chicken, rice, and broccoli. Wife has a graduation to go to, so maybe i'll wrestle with the kids and count it as excersise.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I love this thread! I'll peek in often too. :wink: Here's to you guys and all the accomplishments you will achieve!!:drinker: (Looking forward to all those pics!) :tongue: lol
  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    Just checking in on this new thread. I too am a memeber of the "falling of the wagon" team. I hit a wall at 40 pounds lost. I went from a 42" pants to 38", so that is a plus, but I still have at least 50 pounds to go. I hit that wall , and thats when the frustration set in. I feel beeter and am running 3 miles in 30 minutes with no problem, but it is the weight not coming off as fast as I want. Vacation is a month and a half away, and I am trying to step it up. my hurdle I am trying to get over is the weekends. For some reason, I slack off on the weekends. After twelve hour days, and only seeing the family a couple of hours a day sice I rotate shifts, I get carried away on the weekends. But I am focused now, and am needing support. I have great support from my wife (we actually just ordered Insanity, so we will see what happens there.), but the guys support on here is awesome.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I love this thread! I'll peek in often too. :wink: Here's to you guys and all the accomplishments you will achieve!!:drinker: (Looking forward to all those pics!) :tongue: lol


  • Edward826
    Edward826 Posts: 2 Member
    Bulking. Around 17 more pounds to gain to put me at my goal of 180
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    So I am out of commission for a while. Last Saturday we went out for mother's day and I fell down the stairs at the resteraunt.
    I had my 4 year old niece in my arms and didn't see the steps below me. I thought I broke my leg, but thankfully, it's only bruised...but it's really bruised! So, I have a cain to help me get around for now. I have moments when I don't need it, but then if I sit or lay too long, I need it more.
    I WILL get back to the program once I am able to get around better.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Maybe we should raise funds from people not wanting us to pose together.

    I think this is a good idea! We could offer not to pose for before shots and then later not to pose for after shots. :laugh:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Great idea for a forum. Sorry I missed round one! You all are talking about falling off the wagon a lot. I can relate to that. I try not to think about it in absolute terms - that kind of all or nothing thinking messes me up. If I fall, I try to dust myself off and jump back on. Some weeks I fall more often than others. I'm not on the fast track to weight loss. I'm trying to lose it like i want to maintain my final goal weight. So I eat more some days and less others. I try to eat salad more often than pizza :laugh: and I crank up my work outs whenever I can.

    Speaking of which, my four on four flag football team just had our first two games tonight and we got spanked. If any of you are coaches or happen to have played four on four, shoot me a message. I'd like to pick your brain on play books and strategies. It's been 20 years since I tossed a football around and my asthma and allergies kept me away from playing in high school. I'm doing this for love of the game and as a "fun" way to exercise. Losing 56 to 6 is not fun... :mad: (we should be in division b, but there are too few teams...)

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I'd love to join this group... I'm trying to get back on the wagon after losing 30+ lbs from Sept 2009-early Jan 2010, then gaining about 15 of them back during this last semester of school. Good news is, I've graduated and really have the energy/time to put my best efforts into exercising & eating healthy again (and hopefully develop long-term good habits/lifestyle changes).

    My goal for now is to stick to approx 1300 cal/day, with extra allowance depending on the exercise I do, and I plan on exercising 5-6 days a week, a mixture of cardio and weight lifting. I have a little over 80 lbs to lose at this point to get to my goal weight.

  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270

    I think I should be in here as well.

    Over the course of my life if I think I've picked up enough fitness and nutrition tips in order to help others, even if I don't follow it as much as I should....

    In any case, I'll have my own questions to add as well, maybe I should've put my motivation post in here :) but I didn't see this thread before I did that one.

    Um, yeah I'll do that pose thing once I've got to... say... 175lbs?
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    Rev_no_Boosh Posts: 239
    Stevie - Love the pic! That's hilarious!
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Just checking in on the new one.
  • tomtrl
    tomtrl Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I too want to join in on the thread. I had my body fat measured in July of '09 at 24.3%. It really hit me hard. January 8th, I joined MFP and committed to getting into shape. I started alternating days between weight training and running. The running was really hard for me, but after I quit watching the clock, it got much easier. I'm now going a little over 4 miles in around 38 minutes. I've dropped 19-20 lbs and my body fat is now 15.3%.
    We're taking a little trip this weekend to Dallas as my son and I are going to a Jimmy Buffett concert. It's going to be hard to keep going but I'm sure going to give it my best effort. Wish me luck.
    MFP has been exactly what I needed to get to where I want to be. I have 15 days left before I turn 50 and I know the 2nd 50 years is going to be better than the first. Who knows about the 3rd 50 years. LOL.
    Anyway, thanks for all of the support.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    my gosh - i leave for a couple of weeks and now we are posing nude? i mean who's been minding the store? cruise came and went - cool thing is the 5 pounds came and WENT also - back on track - did keep working out during the cruise so that was cool but man o man did i eat - whatever, whenever and as much as i wanted - i think the kicker was those double deserts at dinner
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