200+ (Week 30) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    please help me kick my *kitten* back into shape! i havent rode my bike in 6 weeks! please give me some inspiration,motivation.. I see pinbot & AKA are below that 2 marker, congrats my beautiful lady friends!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Nikki:flowerforyou: Kristina has been cracking the whip at me to stay on track, I'm sure she can send a "crack" your way too. Great job on maintaining while you were gone!!! You are so close to onederville - it wont be long until your there.

    Today is another busy day for me. I hope to pick my bike up from the shop but tonight is another scheduled run 6 miles and book club - eeeeekkkk!!!!!! I am putting the longer runs first so that I only have to do a short run in Phoenix. I'm not sure how the heat will affect me. To me 70 is hot and it should be in the 90s there. Only 2 more days until VACATION time!!!!! My friend sent of list of scheduled activities and I don't think I'll be sitting much or logging much over the weekend. There is to a barbecue party in my honor so that I can meet all there friends before we go out dancing. I don't think I've gone out dancing since Darin lived with us 15 years ago. I'll have to try some Zumba moves (ha-ha)... Have a great day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nikki- welcome back! I'm glad you found us! Very happy to see that you're less than when you last checked in and have stayed on track overall. Just jump right back into the thread. This challenge some of us have been more focused on exercise goals, with weight loss being a secondary goal, but it's up to you! We've also been trying to post our numbers for the day (calories eaten, burned, etc) or however you want to report as well as how much exercise you did. Helps us all stay accountable to everyone!

    Victoria- does sound like another busy day! I'm sure you'll have a blast in Phoenix! Enjoy yourself. Should be nice weather outside for walks/runs. Try not to margarita it up too bad, as those calories can add up quickly, but certainly splurge a little! I have a low temperature threshold too for running. Mine's around 70ish as well, so this summer will be interesting. What's that they say about the southwest? But it's a DRY heat! It's still 90 degrees!! 6 miles... wowsas! Good luck, and let us know how it goes! I'll do some form of exercise today. Looks nice out, so I'm going to try and get a run in. Would like to do a 5 miler, but it depends on how the body is feeling. If not 5 miles, will try 4ish miles at least. I already mapped a routine for when I eventually work my way up to 6 miles. I think I just need to up slower than there's time for a 10K when you're doing it. I want to feel more comfortable at the 5 mile distance before upping farther, so I need to run that for at least a couple more weeks. Yay for dancing tonight! That should be a blast.

    Today has been going well so far. Cooked my spaghetti squash and roasted veggies dish last night, so I have that for lunch today and possibly dinner. Have a concert tonight in town, so it'll make for a later evening than I would like, but it'll be worth it. Will be exhausted by the end of the week though. Blech.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. Definitely looking forward to it, even though the last season was meh, and I don't know if I'm feeling the idea of them being paired up with alumni as their partners this season. It seems too Dancing With the Stars-ish, which I will not watch.

    Definitely looking forward to Glee. In addition to NPH, Idina Menzel (one of my fav broadway actresses) will be singing in this ep. Yes!

    Enjoying BL so far. Will have to miss the second half.

    Really?? I didn't know they were thinking of doing that. I don't like that idea at all. AT ALL!! And I agree. Two SYTYCD seasons in a row made me get bored of it. And I still don't care for their new stage either. The camera angles are weird and you don't get good views of the dancing IMO.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome back Nikki!

    Glad today is Wednesday. I'm ready for the weekend. I'm hoping we have enough money to get the garden at least half way planted with some veggies this weekend.
    The summer is already shaping up to be busy...plans just about every weekend thru July 4th already! Insane!
    this weekend: rest and planting
    Monday: G's recital at school
    next weekend: labor day and SIC2 movie with BF coming to town
    following weekend: yard work, deck refinish
    Monday: doc appt for G, last day of school for her Friday
    weekend: open but I need to go to Medford to see my ailing grandma
    .......yeah. Lots. I'm only really writing this all out so I can add it to my calendar! LOL.

    And I have to still figure out what I am going to do with G for the summer. Oy ve.

    Ladies have a good day!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Carolyn - how old are your shoes? Look at the bottoms and see if you have any wear. If you have another pair, try them and see if it makes a difference. Since you are serious about running, I would suggest going to a store that specializes in running and have them watch you walk/run. Most women pronate their feet - shoes with built up insoles keep feet in better alignment so you have less pain. Not cheap but well worth the cost. Look up exercises to stretch feet for plantar fascitis - this may also help. Good luck!!!!

    i'd say they are about six months old, but i have used them faithfully. i couldn't see any worn areas, but that doesn't mean they are not there.
    did a run and a walk this morning.....and whew!! but i feel good!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So I got home from work, changed into my running clothes, put on my shoes, tied my house keys into the shoelaces, and proceeded to do nothing. Nice eh? total workout!fail on my part. Not pleased with myself. Just tired and used the wussy excuse of it being too warm outside. And tomorrow is long work day, so I don't know if I'll get cardio in tomorrow either. *sadface*

    Check in for the day!
    2426 needed to maintain
    1500 eaten/0 burned/-926 day/-6415 week
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Hey gang - I made it to ypsi safely. Only 1 brewpub stop on the way. Food here is great - tempeh tacos and deep fried pickles - YUMMY!!!!

    My check-in for tommorow will have to be today's weight of 187 (same as last week)... I will take it since I was 1000 over on multiple days. I may have to skip ex tomorrow - my conferance is all day, I'm meeting my BF and her 4 kids at Cabellas then have to rescue DH, the bro and my hostess from the brewpubs late in the evening.

    Good luck on the weigh in!!!

    Not officially a part of the group, but couldn't resist posting.

    Did you go to Sidetracks? I love that place! I can see how eating there would put anyone over their calories! I live in Clinton and work in Ann Arbor. I occasionally eat in Ypsi :laugh:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Gale_C -- Yes, it was Sidetracks for that night - they do have the best deep fried pickles. Corner Brewery was the next night. Then Ashley's on Saturday. If I lived in a big city, I'd never have lost weight with all the great food and beer choices (*sighs*). It's nice to see another Michigander:bigsmile: Feel free to join our discussions anytime.

    Book club was tonight with lots of yummy goodies that I don't feel like taking the time to log. I had 1187 eaten before the meeting and 707 left to eat there. I probably came out close to even with my 2 small plates of food and water to drink. Exercise today was 6 miles on my bike in 36 min, 10 min on the mower before it broke down and ?? housework (dishes, laundry, moving piles of papers). I am trying to get all my work stuff back into the office before I leave. DH is prancing around saying "No adult supervision" this weekend - I think he's having a guy's night party. I'm off to bed pretty quick. Catch you tomorrow.

    Kristina - I feel for you on the lack of exercise but you've just gotta do it!!! Next time make a deal with yourself to go for 15 min. I bet once your out the door, you'll do more.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    1963 calories allowed/1960 eaten/ 3 left over....and go figure...I'm starving...LOL, I just need to get to bed!
    I'll catch up tomorrow

    I ran a little over 4 miles and walked for a mile, also did some stretches....

    Promise to catch up in the morning, I am beat tonight!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- great job with the exercise!!

    Victoria- I know I know. I just needed to get my booty out the door and it didn't happen. Luckily my eating wasn't out of the control, which helped a bit. The scale was pretty friendly to me this morning, and I hope it holds out for tomorrow.

    Today is my long work day- group until 7:30, here at 8am. I'm leaving in a few for a breakfast with the team, which could be tough for my caloric intake for today. I wanted to look at a menu online to already pick out something, but it's not online. Argh. Since I didn't work out yesterday, I even more want to try and push myself after group to do it, but I am usually so exhausted by this point in the week and after such a long day, we'll see how I'm doing. Something is better than nothing.

    Hope everyone's Thursday goes well. Last chance workout day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Nevermind. Breakfast is cancelled due to sick child of one of my coworkers. Good news is that I don't have to worry about all those caloric foods. Bad news is I didn't bring stuff to eat for breakfast, which has effed up my day. Will have to eat my afternoon/eary dinnerish snack for breakfast and figure out something for later in the day. Argh!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone. Glad its Thursday. My poor kid has been an emotional little lady this week. Lots of tantrums, crying for no reason, etc. Poor baby! I think she's growing, got allergies, moms back from being gone for week, etc. etc. Mornings have not been very fun for us.

    Here is my chart for the week thus far:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday
    Calorie Goal 1820 1820 1820
    Total for Day 1648 1854 1759
    Over/Under 172 -34 61
    I'm averaging 1754 cals per day. Which while not working out is a-ok with me. Next Monday I will start hitting the gym and getting going again.

    I've got to say I notice that when I drink my smoothie in the morning I stay fuller longer. Not sure if its just that satisfying or that its full of protein or what. But I ate some greek yogurt that had as much protein in it and about as much cals or more and am hungry. I think most of this eating stuff has to do with the Feeling of Satisfaction over anything else. So in planning my menu for next week that is what I am going to focus on. What foods are going to give me the FoS. LOL

    Kristina - you can do it! Get out there and run girl!

    Victoria - I've never been in a bookclub...but yours sounds interesting!

    Deb - way to go on the working out!

    Jagdem - welcome back!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- FoS is a term I will need to start using. haha. I haven't jumped on the smoothie wagon, but perhaps once I move in the new place I'll consider adding them to the routine.

    What does everyone put in their smoothies? I'm looking for something pretty filling and has a good amount of protein in it. Keep in mind I'm a vegetarian! My fellow social worker here is working on getting fit as well and has an afternoon protein shake she makes, which I'm not so sure I'm down for, but her trainer friend says if you want to build lean muscle, you need to get a pretty high amount of protein in your diet, and I'm sure I'm not hitting those goals.

    I'd also like to add some more strength training to my exercise schedule, it's just that when I feel motivated to exercise, I often just want to get the most amount of calorie burning cardio is possible. I know you burn strength training as well and it helps with muscles, etc. So yeah... something I need to work on.

    So, after I was pity partying myself for not working out yesterday, I did something I hadn't done before. I worked out during lunch today. I knew I wouldn't be up for it after group probably, and since I didn't work out yesterday, really wanted to hit my exercise goals for the week (won't hit the running one, but at least the days/week one!) At least usually when I fall off the wagon for the day, I try and compensate the next. So yeah, went to the gym after my noon session and worked out for 45 min on the octane fitness machine. It's elliptical-ish in that your legs and arms are going, but it simulates running more, and doesn't have an incline. The stride was pretty long on it, so my distance was much higher in a shorter period of time. Will be interested to see how my legs feel tomorrow. I might need to mix that machine in occasionally. We'll see. So yeah, I feel gross now though. This will be a very rare occurence to do this during the work day. Do not feel so fresh and have close to 5 more hours to go. *scrunches nose*

    Picked up a greek yogurt, bananas (for my group, and myself), and a three grain salad on the way back that I can eat for early dinner before group, as I blew through my other stuff for breakfast.

    I'm totally rambling. Y'all probably checked out paragraphs ago. haha.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Generally my smoothie has:
    Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl protein powder by Spirutein
    ice, soy, almond or regular 2% milk
    baby spinach - as much as I can shove in there
    (this week a banana because I don't have the spinach. I much prefer the spinach - just tastes fresher but you can't taste it..if you can understand that!)
    I've put kale in before too but boy is that ever a "green" flavor!
    It comes to between 320-400 cals depending on the type of milk, etc. I use.

    I have a Magic Bullet that comes with the cups you blend right in and its the perfect amount and it kicks major @ss for blending, grinding coffee beans, etc. So you might think of getting a set if you start making smoothies.

    As a Vegan you would like the Spiru-tein Powder:
    http://www.spiru-tein.com/products/product_details.asp?productNumber=45870&category=25 This stuff is to-die-for-good. I've tried Banana, Vanilla, Pina Colada, and Tangerine and hey are all fantastic. Plus I love that they are using non-GMO tripart protein and you get your 100% daily vitamin in it as well. If you like the milk after Fruit Loops, then buy the Tangerine flavored stuff. LOL

    Good for you for working out at lunch! I love to go too but I HATE being gross afterwards. I could take a quick shower but my hair is still nasty and I can't stand it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm totally rambling. Y'all probably checked out paragraphs ago. haha.

    lol nope, I actually read the whole thing...that octane thing sounds interesting though

    Welcome back NIKKI and Ms. JAY!!! Glad yall could find us again!

    Yesterday was absolutely FABULOUS :bigsmile: :smooched: :blushing:

    ...but I came back to an incredibly hectic day. Its been fun though. They had me train people about how to format spreadsheets and that took almost 2 hours. I had about an hour to prepare and then spent another 30 minutes afterwards sending follow up information......and then spent the afternoon setting up macros so people won't have to do all the same formatting stuff over and over.

    But dang I'm tired.

    And its zumba night.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    A quick check-in before I pack and hit the hay. I managed to run 6 yes 6 miles today!!!! I'm pretty proud of myself. They were 14 min miles and my new water belt worked great with the 80 degree heat. I celebrated by going out for a last dinner with DH and now have 40 min to pack before bed. Good luck on the weigh-ins tomorrow!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: