Ladies 5"7 (or near there)-- what are your goals ?



  • renate42
    renate42 Posts: 1 Member
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'7''
    SW: 160 lbs
    CW: 157 lbs
    GW: somewhere between 147 and 153. A recent hydrostatic body fat test gave only 21.1% at 159 lbs. I don't really believe that result because I don't look that great and am not in great shape. But if that is accurate, my goal weight should be about 153 lbs (18% Body fat).

    I'm mostly here to 1) keep my weight in check, 2) get motivated to do more exercise.
  • SukieCookie
    SukieCookie Posts: 12 Member
    5ft 8"
    SW: On here I started at 201 but my highest has been 217
    CW: 199
    GW: 165 as a minimum
  • 22 years old
    SW: 180
    CW: 145
    GW: 110-115

    I have a small frame so I feel uncomfortable with my current weight even though my bmi is about 22-23 which is technically healthy.
  • c_luise
    c_luise Posts: 35 Member
    29 years old
    SW: 239 (45% body fat)
    CW: 196 (33% body fat)
    GW: 160/165 (18-20% body fat)
  • drj1955
    drj1955 Posts: 31 Member
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    this is such a wonderful group of women! so happy to hear about your stories, your goals, your successes, and your inspirations!
    happy wednesday everyone!
  • 5'8"
    31 years old
    SW: 260
    CW: 219
    GW: 164
  • 5'7''
    24 Years Old

    SW- 230 1/1/12 (Probably much higher but 230 was when I finally dragged myself on a scale)
    CW - 200
    GW- 170

    My original goal weight was 150 but after seeing what -30lbs looks like, I can't see there being another 50 lbs left. Thanks Dad for my linebacker shoulders.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    female 35 years old

    SW: 171
    GW: 120
    CW: 125
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    I'll send a request :)

    Age: 22
    SW: 239
    CW: 163
    GW: 129
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    Just turned 35
    SW: 181
    CW: 151
    GW: 130
  • 38 yrs old
    highest weight 180
    weight when started mfp 155
    current weight 137
    goal weight 125

    I might have to change that though, Im skinny fat and need to tone and strengthen my core. If I firmed up and lost no weight or even gained a little I would be happy.
  • 25 years
    SW: 151
    CW: 148
    GW: 136-140
  • fatherdowling
    fatherdowling Posts: 11 Member
    27 years old

    SW: 232
    CW: 195
    GW: 140
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    Age: 39 (nearly 40)
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 188
    CW: 173
    GW: 135-140

    Open to friends on a similar path!
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi you can add me too!!

    SW 214
    CW 204
    GW 150

    I have very strong and muscular legs it is just the rest of me that is crap. LOL I need my stomach and upper body to match my legs. I think the 10 pounds I have lost so far are in my ankles....the last place I need to lose from. ;)
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'6.5"
    SW: 189.6
    CW: ?
    GW: 140

    I've just started Paleo. I'm on day 3. If you want to know how it's going check my blog. :) I've had serious issues with this should help!

    add me if you want!
  • McBatty
    McBatty Posts: 18 Member
    CW: 129
    GW: 115 :)
    Running helped me lose cravings and get more toned :)
  • DanielleHinkle24
    DanielleHinkle24 Posts: 29 Member
    SW 206
    CW 183
    GW 160 - then maybe 150 if it isn't too hard to maintain. I'm old after all :laugh:
  • kimazoo
    kimazoo Posts: 33 Member
    Age: 35

    SW: 168
    CW: 138
    GW: 135

    I started eating a vegan diet 1/2/2012 (just over a year ago) and have lost a total of 30 pounds. I have 4 kids and even tho I'm trying to loose those last few pounds, I'm really focusing on toning and tightening up my body (particularly stomach, legs, butt, and arms...which is pretty much everything). I joined MFP after learning about it a few weeks ago as way for me to stay focused and encouraged. Love being on this journey with my new MFP "friends." I love sharing and seeing other's food journals as it helps me add variety into my own.