18-23 college students



  • zoemclarnon1
    zoemclarnon1 Posts: 29 Member
    im 23 and will be graduating in my Events Management degree this year :)
  • bleistiftspitzer
    bleistiftspitzer Posts: 19 Member
    18 & engineering major here. Somehow I'll find the time to lose 25lbs.
  • I'm 18 years old and going to uni in September, I'm always happy for people to add me :-D the more the merrier!
  • Full time college student, full time employee, just transferred to my university as an accounting major and will be 23 in two months !!
  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    23, completed ba. sociology at university and now doing a ma. degree! I live in the Netherlands. Used to dance during high school, was very thin and lean but started gaining weight ever since I started uni. Currently down 8 kgs, still another 8-10 to go!
  • crosstraindylan
    crosstraindylan Posts: 124 Member
    Fell free to add me, 19 years old-almost 20- sophomore studying environmental engineering. Also, loves exercise
  • I'm 22 and graduating in May with my degree in Nursing! Love getting friend requests and motivating one another :)
  • hidee89
    hidee89 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 23 and just graduated with my undergrad in Exercise Science. I'm going back to grad school in the fall to get my Masters in Occupational Therapy. So, until then I'm working on losing my last 20 lbs! Feel free to add me :)!
  • Eons44
    Eons44 Posts: 76 Member
    19, going to community college getting ready to transfer soon. Feel free to add me if you guys would like to!
  • caitmlin
    caitmlin Posts: 3 Member
    21, doing a phd in chemistry. Would love some motivation to help me lose the weight gained as an undergrad!!
  • JejuneStar
    JejuneStar Posts: 15 Member
    23, college student :) studying to be a teacher
  • fpuckett2383
    fpuckett2383 Posts: 49 Member
    Add me too! 21 year old full time college student majoring in Social Work. I live in Arkansas and I'm married with no kids. I used to be skinny in high school but graduated and gained a bunch of weight. I've been struggling with it for years but have managed to lose 30 pounds in all. Currently I'm working out with a personal trainer three days a week and am very active on MFP! Let's be friends :)
  • 23 yrs! going for my masters! ADD me !
  • I'm a 20 year old student majoring in International Business with a minor in Chinese Language. I've always been overweight all my life. I've thought about losing weight, but until last year I never seriously tried. I'd love to have friends that are around the same age as me on here.
    I train in tang soo do 3 times a week (sometimes 4)
    Run 4 times a week
    Weight training with dumbbells every day (want to get my arms in sexy shape)
    Going to start swimming 2-3 times a week

    I currently am recovering from an ankle injury so I am only able to do upper body weight train and do some simple exercises

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hey there! I'm a recent college grad. I was a full-time student as well as work on and off between part-time and full-time on top of basically full-time training and showing horses. What really helped me stay in shape was that I looked at hitting the gym the same way I looked at going to class or work. No matter how tired or stressed or tight on time you are, always make yourself go. I would go after midnight if I had to. Even if it's only for 20 mins in-between work and class or whatever you have going on. I'm trying to get back into that routine now that I'm not in school and am not so structured of having a set time to go. Good luck everyone! and feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi All,

    I'm also a college student and I'm 21 (about to be 22) years old. I would love to just connect with people who are trying to make the same changes I am and who really understand it's not just about weight, but so much more. if you're interested please add me! Would love to support and be supported.

    <3<3 Pria
  • Pria4
    Pria4 Posts: 1
    Hi All,

    I am a 21 year old ( about to be 22 in may), college student just looking for a support system from a group on the same journey as me. I am looking to lose 100+ lbs. and cannot do it alone. I am excited to build new relationships and reach my fitness goal. Can't wait to meet all of you.

    <3<3 Pria
  • Hi,
    I'm an 18 year old College student sitting my exams to hopefully get into Uni to study accounting and finance! Only looking to lose a few more pounds to reach my goal of 147 pounds down from 166 pounds and im around 155 pounds at the moment! Feel free to add me running out of foods to eat that I like so be nice to have a nose at what others eat and how others are doing to keep me motivated!

    My username is amyjoness
  • Hi everyone,

    I am 22 and a college senior. I am majoring in illustration and game arts, and most of my time is spent hunched over a desk in my studio space working, or sitting through 6-hour classes. I used to be about 180-185 lbs about two years ago but have become vegan since then and dropped about 40lbs.I am about 145 right now at 5'7" and while that is considered to be in the healthy weight range for my height, I don't feel comfortable with it because I feel like my frame is quite small. I generally eat healthily but I tend to binge sometimes and then feel guilty. I would also like to go to the gym but I feel embarrassed to... I have very low self-esteem.

    If anyone would like to add me to your friendslist, please do so! I am looking for friends on here to share my journey with. (:

    My username is Aria_1990
  • taymarie8046
    taymarie8046 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm at 22 year old college student majoring in IT and Management. I started this week at 243, my first goal Is to reach 200 pounds by my birthday at the end of July. Help me be more comfortable because I've just become the new kid at the lunch table. Mainly using the my fitnesspal app, I don't have many chances to be on the message boards. I would love to make some friends because I need support and encouragement and can offer you the same. aka send some friend requests my way if you're interested.

    username: taymarie8046