Why are people so mean?!



  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    [This is the tamest forum I've ever been in....

    I'd have to agree with you!

    I also agree.

    Yep. If you can't handle the MFP forums, then please never hop on to a gaming forum. Seriously.

    This place isn't mean at all. It's tame. It might be the only forum I've been in that continues to fail to honor Godwin's Law
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    There are some legit arguments here. But a lot of what you're seeing is just back and forth between friends.

    A lot more of what you see is people trying to keep misinformation from going unchecked in the forums. If they just ignore a thread full of incorrect info then it's as good as saying that info is correct.

    Often when someone is disputing incorrect info, they aren't just or even primarily doing it for the OP's benefit. It's for the people lurking who may not realize that a source isn't reliable, or that a practice isn't healthy.

    Don't you think it's worth a little arguing to make sure that you're getting correct information?

    I am quoting this for the OP because THIS is what most of those people are often trying to do. I hope you didn't ignore this because it didn't support your point.

    I don't have a problem with legitimate responses. This guy posts alot and he isn't rude. there are people who just go on 'attack' and have to be snarky and cocky with their responses. They never give any legitimate help. One forum comes to mind: a woman said she lost weight and would like to know how to lose more weight in her abs. Soooo many people responded with 'lose more weight'. She was looking for exercises, nutrition tips, etc to help her lose more weight. Responses like that don't help people. Only a handful recommended workout tapes and things they have done to concentrate on their core, but too many responded with a 'duh' response.

    Ah but see that is the only legitimate response. You can't reduce body fat in a specific area. You can work specific muscles, but abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Telling someone that doing 37 crunches per second will not make their abs any more visible. It might be seen as mean, but that is the truth.

    You can't lose more weight just in your abs. Recommending specific exercises is misleading, but the others are seen as mean?

    Its not what you say, its how you say it. You just offered an explanation for why she needs to lose more weight. They just said "lose more weight". She was dieting and exercising and had already lost weight. She wanted to start focusing on how to get abs. Losing weight helps you do that of course. Ab exercises and machines were made for a reason. Every workout video I have ever bought has a section on ab training. Recommending a few would not have hurt them. To not do that is what is 'mean' to me.

    Sorry but this is a great example of people that has been here for a while - and that has seen the same thing over and over trying to be helpful - and the poster not wanting to accept good advice, and then crying "bullying"

    Ab machines were made for a reason - to make someone money.......I have NEVER seen anyone that owns a ab machine have abs - they don't work!!

    People with great abs - like fitness models - works their butts off lifting heavy in the gym - and eats right to get rid of their bodyfat - simple as that........they don't work only their abs with ab machines and DVDs....

    Disagreeing is not bullying - we are trying to help new people in here cut through reams of misinformation - and get to the basic simple facts of life.....and hopefully save heaps of money not buying ab machines!

    I never said it was bullying. All I was tyring to say is to just respond with "lose more weight" to a person and not tell the person how and what you have done is useless. This is why people hire personal trainers to take them to the next level. There are workouts and food tweaks that people make that give them better results. You change up your diet and nutrition plan when you plateau. Why would someone NOT want to give those tips? That is all I am trying to say. To not do that to me is mean. Why would you not want to offer someone help? Never called anyone a bully. Everyone keeps saying you are trying to block misinformation, but 'lose weight' isn't giving people information. I am just saying GIVE the information, not a vague snarky "lose weight' response.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.

    Thank you for teaching me something new today. I had no idea that there was an ignore button. Someone attacked me recently on one of my posts; and I went to the tech area asking for the whole post to be removed, rather than let that person hurt anyone else with their rude remarks. I didn't want to delete the post, but I thought that was all I could do.

    I started using that feature on this post. What a relief it is to just 'click ignore' for those folks who insist on using crude language and thoughtless remarks to show off online. I feel better already.

    Wow! thank you for sharing this ignore button. I had no idea it was even there. :D YAY no more complaining about "mean people on the internet" - EVERYONE can just use the IGNORE BUTTON!!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    [This is the tamest forum I've ever been in....

    I'd have to agree with you!

    I also agree.

    Yep. If you can't handle the MFP forums, then please never hop on to a gaming forum. Seriously.

    This place isn't mean at all. It's tame. It might be the only forum I've been in that continues to fail to honor Godwin's Law

    Sorry, but Godwin gets proven right even on MFP
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I am saddened that people need a software tool to ignore things. Why can't you just IGNORE things like you do with screaming children in the grocery store or jerks in traffic? The entire world is a symphony of irritants.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I totally agree with you as well. I have no right to judge someone's choices and vice versa. However, if I ask a question, I better be ready for the responses and if I am asked a question, I will be totally honest, but I WILL NOT BE MEAN. I am here to support people and to receive support as well. No one can beat me up any worse than I do myself when I don't make the best choices.

    People should follow the rule "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." They use the internet as an excuse to be mean and bully people. Seems some people get off on that. It is not right, and I won't let it happen to me. If people stand up for themselves, maybe we can weed out the mean ones!

    Thanks, Sis. That is exactly right.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Again, I am not talking about ME. I am not basing this off of comments made to ME. I've been quoted a few times on here now from other forums. The assumption has been made a few times now that I made this thread bc of my other threads today. Nobody was even "mean" to me on those. You're trying to call me out as being wrong on my comments, even though I made sure to note that "everybody is different". I made this tread because of the people that are cursing at each other and calling each other names. It's uncalled for and quoting me from previous posts today proves nothing. I didn't make this thread about me or things that have happened to me.

    Then you should have reported those people for violating the forum rules. Starting a thread like this literally did nothing to help the problem.

    I find this thread helpful. :smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    [This is the tamest forum I've ever been in....

    I'd have to agree with you!

    I also agree.

    Yep. If you can't handle the MFP forums, then please never hop on to a gaming forum. Seriously.

    This place isn't mean at all. It's tame. It might be the only forum I've been in that continues to fail to honor Godwin's Law

    Sorry, but Godwin gets proven right even on MFP

    H & N.

    We get lots of threads about Grammar Nazis, and how mean they are. Does that count?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I put on my big girl panties before I come to the boards. Some people are just rude. If internet strangers hurt your feelings you have 'bigger fish to fry'. Just ignore and move on.

    Agreed. Let it go! A lot of people who use MFP think they are experts.

    big girl panites = grannie panties...?? LOL
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I put on my big girl panties before I come to the boards. Some people are just rude. If internet strangers hurt your feelings you have 'bigger fish to fry'. Just ignore and move on.

    Agreed. Let it go! A lot of people who use MFP think they are experts.

    big girl panites = grannie panties...?? LOL
    @ndj1979 - If that's what you like to wear..then I don't see why not...
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.
    This, and really-I could not care less what people think of me, my weight, my hair color, blah, blah, blah. You reach a certain point in life where caring what people think is truly a waste of precious time. Just do things for yourself, and rock on-manifest your own peaceful place, and be kind-because kindness matters.....
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.

    I Thanks for pointing this feature out to me. You will be my very first ignore, because a simple question was asked and you werent adult enough to answer it with out a snarky little comment about whining. Buh Bye
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.

    I Thanks for pointing this feature out to me. You will be my very first ignore, because a simple question was asked and you werent adult enough to answer it with out a snarky little comment about whining. Buh Bye

    And yet you felt the need to tell this person you were ignoring them. :laugh: "I'm ignoring you! Do you see me? Do you see me ignoring you?! LOOK AT ME IGNORING YOU!"
  • bmstee03
    bmstee03 Posts: 119 Member
    I put on my big girl panties before I come to the boards. Some people are just rude. If internet strangers hurt your feelings you have 'bigger fish to fry'. Just ignore and move on.

    Agreed. Let it go! A lot of people who use MFP think they are experts.

    big girl panites = grannie panties...?? LOL

    big girl panties = the stage after diapers. i.e. Grow up
  • Some people will say things in an online forum that they...

    ...would never write in a private message

    ...or write in an email

    ...or say on the phone

    ...or say face to face

    I am all for strong opinions and standing up for them, but being a (degrogatory term) for the sake of being a (derogatory term) is BS (or "poo poo de toro" as we say in south Texas).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.

    I Thanks for pointing this feature out to me. You will be my very first ignore, because a simple question was asked and you werent adult enough to answer it with out a snarky little comment about whining. Buh Bye

    And yet you felt the need to tell this person you were ignoring them. :laugh: "I'm ignoring you! Do you see me? Do you see me ignoring you?! LOOK AT ME IGNORING YOU!"

  • GottaHavePav
    GottaHavePav Posts: 22 Member
    Mama always said...if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! Some people didn't learn that. I do like the ignore button though :)
  • I just keep wondering why people don't take advantage of the ignore button. If you don't like the way someone responds to posts, just hit that little triangle next to their username, select "ignore" and POOF, no more posts by that person. Easy, and no need for whiny "everyone is so mean to me" posts.

    WAIT! There is an IGNORE button?
  • mrs_maier
    mrs_maier Posts: 9 Member
    For people that struggle with weight loss, and have for quite some time, sites like these are a god send since a lot of people don't have this kind of support offline. No one needs that kind of negativity surrounding them, but haters gotta hate, that's their job.

    So glad I learned about this ignore button now, I just ignored a bunch of people that commented on this post! Whoohoo!! Keep strong everybody!!!
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    People are mean on the Internet ? No way
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    When the site was first started, the founders wanted it to be called Mean Fat People.

    Marketing thought this was a bad idea, but, thanks to a dedicated group of hired trolls, the original essence lives on.

    *** Hitting Ignore button ***

    Your prerogative.


    Though, if I'm the sort of person who causes you to hit ignore, I expect your ignore list will be growing at an exponential rate.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    When the site was first started, the founders wanted it to be called Mean Fat People.

    Marketing thought this was a bad idea, but, thanks to a dedicated group of hired trolls, the original essence lives on.

    *** Hitting Ignore button ***

    Your prerogative.


    Though, if I'm the sort of person who causes you to hit ignore, I expect your ignore list will be growing at an exponential rate.

    i think his reason to ignore you is childish....

    the fact that you didnt use this....http://youtu.be/5cDLZqe735k for the your perogitive comment is what should get you ignored :)
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    [This is the tamest forum I've ever been in....

    I'd have to agree with you!

    I also agree.

    Yep. If you can't handle the MFP forums, then please never hop on to a gaming forum. Seriously.

    This place isn't mean at all. It's tame. It might be the only forum I've been in that continues to fail to honor Godwin's Law

    Sorry, but Godwin gets proven right even on MFP

    H & N.

    We get lots of threads about Grammar Nazis, and how mean they are. Does that count?


    I am correcting dein grammar right
    Habst eine spare period in deine quote!
  • Hinxx
    Hinxx Posts: 93 Member
    The abilities to correct misinformation, disagree, and debate…. do not preclude the abilities to be respectful, compassionate, or kind. That’s a choice people make – or choose not to make.

    I :heart: this!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,131 Member
    While I don't support meanness or rudeness as a general rule, I completely support people disagreeing with posts and calling bullsh!t on misinformation.

    People post A LOT of cr@p on here and much of it could have negative health results. By disagreeing and calling out the misinformation, we ARE being supportive of people's health and wellbeing.
  • Mrswrp
    Mrswrp Posts: 23 Member
    I thought MFP was supposed to help motivate and push each other. I've seen so many nice comments back and forth between people and dishing out tons of encouragment. On the flip side, it is SO discouraging when people post things and are followed up with negative or harsh responses. This is not Twitter, or Facebook (where negativety and cyber bullying is everywhere). This is a place to help each other. Even if you don't agree with what people say, why bother putting in the effort to bring them down and be rude?! Not everybody has the same workout routines, times to eat, things to eat, life circumstances and so forth. Don't tear people down bc you don't agree with that they are saying. That is all :wink:
    Spread love, not anger!
    I totally agree. People that are mean and rude (just plain not nice) I think are generally not happy people. As you say... why bother. Disagree fine, mean not necessary.
  • Mrswrp
    Mrswrp Posts: 23 Member
    The abilities to correct misinformation, disagree, and debate…. do not preclude the abilities to be respectful, compassionate, or kind. That’s a choice people make – or choose not to make.

    I :heart: this!
    Me :heart: too!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    There are some legit arguments here. But a lot of what you're seeing is just back and forth between friends.

    A lot more of what you see is people trying to keep misinformation from going unchecked in the forums. If they just ignore a thread full of incorrect info then it's as good as saying that info is correct.

    Often when someone is disputing incorrect info, they aren't just or even primarily doing it for the OP's benefit. It's for the people lurking who may not realize that a source isn't reliable, or that a practice isn't healthy.

    Don't you think it's worth a little arguing to make sure that you're getting correct information?

    I am quoting this for the OP because THIS is what most of those people are often trying to do. I hope you didn't ignore this because it didn't support your point.

    I don't have a problem with legitimate responses. This guy posts alot and he isn't rude. there are people who just go on 'attack' and have to be snarky and cocky with their responses. They never give any legitimate help. One forum comes to mind: a woman said she lost weight and would like to know how to lose more weight in her abs. Soooo many people responded with 'lose more weight'. She was looking for exercises, nutrition tips, etc to help her lose more weight. Responses like that don't help people. Only a handful recommended workout tapes and things they have done to concentrate on their core, but too many responded with a 'duh' response.

    Ah but see that is the only legitimate response. You can't reduce body fat in a specific area. You can work specific muscles, but abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Telling someone that doing 37 crunches per second will not make their abs any more visible. It might be seen as mean, but that is the truth.

    You can't lose more weight just in your abs. Recommending specific exercises is misleading, but the others are seen as mean?

    Its not what you say, its how you say it. You just offered an explanation for why she needs to lose more weight. They just said "lose more weight". She was dieting and exercising and had already lost weight. She wanted to start focusing on how to get abs. Losing weight helps you do that of course. Ab exercises and machines were made for a reason. Every workout video I have ever bought has a section on ab training. Recommending a few would not have hurt them. To not do that is what is 'mean' to me.

    Sorry but this is a great example of people that has been here for a while - and that has seen the same thing over and over trying to be helpful - and the poster not wanting to accept good advice, and then crying "bullying"

    Ab machines were made for a reason - to make someone money.......I have NEVER seen anyone that owns a ab machine have abs - they don't work!!

    People with great abs - like fitness models - works their butts off lifting heavy in the gym - and eats right to get rid of their bodyfat - simple as that........they don't work only their abs with ab machines and DVDs....

    Disagreeing is not bullying - we are trying to help new people in here cut through reams of misinformation - and get to the basic simple facts of life.....and hopefully save heaps of money not buying ab machines!

    I never said it was bullying. All I was tyring to say is to just respond with "lose more weight" to a person and not tell the person how and what you have done is useless. This is why people hire personal trainers to take them to the next level. There are workouts and food tweaks that people make that give them better results. You change up your diet and nutrition plan when you plateau. Why would someone NOT want to give those tips? That is all I am trying to say. To not do that to me is mean. Why would you not want to offer someone help? Never called anyone a bully. Everyone keeps saying you are trying to block misinformation, but 'lose weight' isn't giving people information. I am just saying GIVE the information, not a vague snarky "lose weight' response.

    This is ridiculous. It's the very reason "lose more weight" is the facto response. It is the correct answer to the question, but invariably what the OP wants to hear is that reverse crunches and mct oil is the answer is a 6 week 6 pack. No. Lose more weight. Lose more weight. Lose more weight.

    That is the answer distilled down to is purest essence, yet you complain and turn it into a 2700 word back and forth when the entire answer is three little words.

    I guess knowledgeable people that answer questions could try it your way and type up a 150 word response for all 48 times this question appears in the forums. You'd probably consider that a nicer way to do things. Unfortunately, after typing 350 words, the OP is going to thank the person that said do more crunches.

    I'm not a monster. I realize it can feel harsh when someone asks about the latest detox or Dr. Oz endorsed product and 19 people come in, type NO, then leave. But NO is the correct answer and hopefully the repetition drives it home.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    We are never having that fish fry, are we?
  • Because people are Aholes. ((shrugs))

    and they have nothing better to do