What's the worst part of your job?



  • LuckyMiss3
    I once had a patient who removed his denture which had some sort of foodstuff stuck to it, he promptly then licked said foodstuff off said denture and handed it to me.
    Times like these are the low points.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I love my job. I've been at my law firm for 12 years. My co-workers are some of my best friends, and no one cares if I take a 90 minute lunch a few days a week to go for long runs. One of the attorneys I work for is a contract prosecutor, and the worst part of my job is having to talk to the stupid defendants that call in and try to lie to me. I had a girl tell me she couldn't make it to her arraignment because she has agoraphobia and can't leave the house. I asked her how she got a "driving with license suspended" - was she driving in her living room? She called me a ***** and hung up. But other than that - I plan on staying here until I retire.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    I am lucky that I love my job. There are ups and downs, like the people who suck on their hearing aids and then complain that it doesn't work, but it has never been exposed to any moisture at all. :noway: The people who show up randomly for scheduled appointments and then complain because they can't be seen. People who don't show up for their scheduled appointment then complain because we can't see them when they do show up.

    And what is it with people not saying "thank you" or "good-bye" at the end of a phone call.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Having to see people hurting and indigent. I work in banking so I am face to face with people's financial issues. I have had people cry on my shoulder, beg me for answers that I simply don't have. It hurts to see it. I have seen elderly people's life savings wiped out by family members in mere days, with no remorse.
    I also happen to work with certified idiots. They make my blood pressure go sky high every single day. And it doesn't seem to bother anyone else but me. But I have a leadership position, so that may be part of it.
  • Kearstin0730
    Full time college student.....so the homework obviously!
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I am a bookkeeper, at a desk all day. Not burning many calories durning the day :-/

    I have the opportunity to sit most of the day at my job; I dont. I stand while I finish paperwork and in between tasks, I do push ups from my desk. I stand about 4 feet away from the desk and place my arms on the edge and do a few push ups. I also fidget my legs and do kicks under the table. Im a weirdo tho!
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Dealing with the hateful public who blame ME for taking their money...SMH!:noway: :mad:

    You must work where I work! :explode:

    A hard thing for me is having to explain to people who have no sense of money management that they have spent all of their money and that we are going to bounce their rent check. They have absolutely no understanding why the bank will not cover their 1000.00 rent check when they only have 15.00 in their account. And sometimes, the situation is different when I have to explain to an adult that their elderly mother donated her entire account to a charity and now has nothing to pay her bills with.
    There are a lot of tears shed where I work. But I have the opportunity to help people everyday and that keeps me going.

    oh, and another pet peeve:
    I was in a supervisory position and I demoted myself because the money wasn't worth them running me like a Hebrew slave and 2 months later, they want me to continue to supervise but are paying me for the leader position . I have told them on many occasions "No, you pay someone else for that, I'm not doing it" and then I watch the projects go up in flames. The customers end up getting the short end of the stick because they won't hire competent people or train the incompetent ones they have!
    (vent over)
  • stratmantl69
    I work in IT as a senior desktop tech. The level of stupidity from some people (most notably executive management) is mind-numbing. Spending hours on a sales person's laptop scrubbing a nasty virus out of the operating system; then see them infect it all over again inside of two weeks. I've gotten to the point where I'm very good at flipping it on and off on command as far as faking my attitude on service calls............ :explode:

    However, I still love the actual work and the team working under me is probably the best one I've had in a long time. That goes quite a ways to keeping you sane............... :drinker:
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oh, and my boss. She thinks that it is my responsibility to pick up her slack also. She recently asked me out to lunch to discuss a promotion. When I got there, she told me she was getting rid of me because I was pregnant and was a liability, and then asked me to pay for her lunch. I am not joking. I quit.

    Isn't that kind of illegal- firing you because you're pregnant?

    I just got a 120k settlement for a client who was fired, in part, because she was pregnant. Get an attorney. Do you have anything in writing?

    Wow...she would have been better off not admitting that.

    I brought it up with the HR department, and because it was a physically demanding job (working with dying animals, picking up heavy things such as pit bulls or shepherds, cleaning kennels with heavy chemicals) apparently it was okay for her to "suggest" that I find another place of employment, but since there was no proof of her saying that, I could not dispute it. It was a long, ugly issue, and I just quit because it made me realize I didn't want her sh#t job anyway.

    And in the work force, whether they legally are not allowed to discriminate based on my pregnancy or not, it happened in every job interview. I was already showing by time I quit my current job and tried to find another one, and I swear, the most frequently asked questions in any interview were "How far along are you? Do you expect to take time off afterwards? We can't give you vacation time after that." Obviously, I was never hired. So, I am becoming a stay at home mom, another demanding job in itself.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Having ofsted inspectiion teams turn up and make you believe that you are rubbish at your job, even though you've been dioing it and loving it for nearly 30 years. No complaints from students or parents,just inspectors who are probably failed teachers anyway.