Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • borkys
    borkys Posts: 10 Member
    What are you doing that makes this site work so well for you? Is it the tracking?
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I am 48.:blushing: Weight is slowly coming off and it will for you too!!:drinker:
  • djkelling
    djkelling Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 45 and I'm really trying to maintain my weight or even drop about 5lbs. I really just want to be in shape and lose the backfat!!:happy:
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    Am 48 and just started the weight loss and getting healthy journey.
  • I will be 43 in about 4 hours. In decent shape but having a harder time getting rid of excess pooch around my middle. Feel free to add me!

    Happy Birthday!!!! :)
  • gmm6797
    gmm6797 Posts: 4 Member
    43 and there is no stopping my trail back to health
  • babyblues4
    babyblues4 Posts: 241 Member
    42 here will be 43 in a few months :sad: Trying to getting of the weight loss roller coaster :laugh:
  • I am 47. Will be 48 in a month and loving it :smile:
  • I am turning 40 in May. Having a hard time losing this last 10 pounds. Not as easy aswhen I was younger. I am a runner and I am HATING getting old!
  • Diharp
    Diharp Posts: 19 Member
    Happy early Birthday! :) I will be 50 in May. Don't want to settle with the idea that we gain 5 lbs every year as we get older. Started out 150 lbs and down to 143 lbs. There is no reason to gain 5 lbs a year.. We can do it!!!!:drinker:
  • Hi, I am 50 years old and I am trying to lose weight. This summer I was able to lose 35 lbs. I started at 209 lbs. Currently, I am just trying to maintain until spring again. :smile:
  • Goldentide
    Goldentide Posts: 1 Member
    I'll be 52 in a couple of months, I WILL lose 30-40 pounds.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    46 years young!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Happy Birthday to those celebrating today and tomorrow! BIG FIVE THREE !
  • So I am 51 and have been on MFP since 12/15/2012. Have lost 12 pounds so far - 14 more to go to reach my goal. It is easy to follow the program and the process of entering the daily information seems to make sticking to it easier.
  • 53 here
  • mineboy
    mineboy Posts: 2,478 Member
    46 in an few days, have lost some got little more to lose. i will keep working at it
  • I'm 53 and am a breast cancer survivor and have lost 40 pounds in the past 6 months, if I can do it any one can. I'm a real foodie....
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    yep, 47 and 40 to go. Onward!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    I'm 44 - my goal is to lose 40 pounds by my 45th in September