Ladies, wokring out at your TOM



  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    Who is this Tom and why do you let him take control of you

  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    for me, I do my hardest workouts while chasing the cotton mouse and it has made a consistent and track-able difference in my progress over the last 5 years. I say those workouts count double.

    ETA: Im not talking about cardio. frak that noise. I'm talking about chucking barbells.

    This thread is seriously crackin' me up! Chasing the cotton mouse?!?!
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I too find that I feel way better after a good workout. It's as though the cramps and bloating are practically gone when I leave the gym.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Believe it or not ladies... increasing water a few days before your period and exercising reduces cramps, also my gyno said that the more weight u lose the better your TOM tends to get... I get out there and kill a workout pop a motrin or two and feel 100% better then hiding under the covers all bunched up for days

    cool thing is that we are all different and we've all, you know... had over 200 of them - so at this point we know our own bodies and what helps and hurts. Since losing over 100 pounds and passing my goal weight, I now have the worst cramps of my life and CANNOT skip my workouts unless I want to pay for it later and changing my water and nutrition doesn't do jack.

    I lvoe how everyone finds out what works for THEM and its all different for everyone.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Believe it or not ladies... increasing water a few days before your period and exercising reduces cramps, also my gyno said that the more weight u lose the better your TOM tends to get... I get out there and kill a workout pop a motrin or two and feel 100% better then hiding under the covers all bunched up for days

    cool thing is that we are all different and we've all, you know... had over 200 of them - so at this point we know our own bodies and what helps and hurts. Since losing over 100 pounds and passing my goal weight, I now have the worst cramps of my life and CANNOT skip my workouts unless I want to pay for it later and changing my water and nutrition doesn't do jack.

    I lvoe how everyone finds out what works for THEM and its all different for everyone.

    I agree. We all have different issues. I use to be one that said it's never an excuse, just deal with it. Until I started developing ovarian cysts. I've always had extremely heavy periods with horrible cramps adn anemia but I pushed through. Then the endometriosis and cysts developed. The cyst will get big enough to push on nerves and send excrutiating pain down my legs for at least 24 hours then the cyst pops and that's a whole different pain. I've been through 100% natural child birth, I'd rather do that than this. I never call out on work for it but there is always 1 sometimes 2 days a month that it takes everything I have to make it through my work day and get home curl up with a heating pad and not move. The only thing that even eases the pain slightly are prescription pain killers, which I'm allergic to most and I definately wouldn't work out after taking one. So don't be quick to judge, yes I do think some girls get a little overdramatic with it and use it as an excuse but not all.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    If your periods are bad enough that you miss work and can't exercise can't you see a doctor for that? Seriously.

    For me nothing they can do. 1. I have no job so I have no insurance right now so even if there was something I can't afford any medicine. 2. I have a genetic disorder that makes me sensitive to hormones, tumors grow in my body during times of increased hormones, (i.e puberty, pregnancy, menopause) so taking artificial hormones (i.e birth control) is a terrible idea for me. The only thing that ever worked (and it only worked slightly) was taking an anti-depressant everyday to ease cramps. So yeah I've seen a doctor but thanks.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I also find being pre-menopausal helps. Lighter, shorter, no flashes are a b*tch though.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    If your periods are bad enough that you miss work and can't exercise can't you see a doctor for that? Seriously.

    Thank you. I do. My gyno is on my speed dial. Seriously. After numerous pills. Out patient surgeries. Taking meds to force myself into menopause the only option left is hysterectomy and I can't afford to take 8 weeks off work at the moment, nor do I want to lose 8 weeks of training. I know #firstworldproblems.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Believe it or not ladies... increasing water a few days before your period and exercising reduces cramps, also my gyno said that the more weight u lose the better your TOM tends to get... I get out there and kill a workout pop a motrin or two and feel 100% better then hiding under the covers all bunched up for days

    cool thing is that we are all different and we've all, you know... had over 200 of them - so at this point we know our own bodies and what helps and hurts. Since losing over 100 pounds and passing my goal weight, I now have the worst cramps of my life and CANNOT skip my workouts unless I want to pay for it later and changing my water and nutrition doesn't do jack.

    I lvoe how everyone finds out what works for THEM and its all different for everyone.

    I agree. We all have different issues. I use to be one that said it's never an excuse, just deal with it. Until I started developing ovarian cysts. I've always had extremely heavy periods with horrible cramps adn anemia but I pushed through. Then the endometriosis and cysts developed. The cyst will get big enough to push on nerves and send excrutiating pain down my legs for at least 24 hours then the cyst pops and that's a whole different pain. I've been through 100% natural child birth, I'd rather do that than this. I never call out on work for it but there is always 1 sometimes 2 days a month that it takes everything I have to make it through my work day and get home curl up with a heating pad and not move. The only thing that even eases the pain slightly are prescription pain killers, which I'm allergic to most and I definately wouldn't work out after taking one. So don't be quick to judge, yes I do think some girls get a little overdramatic with it and use it as an excuse but not all.

    I didn't judge ANYONE. I said we are all different and find different things work for different people.
  • lilly_star
    Absolutely nothing wrong with it. A lot of people use it as an excuse to get out of exercise and also eat loads of chocolate and other treats. You can be a bit more tired during ttom but I find working out shortens my period and makes it lighter. Some people can't because of medical reasons but if you're not one of these people then just do it! lol
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Believe it or not ladies... increasing water a few days before your period and exercising reduces cramps, also my gyno said that the more weight u lose the better your TOM tends to get... I get out there and kill a workout pop a motrin or two and feel 100% better then hiding under the covers all bunched up for days

    cool thing is that we are all different and we've all, you know... had over 200 of them - so at this point we know our own bodies and what helps and hurts. Since losing over 100 pounds and passing my goal weight, I now have the worst cramps of my life and CANNOT skip my workouts unless I want to pay for it later and changing my water and nutrition doesn't do jack.

    I lvoe how everyone finds out what works for THEM and its all different for everyone.

    I agree. We all have different issues. I use to be one that said it's never an excuse, just deal with it. Until I started developing ovarian cysts. I've always had extremely heavy periods with horrible cramps adn anemia but I pushed through. Then the endometriosis and cysts developed. The cyst will get big enough to push on nerves and send excrutiating pain down my legs for at least 24 hours then the cyst pops and that's a whole different pain. I've been through 100% natural child birth, I'd rather do that than this. I never call out on work for it but there is always 1 sometimes 2 days a month that it takes everything I have to make it through my work day and get home curl up with a heating pad and not move. The only thing that even eases the pain slightly are prescription pain killers, which I'm allergic to most and I definately wouldn't work out after taking one. So don't be quick to judge, yes I do think some girls get a little overdramatic with it and use it as an excuse but not all.

    I didn't judge ANYONE. I said we are all different and find different things work for different people.

    Sorry you mistook my post. The judging comment wasn't directed at you. I was saying I agreed with you.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I still work out and live as normally as possible. At the age of 44 you would hope I could manage by now.

    Don't be a victim - tell your sister she is a big girls blouse and get out there and smash it!!
