Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    current weight 173.5 and that's been maintained for a while now - really only want to lose a couple more pounds if any -want to have a maintained weight of 170 by July

    How tall are you?
  • duckfan06
    duckfan06 Posts: 20
    Sounds like we are going to be starting a weekly thing and I think that is great. It's nice to see so many guys on the thread. Good luck to everyone on this 6 week adventure
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I'm in. I already have an 8 week challenge going in another post, but that ends in early June (at least my 8 weeks). So I'll report in both places and keep going here.

    I'm 5' 10." My weigh in from last Friday was 256. I'd like to be down to 245 by 7/4. I'd also like to have finished the C25K program by that time. Hopefully, this will also translate to a size 40.
    AFLABRAT04 Posts: 15
    I'm in...for accountability purposes. I'm 40 y/o, 5'9", 165.6 lbs. I've lost 22 pounds so far (0.6 pound away from my goal weight), and sliding slowly off the wagon. My goal here is to keep doing what has worked since February. Keep logging my food (honestly), and working out (Insanity/P90X/running/AF PT) 6 days a week. This looks like a great place to keep me on track! Thanks and looking forward to Independence day!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Fair does I'm in. I weigh 174lbs today and I want to reach 160-165 by July 4th. That would put my BMI btween 23-24 which is comfortably healthy. I lowered my body fat earlier this year when i did half a round of P90x but i have no idea how much. Body fat calipers are hard to do yourself. I couldn't commit properly so i will wait until a better time in life to try it again. It was good though.

    I'm into running short distances fast and lifting weights so i will continue with this. I will be nice to check in each week. Might stop me being so lazy.
    I also want to get my pull up rep to about 10, currently 5-6.

  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Morning all... up for this challenge..

    5'10, currently 193lbs, target for 4 July, 185, which will clearly be nigh on impossible as alcohol consumption during the World Cup is going to greatly increase :wink:

    Was posting on the 'old' new thread, and it is now clear why I was getting few responses, thought you lot across the pond had lost your internet connections!

    Anyhows, do any of you use endomondo to track your runs/ cycling? If so PM me, and maybe we can set some challenges to help keep us going.

    See ya
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It's Friday and time to check in. I didn't have such a great week this week. Lots of food temptations. I lost 0.6 lbs (down to 255.4) which was good because I was anticipating I'd gain weight. I did manage to exercise for 7 out of 7 days. So that's what saved me!

    Hope you are all doing well!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Time for the initial weigh-in... I'm just shy of 5' 4" (slightly vertically challenged...) and currently weighing in at 210. My goal is to lose 12 pounds by July 4th, down to 198. I would like to do at least 75 miles between the elliptical/treadmill at the gym and walking/jogging outside during the next 6 weeks.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Who is going to keep track of the weigh-ins? I already have some experience doing this for another mfp group since the beginning of March, so if my services are needed I'll be glad to help.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Who is going to keep track of the weigh-ins? I already have some experience doing this for another mfp group since the beginning of March, so if my services are needed I'll be glad to help.

    @ Dinos

    I have no problem with you keep track of my weigh-ins, although I do think it will be equally important for every man to keep track of his weight individually.

    I am 5' 11'' tall, weighing in today at 194.6 lbs with a 34-inch waist.

    I am an avid walker, so will continue to work on walking at least 5 miles per day. I am also beginning to incorporate some jogging into my finess routine. I am going to stick with the basis of sit-ups, crunches, swats, and lunges, and throw in some weight training just to keep things fun!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I was in my Wife's Labor Day Challenge. But then I read the posts and...I'm the only guy posting there. I think I will join this one.

    It makes the posts kind of long. But they just copy and paste their progress with every date that is a Monday..since Labor Day is a Monday.

    Since the 4th is a Sunday, we could do the same here and everyone is charge of their own record keeping.
    On Monday I weighed in at 279.4

    May 17: 279.4
    May 23:
    May 30:
    June 6:
    June 13:
    June 20:
    June 27:
    July 4: 265

    I am 6'1, but also very thick. If I ask people what they think I weigh, usually say 225. However, that is not the case. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

    15 lbs in 7 weeks is a little aggressive, but I think I can knock it out. 265 would be 5 lbs over what I weighed at my HS Graduation.

    I had a good workout week. Got all of my work in except my run this morning. I was up until 1am working on a project, and I'm not enough of a red *kitten* to get up at 5am and go run after doing that. Yesterday was also the first day in 5 days I didn't come in under my calorie goal. College freinds flying into town on business will do that.

    This week was 3 days weights, 2 days cardio...which is just running. So next week, while I'd like to get all 6 workouts in, the focus will be on cardio. I'll probably use one of Bank's HIIT work outs on one of those cardio days.

    Travelling this weekend, I always have a hard time staying on track when traveling. But 15 lbs by the 4th of July is a good motivator. Set backs and challenges...but when isn't there setbacks and challenges?
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I weighed in at 174.5 this morning. My goal for July 4 will be 165. That might be a little aggressive, but I'm going to try to keep pace with Simplicity since we're starting at nearly the same point.

    I'm 6', but rail thin (other than the gut). I've got a bit too much around the middle I'm trying to burn off for the summer. 165 won't put me at my goal (I got down to the high 150s a few summers ago, and still had more to lose), but I'll be most of the way there, before I change eating/exercising habits and try to put on some good lean weight.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Since the 4th is a Sunday, we could do the same here and everyone is charge of their own record keeping.

    Sounds good to me.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Mornin Fellas,I found you guys yesterday and would like to join.I weighed in this morning at 215,actually down another 1.5 but I'll just call it one to keep it simple.I am 5"8 and my goal is to get to 180.My waist size has gone down from 42 to 36.

    I hit the gym in the mornings and I do cardio 5 days a week and weight lifting 3.
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    Rev_no_Boosh Posts: 239
    Starting 219

    Goal: 212

    I lose weight in the summer fairly easily because it is too hot to eat much and I spend a lot of time outside. I'm hoping that works to my advantage.
  • Kblack2882
    Kblack2882 Posts: 20
    I'm in for 4th of July Challenge

    starting weight is 320
    Goal Weight is under 300
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Starting weight 253.4

    Goal 240.

    Run 4 miles
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in. 'Bout time we have a Man-to-Man forum challenge. I guess that's it for the chit-chat and mingling, time to get serious.

    Weight - Alright. I'm 5'7" and I weigh approx 153, my goal weight on MFP is 150, I guess weight-wise my goal for July will be to break below 150, like 148, 149.

    Body fat - well this is always difficult to measure. I bought one of those hand held impedance measuring things, the Omron HBF-306 Body Fat Analyzer and it gives me differing readings based on time of day and whether I've eaten or not. If I measure myself first thing in the morning I'm at about 14.8%, if I measure myself after eating dinner it goes up to 19% - that's one hell of a variance. Right now I did it a bunch of times in a row and it said: 15.2%, 15.8%, 16.4%, 16.3%, 16.0%... so wtf, I guess I just avg it out to 16.0%. I guess I'll make my goal here to get to an average of 14.0% at 2pm cst an hour after eating lunch.

    Lastly, Exercise-wise - I'd like to average jogging at least 10 miles/week, and have run at least 1 official 10k by Independence day. Let's see how that goes...

    Good Luck guys!
  • tomtrl
    tomtrl Posts: 30 Member
    Ok, I started in January at 162 with a goal of 140. I'm now at 142 so getting close. My goal by July 4 will be to reach that 140 mark and have my body fat at 14% or less.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in but I will be weighing in on Saturdays. I am 39 and 5'4. I started MFP in January at 210, my goal then was to lose 50 pounds. As of this morning I am at 181.4 and seem to have hit a plateau, I have been at this weight for 3 weeks now. I don't get any weight training in because I don't have a gym membership, but I do ride my bike to work and try to get out for a walk on my lunches. Other exercixe for me is all cardio. Any ideas on how to jump over this plateau?