Lose 10lbs from Feb 1- Mar 1!!



  • I hit a plateau that's driving me nuts. But maybe I'll make it anyway. We'll see I guess!
    02/01> 156.6
    02/08> 154.2
    02/15> 152
  • maluttrell
    maluttrell Posts: 29 Member
    small progress
    2/1 177
    2/8 176.6
    2/15 173.8
    2/22 172.8
  • 2/1/13 - 135
    2/8/13 - 136 (What, its not suppose to happen that way!!! :()
    2/15/13 -134 (YEY)
    2/22/13 - 133 (not going to make it a 10 lb loss but happy to see there is progress) Great job everyone!!!
    3/1/13 -
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm sad to see so many people making great, steady, healthy progress and describing it as slow because it's being viewed against an unreasonable, arbitrary benchmark of 10 pounds in 4 weeks.
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    2/1 182.6
    2/8 181.2 (Yay, down 1.4 today!)
    2/14 179.8 (down 1.4 since last week)
    2/22 181 (the scale is not my friend this week)

    Not going to make it anywhere near my goal for this month, but a little progress is better than none. Maybe if I drink more water this week the scale will be nice next week....
  • gogirl110
    gogirl110 Posts: 85 Member
    This is only my 2nd post here, but I am making good progress toward my 10lb loss.

    2/1 - 251
    2/22 - 245

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Cherylllyn
    Cherylllyn Posts: 114 Member
    Good luck!!!! You'll make it.
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    32 years, 5'4"

    2/1 - 174 lbs
    2/8 - 170.6 lbs!!! Whatever I'm doing is working!!!
    2/15 - 170.0 lbs (but I was 168.8 yesterday...can I just count that?!)
    2/22 - 170.6 (but I was 168.6 the next day! What is up?!)
    3/1 -

    I don't know if I'll reach the goal of 10 lbs down by 3/1, but at least I'm seeing some progress! Now if I can only be in the 160s on weigh-in day!!!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    6lbs down, not bad. Lets see what the last leg brings :o)

    SW: 167

    1/2/13: 154

    8/2/13: 151

    15/2/13: 149

    22/2/13: 148


    GW: 135
  • HealthyNowForever
    HealthyNowForever Posts: 45 Member
    02/01> 151
    02/26> 144
  • I'm in!!! My goal is to get to 150 too!! So I made the goal of losing 45 pounds (hopefully by this summer). I joined on January 6 2012, I weigh myself every Thursday, here's my progress:

    1/31/13>186 (did not lose this week)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    SW: 167

    1/2/13: 154

    8/2/13: 151

    15/2/13: 149

    22/2/13: 148

    1/3/13: 146

    GW: 135

    8lbs lost in total. I think thats pretty good and I am very happy to have kept losing even though I had a couple of wobbley weeks :o)
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    SW 244
    Todays w = 230.8lbs
    I lost 13lbs in total so I am well chuffed!
    Great thread! Where is the March one?
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    32 years, 5'4"

    2/1 - 174 lbs
    2/8 - 170.6 lbs!!! Whatever I'm doing is working!!!
    2/15 - 170.0 lbs (but I was 168.8 yesterday...can I just count that?!)
    2/22 - 170.6 (but I was 168.6 the next day! What is up?!)
    3/1 -

    I don't know if I'll reach the goal of 10 lbs down by 3/1, but at least I'm seeing some progress! Now if I can only be in the 160s on weigh-in day!!!

    3/1 - 167.2!!!!!

    I didn't get to 164, but I'm so happy with the progress that I made! And...I'm back in the 160s!!! This was so much fun! Can we do it again for March! I love challenging myself like this!!! :D
  • maluttrell
    maluttrell Posts: 29 Member
    only made it to half my goal for the month BUT I feel great and any loss is a loss

    2/1 177
    2/8 176.6
    2/15 174.6
    2/22 172.8
    3/1 171.6

    5.4 pounds lost in February
  • 2/1/13 - 135
    2/8/13 - 136 (What, its not suppose to happen that way!!! :()
    2/15/13 -134 (YEY)
    2/22/13 - 133 (not going to make it a 10 lb loss but happy to see there is progress) Great job everyone!!!
    3/1/13 - 133
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    Wow that month went by fast!

    02/01-> 181
    03/01-> 178

    =P Nowhere near 10 but it was a hard month in my personal life, and I'm down!! That was the whole point of this wasnt it? =) I'm so incredibly proud and inspired by you fabulous ladies, even if I don't get to post I follow along and find strength from you all =D Thanks so much for doing this with me!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    2/1 182.6
    2/8 181.2
    2/14 179.8
    2/22 181
    3/1 178.8

    Didn't make it to my goal this month, but definitely some progress.
  • 02/01> 156.6
    02/08> 154.2
    02/15> 152
    02/22> 152.4
    03/01> 150

    Not 10 lbs, but it's something! I hit a really bad plateau and I'm figuring out my diet still.
  • I Started one for march! Join me