What are your 5 essential foods in healthy eating?



  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    soy beans
    crystal light
    chicken breast
    low sugar granola bars
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    -Chicken! :)
    -brown rice/black beans
    -peanut butter!
    .......... ok, so that's 7... but I can't function without them! lol... and I'm a big big fan of Whole Foods Market! (LOVE their salad bar too!)
  • SylentZee
    1. Lean Turkey/Chicken
    2. Talapia/Salmon
    3. Veggies (not enough spots lol)
    4. Low fat cheese
    5. Whole wheat carbs
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Fage 0% greek yogurt
    pastured eggs
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    1. Oatmeal
    2. Chia Seeds
    3. Greek Yogurt
    4. Nuts
    5. Quinoa

    And LOTS of water!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Love this idea...

    1. Water
    2. My weekly gallon bag filled with a variety of vegetables
    3. Romain lettuce
    4. Diet Dr. Peppr or diet soday
    5. Measureing cups and scale
  • lisa483
    lisa483 Posts: 105 Member
    *Steak (Scotch Fillet, Rump) Yummm
  • siblita
    siblita Posts: 39 Member
    Butter (grass fed Kerrygold brand)
    Chocolate Fat Bombs made with Coconut Oil

    (I eat low carb/ high fat to control my diabetes)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I buy food for the week every Sunday night or early Monday morning and take to work with me. My list is:

    Greek yogurt (I try different types)
    cottage cheese
    spinach and salad greens, cucumber
    raw broccoli and carrots (go in salad)
    cherry tomatoes
    strawberries, plums, blueberries, oranges
    sara lee 45 calorie multigrain bread
    sargento ultra thin cheese slices
    deli turkey, deli ham
    a whole rotisserie chicken
    tuna packets

    I make a huge salad and top it with chicken 3 out of the 5 days for lunch. Sometimes I'll make a sandwich with the deli meat, add veggies and cheese on the 45 calorie bread. I top my salad with tuna some days. I make steel cut oatmeal and add protein powder to it. I dip celery sticks in hummus for a snack or add cherry tomatoes and pepper to half a cup of cottage cheese.

    I also have a complete measuring spoon and cup set and a food scale at work.

    For dinner - I make wild caught salmon with either scallops or shrimp in the oven, with lime juice and fresh garlic and onion. I add a veggie - asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc. Other times I'll have grilled chicken, or shrimp, or a small steak with a veggie, and occasionally add a sweet potato.

    I think I just found my food hero! This is so similar to what we eat, but I never thought about bringing a measuring spoon, scale, etc. to work. Do your co-workers ever give you a hard time for taking up all the fridge space? Luckily we have two fridges at work, but they do fill up pretty quickly during the week. Love your post, though! I'm printing this for my next trip to Earth Fare (my favorite local grocer).


    We only have one fridge and a small kitchen. Honestly, most of my office is salespeople who are in and out during the day, and the other two rarely bring their lunch though I have occasionally made them a salad when I am making mine. The guys give me flack from time to time about measuring things out but its the only way to keep myself honest. I also have a gym bag in the bathroom ready to go with my spare shoes, spare headphones, and a spare outfit just in case. :) Everyone is used to it as I've been doing this over three years now. But they all remember the 255 lb me who ate McDonalds and fried chicken for lunch as well.....
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    5 go to foods for me are:

    Peanut Butter
    Fruits and Veggies (various)
    Cottage Cheese
    Yogurts (Usually Yoplait original or some greek something)
    Tilapia or good fish.

    Pretty much live on that with some variations.
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    Chicken breast - boneless skinless.
    Nature egg egg whites - if you have a Costco membership they are really cheap!
    Spinach - in the egg whites, for with the chicken, sauteed on its own!
    Silver hills little big bread - it's like one piece of sprouted grain bread chopped in too...really healthy and same amount of calories and carbs as one piece of bread.
    Cucumbers - low in calories, carbs, and mostly water so a bit of a diuretic. Can be so versatile - used under the chicken, with the spinach, with low fat mayo or cream cheese on the bread...used as bread with tuna or chicken sandwiched in between...as a snack..LOVE THEM!
  • missstephanielynn
    missstephanielynn Posts: 20 Member
    Breakfast/Lunch Foods:
    - Raw almonds
    - Oatmeal
    - Yogurt
    - Fruit

    Dinner Foods:
    - Boneless skinless chicken
    - Whole eggs
    - Tilapia
    - Cheese!
    - No yolks
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    1. Chicken
    2. Eggs
    3. Fruit
    4. Peppers
    5. Ice cream
  • calisim1
    calisim1 Posts: 5 Member
    breakfast: fruit & veggies
    chia & flax seeds
    bran flakes or oatmeal
    raw nuts & nut butters & dried fruit
    sprouted grain breat (trader joe's or ezekial)

    lunch/ dinner:
    beans, legumes
    grains- brown rice, bulgar, farro, etc
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    cottage cheese
    lean steak
    turkey burgers
    Better Oats Raw (pomegranate is my favorite, but chocolate flavor is good also as a dessert and lowish calorie)
    MKPRN Posts: 46 Member
    Oatmeal, Lettuce, Chicken breast, Eggs, Clemintines (need something for my sweet tooth)
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Tuna - Trader Joe's albacore tuna
    Almond butter
    Free range eggs
    Vega protein shake mix with frozen berries and sugar-free almond milk
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Greek Yogurt
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Goat Yogurt (I'm lactose intolerant)
    Blueberries ( or fresh papaya, pineapple, strawberries)
    Chia Seeds
    Fresh Veggies (kale, red cabbage, fresh beets, brocolli, romaine, as much color as I can get - made as salads and all eaten raw - shred the beets - it's so good for you - sprinkle everything with Chia seeds - it helps to cleanse the body - a natural way to detox and adds a nice crunch to your salads - even on my yogurt with blueberries or other fresh fruit.)
  • Granville_Cocteau
    Granville_Cocteau Posts: 209 Member
    Greek Yogurt
    Brown rice, whole-grain bread or pasta
    Fruit--bananas/apples/oranges/bluberries in rotation. Or a papaya which is the most nutrient dense.
    Red wine

    Yeah, that's six. But I don't go w/o the wine.