How many 5 year olds could you take in a fight?



  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    All of them.
  • wannabtight
    wannabtight Posts: 187 Member
    Depends on the personality of the the 5 year old, I would not mess with more than one of my 5 year older she is strong and tough and taken on her oldest siblings! She's not afraid to take any of them on! She was tackled at school and bit the other child in the face. Her older bother was teasing her and she cracked him in the head with an instrument, I gave her a little swat on the button when she was younger and she just looked at me and swatted me right back. She has a don't mess with me personality and scares me sometimes! At least I know she can hold her own but I absolutely dread getting calls from her Kinder teacher. Luckily she has remorse.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    21. 21 young children. Ah ha ha!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Depends on the personality of the the 5 year old, I would not mess with more than one of my 5 year older she is strong and tough and taken on her oldest siblings! She's not afraid to take any of them on! She was tackled at school and bit the other child in the face. Her older bother was teasing her and she cracked him in the head with an instrument, I gave her a little swat on the button when she was younger and she just looked at me and swatted me right back. She has a don't mess with me personality and scares me sometimes! At least I know she can hold her own but I absolutely dread getting calls from her Kinder teacher. Luckily she has remorse.

    you should probably hold her head under water for about 30-45 seconds to re-establish who the boss is
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I hear midget tossing is a great workout. Bring on the 5 year olds!
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I seriously get my *kitten* kicked by a 5 year old daily. He's mean, strong, fast and wayyy below my center of gravity. He also knows how to do a leg swipe, thanks to his Dad who had a full college wrestling scholarship. So one, and I would still probably get beat up.
  • fmebear
    fmebear Posts: 172 Member
    I guess I'm getting beat up and looking stupid. Lol. I wouldnt hit a 5 year old, yet alone any kids at that.

    Get a few of your own, you'll Change your mind. Lol. Mine have a habit of dog piling me if they get me down, and I ain't got a problem jack slapping them.

    ROFLMAO!!! So True. I could probably take about 4 to 6 of them. I only have two kids (5 and 3) but my three year old beats the crap out of her brother so she is the one to worry about if she gets into this. She is a beast!
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    You are in an enclosed area roughly the size of a basketball court
    There are no weapons or foreign objects
    Everyone is wearing a cup (so no kicks to the groin)
    The children are merciless and will show no fear
    If a child is knocked unconscious, he is "out." The same goes for you.

    If you substitute midgets for five year olds, I'd say three.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Just like Sean Wayans " Ashtray" in " dontbeamenacetosocietywhiledrinkingyourjuiceinthehood"
  • 2....And just think, Kindergarten teachers have up to 30 and they don't take her down!!!!!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Isnt the real question is how many 5 year olds can I kick in the head before I got so tired and collapsed that the rest of them just overwhelmed me and beat me to death?

  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    The website said 18!!!!

    I'm ready to try!!!! Send them to me!!!! Bwhahahahaha!!!!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Website says 26. I disagree. I have experience.
  • none....children run in terror from me! they sense a mile off i dont like them!
  • mains_adam25
    mains_adam25 Posts: 382 Member
    im weaker then i look lol if there is a heard of them id say none lol
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    Q: How many calories are contained in each five year old? And is it in the database?

    How many calories to fight off 1 5-year-old... or how much to eat one? Please be more specific.:glasses:
  • Depends on the personality of the the 5 year old, I would not mess with more than one of my 5 year older she is strong and tough and taken on her oldest siblings! She's not afraid to take any of them on! She was tackled at school and bit the other child in the face. Her older bother was teasing her and she cracked him in the head with an instrument, I gave her a little swat on the button when she was younger and she just looked at me and swatted me right back. She has a don't mess with me personality and scares me sometimes! At least I know she can hold her own but I absolutely dread getting calls from her Kinder teacher. Luckily she has remorse.

    you should probably hold her head under water for about 30-45 seconds to re-establish who the boss is

    I could try that with my soon to be 5 yr old whom is much like described above , but then again she can hold her breath pretty long and think its ok to swim in the tub. I tell her I'm mad at her and to go away and shes instantly sweet and innocent and remembers I'm the head honcho in this house !
  • mikeholdsworth
    mikeholdsworth Posts: 15 Member
    I could carry one in each arm and one on my back. So I could take 3 to a fight. Maybe two more holding my five total. But it would have to be a short distance to the fight.

  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    According the the website, I can only take down 12 of them. My height, lack of experience with martial arts, trampling, swarms, fighting, plus my general humanity and reticence to fight children is working against me.

    However, the website, after calculating my abysmal score, linked me to a dating website where I assume I can find a killing machine to protect me from the 5 yr olds and zombies. x starts completing dating site questionaire x

    Question #1 What are you looking for in a companion? I'm looking for a killing machine to protect me from 5 yr olds and zombies....

    This should be good... roflmao