AM I CRAZY?!? Starting "Total Cleanse" Today! (CDN)



  • TightenThatBelt
    yup. get ready to hang out in the bathroom a lot... and don't be shocked when you regain whatever you lose on this "super-mazing-ultimate-colon-scrubbing-miracle-diet-food-fast" garbage.

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Go to the health food store or supplement store and ask them about vitmanis or supplements that help people starting their diet. I am assuming you are wanting to kick start your metabolism and rid your body of all the bad toxins you have been putting in it.

    The supplements will help kick start your metaolism and stop putting bad things in your body and over time they will leave your body.

    A good way to tell is when you don't get stomach grumbles any more and your start feeling hunger in your throat and jaw area. The grumbles is your body withdrawing from all the junk you put in it. It is ind of like a drug addict going through with draws. While you are in it, it feels like the world is ending and once you are done your body feels like new.

    Good Luck

    This may win some records as the worst advice ever posted for 2013.

    Now that I get it, I appreciate your post.

    I get how coming out of your mouth it reads as the realm of fantasyland. Welcome to MFP, though, where people post stuff like this have to actually include unicorns to differentiate your post from what someone else might actually believe, lol. Even then, sometimes it's questionable.

    Here's a wiazard riding a unicorn riding a pony on a rainbow through space- you're gonna need it.
  • TightenThatBelt
    LOL funny... some thinks they are doctors here... LOL

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    For everyone that says someone is giving bad advice do your research. Go google toxic hunger and the effects it has on your body and where true hunger is felt.

    Here is two of many articles you can read on it or this one

    I will not say rude things about the people that are not educated on this matter but instead i will try and drop some knowledge on them to help them.

    It has helped me tremendously and through hard work, proper dieting and supplements I have lost over twenty pounds since January 2 2013.

    A couple blogs on the internet does not prove your point. Your point is unprovable, because it's untrue. There are lots of educated people on this site who have done medical research (not interwebz blogs) that disprove your theory.

    Try again. It's entertaining.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    For everyone that says someone is giving bad advice do your research. Go google toxic hunger and the effects it has on your body and where true hunger is felt.

    Here is two of many articles you can read on it or this one

    I will not say rude things about the people that are not educated on this matter but instead i will try and drop some knowledge on them to help them.

    It has helped me tremendously and through hard work, proper dieting and supplements I have lost over twenty pounds since January 2 2013.

    Dr Fuhrman sells air - seriously over-promises health by not eating fat. His books have some good information but he over-sells, over-promises and over-states many things. A friend of my mother was convinced by his diet-immunology bullsh!t cures cancer and tried a diet rather than to start up a treatment earlier. She's dead. She might have passed anyway - but these doctors that over promise on their diet are dangerous.

    The whole toxic hunger BS is an invention of his.

    Having said that, a lot of what he recommends makes sense, eat greens, etc. Does it need to be a cleanse? No.

    Be careful what knowledge you try to drop, it might land on your foot.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"

    Post in public, get public feedback. You can tell us not to respond, but that won't help. Ignore me.

    Any "cleanse" from any company, based on any pseudo-science is literally crap. Worse than useless because it distracts people from the basic work they need to do to be healthy.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Oh, this is an unfortunate situation. You've already committed to this program. If you'd have sought impartial and unbiased feedback first you may have saved some money.

    If you can cancel, please do so. This will not clean you nor help you lose weight.

    I am not trying to be unsupportive but a simple caloric deficit over time will enable you to painlessly reach your goals (it's true!)

    There isn't a single success story out of the thousands here that is based on juices, cleanses, etc.

    I'm genuinely sorry.

    ^^^^^ this. (and he phrased it politely too)

    to cleanse your body, drink water (your liver and kidneys will keep your blood clean), and eat plenty of fibre (your intestines naturally clean themselves out if you drink water and eat fibre).

    to lose weight, eat less than you burn off. to learn how much less than you burn off is for you, see the "in place of a road map" thread.

    quoted because it needs to be said AGAIN and AGAIN :)

    :drinker: (and no, I'm not drinking a "cleanse" there ;)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Of course you're actually hungry; your body needs food! I'm sure your mind is already made up but I would ask you to please not do this to yourself. Please just move more and don't think of food as the enemy. Please just eat at a reasonable calorie deficit, and incorporate strength training into your exercise routine. Please...seriously...I've seen so many people doing this stuff that isn't kind to their bodies nor is it sustainable...I'm just reduced to begging now. Please.

    Your body doesn't need FOOD,

    My biology degree disagrees with you
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Anyone else doing this Program right now? I am going to need some support....

    Okay - I am starting the Total Cleanse today... For those of you who do not live in South Western Ontario this is a Cleanse that delivers to your door 6 bottles of 500ml fresh pressed juice and this is ALL YOU CONSUME ALL DAY. I just had my first juice - Green Energy - and I am already feeling faint. Lol. I do not think I am actually "hungry", I just think that in my food Obsessed mind I am not "eating" unless I am "eating" solid food......

    I've been cleansing for like 8 months now. The program is pure genius. I eat whole foods processed as little as possible in slight caloric deficit while trying to hit certain macro nutrient targets. I also go to the bathroom regularly. The results are amazing. I've lost 47 lbs, zero lean body mass, and feel amazing.

    Well played. :flowerforyou:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    ]I've been "cleansing" for like 8 months now.
    Fixed that for ya....
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    yup. get ready to hang out in the bathroom a lot... and don't be shocked when you regain whatever you lose on this "super-mazing-ultimate-colon-scrubbing-miracle-diet-food-fast" garbage.

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"

    Actually, you are missing the point. Your body cleanses itself. Doing a "detox" or "cleanse" literally does absolutely nothing. Your body and digestive system do not need a break. Ever. They just keep chugging along. You are doing nothing but wasting money.

    Also, hilarious that you linked that as a way to get "informed" as that is a BS generated web domain that a website URL hocking company is trying to sell.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member

    You can put anything on a website. And apparently, get money for it.

    "Total Cleanse" - separating fools from their money since sometime before 2010.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Are you crazy? The answer is yes.

  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I am doing it for the cleansing benifits that come from giving your digestive system a break.
    You've completely missed the point of what almost everyone here is saying. There are no...NO..."cleansing benefits" and your digestive system does not...NOT...need to take a break. Giving any of your bodily systems a break could have adverse health effects.

    Want to "cleanse" your body and feel better inside? Don't eat processed foods. Cut down on sugar. Lower your fat intake (but don't eliminate fats altogether). Opt for whole grain and high fiber instead of refined, bleached, or fortified products. Quit drinking soda (especially that carcinogenic and toxic "diet" *kitten*) and pick up a bottle of water. You'll feel a ton better and probably lose more weight.

    If you really want to drink something for a meal, get a food processor (or a NutriBullet) and blend the entire fruits and vegetables with flaxseed or nuts so you get the nutritional benefits from the whole foods and not just the crap squeezed out of it.

    And, for the love of Pete, stop watching Dr. Oz or infomercials or wherever else has a bottle of placebo to sell you. Nutrition is not a new science. Doctors have been telling people the benefits of eating right for DECADES. The food pyramid alone dates back to 1974...
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Nope - you guys are missing the point. How frusterating. This is not a colon cleanse. Nor is it a calorie deficient diet.
    If you are not familar with this company or the Cleanse please do not respond anymore. If you are interested in getting a bit of back ground on what I am doign before putting in your "two cents" at least gooogle their website and get "informed"

    Costs upwards of $45 a day (I did mention this early so I have clearly been to the site) - research done.

    Still complete BS and a waste of money.

    Edit - that was via this website where I'm guessing the op is buying this life changing juice.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    $45 per day for juice? WTH. Buy fruits and veggies, don't even need to juice them, just eat them everyday. Make smoothies or your own juice if you want a break from chewing food.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I almost forgot, my one unanswered question about "cleanses".

    I've read many posts by people espousing one of the benefits of these "cleanses" as eliminating toxins from the body. Please name ONE toxin...of the many, no doubt...that the "cleanse" eliminates from your body. I'm sure there are literally dozens of them, but I'd like to know the name of even ONE of them. If you can name ONE of them, you will be the first to do so...ever.

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I almost forgot, my one unanswered question about "cleanses".

    I've read many posts by people espousing one of the benefits of these "cleanses" as eliminating toxins from the body. Please name ONE toxin...of the many, no doubt...that the "cleanse" eliminates from your body. I'm sure there are literally dozens of them, but I'd like to know the name of even ONE of them. If you can name ONE of them, you will be the first to do so...ever.


    Common sense - this is apparently toxic to some. :noway:
  • _happycats_
    _happycats_ Posts: 105 Member
    3) I am not doing this to loose wieght . I am doing it for the cleansing benifits that come from giving your digestive system a break.

    This is what happens when you give your digestive system "a break":

    Like many have already said on here, you don't need to give your organs a break and all that will do is impair function since they're designed to work continuously. Sorry the replies aren't what you were expecting.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Also, hilarious that you linked that as a way to get "informed" as that is a BS generated web domain that a website URL hocking company is trying to sell.

    Not in any way supporting this, but I believe the OP meant to cite, not .com.