my new plan..need some opinions..



  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    Why do you want to go vegan? If you already eat animal products? Giving up a whole food group ie dairy isn't a great idea especially when dieting, you'll be in danger of lacking in calcium, vitamin d and also a, e, k. Not to mention the essential amino acids from animal products, so if you really do want to be Vegan then you need to do the research and be sure you're getting all your nutrition, especially on such a huge calorie restriction, you need to be careful not to lose muscle :/

    You need to study where calcium, and vitamin E,.A and D come from a little more before you tell people they may be in danger of being deficient.

    I don't want to eat animals because animals have a right to life, liberty, and happiness just like the rest of us, on top of the fact it's not sustainable to the planet to keep supporting that tradition. It's my moral duty to care about them and the planet as a compassionate human being and a "smart monkey".

    I haven't completely cut animals out, I MOSTLY cut them out. I would completely if i were a better cook.

    I don't exercise hardly ever, so my calorie restriction is necessary. I've already been over all this with an endocrinologist. So I'm sure I'll be fine.

    God made some animals to be eaten. All the ones called domestic in the bible
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    So tell me about your cheat day. I need some advice about this kind of thing. If 1300 calories is enough most days, and you have like two 1000 calorie days, this gives you something like 600 extra calories for your cheat day. Are you gonna log on your cheat day, too? Is your cheat day gonna be under 1900? I'm just curious about this day, since you're so disciplined and have a great, strict, unflexible plan for the rest of the time, how do you keep the cheat day under your calorie goal and not let it spin off into cheat weekends and cheat weeks?

    on my cheat day.. I just don't care. There iks no calorie goal. I eat whatever the guy I'm seeing cooks, I set up arrangements for my daughter to spend the day at her friends house, and I do whatever I want the entire day and most of it doesn't involve clothes ;) So if he makes steaks or orders a big greasy Stromboli.... none if it matters, as long as i'm having ALOT OF FUN. Most of that fun involves burning the calories back off.

    CHEAT DAY REALLY TRANSLATES TO FREAK DAY. Since I work for the government, I'm usually swamped with work, as a government employee, I do about hundred times the work as a private sector. It's a stressful job. I deal with the most dangerous population in the city I live in.

    ONE AY A WEEK I JUST DON"T CARE. I don't even log in. THAT DAY is strictly fun. I used to fill that day up with Irish Car Bombs, so what is that like 2000 calories a drink?

    I quit drinking, so I don't do that anymore.

    I don't let it spin off because I don't want it to. Whatever I don't want to do, I don't do. Period. I didn't want to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day any more, So I stopped buying cigarettes. I didn't want to be a weekend warrior anymore, So I quit drinking. I didn't want to be abused anymore so I left the abuser. I ended up in a coma from a belt around my neck but at least I left! I don't want an extra 50 pounds. So they will be gone. I can't explain it. My parents were big on integrity and my word being bond and everything. Probably because they were hustlers. But anyway, that sort of mentality stuck with me. I make a promise to myself and I have to honor it, because my integrity is everything. It's just a mental thing.

    Like in the movie Kill Bill..when she willed her toes to work after a coma.
    My ex put me in a coma and I had to will my entire brain to work again. As I was recovering and reteaching myself how to dial phone numbers and hold it until I get to the bathroom, I started turning life into units of time. I had such bad organizational skills from the brain damage that I have to follow a daily plan just to survive. I had a 2 year old at that time, so after we got away from her father I didn't want to be some SSI check mother. I wanted to be reliable fore her. That also required following a plan, otherwise I could have days where I forget to feed my child. So now I'm fully used to sticking to plans. It's just how I survive.
    So I know what suffering to reach a goal really means. I know the work it takes. It;s not easy. But if you made your mind up that's what you will do.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    You have to be willing to cook better foods if you want to lose weight.
    I know its hard and you want the easy way out, you obvisouly sound super busy, sometimes "super busy" is an excuse... but if you aren't willing to spend AT LEAST 30 min working out and around 30 minutes to prepare healthier foods everyday then it won't work out for you.

    i keep trying..1 out of every 10 meals I cooks turns out edible. I've never been the Betty Crocker type. So I just try to date men who can cook.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    Why do you want to go vegan? If you already eat animal products? Giving up a whole food group ie dairy isn't a great idea especially when dieting, you'll be in danger of lacking in calcium, vitamin d and also a, e, k. Not to mention the essential amino acids from animal products, so if you really do want to be Vegan then you need to do the research and be sure you're getting all your nutrition, especially on such a huge calorie restriction, you need to be careful not to lose muscle :/

    You need to study where calcium, and vitamin E,.A and D come from a little more before you tell people they may be in danger of being deficient.

    I don't want to eat animals because animals have a right to life, liberty, and happiness just like the rest of us, on top of the fact it's not sustainable to the planet to keep supporting that tradition. It's my moral duty to care about them and the planet as a compassionate human being and a "smart monkey".

    I haven't completely cut animals out, I MOSTLY cut them out. I would completely if i were a better cook.

    I don't exercise hardly ever, so my calorie restriction is necessary. I've already been over all this with an endocrinologist. So I'm sure I'll be fine.

    God made some animals to be eaten. All the ones called domestic in the bible

    That's some sick ****!!!!! I bet this is the same God who tells me I can't sleep with woman either or I will go to hell.
    Hahahaha. NO THANK YOU.
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    You're setting yourself up for failure.

    LOL. you just reminded me of Dewey Cox First wife in the movie Walk Hard,.LMAO
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm going to overlook your angry outburst about 'fat people'. I am still fat, but I thought you might just want to talk. :wink:
    My goal is to lose 55 pounds.
    I've been reading a lot about different diets and i came up with my own.

    Yep. That's where a whole lot of folks start, except I need to lose more than that, and I am in a hurry. My surgeon said that I can have new knees, when I lose 70 pounds. I understand how you feel about it taking too long to lose weight. That's why I jumped right in with 1000 calories per day.

    It worked for about a month or so. Then, I started getting headaches and feeling like I was starving. Even with no exercise at all (That's me...stuck in a wheelchair), I was told that I needed to eat more...not by a the folks on MFP

    They talked about letters, like BMR and TDEE, which I still don't fully understand; but some folks on this site kindly calculated them for me. The letters relate to charts (medical type) that determine your body's rate at using food, and what it takes to stay at your weight or lose weight with a certain amount of calories. Somewhere in all of those letters, it also lets you know how to add extra calories for working out.

    That last part doesn't apply to me yet. With new knees, I will be able to start exercise; and those calculations will come up again.
    I'm starting Monday. I will update this with my results or you can add me as a friend and see how I'm doing.

    Monday? That was yesterday where I am at. What about today? Tuesday is a good day to start a new plan too. :happy:

    By the way, I will be happy to be have you as a friend, if you don't call me a 'fat person' anymore. :noway:
    1000/day 3 days, walk a half hour a day on those days.

    Boy. I wish I could walk. Take one walk for me. :wink:
    and then 1300+calories/3 days with hour of exercise switching between aerobics and strength training, I will let MyfitnessPal tell me how much I can go over the 1300 as I track my food,.

    That seems like the best part of your plan. The calories sound about right, and the MFP program will let you know how your food lines up with your exercise.

    Okay. Now, let's look at that last day of the week a little closer. :ohwell:
    and 1 day...whatever the hell i feel like, no rules!!!!!.

    This is the day that would do me in completely. I am capable of eating a week's worth of calories in a 'no rules' day. That is how I got in trouble...eating without rules.

    Perhaps, you could modify that idea a little bit. Plan a day with a few more calories or something special that you would like to eat on just that one day...but don't go crazy, stuffing yourself. With no rules, I would be eating a 2 pound box of truffles for breakfast...and Heaven only know...what I would be eating for the rest of the day. :laugh:
    all days ORGANIC
    and mostly vegan, with the exception of my fish, eggs, and cheese. Once I figure out how to cook something that can get me around my fish eggs and cheese I will no longer eat them.
    and of coarse a liquid multivitamin and 8 glasses of water at minimal a day.

    Is chocolate organic...or vegan? I haven't got a clue about 'vegan' vs 'vegetarian'. I have no desire to stop eating meat. I have no desire to switch to tofu as a protein...yet.
    So, what do you think?
    Please don't tell me it's unhealthy. Can't be any less healthy then being 55 pounds over weight!!!
    Also, what ideas so you have besides gum(I don't do Aspartame) when I need to curb a food craving?

    I won't tell you that what you are doing is unhealthy. I am not going to set myself as a judge.

    Food cravings? That's a good question. I try to spread my eating out evenly. That way, I have something to eat about every 3 to 4 hours. In between, I drink a lot of hot tea. I like the flavored, herbal teas. They seem to help in non-eating time.

    I do have snacks that include some salt and some sugar. That also seems to help me have less 'cravings' for my favorite foods.

    I hope that I helped a little, but I am not a nutritionist or expert on the subject of dieting...though I should be, after a life time of being fat and trying to lose weight.

    Try your plan, Sis. Keep me (if not everyone on MFP) notified on how you are doing. Not everyone will chew you up for asking for help or advice. However, there are some folks who are sensitive to the words like vegan, vegetarian, and fat (true or still hurts.). Just take what you read with a grain of salt. :smile:


    One person used the word 'idiot' (really not nice).

    I do wish that folks on MFP would stop, before they attack someone who is just getting started. We all come here 'like babies learning to walk'. Calling people bad names does not help anyone. Noone on MFP is so perfect that they should be the judge of others or use newcomers as target for their cruel words. It doesn't help anyone, if you just post insults. Slow down and think before you hurt each other.

    Consider the newcomers to MFP as a child needing encouragement not rebuke. Would you call a child an idiot, because that baby could not walk more than a few steps, when they first try? When a toddler falls down, would you stand over them and yell insults...or pick them up and help them try again? Newcomers to MFP often have no clue about any diets, BMR, TDEE or how to even begin. Be gentle and thoughtful of your comments please. :flowerforyou:

    You are a sweetie pie! Send me a friend request!!!
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    You're 35 years old, grow up. People have been giving you honest reliable advice, and just because you don't want to hear it all of a sudden they're all fat and must have depression. Seriously, grow up.

    Edit: remember aswell, the a lot of people giving advice are well educated, and no their stuff in regards to fitness. You should listen to them.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You're 35 years old, grow up. People have been giving you honest reliable advice, and just because you don't want to hear it all of a sudden they're all fat and must have depression. Seriously, grow up.

    Edit: remember aswell, the a lot of people giving advice are well educated, and no their stuff in regards to fitness. You should listen to them.

    Shenanigans! She's 18, tops! (No offense to 18 yr olds)
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    You're 35 years old, grow up. People have been giving you honest reliable advice, and just because you don't want to hear it all of a sudden they're all fat and must have depression. Seriously, grow up.

    Edit: remember aswell, the a lot of people giving advice are well educated, and no their stuff in regards to fitness. You should listen to them.

    Shenanigans! She's 18, tops! (No offense to 18 yr olds)

    I love the word shenanigans, I need to use it more !
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    People are still posting here? Why? OP is hopeless. Screw this thread. Let's go get some pancakes.

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    hey whats going on in this thread?



    ..never mind. Pancakes it is!
  • nomicat77
    nomicat77 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm just worried that if you have a bad day or something happens on your days were you are being stricter that you wont want to keep trying.

    Are you an all or none person?

    How flexible are you?

    All organic how do you define that and how will you determine that?

    Honestly, I would start small portion control and logging is one of the best and most underrated tools of weight loss.

    on my bad days there is always xanex.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member


    this is the best bit of this whole sorry thred!!!

    you know what they say though, theres nowt as queer as folk....!!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
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