Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Good morning friends!! I've been lazy on catching up on everyone's posts, but I wish everyone well in their fitness goals this week. I didn't really make any, since we are going out of town tomorrow. I'll hate myself getting back on the treadmill next week. :(

    Wednesday Wish: I wish this vacation would be 2 weeks, because I won't be ready to go back to work...

    Am also without a phone, so logging may be difficult today.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I have to balance my water with not having to get up in the middle of the night to run to the bathroom.... :drinker:

    I have that problem too. I hate getting up every two hours to pee.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm at one week with no caffeine. I'm sleeping better, I wake up easier and I'm not as tired in the morning any more. UN-FREAKIN'-BELIEVEABLE! I also went running on Monday night to see if my foot will hold up to running again. It passed with flying colors. Of course I was wiped after only running a mile but at least its a start. OH almost forgot, since I'm not drinking or eating caffeinated things any more it kind of forces my hand to drink water and other non soda items since most sodas have caffeine. I guess thats an unexpected upside to quitting caffeine too! Check back with you all again soon.

    Take care

    I applaud you for giving up caffeine! I'm a caffeine junkie, but have been drinking less to try and get my water in. Do you get the awful headaches?
  • Kimma34
    Kimma34 Posts: 66 Member

    This is my 1st post in this thread. I am 37 and I weigh 294lbs, I need to lose over 100lbs and I am really struggling!!

  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    @ebailey: I had an EXTREMELY bad headache for the first three days but that went away(thank god!). I think after the headache was gone the hardest part was not eating chocolate which also has caffeine. I'm also surprised at how many drinks and food have caffeine in the, in the form of coffee or chocolate or another substance. There's even a chili place in Cincinnati that puts chocolate in their chili. Chocolate=caffeine so I can't have it. I think my wife's noticing a huge difference too because I used to thrash around in bed at night and now i don't move at all. The other night she woke me up because she nervous that I hadn't moved, LOL! I look back at the caffeine that I was taking in now( an energy drink a day, diet sodas, coffee in the morning, a diet soda or two in the evening) and I'm glad that I decided to quit. It's hard but its worth it.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    GHD 20/20!

    Carry on.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. Drojen--Love the cupcake idea. I'm still dealing with a few pieces of left over cake. Yesterday I threw away the left over cake from the Saturday party. I managed to work a piece of the german chocolate cake from Monday into my day without going over.
    Robin-- have fun in Jamaica!
    kah--Best wishes coming your way. I too was very close to my grandmother. She died when I was just 20 years old, and I have missed her ever since.
    Kim--Welcome. We have a good support system going here. I hope that you will check in often.
    Doug--Way to go on the caffeine. I don't drink coffee or sodas, but I hadn't thought about chocolate. Oh, dear. That would be a challenge.
    After the snow yesterday, the sun is shining brightly today. We have storms predicted again before the end of the week. I wish the snow would stay in the mountains for the rest of the winter! My other Wednesday wish is that we can all have a successful day, one that we feel reflects our best effort at being healthy. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    This is my 1st post in this thread. I am 37 and I weigh 294lbs, I need to lose over 100lbs and I am really struggling!!


    Welcome Kimma - I hope you enjoy it here. Daily posting is so helpful to keeping yourself accountable. As others have said, start with changing one thing and work at that til you have it down, starting with logging food is an excellent start.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Laurie, holy crap! thank goodness you were all good. that sounds awful. the doctor checked my foot when she gave me the tetanus shot. which hurts like a mother, by the way :laugh:

    @Tom thanks! he got really behind haha. you're very close with bases, though. he's at Kirtland not Luke. but they are practically the same lol
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I'm newish to MFP and only started using the Comminity part yesterday.

    Am getting married in a months time so just need to get things started and not go too mad but after that it'll be go for it with all guns blazing.

    Only problem is that at the moment I seem to be gaining and not losing :-(

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thanks Laurie for getting us clocked over
    Robin - Have a GREAT vacation
    Kimma - Welcome. I can relate. I lost the first big chunk of weight so easily and for some reason I've been struggling for MONTHS. I've gained 3lbs in the last few weeks and am frustrated beyond belief with myself. It WAS like standing on an escalator, now I compare it to clawing my way out of a ravine. I agree with everyone who says that losing weight is all in the mind. That's where the biggest battle of it is won or lost. We can all do this with each others support.

    Wednesday wish - I have a doctor's appointment today to discuss the Renal Artery Stenosis and talk about how to proceed with it. Wish is that it goes well and he's less worried about it than I am.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I did get a good workout in last night... 22 minutes on the stairmaster and then 10 on the row machine... Burned out some frustration before heading home to do my taxes...

    Tonight I am going to spin class, was considering going for a run but decided give my cold another couple days to clear out of the system before that. maybe a treadmill run on Friday morning before work

    Entered a bit of a contest with an MFP friend for who can lose the most weight by May 31st... my goal is 30lbs then I will consider myself as ready as i can be for the Spartan Sprint on June 1st! Double the motivation should now help me pass up beer on the weekend! Even this weekend i was good until I took the kids bowling with my buddy...
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Hey Hey People-

    Wed wish is that I could stop eating these darn girl scout cookies....the shortbread with choc back is pure evil for me.

    @Laurie- Thanks for the roll over and congrats on the pre-approval
    @Robin- You have a lot going on take a breath and smell the roses. Have a blast on your trip
    @Believeth- Welcome back
    @Liz- hope your knees feel better soon
    @Kah68- Best wishes for your grandma
    @Doug- congrats on no caffine

    Parents of teenagers got a question....I have known for about a year that my son smokes cigerrettes. I have told him it is illegal and that he could get in serious trouble. I don't approve but I was a teen smoker and only quit when I became pregnant. Well my son got a fine for underage smoking and he see's it as no big deal and further more a stupid fine. It costs him $100.00 to plead guilty and it will be on his record. Any ideas how I can get him to see how harmful smoking is to him? I have made him watch videos and read articles nothing is getting through to him.
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning to all! Even though TOM is here I decided to hop on the scale this morning to see if maybe anything has changed. Well all I have to say is Huzzah! I am down 2 lbs! I was worried it would be up.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that it was easier to stay on track in the evenings and on the weekends. As much as I plan and measure when ever i get home in the evenings it is just habit to grab a snack. I know I don't need it and I'm not hungry. I need to break this habit. No snack tonight unless dinner won't be for a while or am starving.

    Will write more later. Very busy at work right now. Have a great day!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Leslie - welcome! I think it's smart to not try and tackle a huge weight loss change only a month before your wedding. You have enough things to worry about!

    WalkingQueen - I LOVE your new haircut! It's very flattering. As far as the smoking, I don't have kids, but I would think that now he's started, it's going to be really hard to get him to quit. Just like weight loss, quitting smoking isn't going to happen until he wants it. Plus, if his friends smoke, there's peer pressure. But maybe you can help reduce it with things like not allowing smoking in the house, make him do his own laundry because cigarette smoke SMELLS, plus as a former smoker, you don't want to smell it. If you smell it on him, tell him to go change his clothes or brush his teeth. Make sure he buys all his own cigarettes and pays his own fines. Find him a hot teenage girl who tells him she likes him, but would never kiss him because it's gross! If you make it inconvenient for him, he might at least do it less.

    It's funny because a coworker just came by my desk after taking a smoking break, and the smell of the smoke lingered after she was gone.

    I apologize to any happy smokers out there, I'm not judging, it's your life. But I can't stand the smell and as much as I might like someone, if they smell like smoke, I don't want to be around them. Of course, I'm the same way with someone who wears too much perfume! Maybe I just have a sensitive nose...
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @Queen - that is a tough one. A a teenager, and a male one at that, he is invincible (or so they think). Things like smoking under age aren't seen as a big deal to them because they are the centre of the universe and can do no wrong (I say this as a general statement of the attitude of many teenagers, not just yours). I'm pretty sure I would have seen the fine as stupid at that age too - though the terror I would have had over telling my parents would have scared me straight, LOL. Honestly, I'm not sure the point of the fine now - seems like a lot of kids would find it "cool" (if that's a word they even use now) to get a fine for smoking underage. It's unfortunate they lack the capability to see the future..

    But here are some ideas
    1. definitely make him pay his own fine
    2. make him pay the same fine to you (you can put it in an account for him to receive later - maybe after he's smoke free for a year). Not that you want him to get any more fines, but if he did, he might have a nice bit of change there after a while.
    3. give him your own brand of community service - take him to a public place and have him pick up cigarette butts or something (again, easier said then done with a teenager)
    4. Find a consequence of your own to give him - something that will matter to him. For my nephew, who is 16, something that hit him in the wallet would work. For your son, maybe it's taking a prized position from him or something like that.

    Sometimes, talking doesn't do the trick. They hear the adult's from Peanuts cartoons talking when we talk, I think. finding an additional consequence that matters to him might (eventually) make it sink in.

    Good luck. It's a tough situation and so unfortunate that after all this time, smoking is still seen as something that is acceptable for teenagers to do. I quit in 1995, so it's been a long time for me. It's difficult to quit and it would be so much easier if they never started!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Believeth - its good to see you back!

    Tina - you can do it all - I know you can!

    Leslie - welcome - congrats on your upcoming wedding.

    Queen - I second all Des' tips regarding your son's smoking. Also think about it as his stress reliever and try to help him find a substitute. Plus, nicotine is a hell of a drug. He's getting quite an "up" from it and probably likes that. I was introduced to smoking when I worked nites, it really helped me stay awake. i was so surprised that it did that. I finally quit, due to bronchitis. (So glad!) So he's looking for somethiing to help him stay awake and alert, that's his need for cigs, and so don't deprive him of caffeine at the same time.

    Gorilla - Great workout

    Doug - excellent job on your quitting caffeine - getting rid of stimulants is impressive! Such a change for your body. Oh my!

    I have done great on challenges with no Baileys so far this month, but have fallen away from walking my mile. Haven't done it in over a week, but my running errands and working in the condo I think has kept me very active.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Wed. Wish, that the weather would warm up. I've had enough of winter!
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    Today is my 19th birthday (woo!). My wish is that I get back on track and stick to my weightloss goal of 100lbs.
    I also wish that my university and USask will collaborate for me to do a semester exchange.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks for the advice friends.... I know when I was his age I smoked to and my parents tried their hardest to get me to quit it wasn't until the day the doctor said my pregnancy test was positive that I quit that was 16yrs ago. He says he smokes cause it is fun could be peer pressure but doubt it. I like all your ideas especially making him change clothes if I smell it on him he will get tired of changing clothes real fast. I took away all fun outings with friends or alone until he either pays the fine, goes to court or starts no smoking program (those are the choices the ticket gave him). He is allowed to go to school and work nothing more.