Looking for friends who actually eat



  • Same here!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! Yes, I'll add you, and anyone else feel free to add as I have the same belief in this.
  • JessicaP327
    JessicaP327 Posts: 64 Member
    I AGREE!! I've actually stopped looking at people's food diaries because it frustrates me. I hardly am ever under my calorie goal and if i am its by maybe up to 100 cals at absolute most.
    I am big into eating and have been trying to tailor my "delicious foods" to make them "healthy and delicious". I really can't skimp on food, I am Italian and I love it way too much!
    Thanks for posting!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am not comfortable congratulating people with a "great day" when eating 900 calories a day so if that is what you are looking for in a friend, please move on. My goal is to be healthy and fit more than skinny or thin.

    I love this so much.

    Height 5'9.5"
    SW: 226
    CW: 184
    GW: 170

    I lift 3-4 times a week and eat 1600-1800 calories/day.
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    I eat! Mmmm!

    Feel free to add me.

    Age: 43
    SW: 178
    GW: 137
    UGW: 134

    Began with MFP on 2/15/12. I have an open diary.
  • brownmousemama
    brownmousemama Posts: 49 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me too! It bothers me when I see people eating pretty much nothing too, cause I'm here like "yeah I am eating cottage cheese, but it fits in my calorie goal!" :)

    Age: 26
    Starting weight: 216
    Current weight: 202
    Goal weight: Initial goal is 155, and if I'm not happy there it'll be 135-145. Just depends on how I feel at those weights.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm 5,11' and 23 years old. I'm on 1,800 cals a day but I don't eat back my exercise calories. Doing it the road map way. 19 pounds to go with an open diary and lots of yummy foods! Add me if you like!
  • I beg to differ... being a woman that was 240 at my heaviest weight... they want me to consume 1600 calories a day... jsut as hard as it is for people to stop eating.. its hard for me to eat all those calories... and being that i work out 6 days a week it adds to what im suppose to be eating.. dammed if u do.. dammed if u dont.. i dont think its about starving yourself.. i eat 6 times a day... just cuz i eat healthy doesent mean im starving.. i think its a bit critical!!!!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Love it! I eat like a horse! I have the same problem with the low cal friends. I eat healthy (ish) food and lots of it. I'm gonna eat gravy fries sometimes and I'm cool with that. I lift, I run, I do yoga, I use cardio machines and I eat 1700+, it all works out. Feel free to add me if you want.
    Starting Weight: 240
    Current Weight: 178
    Goal weight: whatever I feel comfortable at :-)
    Fitness Goal: Rugged Maniac in June!
  • Feel free to add me...I eat! I'm following the fat2fit method of eating the calories I'd be able to eat at my goal weight.
    Pretty close stats..
    I'm 35 yrs old
    Current weight 161.6
    Goal weight 135

    With my exercise included in....I get to eat 1876 calories a day. I eat healthy, but I also don't deprive myself of things I crave.....just try to use moderation. :)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I beg to differ... being a woman that was 240 at my heaviest weight... they want me to consume 1600 calories a day... jsut as hard as it is for people to stop eating.. its hard for me to eat all those calories... and being that i work out 6 days a week it adds to what im suppose to be eating.. dammed if u do.. dammed if u dont.. i dont think its about starving yourself.. i eat 6 times a day... just cuz i eat healthy doesent mean im starving.. i think its a bit critical!!!!

    I don't think the OP or anyone on this thread wanted o offend anyone that doesn't reach their calorie goal... I actually had to learn to reach it myself. But she as well as others are just searching for like minded people to be better at supporting each other.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Add me if you like!

    20 years old, 5'4
    SW: 197
    CW: 153.4
    GW: 130
  • Danielle817
    Danielle817 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello- feel free to add me! I eat between 1600-1900 calories a day =)
  • MaliceForAlice
    MaliceForAlice Posts: 5 Member
    About me: 18 years old. 5'7".
    SW: 280
    CW: 196
    GW: 145.

    I'm hoping to be skinny, healthy, and fit. I'm have an image in mind and I plan to get there, but it won't be by starving myself, that's for sure. I love eating too much. Haha. Feel free to add me!
  • boschv
    boschv Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone can add me 5'5 170 and wants to get down to 145. Need ALL the help I can get. And I am loving food.
  • Hi Beth,

    Great letter. I want friends like that too. In a successful stint at WW, years ago, I learned you can't starve. I'm in it for the long haul and want all my friends here to know that if I come out at the end of the day with calories to spare, it's by only a few, OR I want to use them the next day for a special event. That kind of thing.

    I love healthy, whole foods. My food weakness, that put weight on me, was from indulging in pastry too often over time. Plus I started allowing myself too much of the healthy fats, nuts, etc.. that are truly healthy only in small amounts. For that reason it's essential that I be on a slow, long-term weight loss path--to re-habituate myself to reasonable portions.

    I'm just starting at MFP. Today is my 3rd day. I am looking for interesting, committed friends here. Add me if you'd like.

  • red9812
    red9812 Posts: 85 Member
    Add me! I love to eat and eat around 1600 a day.
  • Lavon_G
    Lavon_G Posts: 26 Member
    Hey guys! I LOVE to eat. I'm 34 years old, 5' 2" and a mother to 1. MFP and Loseit.com suggest I consume around 1200 a day to reach my goal. I'm at a stand still right now...as a matter if fact, I've gained a few pounds. Friends tell me it's because I'm doing more strength training instead of pure cardio. I'm not sure that's it. I'm beginning to wonder if that 1200 cals is playing into it somehow.

    I'd love to connect with some of you who have a more balanced diet and, as the topic suggests, actually eat!

    SW: 148ish
    CW: 128
    GW: 120
  • Heitor71
    Heitor71 Posts: 224
    I was under 1600 at first. Then I begun lifting and I gained mostly muscle weight (no inches) and I eat 2000-2500, even more sometimes. It feels nice to eat real dinners. Since I am foreign I have no love or appreciation for junk food, but enormous interest in "real" food. It is all working out well because my weight training is keeping everything in balance. Once I begin cutting for the summer things might change though. Anyone can add me if they like :)
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I'm trying out 1290 a day, but I'm never under 1200. I eat bacon and cheese, and I see fat as a nutrient to be eaten in reasonable quantities and not something to fear. I go over if I need to, this girl's eating if she's hungry. I do not compliment diaries of 800 calories of junk food, ever. And when I exercise, I eat those calories, often in the form of bacon or cheese.

    SW: 205
    CW: 194
    GW: 135-145, I'll see what looks and feels good.