Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member

    No. I refuse. I will never do this. Not now, not when I'm 80. It's a freakin' locker room.

    Maybe the question is why you can't seem to draw your eyes away from "wrinkly behinds."

    And you would be why I have a home gym now.
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    Hahaha! Awesome! Earlier this week when I was doing pushups, my dog decided to lie down and roll onto her back -- perfectly positioned with her nose under my face so that she could lick me every time I came close to the floor. I ended up doing planks instead, which is much harder to do when laughing. Perhaps she really was helping me??

    ^^^^This...Child from my avatar :laugh: If I'm on the floor it must be playtime.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I lift at home, so I guess I'm the most obnoxious person at my gym.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Wait, some of you are actually upset about people being naked in the locker room? Seriously?

    "There's good naked...and there's bad naked" - Seinfeld

    LOL. Yep. And bad naked should cover up their wrinkly behind on the way to the shower.

    No. I refuse. I will never do this. Not now, not when I'm 80. It's a freakin' locker room.

    Maybe the question is why you can't seem to draw your eyes away from "wrinkly behinds."

    It's like a train wreck.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.

    Yes! I couldn't wait to be judgmental! I live for it..because it makes me feel better about myself..:grumble: :grumble:

    Trust me..if you had this couple at YOUR gym..you would be thinking the same damn thing.. it echos thru the WHOLE place...even when you are in a closed bathroom!!!! There is working hard noises I totally get...but this is just...woah...

    My gym is two stories and the second story is split level and the weights are on a floor that causes echoes through the whole place AND the heaviest lifting areas, squats, deads, etc are right over the women's lockerroom so it is a steady BOOM..... BOOM... BOOM.... it feels like the heartbeat of the gym.

    I understand the difference between working and trying to draw attention to yourself - but instead it always seems like people lump all the grunters together. They don't say - people who are loud to bring attention to themselves, they say people who drop their weights, or people who grunt, or the worst one ever 'people on that side of the gym'. It is unfair and you'll find that people on that side are so almost all completely engrossed in their workouts because lifting up really heavy stuff is SCARY and we don't have focus to spare on other people.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.

    "Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace." Yes. That is exactly what she was saying.

    and you are jumping in because... you also have something super helpful to say? or did you just reallllllllllllllly want to interact with me sooooooo badly that you just couldn't help yourself?

    You can PM me you know, if you just wanna chatter about opinions. MFP encourages people to take their issues to PM. However, I am allowed to respond to people who complain publicly about things I do in the gym that are hurting no one.

    I lift heavy and I make noises. I may not scream, or shout- but I grunt, groan and yelp. I find this insulting.

    If you're so unhappy and insulted by this thread, why do you keep coming back, may I ask?

    And please don't take offense, I'm just asking a question.
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    EW! I too have the naked lady in the change room that seems to take her sweet old time finding her clothes. I'm glad she's so comfortable but I do not want to see her jiggly bits. (or any bits for that matter)

    I must admit, I have a hate-on for one fellow gym go-er. She's about 40 wear only a sports bra and short shorts (not the problem) she stands in front of the mirror bathing in perfume, doing her make-up and hair, and then just hangs out in the change room for a good hour chatting. She goes to 1 class and then leaves..... I don't really get it, but its super awkward if you're in the change room when shes chatting
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    There was a guy at the gym a couple of weeks ago that was "mentoring" a kid about 13 or 14. I was on a piece of equipment with my ipod but I didn't have it on, so I could hear everything. This guy started talking about working out and that he also comes to the gym to see all the "birds". OK I understand chicks...but birds? Then he proceeded to watch some woman and walked right into a pole right in front of me. I laughed hysterically....made him feel about 2 inches tall. He will not even look at me now! LOL

    He's possibly British. We say 'birds' instead of 'chicks'.

    Mine is those guys who wear swimmers to take a shower. Who does that?

    Mmmm, sweaty unwashed bollocks.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....

    I think I would fall off the treadmill because I was laughing so hard.
    That's hilarious :laugh:
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....

    I think I would fall off the treadmill because I was laughing so hard.
    That's hilarious :laugh:

    I want one of those - the only way it could be any better is if he yelled "BANZAIIIIIII" every now and then.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.

    "Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace." Yes. That is exactly what she was saying.

    and you are jumping in because... you also have something super helpful to say? or did you just reallllllllllllllly want to interact with me sooooooo badly that you just couldn't help yourself?

    You can PM me you know, if you just wanna chatter about opinions. MFP encourages people to take their issues to PM. However, I am allowed to respond to people who complain publicly about things I do in the gym that are hurting no one.

    I lift heavy and I make noises. I may not scream, or shout- but I grunt, groan and yelp. I find this insulting.

    The question was "who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Not "Without writing anything that could possibly hurt someone's feelings, who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Feisty_Red gave her response about a couple at HER gym and you had to personalize it.

    And thanks but no thanks on the invitation to 'chatter' with you.

  • Peanutbutterx
    this older guy "stretches" with shorts that are far too short.. i cant imagine its not on purpose either.. i see things i dont want to see against my will...
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    There's a guy I refer to as chin monkey who ties up the power rack (yes my gym only has one) for about 30-45 minutes a day on mondays just to spend a whole workout doing different varieties of weighted pullups/chinups. And he takes like 5 minute long rests in between sets while he chats up a girl. And you can't work in with him if you want to use the rack because he has the thing all chalked up with his crap everywhere.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Whichever one is dropping the heavy weights on the floor, startling the crap out of me while I'm on the treadmill.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    The person who gets on the treadmill or elliptical directly beside mine... when the entire gym is empty.
  • callielizabethrocks
    People who chew gum in class. I don't know why but it drives me bonkers. I find myself thinking about how unsafe it is then wishing they'd choke.

    And my biggest BIGGEST pet peeve is people who leave class during the stretching portion. It IS part of the class and necessary. Also, they are RUDELY disrupting everyone else who is actually trying to take advantage of the time. I find myself wishing tight sore muscles on them.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    this couple comes in...and they are grunters.... I mean...to the point in which I have joked with people that work there...that they need to make gym rules and post that they are not allowed to make noises like they are getting it on...

    It wouldnt be SO bad..if it was like 450 deadlifts...but the dude is BP'ing 120...:wink:

    So, just because he's not strong enough to suit you, he's more obnoxious? :huh:

    My max on the bench press is 65. It takes everything in my body to get it to happen. I make noise. Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace. Noted.

    Every time I see a thread like this, I think Great, way to prove to everyone that is scared people might be watching them - that there ARE a whole BUNCH of people watching AND judging them, that cant wait to go talk about it on the internet.

    So encouraging.

    "Obviously I need to be shot and killed so other people can work out in peace." Yes. That is exactly what she was saying.

    and you are jumping in because... you also have something super helpful to say? or did you just reallllllllllllllly want to interact with me sooooooo badly that you just couldn't help yourself?

    You can PM me you know, if you just wanna chatter about opinions. MFP encourages people to take their issues to PM. However, I am allowed to respond to people who complain publicly about things I do in the gym that are hurting no one.

    I lift heavy and I make noises. I may not scream, or shout- but I grunt, groan and yelp. I find this insulting.

    The question was "who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Not "Without writing anything that could possibly hurt someone's feelings, who is the most obnoxious person at your gym". Feisty_Red gave her response about a couple at HER gym and you had to personalize it.

    And thanks but no thanks on the invitation to 'chatter' with you.


    i'm totally picturing the lady in the couple that Feisty_Red referred to as sounding EXACTLY like that Meg Ryan scene in the deli in When Harry Met Sally when she's lifting.

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Probably me. I gasp and sweat and snot and once in awhile I grunt or swear in British (don't ask why, I have no clue). And when I run on the treadmill I still sound like a huge fat moose clomp clomp clomp.

    I'm British and I thought we had broadly the same swear words......?
  • DoneBroughtSexyBack
    I am pretty sure that I am... I like to move to failure so I am often finishing off the last few sets with some growling and grunting... I always thought it normal till I realized that one day a woman standing near me heard me and went "oh my..." :laugh: